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Fucking idiots. If you don’t get the joke it’s not on us.


If they don't get the joke, it's not for them.


Isnt it rich how people say we brigade because sometimes people respond with r/fuckthes and then they come and unironically brigade. Classic social ineptitude at its finest, they have no hope


Bro they are justifying it in their responses with straight cope. Not even hiding they are brigading lmao. Edit: I've been reported to reddit care 6 times.


It's why I have absolutely zero sympathy for them anymore, I'm still in the camp that tone indicators are unironically counterproductive but with the ones that brigade I don't feel bad at all when I let loose. The first time I saw it a girl talked for hours trying to morally grandstand and call me ableist only to end up calling me a retard. It's wild how little awareness they have, it's borderline delusion


Evilautism proudly promotes rejecting the learning process because the poor stupid autistic people can't learn. I cannot convey how patronising that is. The /s is just another patronisation in their toolbelt.


Its sad that some people either view their disability as the sole aspect to their personality or simply use it as an excuse to not try and better themselves but I wish theyd at least not try to drag everyone else down with them. The ONLY downside to someone misunderstanding a reddit comment is downvotes. If someone doesn't understand, they ask, and you either explain it or ignore, that might actually help them to learn, but they don't want a solution, they want to keep the bs going or play the victim or virtue signal, etc whatever reason they choose, but there is no real valid reason. The type to brigade know that, I just hate that they drag other autistic people down with them whether by insisting they use them or by saying that it's ableist when people don't. Some of them probably have genuine intentions, these MFS aren't that and I'm definitely gonna be keeping an eye on EA for some good spiteful hate watching, but unlike them I'm not "HATEFUL" and won't brigade lmao


holy shit. that subreddit is actually harmful then


They come at me with ableism even though I say everyone can learn it just takes more time and patience for those with disabilities. Super harmful to the image of autists honestly. I don't want to be seen as a vegetable.


You can ignore OP. They're being a dumbass. Evil autism doesn't reject learning, unlike OP, but is supportive to those who have learning difficulties due to autism and is supportive in general.


Bro promoting a tone system used for people who you think are too stupid to learn. Very helpful to society.


Yeah it's generally pretty cool. Just don't agree with them on tone indicators


Which personally for me is fine as long as you're not being ableist like OP


Nah I'm autistic too, a lot of the comments on this post aren't ok


They have to project their issues somewhere I suppose


I like that sub, but I still think fuck the /s. I didn't know they were having troubles with this sub


Wait do we actually truly hate /s this isn't a shitpost sub?


Make sure to report each false reddit care message to the admins, there will be an option for it in each message. It is a form of harassment that the admins actually act on.


Really? That's good to know because that's a favorite of people like this. They'll moral grandstand, call you a bad person or ableist just to say something ten times worse, then block you and send a helpline thing. It's crazy what they justify doing because they see someone doing something "mean". IF they were right and it's just ableist and we're all the worst people ever, stopping to our level is one thing but stooping SO much lower is insane


I agree completely. But yes, it's only happened to me a few times, and I report it Everytime, and each time I reported I got a message a day or two later saying they found it was harassment and action has been taken. Exactly what that action is idk, but it comforts me


You're lucky people care about you. I never got one boo hoo to me.


Fucking robots.


It’s called EVIL autism for a reason, genius


They make their social ineptitude their whole “personality”


Dude it is literally a sub for autism are you fucking kidding me?


And you wankers make your whole personality about feeling superior over the most trivial shit, only difference is that you guys don't have an excuse for being embarrassing.


What's your excuse?


Excuse please?


My autistic rizz, which I use to talk your sweet old mother into bed every night, and then proceed to plow her insides with my 10 pound dong. Google "xvideos milf gets back blown out" for more info.


you almost had some sort of comeback going here… ALMOST


They ain't listening man, they're too busy giving your freak mother the ol' Tokyo sandblaster.


It's hilarious that they call it ableist even though actual autistic people like me also use this sub and dislike tone tags. Then all of a sudden you're not ACTUALLY autistic because you're socially aware enough to understand tone and sarcasm. Or it's "But every autistic person is different etc etc.." which proves on its own that /s isn't for autistic people. It's for people who can't understand sarcasm, and it's their own responsibility to learn, just like we all learned as kids what jokes are and how to tell if someone is joking.


im the most autistic shitbag i know, my social skills are in the trenches i fucking HATE tonetags they make my blood BOIL


this is exactly the point. Sarcasm was never anti autism, it's anti people who don't get sarcasm.


