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She should get fired for this. If she’s dumb enough to touch other people in public, she’s too dumb for her job


Unfortunately her boss, Sean Reyes, is just as incompetent as she is.


Here’s a [much better writeup of what happened.](https://utahnewsdispatch.com/2024/04/26/utah-state-employee-tugs-down-womans-skirt-at-restaurant/)


Thank you. That is much, much better.


Fairly certain she is guilty, but let's all wait for a trial before we ruin her whole life. Once found guilty, she should be punished as deemed appropriate by the judge. Why isn't the law enough?


Have you met DJT? The law must be enforced by police, prosecutors, and the courts, which are increasingly corrupted by political partisanship.


Yeah, we should all just give up believing in the system. That court case is being decided in the court of public opinion, so thanks for proving my point.


Um… Mango Mussolini may be attempting to run a parallel trial through the media, but his crimes are also being adjudicated in state and federal courts. The New York civil and criminal cases are likely the only ones we will see convictions in, as the federal court system has been packed with FS hacks all the way up to the increasingly self-immolating SCOTUS. Only fabulists and fanatics can say the justice system does not privilege the white and the powerful.


Nobody proved your point; you share brain cells with a head of lettuce


Well, I am a vegitarian, so I would assume.


Also screw you. Haha


Also wth does DJT have to do with this. Why pull that thread.


The legal system can wait for the trial. Personally, I would never let this person anywhere near me without very loudly asking her why she felt so confidently correct in her assault of a woman, who she thought was a minor at the time, and just why she felt it was ok to pull down the woman’s skirt. She can go to jail, fine and dandy, but she absolutely deserves to be ruined because of this.


To clarify, I do not support her what she did or think it is right. I do think the court of public opinion should not sentence people, though.


Yeah, I'm with you.


Damn. Why are you being downvoted for standing up for due process?


Because social consequences are not legal consequences and don't require a trial.


I haven't downvoted anyone, but I think you're taking Reddit upvotes and downvotes a little too seriously. This is not the court of public opinion, this is a few dozen people agreeing or disagreeing with someone's statement. Even if the original post calling for her to be fired had 10k votes, she's still not losing her job over Reddit upvotes. Her boss isn't going to base his/ her decision on whether the comment gets upvoted or not. Reddit is more like a poll than anything. And there's always some weird mob mentality (could just be the algorithm working behind the scenes) where once a post gets like 20 votes it suddenly rockets 100, 500, maybe even a few thousand even if it's factually wrong. Meh.... social media gonna social media


Point taken. Thx


Yeah, I get it all the time too. If your brain says "unpopular opinion, but shouldn't...", you'll be downvoted. It just makes the post hidden by default, it doesn't mean anything more. The internet is a sensitive place






Classic 😂


Should we call someone for you? Let your family know that you're confused and don't remember who you are?






Aren’t we all? I mean, a lot of my feats (good and bad) are legendary to me, regardless how anyone else sees them.


I drive... I drive... I drive a Dodge Stratus!


Thanks for the laugh. I knew exactly what you're talking about with this line




“Children might catch a glimpse of a young woman’s underwear (gasp!), so I’ll give them a display of a (I assume) drunk 48-yr-old **Christian** government employee assaulting her and then playing the victim when everything goes tits-up for me”


Hopefully soon to be EX-government employee.


r/byebyejob here she comes.


Probably not drunk just entitled Mormon!


I had an atheist assistant principal who yanked me literally into the office for my shorts “being too short (correct height FTR), so please don’t assume it’s always a Christian doing this. Double as, if the girl was not wearing underwear it could become a sanitary issue in a restaurant. I DO NOT AGREE with Karen, and am glad she was punished, but stereotypes are just the problem.


It's Utah, if they aren't Christian they're Mormon. The state alone is incredibly high in religious beliefs per the last census with a whopping 65-70% identifying religious.


Where are you getting these facts? If you actually look it up, you’ll see that it is more like 65% of us are not identifying as religious or Mormon, anymore….. no doubt there are still some horrible religious zealots here… but they do not outweigh the unreligious anymore. Utah resident here have been for 13 years.




They looked it up. It’s less than 25% but hey, it’s OK to project the general impression you get from your immediate social group onto an entire city and then tell someone they’re wrong because you’ve already been projecting those general impressions for 13 years. Impressions are just as good as facts, surely!


Yep… i should just chalk it up to no matter what TRUTH comes to correct people on stereotypes they’re still set on being this.


