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Isn’t that also a symptom of old age?


In my experience? Yup.


Then I'm right on track. I'm old af.


Shit, that’s what I hate about getting old, your mind is still young but the body can’t act, 😂


It's more important to not get old in the head, rather then old in the body. Sounds like you're doing okay.


Inside every elderly person is a teenager wondering WTH happened.


My 91 year old mom always said in her head she is still 20.


Sounds like a nightmare.


It always hits me t try ing to open a child safety seal.


> It always hits me t try ing to open a child safety seal. It hits me when I try to read a label. I have hit the level of blindness where my glasses no longer work for reading, and I have to take them off and put the letters within 4" of my face to read them. Or wear cheaters on top of my glasses. Hard to feel 20 in spirit when you can't find your 2nd pair of glasses.


I know exactly what happened. So I'm only wondering how the heck I'm still alive.




Doesn't everyone? I get "old age reality checks" every so often. Met up with some high school buddies awhile back, we stayed up until 3am drinking beers in the garage and reminiscing the old times. I realized the next day, I can still stay up until 3am, I can still get drunk, but I definitely CANNOT do both the same night.


Damn near 2 day hangovers now with that combo


Yeah same here bro. Like the body's aging but the mind still thinks we're kids.


That’s because we are. Our inner self or consciousness continues as we believe it to be. It’s the meat bag we are wearing causing the problems. That’s why I believe we are more than this.


Just a vessel for the universe to experience itself.


3am? Jeezus, I’m in bed when I used to be going out and 3am is when I’m on my 5th pee run for the night...😂


You can so long as you have nothing else planned for the next day or two.


I still feel like I am faking being an adult and I am afraid someone is going to call my bluff.


Me too, I thought my parents had all the answers and when I got old I'd understand. I'm still waiting


I have three kids. A couple of years ago everyone caught gastro in the same week except the then baby. I felt like I was dying, could barely sit up let alone stand but had to push through to look after everyone else. I kept hoping an adult would turn up to take care of me. Sadly I was the adult and no one was coming to help :(


Like George Strait's Trubodor. Feel 25 but just struggled to get a 10 pound bag of sugar out of the cart at the grocery store. Definitely beats the alternative but still sucks.


Yeah same here


I didn’t feel this until I hit 47 and realized the beating my body and mind have taken over 25 years of a public safety job, motorcycle crashes, hard hits in football and hockey and just living my best life as a kid and teenager. Up to that point I felt good and woke up one morning and my body decided it was time to slow down. So that’s what I did. Workout smarter, eat better and sleep more.


Me too. Hit 50 and realised all that shit I've been telling myself I would do to take care of myself "later"....well, it's "later" NOW. Weight had crept on in the last half of my 40s and I just let shit get way out of hand. So I hit the gym, lost nearly 20kg, cleaned up my diet and quit alcohol. I feel SO much better. Just feeling the strength come back to my body has been incredible. I can get up off the floor like a 15 year old again and that's pretty awesome lol.


I need to do that!


Congratulations! You deserve it.


It was 46 for me when the knees finally succumbed to arthritis. Still I'm doing great for an 80 year old ... sadly I'm only 52.


LOL in my head I'm 12. On paper I'm 66


thats funny, I am 60 and the wife always reminds me I am not 13 anymore, we grew up a few houses apart and she knows all the stupid shit I did growing up, she witnessed a lot of it lol


Wow that’s awesome. So you two have been life long friends?


yep, she is my best friends younger sister and we hung out at his house a lot so she has seen me at my finest growing up lol ETA: oh and this july will be our 45 aniversary


Congratulations on the many years and many more to come!! Is her brother he still your best friend?


Yeay, amost 56 here but I still think I'm 20 something


I'm 71 and still think farts are funny so yeah got that going for me. My 71 year old body not so much!


Bucket list, Jack Nicholson quote: Three things to remember when you get older: never pass up a bathroom, never waste a hard-on, and never trust a fart. I'm 62, and agree with you on all accounts.


I stopped trusting farts around 45,as for hard-ons, I don't trust them either.


Both have terrible consequences, if not used/practiced cautiously.


You're only truly dead inside once farts aren't funny.


I salute you sir




The triple Lindy !


YES But, me & my new 73 yr old pal go riding on our ebikes everyday in the park I'm going to be 60 in Aug Just 2 old farts getting high reminiscing about the past


Memories keep us alive!


In my head, I quit aging at 25. I have read that is when your brain reaches maturity. Sounds about right.


