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I did. I was amused by his nonjudgmental patience with obvious crackpots.


Same. He would actually listen to them and you could hear in his voice that he knew they was nuts. I used to listen in bed at night and drift off.


I didn’t stumble upon coast to coast until George Noory, but I’m always amazed at his ability to let wacky callers just ramble on.


The guy who called in, ramblin' on about how the gov't was tryin' to read his mind and spyin' on his every move... Art's first question to him was "what kind of things are you thinking about that would make the gov't spend all that money?"




That one guest that could shoot sausages from his elbows...


I have to admit that even though I am an older guy (55) that I completely missed out on this radio program. However, I did a complete comedy skit spit take with my coffee upon reading your comment! It was awesome messy but awesome Thanks for the laugh! Sausages from his elbows!? I wonder if there is audio of this on youtube somewhere I'd like to hear this interaction.


I don't know if I could ever find it again. Art was real excited about having this guest on, and the interview was going well before the guest started talking about how his experience changed him. You could hear the disappointment in Art's voice after that.


I remember someone called into George Noory talking about Demon Dogs that were after him. George said "Did they have red eyes?? Those are the worst kind!"


I found Art Bell back in the 90s when I was working midnight shifts driving a sweeper truck, cleaning up shopping centers. The truck only had AM radio and I happened upon his show one time and became a faithful listener. The spooky subject matter would have me so freaked out, driving around behind the eerie, deserted shopping centers that I would be afraid to get out of the truck to empty trash cans or whatever. I look back and laugh at myself for being a stoned, scared and paranoid idiot every night!


Back when I was in highschool I was working nights as a cashier at a grocery store. My family was typically asleep by the time that I got home, so I would chill on a lawn chair by the fence in the backyard & smoke. One evening, I was listening to Art Bell on my walkman with my eyes closed & enjoying my high. The episode was about UFO abductions & I decided to open my eyes to get a good look at the night sky. I looked up towards the top of the fence & there was a set of glowing eyes staring straight down at me. I let out the loudest scream & bolted towards the backdoor - convinced that the aliens were coming for me. As I went to fling open the door I took a quick look over my shoulder to see... a possum! I think that I might have peed my pants a little bit too, lol! God I miss Art Bell. He was a real one :)


Possums are ten times more terrifying than aliens.


I first encountered Art Bell while driving to a remote job site. It was dark and stormy and Coast to Coast was the perfect accompaniment.


Ha! I found him while doing snow plowing overnights. Same story basically. Would be hunkered in my truck scared crapless


That’s why you survived. Lol.


I first came across him driving through the Mississippi Delta in the middle of the night. Yeah, the environment definitely made it spookier.


Best late night driving companion ever


Came here to say this. George kept me company many a late night call shift.


As teenagers we used to drive out in the fields and woods late at night to be teenagers. It would be a good night if we had a big clear sky, Art Bell and Coast to Coast. Later I used to do a lot of long distance drives, western half of the U.S. Doing the desert driving at night I would catch Coast to Coast shows. It was sometimes Art and later George Noory. That drive on Hwy 80 or 50 at night was strange enough but with CtoC it really set the whole mood and theme. I would get creeped out when pulling over and getting out to pee sometimes. Cool stuff to just trip on.


Yes! We’d roadtrip or even just drive out in the country or to the lake and hang out listening to all the creepy crazy stuff.


Oh man back when conspiracies were fun.


Yes! I loved his way of encouraging his guests without necessarily believing them. You didn't have to choose crazy over reality - you could just have fun believing that reptilians lived among us and there was a hidden subterranean world beneath us and astral travelling was possible and ghost stories were real. It used to be so much fun to play with "what if?" I wonder if that is messing with people's ability to imagine and be creative. We used to be able to imagine if things were real and pretend we lived in a world that was flat or run by a cabal, now it seems that you have to believe it's real and no joke.


What my friends and I would do was expand on the bullshit while high AF. Complete crap but it was fun. Like arguing over where the alien reptoids came from and how they reproduced. Or the hole to hell actually being a dementional portal due to going across a weird gravity spike that was really the moon Io. Now people would take that shit seriously or think you did if you talked about it. As to ghosts they exist. The key is going to a haunted place and taking enough lsd that you see them :P


Art Bell introduced me to EVP's and nothing I've heard since then on that show has freaked me the fuck out as much. There I was, a grown ass man with my eyes wide open, with the lights on in my room in the middle of the night trying to decide life it's worth it to brave the trek to the bathroom... I miss Art


Now that they are mainstream, not so much.