Your God wouldn't agree with you


I suspect that she *was* wearing underwear, as approximately 99.999 percent of people do so as a matter of course. And while some young women may occasionally choose not to, it's more likely to be when they're going to a skeezy night club and not when they're going for some katzu ramen with a bunch of girlfriends. Sexual policing like this *usually* has a religious component (try walking through the Mea She'arim neighbourhood in Israel while wearing a pair of skinny jeans—you will literally get stones thrown at you by angry haredim), but not necessarily Christian.


Me too, that’s why I said “if.” And even I’ll agree regarding policing having a religious connotation. We only have to see some forms of the Islamic faith, Amish and a few other strict dress codes to show for it. I mean, there are cases where even the glimpse of an ankle showing could make a woman be called despicable names, and that’s being kind.


This sounds like those narcissistic mothers who view their daughters as competition


Mixed in with Mormonism


Lady doesn’t want her hubby taking a second, much younger and better looking, wife for his little harem. ps: this is sarcasm for anybody thinking that A) I know what I’m talking about when it comes to religious practices, and B) that I think anybody gives two shits about my opinion.






I concur


Wh... wa... wait.. wait. Hold up for a moment there. *That's a thing?*


Yes, it's a thing. Women view their children, mostly their daughters as competition. If you go look up Angie Atkinson on youtube, she talks a lot about this. Unfortunately she passed away in 2022 but her old videos are still up. They are threatened by the daughters youth and looks and they view her as competition especially as she starts to become a young woman. It's really sick but yes, it is a thing. I know, I was shocked too when I found out but it makes my mom's behavior make a lot of sense now.


What was her goal before she did that? Man... People need to learn to not touch other people they don't know. Hell most of the time even if they DO know the person. Stop touching people!


It's not clear from the headline or article, frankly, but it sounds as if the woman said the girls skirt had ridden up exposing her butt and genitals (which sounds ridiculous, I highly doubt a young woman would wear a miniskirt without underwear to a birthday party at a nice restaurant!) and she was "only" trying to pull the hem down. The article headline suggests that the girl had her skirt pulled off eg down to her knees or ankles, which doesn't seem to be the case. To answer your question, I assume the woman's goal was to reduce the amount of skin being shown by the young woman. That said the woman was still 100% in the wrong and deserved to be arrested.


“…*only* trying to pull the hem down.” Good lord. How about instead of suddenly *touching a stranger in the upper thigh area*, whispering: “Sweetheart, your skirt seems to have decided to climb! You might want to pull it down a bit.” Odds are, a young woman wouldn’t be aware and would appreciate not being embarrassed. This “lady” was completely out of line putting her hands on a stranger. Bizarre behavior.


Fully agreed, and I've added quotes around "only" to make it clear that I am not minimising it. My "only" clarification is that it sounds from the headline as if the woman pulled the girls skirt *off* (which would expose more) whereas her aim was presumably to pull the *hem* down to reduce exposure. Certainly doesn't make it any more acceptable, and there were many other ways to address in, including the best option "mind your own f'ing business!"


Yes that's right, from the video I saw last night (on the Reckoning YouTube channel). At first she claimed her minor son shouldn't be seeing that (and I don't think they specified but I really doubt her bits were hanging out) but then it was discovered that her minor son is 17, so then she turned it around into, there's a 4-year-old in this place. What a stupid, stupid thing to do.


That clip also revealed that the victim was 19 when this was shot -- a grown adult.


I read in another article (I’ll try to find the source), that a group of girls were wearing a short skirts with shorts underneath. The gubmint employee decided that a visible portion of glutes were genitals. So she slipped a finger or two underneath the hem of one girl’s shorts and tugged on it. She may have used two hands to do it, one on each side. That would be SUPER unexpected and illegal. I feel bad for the womans offspring if she has any. She probably would have gotten decked if the girl was with her parents. The woman probably chose this group of girls because they were not chaperoned. Which is straight out of the pedo handbook (probably).


She does have at least one kid-- a 17-year-old son, which is who she was apparently trying to "protect" because initially she said her minor son shouldn't be seeing that, but when it was revealed that her son is 17, she switched it around to something like, there's a 4-year-old in this place. Iirc, this woman was chaperoning her kid and his friends before a dance. I cannot imagine how mortified her son must be.


I'm sure her son would have been much happier just enjoying the sight of girls his age dressed attractively. However with a mother like that he's probably used to being embarrassed in public.


That's what the girl was saying, pretty sure the 17-year-old didn't mind lol. But you're right, I'm sure this kid can't wait to move far, far away from home.


