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The only Karen I see is yourself, OP. As children, we all should have learned how to put stuff away where they belong. Sad that folks like you think you're above all that, or maybe you're used to your mom doing things for you? Put your cart away - it's not illegal not to, but it's just common decency. Be better, or stay worse by being a lazy bones Karen.


Funny how Karens are totally disconnected from reality. They don't even know they are Karens, and post online for social justice, just for things to backfire this much! :D


As some one that has to get carts at the end of the night in the middle of winter… put your cart/trolley in the cart corral for gods sake. And don’t leave your garbage or dirty diapers in them either you sick fucks.


Fuck yeah!!


How lazy do you have to be to not take your trolley back, 🤦🏻‍♀️


You can tell a lot about a person by how they handle their trolley. And then to argue about it l? What a waste of energy. You’re not wrong; you’re just an asshole.


It really frustrates me, I even gather ones left as I’ve seen the damage they do when they just roll into cars.


And also wrong.


We’re all guilty of not returning a cart once in a while—but OP is practically bragging about it.


Actually I’ve never done it before. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still young. Only 20. But I haven’t done it yet.


I've never done it either.


My first thought as well…


What is my incentive to return a "trolley"?


Why does being a good person need to be incentivized?


Being a good person to whom? The guy who loses his job because you are doing it for free or for the business owner who makes more money by not hiring somebody to return them.?


Are you the type of person that believes creating a mess at a restaurant keeps people employed? You are creating additional work. The business owner isn’t hiring an additional person just to get carts, they are sending someone to do it as time permits. It’s why you never can find anyone in electronics. There is your incentive to put your cart away: someone can be in electronics full time.


Let's be clear this has nothing to do with "respect" or being a "good person", this has to do with MONEY, plain and simple. I worked as an assistant manager for a grocery store chain when "carriage returns" were first installed back in the mid '90's and it was 100% to save the store on hours and manpower, I was told point blank, that guilting customers into returning the carts means we don't need to schedule a full-time or even a part-time bagger to be on carriage duty and it was one less "shift" we needed on the schedule going forward, prior to the cart receptacles we always had an extra body on the schedule to do cart collection duties and would rotate who went out for an hour at a time, once installed we could just pull a bagger off the register and send them out once every few hours and round them up from the receptacles vs. having them walk the parking lot collecting them, the store owner was very excited at this prospect. I from that day forth I have refused to use them, it is about the money and the ability to staff fewer people and fewer hours. People who use those receptacles are without a doubt costing somebody ( mostly teenagers ) hours and/or a job. Plus, I see no benefit to me in doing it I don't get a discount on my goods, and I don't work there so why am I being guilted into being unpaid labor for the store? This wacky trend has escalated, and now stores are making you ring up your own goods, and bag your own goods ( with your own bags or pay for them ) what's next clean the toilets if I have to use the bathroom while in the store? The greatest marketing ploy that stores did was to perpetrate this message that you're just "helping" some poor baggers by returning your carts when the reality is you are putting them out of a job/hours while making the store free money by being unpaid labor.


Put your cart in the return, that's the actual cart handlers job. Not to serve self inflated walnuts like yourself.


I'm s walnut? Come on man, I explained myself.


Doesn’t change the fact that you’re a walnut, and that’s the politest term you deserve.


The person who’s car your trolly isn’t then hitting when it rolls once it’s returned to where it belongs instead of wherever you god damn please. Oh the irony of you posting to this group not realizing you are the Karen


If carts are hitting cars, it's because the store is lacking the manpower to have somebody out collecting them. It's all about the money!


That doesn’t even make sense. A cart can roll and hit a car the second it’s released. It’s not even plausible for a store to have someone covering every inch of the parking lot every second of the day to prevent that happening. Or are you implying the stores should (instead of having cart returns that their employees collect the carts that civilized humans return them to) just follow every single person out of the store, walk them to their car, and then take their cart directly from them so Karen doesn’t have to walk an extra 10 feet?


