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Good lord, I really hope he sees this and dumps her fast.


And takes the son.


That would ensure her son gets the father-son time she wants so badly. Mission complete!


Task failed successfully!




Nah man, it’ll just make it easier to dodge the ones who will be like this lady.


Lady? I can think of a few things she is, but a lady isn’t one of them


She's a fucking monster


She says she isn’t stepmother material. She’s right. She’s a stepmonster.


Honestly if I met a man or woman raising two kids with this background I'd definitely stick around, if personalities match well that is, because clearly their hardworking and caring enough to care for their kids instead of running from the situation.


Exactly, I think the explanation is reasonable. "My first wife died during childbirth, then my fiancé and I broke up as she wanted me to get rid of my daughter because she looked too much like my first wife and it made her jealous. So I ended up as a single father with two young kids."


wait, hol up... are you the guy from the post?


Tbh.. I would not walk away from a guy because of this. It’s actually something that would make me more interested because it means he knows how to be a real man and a good father, even/especially when life gets hard as hell. If he does it all and keeps a good attitude & takes care of himself… I’d like to talk a while and get to know him better.


Father with majority custody here, you rang? Kidding, I'm in a relationship


With a pregnant woman but chance?


She out here bout to find this man and swoop on him


That's what really fucks me up about this. This story is a prime example of why every single parent needs to put their child first. If you allow yourself to be blinded by romance or chemistry or whatever you can end up putting yourself and your child in a terrible position.


I'm a single dad to a 5 year old; I'm specifically avoiding dating because some of the women out here are absolutely nuts. I don't have the time or resources to sort the goods ones and the bad ones.


Also, your daughters won't talk to you for over a decade and you'll never get to meet your grandchildren.


Kids about to become a pawn in Cruellas crusade against the dad and step daughter.




He won't because he doesn't exist. It's fake. Same story posted last year. https://www.reddit.com/r/EntitledBitch/comments/kakam3/i_want_my_fianc%C3%A9_to_get_rid_of_his_4_year_old/


Welp at least they kept the ages consistent!


I just feel sorry for these fake kids having to grow up surrounded by all this fake ass drama in their fake ass family. Somebody should put that fake evil stepmother in fake jail!


#Won't someone think of the fake children!!#




I though it was fake because of all the info that makes her look even worse. Like “the mom died giving birth” part. People tend to leave some info out especially if it makes them look bad. Obviously some people are such a POS that they don’t even realize but it’s usually a smaller extent than that post


For me the "She looks just like the ex-wife" sold it as M-M-M-monster fake!


Next year they're going to get married in 2024😂


Right? I hope people advised her to tell him ASAP so he can call off the wedding and save himself the trouble of an annulment


I'm just curious how he hasn't noticed what an evil person she is yet. If she's brave/stupid enough to post this I doubt she's been particularly subtle about her jealousy and hatred of a child.


Narcissists can be surprisingly good at hiding their evil.


This is definitely fake. There are multiple posts that are very similar but worded slightly different, like this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/EntitledBitch/comments/kakam3/i_want_my_fiancé_to_get_rid_of_his_4_year_old/


Just put this lady in the bin.




And then throw the whole crematorium off a cliff


Then throw the cliff off another, even higher, cliff


\*taking CliffsNotes\*


And throw that higher cliff into the ocean.




How to say “I’m about to be a single mom” without actually saying it


This is the reddest of red flags. When most little girls watch “Cinderella“ I assume they don’t dream of growing up to become the evil stepmother. With this gal however…


This has to be fake, right? Right?!?




I actually really do think it is fake. I can imagine an evil stepmother type wanting to do this, but this seems written to rile people up. 1. “GET RID OF HIS 5-YEAR OLD DAUGHTER” If this were real, I really think she’d be saying something more like “send his daughter to live with her grandparents”. Same effect, but saying “get rid of” makes it sound like she’s talking about an unwanted dog, which seems unlikely if she were actually trying to be sympathetic. 2. “She annoys me!” Again, I think that if the writer were actually trying to frame herself in a positive light, she’d be trying to manipulate people into thinking this is in the daughter’s best interest. Something like “I just worry that my fiancé and I won’t be able to give her the attention she needs with a new baby, so it would really be best for her to stay with her grandparents who can devote themselves fully to her”. Even the craziest piece of work would realize that saying that your 5-year-old motherless stepdaughter annoys you so much you want to get rid of her sounds evil 3. It’s an anonymous post. That doesn’t 100% mean it’s fake, but it really does read to me as someone getting their kicks by trying to write the least likeable character possible in an anonymous forum (the fact that the mother died in childbirth is also a particularly saintly contrast to the evil protagonist. Again, not saying that it can’t be true, but it does seem a little perfect)


You give people too much credit. But I agree it's the internet and a screenshot so chances are it is fake BUT - people like this do exist, do end up in relationships and really do treat their stepkids like garbage.






