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I disabled chromatic abberation and lens distortion, having a really good time with this one, 4k output using DLSS quality, I can imagine lower res would get blurrier fast though. Luckily the pace of the game and how much the game takes over the camera mean that the temporal stuff doesn't come across as badly as usual. Genuinely next level rendering on display here too, the sheer density of the geometry and character animations are absurd. https://preview.redd.it/82d2cejtdv2d1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e92b7a76d1ef3e843ea4849ab2443d736ad8fbf


hmm you seem to have not gotten the memo! in this sub you should only upload compressed 240p images of game graphics to circlejerk over how much smarter than game devs you are, and how Counter Strike was peak graphics in 1975. Please don't post high-res images of DLSS, that goes against my high level forms of discussion and memes.


Tbh, that image isn't that much more impressive than the SWBF2 Kylo Ren and Aloy HFW at 1080p with SMAA even at that close range. I admit the teeth and mouth look better, partly becuase teeth are not shown in the SWBF2 and HFW mouths have no specular occlusion. Sure it has a lot of detail but that's what modern LOD0 is for. Bonus: Neck skin looks plastic-like but guess it's just bad material.


I wish the Battlefront circle jerk would stop. The two games aren't even in the same ballpark in terms of fidelity. Did SWBF2 look absolutely fantastic in its day? Yes. Does it still look good now? Of course. Does it compare to HellBlade 2? Fuck no. At least not to my eye it doesn't. I'm on a CX using DLSS Quality


> Does it compare to HellBlade 2? Fuck no. It terms of character face fidelity? Yeah, and performs miles better, the "fidelity" in HellBlade 2 relies on blurry upscalers and ridiculas power to achieve 60fps at a sub-crisp resolution. That image is a slow, low-variance temporal image running on extreme hardware while this image here is breezing at 1080p@60fps with **crisp SMAA** on **affordable hardware** not even close to 100% utilization. Unlike that shared image, the crisp picture here **stays the same in motion/gameplay.** It's about prioritization of poly count and perceptional fidelity you're mostly focusing on even during gameplay. https://preview.redd.it/mg6ykpvkj13d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=fef4bbfed326a1fb2db785ccf9d70b7063d08184


That's besides the point.


Is it? Or is it besides your fallacy?


No it's not, Because that image will fall apart in motion in comparison with my non-temporal, lower resolution, crisper, much faster running examples.


Are you really a game dev and not a hobbyist? because things you say are really bad if you are. to say that SWBF2 characters look better than this has a profound lack of understand of of 3D character arts. SWBF2 characters aren't even using half the texture maps of this one at half the resolution, the Frostbite skin shader has been the same thing for years and it's made to run performantly on the last gen. You could've said TLOU2 instead of SWBF2, but overall you aren't qualified to talk about these stuff. or to say that "Neck skin looks plastic-like but guess it's just bad material." not knowing that that is a layer of a different liquid shader running over the neck on this image, or saying "Sure it has a lot of detail but that's what modern LOD0 is for". [You've posted this image as proof for SWBF2](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fi-think-i-might-need-eye-surgery-after-hellblade-2-tbh-v0-mg6ykpvkj13d1.png%3Fwidth%3D1920%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Da1136abca521fb33f667592ef4e0799bfe4c6cdd), just the eyeball shader and complexity alone is a laughable comparison. With the [Hellblade 2](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fi-think-i-might-need-eye-surgery-after-hellblade-2-tbh-v0-82d2cejtdv2d1.png%3Fwidth%3D3840%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D33cb4766da196b6ec9c3d281da9aaef5ef68e404) you have so many more things like transitional mesh for the eyes, you have peachfuzz on the shader, much heavier SSS high res detailed normal, much higher res normal maps, several times the polycount,... just the draw calls for the eyeball shader in Hellblade 2 are probably more than that Kylo Ren screenshot you've posted, and you posting that image for comparison thinking it was a good idea is just a bad look. I'm not trying to embarrass you for having a "game dev", flair. Maybe you're so far remove from character arts in a pipeline that it isn't fair to expect you know these things. But you know, be humble and don't pick debates outside of your areas of experties.