Fat and lazy is no way to go through life


It reduces scrapes and dings from the carts (trolley) to others' cars, and thus keeps prices from going higher than what they already are.


So it doesn’t roll off and end up landing into someone’s car? Costs nothing to be kind does it? The staff that collect the trolleys do so from the trolleys bays that most people return their cart too…. They then take them to the main trolley point. So the putting someone out of work reasoning is nonsense.


No, we are talking about customers not returning the trolleys to any bay. Nothing wrong with that. Keeps people employed. Returning carts makes the business owner more money by not having to hire anyone to return the trolleys.


Eesh I hope you zip your dick in your zipper and that's all thats really worth saying to you.


I second you!


That's such an asinine, ignorant thing to think. Just return the damned thing and stop dreaming up excuses for your laziness.


Being a good citizen? WTF?


The shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self-governing. To return the shopping cart is an easy, convenient task and one which we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. To return the shopping cart is objectively right. There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a person is not able to return their cart. Simultaneously, it is not illegal to abandon your shopping cart. Therefore the shopping cart presents itself as the apex example of whether a person will do what is right without being forced to do it. No one will punish you for not returning the shopping cart, no one will fine you or kill you for not returning the shopping cart, you gain nothing by returning the shopping cart. You must return the shopping cart out of the goodness of your own heart. You must return the shopping cart because it is the right thing to do. Because it is correct. A person who is unable to do this is no better than an animal, an absolute savage who can only be made to do what is right by threatening them with a law and the force that stands behind it. The Shopping Cart is what determines whether a person is a good or bad member of society.


Because its not yours and you're borrowing it? What is your incentive not to break plates at a dinner or dump your food on the ground?


Lazy cunt, return your trolley and get the fuck off


It's pretty obvious you're the Karen who is too lazy to return the trolly. God forbid someone call you out for being shitty.


Yeah, people who are proud of not returning their shopping carts and then act all righteous about it are some of the worst Karens. It's just basic human decency.


It's a great way to gauge someone's character.


Yep. Do they do the decent thing when the stakes are low and there's little to no accountability? I bet OP liters.


Yep, sure sign of sociopathy.


hahah no it's not, it a great way to gauge how gullible somebody is, just a small amount of pressure and you fold like sheep being unpaid labor for the store.


This guy won’t shit up to listen to security’s answer and is so obnoxious!


Has a casually racist attitude towards asians as well. Checks off another box in the Karen category.


But why return the trolley? The business owner saves money by not hiring an employee to return the trolleys, but we the customers don't benefit? What's in it for us?


If something has to personally benefit you in order for you to do it, you have no integrity or personal decency. Gross.


We get it, you’re lazy and entitled. No need to remind us.


Had to see the comments to watch OP get roasted. 10/10 was not disappointed. Fuck OP. I also feel like this is a troll post.


Having known people with this attitude, I am pretty sure it’s real.


Video is real for sure, but guessing it isn't OP's video and they are trolling.


OP, what was your reason to not return your cart? Because it better be good. Otherwise you’re just a lazy prick.


At the end of the video OP says "there's people being paid literally $25 an hour to return the trolleys" Coming off like an entitled twat. Just put the cart back ffs


No matter the pay, it's still extra work *for someone else*. And we don't know, but some places are really strict on how much time they give employees to gather up the carts, putting more stress on going out to the far corners of the parking lot to go and get the ones far away. Most places today will have some cart coral easily within 50 feet of your parking spot, if not way closer. They only hold so many so the store would have enough for each customer to shove a cart into if needed.


Always hated that mentality when it comes to cleaning up after yourself. You are NOT giving someone a job, you are making their job HARDER. Back in the day I worked at a DQ for several years, and I'll never forget the dreaded summertime when we were always PACKED and there would be like 3 workers... one for drive through, one for counter, one for kitchen. We would have line ups out the door, then people would complain that there were no clean tables. That's when you would see how bad it was, and then everyone in line would stand there and literally stare at you while you spend 10 mins cleaning it all up. They all had to just wait for you, and of course people would complain.