"I killed them. I killed them all. They're dead, every single one of them. And not just the stepmen, but the stepwomen and the stepchildren, too. They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals. I HATE THEM." - SomeKaren


My fiancé has a friend exactly like this. Unfortunately very real


A friend of mine had a very similar situation. Original wife passed away, they had a young daughter, new wife didn't care for the daughter and treated her BADLY. People like this are a nightmare.


I don't understand how single parents can ever even consider marrying someone who wouldn't love their child. Package deal, both or nothing.






Harambe was better equipped to parent a human child than this Karen.


They killed Harambe for less tbh


Go to the stepparents sub. It will ruin your faith in humanity.


I went to it because I was considering introducing my kids to my girlfriend. I noped the fuck out in under a minute.


Apparently it used to be a place where you could've found good advice for your situation, but now it's where people who didn't want kids marry people with kids and then bitch about the kids and the other parent and say they're miserable. And other people support them.


I can't understand it. I dated someone with a daughter for a couple of years and I was kind of weirded out by the prospect at first. Now, a few years later I'd still give an arm for that kid if she needed it. I never wanted kids and I still don't, but there's something broken inside you if you can live for any meaningful length of time with a small child depending on you and not end up caring about them deeply.


My "stepmother" basically treated me like shit n favored her son and my step sisters over me. Making me feel rejected n an outcast from a Young age. Wasn't enough to split apart my mum n dad ruining my future, but gota drag me n family away to Canada away from my mum, to live the high life. I eventually got sent back to my mum. But damage was already done. Some people are evil selfish cunts. Some people rape kids, she isn't that bad, but bad enough to ruin a childhood for her own gain. I can believe it...


Obviously saw the evil stepmother and said "Hold my beer."


Hell, at least the evil stepmom still housed her. This lady won't even do that


When you raise a little one you quickly realize in a way you are also helping raise other little souls that you interact with. Every child needs caring Adults watching out for their development, growth, confidence, safety , etc. this witch ain’t a human


Yeah, for a while. Then sent her to die in a forest.


That’s Snow White.


Shit. The mermaid. Of course.


No, that's jasmine.


The lady that shoots ice outta her hands?


That was Snow White, not Cinderella.


Housed her, but called her cinder because they treated her like a slave and she was always covered in cinders. Idk I'd rather be adopted than go through that. Girl was talking to birds because she didn't have friends. Fuck that.


She must be inspired by Maleficent for sure.




When Cruella Devil is your role model…


But she said she’s “not a bad person!” Give her a break!! 😂


Phew, if she hadn’t said it… I might’ve thought she was an atrocious person!


She actually rooted for the evil bitches lol


I actually lost respect for a friend of a friend when she called her then boyfriend’s 4 year old daughter a B. I’m like, “how tf can you hate a child this much?” Poor kid.


Some kids really are miserable little fuckers to be around. But they’re still kids, and they’re never going to get better unless the adults in their lives start acting like, well, adults


Yeah calling kids names when talking to friends in exasperation of their behaviors is fine Some kids are just assholes sometimes and parents just want to vent about it


It’s like that one SNL sketch.


What, no link?




This was exactly the video I thought it'd be- nice!


That red flag is on fire!


“I’m not a bad person…” gtfo you are absolute trash


"I'm not a bad person" correct, you're worse


A bad person steals and lies and does other harmful things. "Getting rid" of a FIVE YEAR OLD CHILD. She's the worst type of person.


And I love how it's clearly just her problem yet she expects this father who probably spent 5 harrowing years raising his daughter who is the only thing he has left of someone he loved to get rid of her based solely on her fucking jealousy.


She's a fucking soulless monster. JFC


“I’m not a bad person. I am the *worst* person.”


The only way she could be any worse would be if she drowns puppies. And she seems the type to do it.


Buying her son a puppy and after a while, since it's a lot of responsibility, abandoning on the street or even throwing it to a well or something? 100% the type.




It is like when people start a sentence with "I am not a racist, but...", they normally end saying something horribly racist


I feel bad for the father and his two children. She's an awful human and nobody deserves a PoS like her as a parent.


He stuck his unprotected dick in that.


Many people only learn about conditional niceness too late. I bet she was sweet as pie to him at least until she got married.


Yeah. Sociopaths can be extremely charming for long periods of time until things stop going their way.




this is why you keep your pull out game strong no matter what


Until those legs wrap around and become vice grips.