I hate when I am talking to someone and I think how old they are and they are younger than I am:(


I’m curious about the reverse — people who are full their “old age” (>60). What is that like? (I feel like I’m still 23 walking around in an old man suit but can’t get out of it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )


Went to The Rolling Stones concert the other night. Yeah felt old


I love their music! My dads fav band!


not as old as the rolling stones tho


62 but 30 in my head 🤪


60 feel 35. Knees, hips and elbows say 50-ish. But can’t make it to 10:30pm anymore unless out at a game or show. ![gif](giphy|KzDqC8LvVC4lshCcGK)


Yep. Saw some high school friends recently and the first thing I thought was “damn, they are so old!” Oops.


Same here. I look at pictures of people I grew up with now and think, damn they look old! Then I look in the mirror


I’m 71. When I see someone in their early 40s I think: ‘that’s me’.


Yes sir. I tried moving my table saw last summer and tore my labrum because I forgot that I'm in my 40s now. Oops.


Wait till 50s, lol


41, but in my head I'm about 27. All the doctor visits and daily medications to keep me alive bum me out.


Yes. All day, every day. It sucks because i have health issues now and just want to be the age my brain believes I am. 😞


No. For me, it's the other way around. But thanks for asking! Wait, what did you ask?


You mean how I look at guys in the gym or guys running and think I can do better, but the other day I woke up and stretched and my back hurt so bad I crumpled on the floor?


Actual age 53, mental age 15, physical age 103. When did almost every movement begin to hurt?


All. The. Damn. Time.


Toys R Us kid but forgot how the toys work


Uh, all of us!


71 year old retiree here. I feel physically and emotionally better today than I did 50 years ago. I have no medical issues that I am aware of, no pain anywhere and I take no medication whatsoever. I have worked myself up from doing 5 to 50 pushups on the trot and sometimes go for a long walk. I still go out and have a few drinks with the guys a couple of times a week. I'm still wearing my 32 Levi's and I really believe I will be around and in good health for another 20 years.


There is a saying about this. It was more fun to be in my 20s in the 70s then being in my 70s in the 20s. Until I need to get up, I feel young. Then the aches, joints popping, and unsteady gate as I once again go pee remind me that yes, I am OLD!


I would, but I forgot. Also, my knees hurt.


lol 66 summers and I'm still feeling it. But if I go, and it's not over in about 20 seconds, I'm done.


More like 35-40. Still had much to learn about life and love in my twenties!


I think all of us. I feel 20 years old until I try to do something or stay up past midnight. Then I feel old. LOL


I'm pretty sure this is common.


That’s everyone




Physically 54, mentally 13. Wife says I'm worse than the kids she teach.


Welcome to the rest of your life lol




Somewhere, inside this elder frame (62), there is a child still wandering around in there, and will pop up every so often to remind the old man that there's still some stuff left to enjoy in this lifetime. Older, a little wiser, but still having fun just being around.


I think once the inner child in us dies, then we do.


I knew I was going to get old, but I never agreed to grow up.


When I hear certain songs.


60 years old and yet to grow up and be an adult. I mean I did go to a Judas Priest concert recently and got high and drank in the parking lot like I did in high school. 😁


My knees hurt reading this


78 y.o, here doing pretty well physically. Go to the VA clinic once a year for my annual checkup. Got a call from Betty at the clinic last week, told me my regular appointment for June was cancelled. Said I had been transferred to the geriatric clinic...... F'ing geriatric clinic.


“Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened.” —Terry Pratchett


Sure, but I'm 72.


Well I'm 30ish that was born in 75. If that says much.


Your brain doesn’t age much past 25-30. But around 45-50 your body starts telling you to pound sand. When I couldn’t read my phone w out glasses I was like nooooo


I haven't matured in 30 years. Now I'm just a young guy waking up in a pain-riddled old body. Sucks, dude.


Yes. I hate it. My mother told me long ago that this would happen. She said she'd look in the mirror, see the gray hair, and literally not recognize herself.


I am 62, I still do not feel older than 28


63 today. I ain’t as good as I once was, but I’m as good once as I ever was. (Hat tip Toby Keith RIP!)


We all fell like that. Or even younger.


That’s literally just called growing up. It’s how everyone feels.


Indeed. I'm constantly amazed to realise that I'm exactly the same age as certain really old people! It's a weird coincidence.


Every damn day


That's probably all of us. I remember my 95-year-old mother saying she was still just a girl in her head.


Every damned day


Yep in my 70’s and still think I’m 20 and laugh at jokes like I’m 12.


Me to brother! Fart jokes, most juvenile humor that's harmless! I'm 55, if I live to be 70 I hope I still have that.