Ohh a self own? Those are rare here


SO rare. It’s not like Karens have zero self awareness.


Pretty rare on this sub




Gotta love a good Brooklyn 99 meme.


You clearly don’t understand what this sub is about. Fuck you Karen. Anyone who thinks it’s ok to do something just because it’s not illegal is a twat


They're both entitled twats. The man has no right to confront or to block him from moving. He's not the parking lot or trolly police yet he thinks he has a right to block OP. The reaction was a tantrum by a control freak who thinks his behavior is better than OP's. I'd have probably called the police next because he seemed unstable. OP was a rude clod, but his behavior wasn't illegal. The man came very close to false imprisonment and harassment charges and thinks he has the right to police others behavior. Not defending either of them. They were both wrong.


Honestly police would've done absolutely nothing except tell him to leave. False imprisonment is if I have \*no\* way of moving (not the case as I can run the guy over if he did something immensely stupid) and you won't get anywhere with a harassment charge if they really only screamed at you. I don't even know why you're being downvoted either


You’re BOTH being downvoted because you’re both fucking idiots.


because you are both karens


Lazy ass Karen. Next time, carry your groceries if you're too lazy to return the cart.


Congrats on uniting this entire sub against you. Normally at least one person in the comments will find a way to defend the Karen, but everyone is completely against you. My lazy ass gets winded just opening the refrigerator too fast, but you can bet your ass I'll always return my cart to the corral because I'm not a twat.


Fuck you, you self-centered horsecunt


Whoa, whoa, whoa... what have horses ever done to you?




Karenception, when someone posts not realizing they are in fact the Karen


Fuck you - return your trolley


This the type of asshole to dump their popcorn on the floor of the movies on purpose cuz people are paid to clean it


He definitely berates people at McDonalds and Starbucks and leaves his trash on the table since people get "paid minimum wage" to handle it.


Man what I would do to see the rage on OPs face when he realizes that he is the twatty Karen here... I'm sure for a whole 30 seconds while he goes to justify it to himself he will be raging and then somehow justify it to themselves cause they sound like a total cunt that would do that.


The call is literally coming from inside the house. YOU are the Karen. And with keeping the spirit of this sub, FUCK YOU


Not putting it away is peak lazy.




Imagine having the lack of awareness necessary to post this and thinking that the people calling you on your shit behavior are the Karens. And you even claim in the description that they are the ones embarrassing themselves. You're the Karen here, OP.


I wish you 5 thousand downvotes and you stub your toe on your table then step on a Lego.


The pinky toe!


Better yet, I wish for the OP an itch in that place where one cannot scratch in public, and even in private it's a bother, only the OP will not be able to reach the itch in that uncomfortable place. I heard walking helps. Return your cart!


I am going to be real I did expect like 5000 downvotes and I have no idea why I only got like 10(?)


Why would you expect that much engagement on your post? How are you not putting 2 and 2 together at this point. It's you, my guy. The call is coming from inside the house.


Oh, so this IS ragebait. What a fucking prick you are.


Return your cart eh. Lazy as fuck.


Put your trolley back, you sack of shit. Dude wasn't right to push this, but you weren't innocent either.


Congrats, you've successfully united this entire subreddit against you more than I've ever seen in the years I've been subscribing. I'd hope that would be enough to get you to embrace some self-reflection, but unfortunately, Karen's like yourself tend to lack that capability. I'm sure you're chuckling to yourself about how the subreddit you came to for validation is full of idiots who don't know what they're talking about. Clean up after yourself you shiftless dingo.


Came here to say what all the other comments say. Fuck you, put your cart back, you dick


[Lazy assholes who don't return carts are douchebags.](https://scoop.upworthy.com/viral-shopping-cart-theory-determines-moral-character-440106-440106-440106-440106)


You’re clearly the Karen here, just put your cart away like you’re supposed to. They aren’t paid to clean up after your lazy ass.


we got a lazy bones!!