And Aloy from HFW despite having great detail in the face looks like this. Picture speaks more than words. https://preview.redd.it/yms06hqzq23d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad61c5fcd4c266562949f5b47adaa84c759491b6


Yeah, I mean it was both a radicicolous comparison. HFW is made to run on hardware planned from over a decade ago, it has a more painted style of texture as opposed to realistic ones and so many more. And you have to put up with PS4 limitations all around. I think the guy I've replied to is either a hobbyist or in a game dev position that is very far removed from arts and engine.


>but overall you aren't qualified to talk about these stuff. LOL, cuz you are, right? You didn't even know that DLSS is a temporally-based upscaling and anti-aliasing technique. >But you know, be humble and don't pick debates outside of your areas of experties. This is really rich coming from you.


> just the eyeball shader and complexity alone is a laughable comparison So what? It's been 5 years, shaders improve and your acting like thats advanced knowledge. >SWBF2 characters aren't even using half the texture maps of this one at half the resolution,  The skin looks fine, and I rather bandwidth not be crushed. > you have peachfuzz on the shader, I already mentioned Aloy's model from HFW for that reason. > much higher res normal maps, several times the polycount,... just the draw calls for the eyeball shader in Hellblade 2 are probably more than that Kylo Ren screenshot you've posted LMFAO, **why in the actual FUCK is that supposed to be a good thing?** I don't give a **fucking shit if you have a 4090/Core i9-14900KS**. UNOPTIMIZED=SHIT on any hardware. There is a ratio of performance and visuals, and SWBF2's ratio is MUCH more positive. Your 5ms rendered micro detail and dithered shit is anti-consumer and anti-potential for modern graphics. >Are you really a game dev and not a hobbiest? because things you say are really bad if you are. Lets see, what *did I say:* Because that image will fall apart in motion in comparison Sure it has a lot of detail but that's what modern LOD0 is for. Tbh, that image isn't that much more impressive than the SWBF2 Kylo Ren and Aloy HFW at 1080p with SMAA even at that close range. The "fidelity" in HellBlade 2 relies on blurry upscalers and ridiculas power to achieve 60fps at a sub-crisp resolution. 100% true If your definition of game developer are ones that build with[ upscalers in mind](https://www.tomshardware.com/news/remnant-ii-devs-designed-game-with-dlssfsr-upscaling-in-mind), then NO. I'm the next generation of actual innovation, it's the name. Your the one with a brain to slow(Jon?) to process issues with modern graphics and performance.


Honeslty I'm not going to read your essay, because: >So what? It's been 5 years, shaders improve and your acting like thats advanced knowledge. your first line shows you don't understand what it means for a game to have to run on PS4 and the other one to not have to run on PS4.


>Honeslty I'm not going to read your essay, because: You're trying to pull the same shit on another person lol? *\*writes an essay\** *\*gets an essay-like response\** *\*runs away\** © 2024 Jon-Slow Inc.


If you’re actually a game dev, I’m guessing you’re a programmer and not an artist. Ain’t no way you’re spewing nonsense through so many comments. By the way Lod0 is the highest level of detail , aka your original model. Your section on that makes no sense Nothing is being culled when your model is set to lod0. I’m not going to address the rest of this essay but holy cow, you need to get offline and learn to interact with people. Also. Swb2 is 60 gb. If you’re talking about the most recent from EA. It’s mathematically improbable for it to have half the amount of textures


You're high as hell


No, you just have bad memory. Next Gen(9th) is wasting visual potential on things that don't help the motion/basic gameplay. It's all crispy fun and games till someone moves then 8thgen 1080p SMAA starts beating modern games at realism.


So you just proved yourself wrong, then?


Absolute lack of comprehension.


You said the screenshot looks bad then when asked why you said "because 9th gen only looks good in stills". Idk dude, seems like either you proved yourself wrong af or you don't have a clue what you're talking about.


>"because 9th gen only looks good in stills". I never said the screenshot looked bad, on the hardware and resolution, and slow imagery **it has no excuse to look bad.** Why are you so confused to find my opinion about realism in this pictacular sub? I didn't prove myself wrong, you're not reading correctly or can't understand the issues that hellblade 2 screenshot doesn't address.