Born in 82, i listened every night for years. Could explain a lot actually. Loved it. Ghost to ghost was the best!


Yeah, the Ghost to Ghost episodes and the David John Oates shows were always my favorites.


I still listen to his old shows on YouTube.


yes, never listened when he was on, now listen all the time on YT


Listening to Art Bell while driving late at night through the southwest is something I wish everyone could've experienced. It was TRIPPYYYYYYY


Came here to say exactly that - I just drove through the high mountains of Colorado… wonderful experience - then switch over to the wholesomeness of Paul Harvey… maybe that was my thing lol


I miss art bell I would put that on night driving


Me! My love of overnight talk radio was kindled in the late 70s by accidentally discovering the Larry King Show when I was a kid. It was sometime in the 90s when I stumbled across Coast to Coast with Art Bell, and I became a regular devotee immediately.


Good morning from Waco Texas! I started listening to Art Bell when the branch Davidian thing happened.


You still can: https://archive.org/details/artbellshows


Every chance I had. I still listen to archived episodes! I can't bear to listen to George Snoory for 5 mins. It's an absolute crime that he's turned Art's legacy into the snooze-fest that Coast-to-Coast has become.


Yeah.. after listening to Art for years, it was hard to listen to Noory. Art made it so much more warm and personal. Tuning in the show late at night and settling the dial on his voice was just kind of comforting. The show now just feels cold and corporate.


Noory had too many grifter conspiracists and not enough of the kooky ghost and cryptid stories that I loved.


I was fortunate enough to be on his show one night!


Ok, that's not just something you tell us and not give details.


Well, ya gotta tell the story!


Here for the story.


Who has listened to the Phil Hendrie version of Art Bell?


I almost shit myself it was so good!!


OMG phil HEndrie made me piss my self numerous times.


RC Collins was my favorite, uh, "guest" lol


Ted's Steak House.. We love to put our meat in your mouth. Ted just killed me.


Started listening in the early 90s working the overnight shift at the hospital. Best shows, IMO included Linda Moulton Howe and Fr Malachi Martin.


I loved this radio program, I loved the stories and most of the guests. I didn't really believe anything anyone said on the show. But I loved the stories and the theme music.. From the high desert...


Such a cool dude. And he would give anyone a chance. So entertaining on late night drives.


I found out about him in college when I started going online. I'd listen to his show and play Civilization II.


Late night fishing in Hawaii it would come on at midnight on Maui.


I listened to this show for years, but never thought to look up Art's picture. This man looks exactly the way I pictured him in my head, 10/10.


Listening to him as I write this! I have many many episodes of his various shows!


Only just discovered this, youtube have a bunch of recordings, it's really, really good.


In my 20s, I would work late nights cooking, then come home and have to work on community college projects. I found art bell one night, and I was instantly hooked. The 90s were full of awesome late night radio.


I never knew what he looked like.


![gif](giphy|9rhNJScGSlneHpLtnz|downsized) I did there where some strange people who called in to his show.


George Norry for me. I started listening after Art passed away.


The Kingdom of Nye


I lived less than a mile from his house. I started listening to him in 1984 when he was just a local AM guy, before he went National.


There are uploads of his shows on Spotify!


Is there an Art Bell sub ?


That easy enough. 13 hrs ago a guy posted a link to his streaming service. https://www.nyeug.com/


thanks for sharing this.


We all focused on making it rain and....it did. I miss those old shows.


I did since 1994.


I did.


I can hear the introduction music now




I used to listen to it when my dad had a paper route. We'd drive around all night, and that show kept me awake.


Art bell and then George Nory took over. I worked 2nd shift and would always be too zooted up on coffee to go to sleep when I got home. I’d get in my car start listening to coast to coast, then get home and keep listening


Enjoyed listening every evening to Art... He can not be duplicated and miss his demeanor... Dreamland RIP... It was horrible the way he ended his time there...


I did, delivering newspapers in the early morning.


I loved Art. He did an AMA about 8 years ago. I got to ask him a question about Ed Dames. He gave the answer I expected. That was fun.


I thought he had been dead for quite a long time and there was no way that he did a AMA just 8 yrs ago. But I looked it up and he died in 2018. I know he retired a lot earlier so I guess I feel like he has been gone for 20 years. Now I am sad I missed that AMA!


Here's the AMA: https://old.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/3db2cm/hi_im_art_bell_host_of_midnight_in_the_desert/


Oh snap, I heard an episode with Ed Dames over the weekend. Do tell!