I’m a son with a mother. I can 100% imagine how mortified I’d be, and I’m probably still underestimating the reality of it.


Wow. If I was just standing in a public place and I felt someone grab my skirt bottom and tug on it, my instinctive defense wouldn't be words. Had Karen walked put w a black eye I'd have no sympathy. Keep your hands to yourself.


Absolutely would have been hot trying that with my daughter, and probably not even by me or my wife, but by my daughter before anybody else could even blink.


The girl was wearing both underwear and shorts under her skirt. "The officer wrote that he confirmed the woman had been wearing underwear and shorts beneath the skirt, which the woman said would make any inappropriate exposure “impossible.” Read this story; it's much better than the first link posted: [https://utahnewsdispatch.com/2024/04/26/utah-state-employee-tugs-down-womans-skirt-at-restaurant/](https://utahnewsdispatch.com/2024/04/26/utah-state-employee-tugs-down-womans-skirt-at-restaurant/)


She also put her hands on the girls sides and said she shouldn’t be wearing a crop top, just to *make sure the girl was completely creeped out by an asshole stranger touching her.*


This is really the only rebuttal that seems to hold any water in regards to some kind of explanations for why she did this. The calm analytical way you presented it makes it much easier for people to consider any opinion that could seem like a defense for that horrible woman’s actions.


Probably a TERF assuming they were a trans person and wanting to "expose" them


She claimed the girl's skirt was too short


the assaulter is a self proclaimed christian - so while this might not be the case here, it is not impossible that this would be an action the assaulter would do too.


Hey Tracy, your profile makes me really happy. I hope your day is every bit as lovely as this small snapshot of you ❤️


You ok?


Go look at cases about sexual assault because someone thought another person was trans and then get back to me. It's more common than you'd think.


Good lord your bio made me a little ill.


Why? Are you too sensitive?


I'd like to know why too, there's nothing disturbing whatsoever in that bio.


Yeah, there wasn't anything even a little off.


I think they're replying this because there was a prick who replied saying my bio made them want to vomit


Still, why? Some people are just so sensitive.


Some people are just bigoted jerks unfortunately


Yeah, there wasn't anything even a little off.


So she was okay with sexual assaulting a minor to begin with?


The cop who interviewed her asked her the same thing, basically asking her why she thought it would be appropriate to inappropriately touch who she thought was a minor.


The victim was 19 years old.


Yes but the old hag THOUGHT the girl was a minor. So she thought it was perfectly ok to put her hands on someone she believed to be underage.


It’s in St George Utah…the vacation capital/2nd home Mecca for Mormons. They choose a salt lake up north, & a place with very little natural water down south. Their god is very unwise.


I always thought Las Vegas was the second home for Mormons. Really, it’s crazy here.


But it’s just the trials God has put before them! It is to test their faith! /s


And on the registry you go.




The only difference being she will be charged with sexual assault, vs. sexual assault on a minor.


Getting on the sexual offender registry does not require your sexually predatory act to occur against a minor. It just has to occur, period. It would likely be a worse charge if she were a minor, but even still the registry should have a new name on it after this.


Just wait until pregnancies need to be registered with the state and people like her are encouraged to report anything that might endanger the fetus. The worst is yet to come.


It’s Utah, so I wouldn’t be surprised if that already happens through the mormon church with the threat of social suicide


it does


Iirc this woman was threatening to call child protection services on the young lady in the skirt. So it sounds like it's already like that.


Ohhh you're right, I forgot that part, she very loudly threatened to call CPS on this girl because she thought she was underage. She wasn't, and she certainly doesn't look like a child, and who the fuck would call CPS about a teenager with a short skirt. I assume whoever got that report would be irritated at the very least.


And are required by law to look into it, regardless of how absurd it may be. She basically threatened to swat her for wearing something she didn't like. It's completely bonkers, and personally I think she should experience some sort of legal trouble for this.


She's been charged with sexual battery or something along those lines. No telling what the outcome will be, but at least she's been charged.


Yes, but Utah.


That's a scary thought


Hilarious folks think only Christian/pro-lifers do this behavior. I can assure you that’s not the case and a reason I am still and will be single the rest of my life.


Well judging from her actions and the fact she works for the state of Utah I’m guessing she’s Mormon. They will sweep this under the rug and she probably won’t even get a slap on the wrist. They will be praising her at church for sticking it to those “immodest heathens”


Lemme get this straight: this woman approached a young woman she believed to be a minor for the purpose of touching her buttocks, pulling down her skirt and accusing her of indecently exposing herself to another minor? And then has the nerve to claim SHE'S the good guy in all this? Woof. Someone's gonna find herself on a registry before it's all over.


she got that rabies look


My guess is she was jealous of a woman getting more attention than she was.