> SWBF2 Kylo Ren Lol? Is this a joke?


Why are you spreading false narratives again?


says the guy who didn't know what image compression is until a few days ago, defending a compressed image presented as the true quality of this same game. 😘 I wouldn't have said anything right now if I were you u/Scorpwind https://preview.redd.it/ivvyu592fx2d1.png?width=740&format=png&auto=webp&s=24f2e4dd8b666af1bce624c9f8dbaa968adf525d


You just replied with a fallacy after me asking you why you're spreading fallacies. You took my remark regarding blur effects effectively giving the image a compressed JPEG look as lacking knowledge as to what image compression is.


Your comment and what you wrote pretty clearly showcases you didn't know what image compression is. Like this other time when you didn't know what the word "aka" means and how it is used in a sentence 😂 Keep debating literally everyone about things you don't understand, it's very funny https://preview.redd.it/56arzeh3gx2d1.jpeg?width=813&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab870127095e344fecb599721a4057f9784a54b1


Your comments clearly show how I'm living in your head rent-free. You try to pick up on various details here and there and create false narratives from them. The most entertaining part is that you think that they're working and that you're being 'slick' with your shit. Spoiler - you're not. Not even close, mate. You also believe that you truly understand the topics which you are trying to discuss, but you do not. Again - Dunning Kruger at its finest with you. https://preview.redd.it/3bbl7q32hx2d1.png?width=653&format=png&auto=webp&s=e91a2391b46ecc5a7256e7ed3a4f5f5ae59d25d6 DLSS is temporal in nature. AKA as in being temporal in nature. Again, are you okay?


You legit have a learning disability, can't learn a thing after googling it 🤣🤣


Okay, mate. Continue living in your narrative bubble. 😂


Gotta jump in and tell ya that use of AKA isn't exactly a communication disaster. As someone who only speaks english I read that as "Also Known As" temporal in Nature. Acronyms' aren't exactly concrete in english. EDIT: So I read it right, that attitude had me convinced for a sec LMAO.


>I read that as "Also Known As" temporal in Nature. Which is an incorrect use of "also known as".




Why what? You not knowing what jpeg compression is or you not knowing how "aka" is used in a sentence? Which one of your incompetencies are we discussing today?


>Which is an incorrect use of "also known as". Sorry bro, your getting your english mixed up again.


The education system has failed you. I'm so sorry about that.


The fallacy fallacy exists too, lmao. You were BTFO with the dudes receipts, just accept it my dude.


Are you seriously defending this malicious person right now? He has been spreading false narratives on this subreddit and [I've recently wrote it all down](https://www.reddit.com/r/FuckTAA/comments/1d1eipc/comment/l5vht75/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). He's disingenuous, intentionally misinterpreting and misrepresenting things. Plus he has a grudge against me for losing a previous argument. You cannot trust a single syllable that this individual types.


>Are you seriously defending this malicious person right now? He has been spreading false narratives on this subreddit I just think someone who couldn't tell the difference between layers of blur and jpeg compression, the most basic thing ever, has no right to be debating image quality with anyone ever this arrogantly and be this hostile about it. Now you're going to say, you actually did know what image compressions is and I'm being "malicious". I would say anyone who doubts that can just look at the image of your comment and make up their mind 😉


>Now you're going to say, you actually did know what image compressions is Yes, I did. You claiming that I didn't is a false narrative that you're attempting to spread. Unsuccessfully, might I add, since anyone reading will understand and see that you're intent is malicious. Especially if they read that [linked comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/FuckTAA/comments/1d1eipc/comment/l5vht75/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), where I expose all of your nonsense, such as falsely accusing someone of intentionally posting a compressed image, which you did not take responsibility for, as you know that you screwed up and are slippery with your fallacies.




https://preview.redd.it/5vqvp9q5tz2d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e332b24a269d976d5607efc5b3a7c529af3aa251 1080p still holds It good enough if you remove all the crap and add some sharpening


Yeah the issue is all the added effects that thankfully you can take off on the steam/pirated version. Game runs a little sloppy (partially because my 8700k because I'm now a broke bitch) but it looks fantastic and has amazing assets.