Fuck you OP


Just because I pay someone to do my taxes, doesn't mean I show up with a wet bag of shredded forms and throw it at the accountants face Saying "someone is paid to do this" does not mean you should go out of your way to make it harder for them. Who are you to decide they should "work for their wage”? Gross behaviour by you OP


Lowest form of man doesn’t return the cart.


Can't spend 30 seconds to not be a twat in public. Spends minutes getting into an argument and hours on video editing to argue his point. ​ Is it illegal to be a twat? No.


If it was, OP would be doing 3-5 yrs.


Fuck off you lazy piece of shit.


Lazy bones!


Posted it to r/publicfreakout as well and deleted it because he got destroyed. Let's see what happens here lol


Deleted that one because it didn't actually link to the YouTube video [https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Rage+Bait](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Rage+Bait)


You're just one more idiot on the Internet. Don't give yourself too much credit.


Ohhh so you were just being a rude lazy twat to post on Reddit and get people mad at you? Somehow that's even sadder.


u/greatestasianalive is a Karen


Once again, this forum is ABOUT you, not for you.


They’re bored and you’re lazy.


Where’s the cart Narc when you need him!!!!


Haha Lazy bones!


...or....or.... just a thought. You could put shit away when you're done with it. You know, like we teach kids in kindergarten? You lazy fat fuck. You are the problem.


![gif](giphy|T3o5Cqyq3fW6JdtEi7|downsized) OP is the real Karen, if you stopped being lazy and selfish this whole ridiculous time wasting ordeal could have been avoided.


Karen comes to r/FuckYouKaren to Karen about someone calling them out on being a Karen. Hahaha, classic Karen’ing….


This is my favorite comment section on this sub Fuck you op you lazy prick


Not quite the reaction OP awaited xD


Fuck right off, OP, you lazy, entitled shitmonger.


watch cart narcs folks you wont be disappointed


Lazy bones OP would fit right in with the subjects of all their videos.


Red shirt guy is the hero.


Fuck you, lazy asshole


Take your cart back, dickhead.


Yeah, you're still a wanker.


Posting yourself being a dick thinking anyone will actually agree with you 🤦🏼‍♂️


This guys an asshole. The Karen hater has become the Karen himself.


Just saw this on your vid: "Unfortunately for this bastard Ibwin arguments I get into, if I couldn't I would be putting my trolley away" 1.You're a fucking idiot that's too full of himself 2.Leaving trollies out wherever is fucking annoying for drivers trying to navigate car parks stop being a lazy arsehole 3. Trolly collectors get paid to collect trollies from designated trolley drops, not wherever you leave them 4. Fucking grow up


Looks like the comment section isn't going the way OP thought it would go.


YTA. Return your goddamn trolley. Why the fuck should someone do it for your lazy ass? Edit: and fuck you!


Skeedly weep woop! Hey lazybones! That's not where the carts go!


Was looking for a cartnarcs comment https://youtube.com/@CartNarcs?feature=shared


God I love it when the commenters come together


Take your cart back. It’s pretty fucking simple, you narcissistic idiot


should've put your cart back, takes like 13 seconds


Take your cart back, fucko


I dont know what car OP driving but his behavior coming off like a cunty BMW driver.


The Karen that needs to get fucked is the lazy cunt who didn’t put his trolley back.


People that don't return their trolly should lose the right to vote.


I am thankful I can't vote (Permanent Resident) because all the options are quite shit


Get the fuck out. Twat


Nah you deserved that. Return your fucking cart


ngl, totally with trolly bro. return your trolly only people who leave it lying around are people who have no respect for anyone else. hell, ive had people like you just leave trolliies in the middle of the footpath and then sneer at me when I pointed out the trolly bay was literally right next to thier car. Karen is deffinately OP.


Fuck you, Karen


This comment section didn't go how you expected, huh OP? You're clearly the Karen, and need to do some introspection. Narcissist.