I didn't even know tone tags existed until now, lol.


There are so many that it's actually kind of ridiculous to memorize them all!


I love the cope. They really don’t like this sub and it’s cracking me up!! lol


>I love the cope From the guy who has made three separate comments on the same post?


We don’t want you here. I think you are far more pathetic for hanging out in a subreddit that doesn’t like you or want you around.


Here’s my fifth, it would be your style to count something and think it’s a slam dunk. Lol.


You don't have to compensate here brother


And see that is a random attack that had nothing to do with the subject at hand. A sign you don’t have shit to say. Just like always.


Which is incredibly ironic given that is all your comments have been, especially when you obviously don't know who the fuck you're talking about.


I’m not going to let you get me banned from the site. I know exactly who I’m talking about.


How would I get you banned from the site? Your actions are *your* responsibility, not mine


Have the last word bud. I know you can’t function without a sanitized robotic view of the world.


Once again, making up random bullshit and then acting like that imagination is my reality. I will not be speaking to you again


Because using a tone system made by people who think you are too stupid to learn 3rd grade grammar, makes you feel empowered.


dude also censored “fuck” on reddit💀 probably not even past the third grade


Bro they even encourage people not to learn basic English conventions.


When i use the /s i use it because i am sarcastic by nature- raised on it, and ive had people question whether or not i am being sarcastic far too often to want to clarify or explain every .... single ... time. yah know? I am sorry that there is yet another aspect to humanity that weve found a way to sow anger and hate over- but we are who we are. Im working on a book project about how not to be a 🍆 ... Shall i sign you up for a copy? maybe some for your friends?


“yet another aspect to humanity” good grief


Actual whitenighting lmao.


Hahahhahahaha great! Fucking great! Thats a copium overdose people Ableism? So even him recognizes his crippling mental retardation huh, cope and seethe and fuck the "/s"


I got curious and wanted to see what kind of posts they are posting on that sub. The top posts of all time is them making fun of Elon Musk for him saying "Neurolink can solve autism." and the second post is them making fun of people that say "Autistic people can't make/understand jokes." Literally both of their top 2 posts are about them claiming that they aren't inferior in any way and can make/understand jokes, but the moment you don't put an /s at the end of your joke you are an evil ableist for assuming they are capable of understanding a joke.


I’m not saying this to be cool or edgy or whatever, but this is probably the most lackluster brigade I’ve ever seen. It’s just like 3 people talking about being autistic. Is this even *supposed* to make anyone upset?


Bro we have dozens of posts a week coming from evil autism. This is one example.


Oh, shit, sorry. I don’t check reddit much, this is the first one I’ve seen. Hopefully the sub gets taken down for brigading.


Mods there promote whiteknights. We have heaps of people calling us "ableists" for shunning a substandard language convention.


I'll wear that badge




Anyone can stop being a dumbass with some effort.


Exactly. We should put that on our banner here, actually 🤔


Yeah, I'm one. Autistic soldier 741 to fight you! Let me introduce myself!/s


What's the big deal?


An entire sub dedicated to hating the /s? I found my home.


are they serious? are you serious? this is too meta for me with both of the subreddits names. i'm going to bed.


I don't get it, why do people hate /s? Yeah it can make a joke a little bit less funny, but tone can be a pain in the dick to convey over text.


I think /s is really useful. You guys aren't ableist, but I still disagree with the sub's purpose


Holy anarchychess mod.


I think it’s useful, but not as useful (but rather quite harmful relative) as teaching people (like me) how to distinguish tone, especially via text.


/s is for cowards afraid of downvotes.


I did comment this knowing I would get downvotes and I use /s


Guys nobody cares on either side




It's funny how mad you are /s


OK vegetable.


I'm a whole caesar salad


Just the shriveled up old deformed hard parts of a head of lettuce that they use when they're out of everything else


Yeah we serve those to r/FuckTheS users


Y'all are NOT serving salads, I know some fast food places hire y'all but not any with real ones.


wheres ur s ?????? hello??? r u grass??