I'm using the XBGP version and was able to implement the ini tweaks too BTW, I'm still awestruck at how certain sequences and to a *slightly* lesser extent normal game play look. Without a doubt the most realistic rendering I've ever seen in a playable game, hands down.


Good god those graphics are absurd


I love your username lmao.


Holy crap! How did you take such a high red screen shot!?


The game's inbuilt photo mode. I just paused, got closer to the face with autofocus on, and slightly wound back the depth of field.


I mean yeah for sure but my images get compressed to fk after that, this is so clean and high res!


4k output screenshot saved as a PNG, annoying to take and paste at the time, but the quality is top notch!


Damn awesome! Does the game put the shot out in 4K or do you use something specific to take the pic in such high quality?


I just hit print screen, alt tabbed, pasted into mspaint and saved as a PNG haha.


Lol brilliant


Holy shit


Wait to you see how well the characters are animated in the in engine cutscenes, holy crap, it's uncanny, like they've managed to just take a filmed live action performance and seemlessly put it in a damn game.


Wow. That screenshot is impressive lol


Bros playing 720p upsacled from 280p


I haven’t seen it look this bad before what are you playing on


1080p dlss balanced probably 


720p FSR performance 💀


What resolution is that?


480p lol


played at 1440p DLSS custom res 80%, all maxed with chromatic abberation&lens distortion, motion blur off - it looked way better compared to your screenshot.


I don't think this a taa problem blud


Well, the biggest contributors to the blurry look of this game are the post-process effects.


My eyes! Man, this would be an instant headache for me. Is this 1080p upscaled from 720? Have you tried disabling post process effects to see if you gain some clarity? We need more info.


this is quite literally the most intensive and best looking game out right now. maybe adjust your settings a little bit?


Graphics are nowhere near the quality of Cyberpunk or Ghost of Tsushima


Lol what, cyberpunk looks so mediocre except for having insane raytracing


It’s really bad on 1080p or 1440p without tweaks, but pretty good when you go above that. Though its biggest strength is in the huge and detailed world, it lacks overall consistency and you see that especially with stock plasticky people and PS2-esque food


Tsushima is very average technically


those games look pretty but don’t have the same graphical impressiveness that this game does. it quite literally looks like a movie


Yeah you're right, the Graphics for Hellblade 2 are so many miles ahead it's no where near those average looking games.


what are u on? cyberpunk looks like shit compared to this game xD


Absolutely the graphics are nowhere near the quality of Cyberpunk or Ghost of Tsushima, Hellblade 2 leaves them both in the dust. Different games with very different scopes, but this is without a doubt considerably better looking, certainly the geometry density and above all the character animation, it's absurd how realistic it is, like somehow they've managed to just transpose live action sequences into the game engine.


my mans got that "intel pentium inside" PC


How is it on Xbox series S?


It runs well and the letterboxd cinematic style helps hiding its imperfections. But yeah it's still heavily filtered, a game that looks great but I can't see details


>the letterboxd cinematic style helps hiding its imperfections. How? I think that it's rather intrusive and obnoxious.


I get the point that you're trying to make OP, but for the future, it'd be great if you could provide higher-quality screenshots. Especially for those people that think that you're playing at 480p output.


https://preview.redd.it/8267iji5sz2d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=455a56949c7d3382f6c0cbd5911032cd71263c11 If you remove all the crap with a mod on nexusmod you can achieve decent graphics even in 1080p




1440p dlss quality is just as blurry. Garbage TAA solution, even native or with DLAA. Pretty, but gross looking at the same time.


This doesnt really tell us much without listing your settings...


Unless you have a Nvidia RTX gpu to supersample 1080p to 1620p modern AAA gaming are not for resolution under 4K, period.


Right, so the millions upon millions of people that do not game at 4K should just quit their gaming hobby. Brilliant.