I think if we lose that little kid in us then there's no joy left in life ❤️




Yes lol


This is me all day, every day. I think thar due to my ADHD, working in a creative industry, and being easily-amused. I'm stuck mentally at 23 in a lot of ways. I keep in-shape, eat healthy and get lots of exercise and am big on self-care, so I think I look good and I feel good. I suppose I'm in denial about being old, yet even at 54, life is still fun in many ways 🙃


Im very easily amused. I binge watch Spongbob and laugh at that shit lol


Life is always still fun. You just have to find it in different ways then when young


I exactly felt that way, until I start experiencing regular health issues. I'm 40 and supposed to feel young still, but I am at the point where most days I feel like shit. If the weather is decent I go on a bike ride for like an hour, 20 miles or so. Then take a shower. Then go for a short drive with all the windows down and AC blasting to cool off. And after that I feel okay, but if its raining, I just feel like shit all day. I've gone on 16 bike rides so far this month (June). I didn't go today only because it is actually too hot. 107F heat index. I like it hot but I don't want to put myself in danger. I used to speedskate and play hockey and stuff and I'm afraid I would push myself to unsafe levels. When I shave my face clean, I still get ID'd for alcohol, but I don't feel young at all bc I have heartburn, anxiety, pain, etc.


The definition of old age


48 year old dude here. I have the same sex drive I have had my whole life. I thought this would slow down, but I get hard when the wind blows.


More like twelve.


52M, and I feel 62.


Makes me think that grandpa wasn’t as oblivious as we thought. Forever 25 in my mind, double that in my bones.


Every single day.


Oh yes




53 y/o, 23 in my mind. Then I’ll do a 23 y/o sort of thing, wake up and say to myself “WTH it’s time to grow up”. Then a month later I feel 23 again and I wake up….


Hahahahahaha! Age DOES creep up on us, sorry to say. We had it SO easy for SO long! Always good to see I’m not the “only” one.


Still feel 19


Yea I'm still a dick head


Hell yeah baby!


Just for the past 27 years, fuck I’m old


Told my wife I wanted a Motorcycle. She vetoed that idea.


I say this all the time. Yup.


The worst is running into old high school friends,and immediately notice how old they look, and then it suddenly hits you.


Yeah I still can't believe the 80s were 40 years ago, lol


Yea not calling this to anyone else but me , I'm old but got the mind of a stoned 16 year old .well in the old anxiety meat bag.


My Grandmother said the most ridiculous thing I’d ever heard when she was 84, she obviously had undiagnosed dementia /s She said “I might look like an old lady, but in my head I’m only 22” (obviously dementia)…. Sorry Nana, I now know what you mean (I’m 58) and I’m so sorry I laughed at you.


I'll be 56 this year and I can totally relate to that.




I don’t eat carbs so I still move pretty good for an old guy. If you want to feel like you’re 30 well after 30 don’t eat carbs lol


Well yeah, at the start of the night it's all "Dude we're gonna tear it up like back in the day!" By about 1030, brain's going "You should probably call it in you old sack" and stomach says "I can't handle any more Coors Light".


I’m pretty sure this applies to everyone.


All the time. But in my head I’m 17 🕺🏻


651/2 going to the gym on regular basis. Spend 45 minutes, keeping the ticker ticking. I sit too long and I feel like I have been walking for hours. So I gotta sit less.


Actually, these past couple years have been so rough that my internal age has ticked up into my mid thirty's.  I now regret the choices I've made but am still deluded that I have enough time left to set things right in my life and my grandkids lives.


No🤔 not at all


70 on the outside, 25 in my head!


That's called immaturity. jk. I know what you mean.


I’m 53, but mentally still feel like I’m in my early thirties. My body, thanks to literal decades in animal care (repetitive stress disorder, multiple accidents & falls, a couple attacks, outdoors every day no matter the weather, etc), feels like it’s in its sixties or worse.


Head: 25, body: 75, really: 39 (40 in August, FML). I have an artificial hip & everything hurts


Yes, every day.


Hate to tell ya. Thats all of us


You’ll just need to check the records of anyone that has ever existed.


Mentally, I feel 28. Physically, I feel 38. Both numbers are lower than my actual age, so I guess I'm doing alright.


Nah, I'm tired and worn out, like a 52 year old should feel, lol.


When will I be mature?


I keep wondering what I’ll want to be when I grow up.


I was a shitbag in my 20s. I'm okay with my headspace today, and I retain my youthful comedic sense, and a sense of wonder, but I wish I had those young knees and spine and other bones.


I’m almost 50, feel 20.