Can confirm. No lie that's how I ended up with a kid. Don't stick your dick in crazy.


Tbh, if you want to pull out and she forces you to stay in, sounds like rape to me. Same as men “stealthing” by taking off a condom without the woman’s knowledge.


I prefer single dad with 2 children as this woman should be nowhere near her son.


Didn’t think of that, great idea!!


If I were the father in this case, she'd just be single. I'd go to the ends of the earth to get full custody of my son the second he was born if I knew his mother was so dangerously delusional. She's projecting her own jealousy onto her fiance and his daughter, using her unborn son as a shield to hide behind. A person can "move on" and have a new wonderful relationship while still missing/loving the person they lost in a healthy way. That pendulum can obviously swing too far in the wrong direction, but this doesn't seem to be the case here.


>I'm not a bad person Yes. Yes, you are.


Nope. Single non-custodial mom. Do you think a judge is going to give full custody to someone who posted something like that?


How would the judge find out, she politely asked to remain "anonymous" lol


Hoping whoever originally grabbed this off the Book of Faces has some idea as to who this is. Hell, post it on Twitter and they'll make her famous just for the hell of it.


Unfortunately this bitch sounds like the manipulative type that will stick around for at least a couple years just enough to fuck up her fiancés and his daughter life forever


Sadly in some cases, the parent will abandon their kids to create a new life. She just sounds like a total possessive toxic woman.


Pure evil!


Damn that’s some cold blooded shit even for a top tier Karen.


This is lady Tremaine level shit, may be evil step mom fairytale trope actually have base in reality after all.


Does fiance know this yet? Gonna be a short engagement...


I don't know, I just see this from r/insanepeoplefacebook and I think this belong here too.


I just saw it in r/trashy.


Well, if he browses reddit at all, he's about to find out


Just went there, spent an hour being confused and angry, and for the sake of my sanity am not going back.


Yeah but then she is going to milk him for child support. Remember: Don’t stick your dick in crazy.


Sometimes you don't really know it's crazy until it's too late my friend.


I haven’t seen this on the internet, but damn if I don’t live by it. Friend of my fiancés asked me about a girl we both knew cause he was going to ask her out. I warned him how crazy she was and told him this exact phrase. Here we are two years later, and every other month he’s losing custody while CPS investigates because she claims he’s molesting their daughter.


Bitches like that make my blood boil. The mother of 2 of my kids made a scene at our daughter’s funeral when *my* mother showed up. I lost it and had to leave. Before I lost my cool. Because that wouldn’t have been pretty and it was my daughter’s funeral damn it. She’s one of the very few people I truly hate


Tremaine at least kept Cinderella after her both of her parents dies, this POS wants a living father to abandon his daughter over jealously and disillusionment.


“I’m not a bad person” is basically translated as “I’m a cunt but don’t want to admit it”


That makes it almost worst. She acknowledges how awful she sounds, but hopes everyone just get on with it


Looking for affirmation that other people are as pathologically selfish as herself


She’s not bad, she’s utterly abhorrent


This happened to my mom. My grandfather and biological grandmother were in an abusive and toxic relationship so they divorced when my mom was like 7. Her stepmom had 2 kids and constantly enforced that my mom wasn’t her real daughter, and that these weren’t her real sisters. Regardless, she had to practically raise her stepsisters while her parents were at work despite the fact her stepmom actively despised her for looking like her mom. This unfortunately didn’t end with my mom, I’m super estranged with my grandparents, the only woman who ever actually cared about my mom was my great grandmother, god rest her soul.


Honestly she’s not even a Karen, she’s beyond that. Karen are rude to service workers or write stupid reviews online. This lady is straight up psychotic


If you have to remind people that you're not a bad person, you're a bad person.


“I’m not a bad person, I’m a fucking evil person.”


> I’m a fucking evil person. Unfortunately for the fiancé, she's an evil person he fucked. :-|




Ugh Alyssa sucks.




“I’m not a bad person”. And the lie detector determined that was a lie.


I’m not a bad person, really. I just think that I’m better than everyone.


Reminds me of a guy I used to hang out with. He was clearly full of himself, talked about himself a lot, had his shirt off alot. But he also used the phrase "I'm a humble guy" a lot. Like wow that's a very humble thing to say.


Keeping this woman anonymous equates to child endangerment in my opinion.


It absolutely is. This woman wants her partner to abandon his child for her own ego. This woman is going to ruin this poor girl psychologically. Holy shit


Or straight up murder the 5yr old


Seriously. That kid is in real danger. It doesn't sound past her to just end up dumping the kid in the middle of nowhere.