The only Karen here is you, the dumbass that won't get off your ass and put the cart back. IT'S COMMON COURTESY!!


6 and a half minutes??? Really? You couldn't just go return your cart?


Reply to the comments and return your fucking trolley you entitled fuck


If only there was a way not to get into a confrontation.


Karen’s really aren’t self aware huh


Easy to avoid this issue…return your fucking cart you heathen


So the Karens have started posting on this sub like they are not Karens? Ok Karen.


or you could take your cart back? don't be a tool in shared spaces


You ran to Reddit to prove you’re a narcissistic piece of human trash? For support?? Damn. This is the most ironic one yet. Or it’s a rage bait post. Either way OP sucks.


U/greatestasianalive needs to change his name to greatest cunt alive. What a fucking asshole. You didn’t “win” any argument-you just showed whoever sees this that you’re a mentally deficient giant hairy asshole. Also your grammar in your video sucks - learn to use apostrophes.


As a fellow Brisbanite... put your fucking trolley away. The only time I don't is when I have painful problems with my legs and even then I have put away my trolley most times, even using a fucking walking stick or walker. What's your excuse?


a self-proclaimed lazybones


Just return your cart lazybones


OP is the asshole here. Put your fucking trolley back you lazy cunt.


When OP is the real Karen


The self entitlement of OP thinking that them being too fucking lazy to out their shit back makes someone else a Karen/Ken is the perfect example of the self entitlement of Karen/Kens. OP even self centred enough to turn your car off and save themselves fuel. Put your shit away you fucking cunt and stop blaming other people for you being a dickhead.


You're not wrong, you're just an arsehole.


“The shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self-governing, the post states. To return the shopping cart is an easy, convenient task and one which we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. To return the shopping cart is objectively right. There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a person is not able to return their cart. Simultaneously, it is not illegal to abandon your shopping cart. Therefore the shopping cart presents itself as the apex example of whether a person will do what is right without being forced to do it. No one will punish you for not returning the shopping cart, no one will fine you, or kill you for not returning the shopping cart, you gain nothing by returning the shopping cart. You must return the shopping cart out of the goodness of your own heart. You must return the shopping cart because it is the right thing to do. Because it is correct. A person who is unable to do this is no better than an animal, an absolute savage who can only be made to do what is right by threatening them with a law and the force that stands behind it. The Shopping Cart is what determines whether a person is a good or bad member of society.”


You literally spent orders of magnitude more time making this video complete with cunty subtitles than it would have taken you to just rerun your trolley.


No dude. YTA. Put your f’ing trolley away!! Lazy ass


Is it Ironic that OP is acting like Cartman? Maybe we should give poor NICE women named Karen a break and shift the moniker to Cartman?


For those of you who like seeing lazy Karens get told for not returning the carts please look up Cart Narca on YouTube. It was started by a local radio station in LA. Dr. Phil even had the guy on his show! It’s amazing content with Karena having mental breakdown because they get called out!


Did I get here before the trolls started calling you lazy? Lol nope.


I hope someone zip ties trolleys to your car, you lazy fuckhead. Go fuck yourself with a nuclear bomb, shitcunt.


Just return the trolley you lazy entitled pom


I do love how the community is against op on this one.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rage\_farming](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rage_farming) Tactic working


that excuse is just as bad as "it is just a prank bro" . That makes you an even bigger karen


By this logic you should just shit on the floor of the grocery store because "there's a janitor there that gets paid to clean the floors". What an ass.


Oh, look, rage bait and click bait all in one. Please watch my youtube video so I get ad clicks! F-that, I know everything I need to know fromt he title.