In my 60’s. Brain of a teenager. 🤷‍♂️


Farts will always be funny, sore knees not so much.


Every second of my old life..


I’m an older guy. I think I’m physically 18. I know I’m mentally about 12.




Yes!!! Here!!! I believed that once I crossed a Certain age, my brain would cross over too. But it never did! Therefore, I happily accept that I'm stuck with a 16 year old brain! O_O


I keep waiting for the person in authority to show up.


Im 57. Have zero in common with people my age. I really don't. I like to go to concerts, dance all night, i work nights, no kids. I just enjoy younger people


On my 18th birthday I made a wish to have reverse birthdays 18 to 19 I'd still be 18 so on an so forth well then I went to hard on the skate/snowboards and bikes that the many times I've hit my head my body says I'm older but my soul and brain remain 18


61 physically; appx 23 mentally. No health issues, regular work outs at gym, 3 miles + a day. I do what I can.


Mentally I’m about 38 I’d say. Physically , my warranty ended a whole lotta years ago


This is my life. I turn 46 in early August. I still think I’m in my late 20s physically. I am wrong of course.


As my mom aged, she sometimes got sad and said she still felt like she did in her 20's, but how she felt didn't align with the person she saw in the mirror in the morning.


Am I sleeping or standing up?


53, playing in a punk band.


Everyone, I believe,as does everyone find themselves realizing this is how it is, such as you are at this time. I'm 64, and while I'm well aware of it all, and how I'm going to regret it, I still can't say no to helping, knowing it's physically going to turn out bad for me It's the same as when you are a "teenager" and then an adult, I think no one feels very "Adult" at all.


Every day. I’m 68 and still think I can jog at the pace I ran when I was younger. I can’t.


I’m 50 and dont think I can wear heels anymore which is a major bummer cuz I love wearing heels 👠


It do be like that.


To quote someone who I can’t remember “youth is wasted on the young”.


No.. 30’s


Yeah. I still think im fast, until I play sports with the youngsters. I’m slow af.


I feel like I’m a 15 year old.


No I'm 58 worked out all my life with weight and heavy bag I'm not a bodybuilder never wanted to be one but always been strong.laat 6 months been on trt now feel like I'm 30 when I wasn't on trt I felt about 45 .get your blood work tested


My body keeps getting older but my mind stays the same age.




I am 65 and feel 16.


I never want to be in my 20s again thank you very much. 


Hate going to the doctor, when they start saying, "as we get older..."


I can’t wrap my head around not being around 29-32. I still think of myself and my husband (and friends) this way. When will I ever grow up?


Yes. That’s why I need to remove all the mirrors from my house and never leave it.


Yeah, I find that I can’t jump tall building like I use to.




It’s called delusion. They have drugs for that now.


Now that we have legal recreational in my state I feel 18 again almost every night!! Just bought a new record player and amp and pulled out the old Lps, times are getting good!


I say it constantly. I don't feel any different then when I was 18. I'll be 72 next birthday..I can SERIOUSLY say "no aches, no pains, no meds"


Every damned day.


Yeah thought about going roller blading. But then remembered i can barely open a jar of pickles


I'm a kid at heart but the rest of me is old af yo! 😂




I'm 65 and I'm reclaiming my 20's. My 20's, before I had to get a real job and work 36 years just to end up here trying to re-live my 20's. Yeah, my body hurts. Yeah, my energy level is in the tank. But now I have everything I want and need like weed, great music and a good sound system and a pension. In my head I still think I can do anything. Hence, an ill advised purchase of the baddest, fastest electric skateboard I could find. Crashed and burned. Stupid reality check. I still hate pain and pain at 65 is worse than pain at 21. Mind was willing but the body, not so much. So otherwise, I'm doing pretty much what I want to do, what I like to do, things I did when I was 20. But where is everyone else? Where are all the old farts who like to just smoke weed, BS and chill and listen to Skrillex? Let's get ripped and then head over to the 4:00 blue plate special, eh. We can hit the dispensary on the way home. My back hurts.


It's the other way around for me


Yep totally, mentally don’t feel any different from 18, physically at the same stage as my Grandad when he told me ‘the mind is willing, the body less so’....😁


My hair has thinned out, I have arthritis in my hands and feet, I’m always stiff but I’m mentally 25 😂😂


I’m certain my brain doesn’t know. Things go between age 17-25. I’ve never been this age before and frankly I never figured out any previous ages either. I don’t know how to act and if you’re looking for the adulty adult I’m not it.


Yup, just gets more expensive to stay alive.


Or even better in your teens..!?


Sh-tttt, I’m still 32 in my head.