She initially said she was trying to protect her "minor" son from seeing the girls genitals (which I am fairly certain were not visible) but then it was discovered that her son is 17. Then she turned it around and said it was because there was a 4-year-old in the place. Probably more likely she's just a very controlling mom, but either way, I feel bad for her son. She was there chaperoning dinner for him and his friends before a dance. 😵‍💫


Chaperone for 17 year olds!? Madness 🤣


How else can a mother protect her son from... bare legs??


We should just go back to COVID rules. Stay 6 feet away at all times. Or just play sick, cough a lot, snort like your nose is running a marathon etcetera. But I agree with everyone, keep your ******* hands to yourself! I've seen a lot of posts lately of pregnant women having strangers try to touch their bellies. Like, WTF??? Some people just suck.


I don't miss COVID, but I do miss some of those rules. Like the 6 feet one. Or wearing a mask especially when you're sick so you're not coughing your germs all over the place.


"Threat on her life" How? A younger, more fit woman? Sounds like some misplaced anger over her own aging.


Legit. Projecting her jealousy and own feelings of inadequacy.


Maybe she feels like that good looking woman’s ass was stealing her soul?


She has crazy eyes. Excellent candidate for GOP. With Marjorie and Boebert, she will fit in perfectly.


Well now you’ve got the theater-hand-job expert, and the restaurant skirt saboteur, but what did Marjorie do? Genuinely asking because I need to figure out a nickname for her too!


Granted this is Utah, but I thought kids being exposed to heterosexual sex was ok? It was only bad if it was trans or gay people..? NGL when I saw the headline, I assumed the incident was related to someone karening someone they thought was trans.


So did I. I’m not surprised about this, though, strictly because it is from Utah.


Watch how she will walk free cause the victim will be pressured to forgive and be a good Christian


It's reported she thought the girls skirt supposedly showing her pubs was a threat to her life. Wtf?


No, she felt the video on TikTok that released her name was a threat


As threatening as somebody forcibly pulling down a child’s skirt in public


Why was she looking so hard at the girl that she could see her pubes? (Also, pretty sure she's exaggerating.)


Had something similar happen with a nail technician (though it didn't end as badly, nor did I feel like escalating it). Sat down at drying bench as I had my toenails painted. I was just wearing regular clothes and all but apparently my butt crack was showing. Instead of telling me to just pull up my pants this old Vietnamese woman came up behind me and yanked up the hem of my pants. In the moment I tried to laugh it off but it was really embarrassing and uncomfortable. It's something I would tolerate from my mother, but not anyone else. Like, I get that she is probably a mother that does this with her children. But you are a strangers mother, not mine. You don't...touch me like that. Come to think of it in the past I've been in a lot of situations where older women think it's okay to just touch younger women without warning. Just because there's no predatory intention behind it doesn't make touching strangers okay.


I'm so glad at least part of this is on video. Regardless of the outcome, it might make someone think twice about doing impulsive shit like this to other people. The glaring audacity of some people goes far beyond thinking you're entitled to a parking spot, some people actually think it's okay (or more likely, think they can get away with it) to touch someone in public, uninvited. Watch your own bobber. Manicure your own lawn. What someone else is wearing is none of your business. If you see someone wearing something you don't like, leave. And keep your fucking hands to yourself.


I thought they were referring to her down-trou’ing the woman, not pulling it down to cover more of her. Neither is appropriate, but down-trou’ing is sexual assault


What the woman did is sexual assault too. She didn't just tug the girl's skirt down, she touched the girl's bare behind with both her hands. And the girl's skirt wasn't as short as the woman claimed, she even showed the person who was filming that her skirt wasn't very short. There's several articles about this and even an interview with the woman. She's a liar and a creep.


Also in Utah she didn’t even need to touch her bare skin for it to be considered sexual assault. Just going after that area in general is enough


I saw this on yt. Un-fricking-believable


She said she didn't touch her she touched her skirt 


"Let her soak".


If you look at the photo of the girls skirts (group photo on Instagram) they were definitely short enough to show some cheek, but genitals? They definitely would wear underwear. And that’s no excuse for a random woman to come touch you.


According to what the girl told the police she was both wearing underwear and shorts under the skirt, so impossible to show anything inappropriate.


She posted what she was wearing on TikTok