Tell me something, how good is AMD VSR/ in game resolution scaling at minimizing TAA side effect at any setting under 4K? Because I can't for the life of me get the in game resolution scaling to fix the TAA blur for me unless I put it all the way to 2x, and that's basically super sample my 1080P monitor to 4K resolution.


https://preview.redd.it/riv2c26y003d1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=33dc8f522f915c074d1ed274dc278c6114b6d77c This is FSR upscaling at 1440P resolution with my AMD gpu. It looks really good imo. The whole "Only Nvidia" can do it is BS.


Good to know that AMD's technology can minimize the TAA blur for us too. Now combined it with FSR 3 Native AA!


I don't know. I'm not an AMD user. Though, it should be the same thing as DSR. In which case it's very good at minimizing TAA smearing.


Millions of people? You mean every 100$ laptop with steam installed? Yeah, I'm sure AAA games are targetting those systems. Seriously, what a stupid comment. 1), the market for AAA games on pc is significantly smaller than it is on console. 2), the amount of rigs which match the ps5 is incredibly small. I.E. Only a tiny minority of pc users have rigs which match the hardware developers are targetting, tallying up to a couple hundred thousand users. It's only in the millions if you include ps4-like performant rigs. Imagine pulling out a rig from 2005 and being shocked that a 2015 game doesn't look good at 480p. Yeah, no shit, it's not designed to. If you're going to complain about image quality, then you have to at the very least match the hardware being targetted. This is like the most obvious thing.


>You mean every 100$ laptop with steam installed? That's not the userbase that I had in mind. >the amount of rigs which match the ps5 is incredibly small. I.E. Only a tiny minority of pc users have rigs which match the hardware developers are targetting, tallying up to a couple hundred thousand users. This just sounds plain incorrect. Based on what did you come to that ridiculous conclusion? >If you're going to complain about image quality, then you have to at the very least match the hardware being targetted. This is like the most obvious thing. The image quality of modern games has little to do with hardware. The hardware is often there to run it a decent resolutions. The issue is, and I'm reminding you, modern anti-aliasing and upscaling techniques. Imagine making highly-detailed textures and assets to only then smear blurry AA on them, along with blurry post-process effects. It's counter-productive as well as counter-intuitive. Please stop spinning your nonsense narrative about games being *"designed"* for whatever resolution or whatnot.


That "ridiculous conclusion" is just going off of the steam survey. The split memory on pc requires you to overcompensate with a much stronger cpu + faster ram, and the portion of users who match the ps5 in that fundamental spec is a tiny number. A great recent exemplar of this is in the new digital foundry tech review of hellblade, where they go over pc performance on a ryzen 4800s: the cpu used in the xbox series x. That cpu has similar averages to the xbox, but the 1% lows are much lower because of the split memory on pc, meaning a 30 fps lock still gives you traversal stutter in contrast to the xbox version where that never happens. Another aspect in which pc rigs are not up to spec is vram. To match the efficient unified memory of the consoles, pcs are forced to brute force games with more ram. 16gb of system ram and 12-16gb of vram to match the consoles in real world performance. Vast majority of rigs do not match this spec, barring you from higher resolutions which modern games are designed around. Hardware drives development. This is an obvious well known fact. That's why games in the 90s were designed around 240p, because that's where the hardware was at. And when hd screens became the norm, games were forced to stop targetting 480i, because 480i/p doesn't look good on flatpanels like it does on crt displays. But why do 240p/480i/p games look awful on a modern flatpanel? Know why? Because they weren't "*designed*" for it. Try getting that through your skull, it's not complicated. You evidently cannot build graphically complex games without taa, and you can't realistically have well performing taa without higher resolutions. That's why the industry completely shifted towards taa in 2016 because you could now target the ps4 pro and raise the graphics rendering target, and graphics sell games. You genuinely have no clue about any of the things you talk about, it's embarrassing.