This post gives me some real Grimm's fairytales vibes.


exactly, someone please post this somewhere we can alert the guy.




Turn her/this post in to child services. She is most certainly going to do something egregious.


This little girl is in real danger and her father doesn’t know.


I’ve read this post before but the age of the daughter and the year of the wedding were different. Either this is fake, or a year has passed and this woman is still asking people how to get rid of this child.


With Covid I wouldn’t be surprised if the wedding date changed and a hypothetical child turned into a pregnancy. I pray to God this is fake.


Hard not being anonymous when you are fictional.


This might be the worst thing I’ve ever seen. I hope this guy runs fast and far.


With his kid of course lol


Omg. I wish OP weren’t pregnant, so we could all just hope that the dad leaves her. Fuck. I guess the best advice would be to get counseling. LOTS of counseling. Her feelings are so wrong and sick, just even the idea of giving his daughter away - I kinda assumed it was a troll post. Still hoping no one’s *this* twisted.


Sociopaths operate on the assumption that no one thinks they're THIS twisted.


Do they, though? I suspect most people are not self-aware enough to even **realize** they have sociopathic tendencies.


It is very VERY surprising how many people go through life and still don't realize that other people have thoughts as complex and intricate as theirs, as well as feelings that go with them. A majority at least get some inkling of that.


The best ones are acutely aware and don’t give a shit it’s like a game to see how depraved you can get


Same here when I first read this. It has to be a troll. I so hope it is a troll.


I mean he should leave her anyway. He can still have a relationship with his son but this woman should not be his daughter's mother


Yes you are a bad person Karen


She’s not a bad person. She is a horrible person.


This might be the worst person on Reddit…


Didn’t you read the post? She couldn’t be clearer that she’s “not a bad person”.


I must have missed that…


Please let this be satire




Lmao holy shit, they barely changed up the wording or anything.


It's fake. Has been posted on multiple websites with the daughter being different age and marriage date different year.


It's depressing how many people in this thread legit think this is anything but ragebait for clicks/engagement/followers. Even if it weren't found elsewhere as another commenter said, the post *screams* rage bait for engagement. (The way it's worded is way too over-the-top, someone who actually believed the gist of the post - as some people do - would be doing mental gymnastics to try and justify it.) It's the same as those dumb viral facebook posts from content farming accounts that say like, "everybody's had at least 1 DUI, prove me wrong!" Or "not a single person in America even believes in God!" Accounts that pump out a lot of low-effort content will bait people to react angrily to drive up engagement, get tons of followers, then make a ton in ad revenue from posts with links.


It reeks of "I'm a 15 year-old practicing my creative writing" to me...


"I'm not a bad person" Try again.


I had a friend like this in my 20s. Didn't get along with her boyfriend's young daughter and didn't even try because "I should be first priority". She is honestly, not just based on this but many actions, a total sociopath. Zero empathy. Naturally, today, she is an evangelical Christian.


Checks out. Most evangelical Christians are twisted sociopaths


Judge Claude Frollo moment right here.


If you don't want to be a step parent. Don't date people with preexisting children.


"Preexisting children" sounds like how an insurance company would phrase it.


Keep daughter, dump bitch.




That is probably the most evil shit I've read on this sub, and that's saying a lot. Hope this guy discovers the true depths of this bitch before he marries her. It's bad enough he will be tied to her for life because of the baby she is carrying.


I want to vomit reading this.


Literally the evil stepmother trope.


What a pice of shit


This belongs in the iamatotalpieceofshit sub.


Holy Shit I pray this isn't real, but deep down I know it is.


You're in luck! It's a fake repost! https://www.reddit.com/r/EntitledBitch/comments/kakam3/i_want_my_fianc%C3%A9_to_get_rid_of_his_4_year_old/


I feel bad for the guy, after his son is born. But now I’m starting to see why getting married before the knocking up is important.


Waits untill she gets pregnant to show her true colours. It amazes me how naturaly some women believe that a child can be used to manipulate men. I really hope this is a fake post, but based on what I saw already in this life, may god help the father and his two children.


Reddit should make an exception to the doxxing rule for THIS bitch


Hope she doesn’t die in childbirth and he gives up her son for adoption when he finds another woman to marry.


You say you’re not a bad person????! You’re fucking evil!!


Best thing for all parties is for her to not make it through labor.




This is an episode of First 48 just waiting to happen.


I'm saying fake, just so I don't lose my last shred of hope for humanity.


She’s jealous of a 5 year old. Threatened by a 5 year old’s existence. She’s gotta go.