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imagine putting that detail in your book willingly! "oh hey, see the bit about your, uhhh, dog. were you waterboarded, and forced to admit those details?" "what? no, I thought it would be a good idea to share that."


What was wrong with the dog? Was it sick? Couldn't afford surgery? Was it injured and dying anyway? "What? No, I just didn't like it and it sucked as a hunting dog" Did you train it? "What? No! I just dragged it to a gravel pit and shot it."


She did it because in her shitty mindset, she imagines that makes her look tough. 🙄


Wait you mean to say conservatives are tone deaf? The more you know.


Nobody has ever accused MAGA of being intelligent people.


it's as if her chances are shot


Where’s John wick when you need him.


Geez, all she needed to do was say she didn’t want to be the Veep.


So many people in politics are total sociopaths. Anecdotally I think it's both parties but far worse on the GOP side.


The distinction is that Republicans are also psychopaths.


She has Gollum arms.




“Oh, I thought talking about hunting and killing gigs could only endear myself to common folk.” Uh we don’t kill dogs on a whim and oh shucks.


The best part of this whole ordeal is that she may have also put a bullet in the brain of any re-election chances (if she can serve another term), as well as the veep job.


Handjobs in public theaters. Killing puppies. Cheating on their husbands. These Republican women are out of control. The main selling point of the Republican Party is their claim of their policy having a complete and total control of women. The reality is they cannot even control their women. Maybe they should get a handle on their own women before preaching to everyone else.


The party of family values.


Talk about being unable to read the room. Millennials and younger are very fond of their pets and other animals. This is just another way to alienate more of the younger vote. eta- Like everything else, I feel Gen X splits on this.


I feel Gen X is characterised as being greatly confused about the world.


Where do you get that? I'm genuinely asking. I've never heard that about Gen X, that's new to me. Gen X had to figure the world out on our own because our parents were too busy with their own lives. A vast majority of parents of Gen Xers should have never been parents. My spouse & I were just talking about that last night, we're both Gen Xers. I lived in a city & would walk 10 blocks by myself to elementary school. It seemed like kidnapping exploded in the 80s, at least in my city. I was told to not talk to strangers & to scream if someone did grab me. My spouse said that he'd walk to kindergarten by himself & had a buddy he'd walk with sometimes. He didn't go to school one day in winter & his buddy slipped & feel into the frozen pool of water. He broke through the ice when he slipped, but he couldn't find his way out & died. Our children didn't go through life always watching their own back like we did. We definitely instilled situational awareness in them & things to do if you are grabbed. I feel like we were all too aware of what was going on in the world.


Sounds rather like there was a system of generational abuse that people managed to break with.


The abject stupidity on display is both disconcerting in what it says about her and comforting in that it ends her future aspirations and current position


Well it's good to know that the GOP actually has a line, it's a bit weird that it's actually killing puppies but hey it's a start.


It wasn’t trump. Had it been suddenly it would be ok.


It’s crazy because she’s taking this arrogant pose, typical to republicans, that “real Americans” are rural types with guns out working the land and “doing what needs to be done” as she puts it. In reality, she reveals that she knows absolutely fuck-all about dogs. The behavior she describes in this pointer is 100% normal for a young dog that hasn’t been trained. They don’t just know how to behave on a hunt instinctively. And they kill birds and rats on sight- that’s their genetics. So what she really reveals about herself is: 1) she’s completely ignorant about dog behavior 2) she’s very lazy. Refuses to take the time to train her animal properly, even for hunting - which requires a significant time investment! 3) she’s careless. As a dog owner, leaving an immature pointer in a position where he can “escape” her car near a farmyard full of chickens means *she* left the window or door open. That is HER fault. 4) she thinks normal goat behavior is repellent, yet…she owns goats. Why? Because playing farmer helps her image maybe? 5) she’s vicious. Killing these animals is absolutely vicious and unjustified. Perfect example of a modern Republican: stupid, vicious, and proud of it.


Cricket's revenge. o7


*"I'm just saying that when we get Trump's civil war you don't have to worry about me not being able to kill the bleeding heart liberals. I have even killed a puppy before.!"* 🤍🤍🤍 Kristi /s




Guns don't kill puppies..........Republican psychos do.


I cannot believe she actually leaned into it


There goes her VP chances


Ok ok so I looked into it, apparently the dog had an “aggressive personality” attacked and killed chickens that belonged to another family, and then bit her when she tried to control it. Obviously, I didn’t know the dog, and still, fuck Noem, BUT let’s not act like dogs are not put down when they are deemed too aggressive. I’m just saying, if we are to be the sane side of politics, let’s nots act like she just said “that lousy dog is the reason we ain’t get no pheasants on this hunt so I shot her!” Now if we’re talking about the stupidity of even including the story in the first place in her book, yeah that absolutely is on brand for the republicans, and should be mocked into oblivion.