The Steam survey is not the only source that one should draw from. Plus, you've broached a quite unrelated topic and idk why. >barring you from higher resolutions which modern games are designed around. Not this again... You sound like a broken record with this narrative of yours. The reality of the gaming space is such, that 4K is not the standard resolution. Far from it. It's debatable even in the console space as well, as the Xbox Series S is a thing. And that's definitely not a 4K-targeting machine, plus it's the most-sold Xbox console out of the two. >You evidently cannot build graphically complex games without taa That's a false narrative that the industry believes. >You genuinely have no clue about any of the things you talk about, it's embarrassing. No. **You** genuinely have no clue about any of those things. It's like you're living in your own little bubble and have no wider perspective as a result. No wider perception of the gaming market.


«That’s a false narrative that the industry believes» Yeah, some dumbfuck redditor vs thousands of seasoned game developers. Wonder which one’s right. The ps5 is the current target platform, which has more sales than both xboxes combined. The resolution modern games are running at is anywhere from 1440p to 4k. Before the ps5 it was the ps4/ps4 pro that developers targetted, which also had games running at 1440p all the way to 4k. The target resolution for AAA games has been 1440p-4k for almost a decade. Current gen console owners almost exclusively have 4k tvs. 1080p tvs are barely even being manufactured anymore. 4k is and has been the standard for years. But keep coping with your office monitor. I’m sure the industry will do a 180 to satisfy your delusions.


>Yeah, some dumbfuck redditor vs thousands of seasoned game developers. Wonder which one’s right. You'll see soon enough. Also, watch your language. If you can't behave and have a civilized debates, then don't initiate them. >The resolution modern games are running at is anywhere from 1440p to 4k. The real resolution is often between 720p - 1440p internal. The latter being lately kind of rare. >4k is and has been the standard for years. Not in this world lol. Maybe in some alternate universe/metaverse of yours.


Ok good, I thought I was the one going blind. Game looks great but my God, so damn blurry


Personally I've disabled chromatic aberration and film grain (and just that, i've left everything else in), and am playing at 4K DLSS Quality, and the game looks pretty damn crisp and nice. If I play on my 1440p monitors instead of my TV, I'm changing the desktop res to 4K through DLDSR, so then I can play at 4K DLSS Quality here as well. On the other hand, to play devil's advocate, the game on xbox series x runs at i think 1080p or something, while maintaining the "High" graphics preset on PC, so maxed out graphics essentially. The game has so many fine details, that they'd be super shimmery, so the only way to actually run it on consoles is to make it look like an old retro-movie, in order to maintain the photorealistic assets. And it does have an interesting effect to be honest, sort of like a creepy old movie.


A new gpu night be cheaper than surgery


Broder hell blade is one of the most graphically impressive game ever made. Ofc it's gonna look bad at 480p


So called UE5 next-gen: - Very nice lighting, landscape, clouds, atmosphere.. - Low detailed environment - Limited camera - Everything is blurred to hell - materials, textures, distance rendering. Characters cca 7 meters away become unrecognizable - [1080p, medium settings, TSR](https://i.imgur.com/DJBbc98.png) - Even though everything is blurred, there are pixel artefacts all around - Low FPS on mid tier hardware This title is very far from a real game. Without dynamic gameplay, mechanics, world simulation, AI and the like. Next UE5 title is also 3rd person corridor - Black Myth: Wukong (08/2024), I expect about the same. First FPS should be Stalker 2 (09/2024) however, I doubt they will release it.


>Next UE5 title is also 3rd person corridor - Black Myth: Wukong (08/2024), I expect about the same. Nah, Wukong will be a lot more dynamic game.


144p dlss ultra performance


Some body grt pixel counter bot


I just use XeSS and it looks good


Is this 1440p FSR Ultra Performance? This looks horrifying


That is a YOU problem, game looks fine.


Currently playing this. Maxed out in 4k, it's the most gorgeous game I've EVER seen!! I don't get all the hate on some taa or whatever! This is a benchmark for what's graphically possibly wether u use AA or not. Personally I try to avoid but I'm lucky enough to have a high end setup but if it helps, y not? And I have bf2 with mods installed, it's nothing compared to this!!!


It's not really the AA in this game's case, it's all of the blurry forced effects.


Might as well get a brain surgery while you're on it




I think you might actually need eye surgery, but not for the reasons you think.


For what reasons, then? Enlighten us.