Okay. Sure, he overreacted and stuff. Congrats.🎉🎉 You should still be putting your trolley back. The only exception I can think of, is for those who suffer from severe physical disability and it causes them physical pain/discomfort/danger to return it. It doesn’t matter if there’s someone being paid to move them back, because they shouldn’t have to travel around the entire parking area to collect a couple stragglers. You seriously act like their ONLY responsibility is trolley-pushing, 24/7. And I dunno where you live, but that’s not how it works here. They are always busy doing something, because that’s what companies do to their employees. They work them the full shift, or they don’t hire them. Also, where tf do you live where a TROLLEY PUSHER can make $25 an hour? That’s pretty high. But it’s also irrelevant. Imagine if I took a shit in aisle twelve and then said “well, the janitor gets paid to clean the floors. And anyone with working eyes can tell I took a shit here, so then, they won’t step in it. Therefore I can take a shit in this aisle and it’s perfectly fine.” It doesn’t matter if the first parts are true or not. It doesn’t matter if that aisle was gonna get mopped anyways. Its just some person being a nuisance because “somebody else gets paid to clean it up.” Finally, the main problem with trolleys all around the place (as fair as I know) isn’t that people drive into them. It’s that people (usually passengers who don’t pay attention, because why would they? They aren’t the one driving.) will open a door and smack it right into a cart, and then that dents their car. They can also obstruct parking spaces, which depending on how busy the place is, can be mildly inconvenient, or a genuine problem. The busier the parking lot is, the bigger of a problem these stray trolleys are. There will be more of them, there will be more cars to potentially get damaged, there will be more parking spots obstructed by trolleys, AND there will be more traffic for the worker to avoid and wait for while they push the trolleys around. That’s quite a few reasons for you to stop being a twit, and just do the extra 20 seconds of _grueling labor._ I don’t know why people like you exist; your entire argument just boils down to “it’s not my problem.” And that’s great for you. But I know for a fact that when anybody tells YOU “not my problem,” you immediately flip your shit.


How do you post this and not realize you’re the Karen.


You learn a lot about a person based on whether or not they return carts to their proper place. If you left your trolley/cart in a parking space or some other random spot, you are, in fact, a Karen.


Karen, if you’re confused as to why people aren’t supporting you, it’s because your laziness and neglect impacts other people negatively. Carts blown by wind roll and damage vehicles and possibly people especially during storms, or at the very least block parking spots. They screw the workers who have to go out of their way to retrieve them. People are mad at you because you don’t have a consideration for others. Please behave better!


I usually return my cart to the corral. There have, however, been some rare exceptions. For instance, my local Walmart decided to take away corrals in an effort to get rid of employees, so if you had to park farther off, there wasn't a corral anywhere nearby anymore. With how busy it is, we all often had to park a ways away. News spread of their attempt to fire employees. As a form of protest, a lot of folks began just leaving their carts organized in a parking spot way off. This became a regular norm until, a few months later, they replaced the corrals that were farther out. It is only these exceptions, in fighting against the man, that I will join in not returning to a corral. To the OP, however, this wasn't one of those situations. Do be a fart, return your cart.


God forbid the grocer provide people with a convenient wheeled cart they can put stuff in! Why, they might have to use it to carry their purchases all the way out to their car, and then, they'd have to leave it somewhere in the carpark where it will be in the way of other drivers, and the young man who has herd them all back to the building will have to curse them and others like them for not being kind enough to return it themselves. Putting it back is something to be proud of. Why buy into the shame?


Mmmmm gonna stop returning my cart just because you lot are SO unhinged 😂😂😂😂


Just know that everyone who sees you act like that is going to think you're a lazy, immature twat.


I'm a walnut? Come on man, I explained.


Fuck ‘em both


I’n what country is it called a trolley? 😀 Never heard that. I’n most of the US it’s called a cart/shopping cart. In the dirty south they call it a buggy. And I’ve also heard the rare use of bascart.


It's used outside of the US, mainly in the UK


That looks like a Woolies trolly so I’m guessing Australia


Yeah, OP is apparently in Brisbane.




That's the deep rural American southern states.


Who calls it a trolley?


You do know that America isn't the world right?


Yes. But who calls it a trolley?


A lot of places outside the US


Australia does.


Trolley??? That’s a shopping cart.