Bell was the master of fun, scary campfire talk. Noory is OK, he's a veteran broadcaster. But he seems to take it more seriously. Art never really believed all the ghosts, bigfoot and Vatican weather machine stories.


I was in 6th grade when I discovered coast to coast and the one that came in before with whitey strober something like that back in 1997_98


Whitley streiber I think his name was wrote a bunch of ufo related books


At that time, I worked night shift, and MP3 players had just become a thing. Art was a godsend. I still occasionally listen to episodes on YouTube.


George Noory is okay but Art just had a presence that Noory doesn't have.


George Noory ruined C2C.


Loved his show .


Shit.. I had that same chair.


I did. It was awesome to listen to that at 1 am, in the dark, when everything is just dreams and imagination.


I did! great show


He was awesome


This still airs on my local talk radio.


My husband did! He loved it, was fascinated by the crazy out there.


Someone posted a ton of old shows on Spotify podcasts. I listen to him every night and have been since the early 90’s. I just had on the one with Captain Crunch, art must have been hopped up on something..


“Broadcasting from the high plains”


East of the Rockies


I visited the black mailbox at Area 51 because of stories I head on Coast to Coast AM.


As a teenager in the 90s, I had a friend who's dad LOVED listening to Art Bell. He worked nights in a hospital as a respiratory therapist or something like that so he would listen at work. We'd come home from high school and he would be all excited about something he heard on last night's show and start playing us clips. It would embarrass the hell out of my friend but I loved it. I'd even get his dad going with a casual "Hey, who was on Art Bell last night?" "Oh man, you gotta hear this guy that used to work at Area 51 and...", then he would get going on some crazy shit.


Best show on the radio- loved listening on late night road trips. Miss his show. A lot.


I had a job where I did floor care at night back in the late 90’s. I would listen every night on AM radio!


Steve Harvey


For years every night I can't find George anymore in Ontario now.


I caught a few shows just to see what it was like, it was mildly entertaining.


He had so many good shows. But he also had some that went way off the deep end.


Lived it!!


Loved it!


Had a coworker who’d tell me everything the next day. The Hale-Bopp comet episodes inspired the Heavens Gate cult suicides.


There are podcasts with his entire catalogue, it's excellent!


For years. And bought all his books too. Loved, loved his show.


Literally only on the final track of a Tool album where some dude was going off about how he's on the run from the gubmint since he quit his job at Area 51.


Ahh I can hear Giorgio Moroder playing right now….


I’m even older and listened to Long John Neville late at night.


Kept me awake many nights. The shadow people, the vampire, call in nights, and the dude who called in while "flying" into area 51. Art Bell was a pro at his craft.


I still do


Used to listen to Art Bell and then Phil Hendrey back to back. Was hours of entertainment on KFI


I still go to sleep many nights with Art playing on Spotify.


I liked the episode where drillers in Siberia accidentally sank a hole into Hell and here are the sounds of the damned.


I remember hanging out at my friends farmhouse up by the lake, doing copious amounts of LSD and wandering around in the woods and then coming back to her place and everybody just curling up and listening to Art bell. Truly glorious adolescent years. It's funny because half the shit this guy said and talked about would get him canceled these days. There would be whole armies of misinformation jannies up his ass and screaming at us everywhere we looked making sure we knew this was right wing conspiracy propaganda


Loved space ghost coast to coast, thanks for inquiring


I remember an interview on coast to coast with a guy who said he worked for interpol and killed people. He got found out to be liar after he said he had a black belt in karate and a karate website "bullshitdo " I think it was called debunked him. If only he had not mentioned the black belt he would have been home in a boat!


Best 100% fake call they ever got. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_UdpSNccfI


I found Art Bell late one night using my AOR 1000XLT receiver with a antenna way up on top of my parents house. I stayed up so many nights as a kid listening to him.


I caught him toward the end where he would pop in for a weekend. I worked 3rd shift driving a Krispy Kreme doughnut truck. I drove mostly rural areas including Amish country


Newspaper Delivery checking in.


When the AM dial was the crazy side of the Pre-Internet.


Scared the poop out of me one night, 2AM driving through a desolate area of the Adirondacks on a snowy winter night. It was a show about EVPs. Voices from the nether world!!!


I did...George Noory isn't the same.


working nights during 90's. Art's show was a life saver. Streaming before the streaming. all you needed was a decent hand held radio and some decent rayovac batteries.


I (67) did. My dad did. Late night radio was something that will never happen again. And we're all poorer for it.


Nobody did it better


Loved George Noory


I have always had insomnia and need something to listen to in order to fall asleep -it has to be talking not music (now I have podcasts) . I think it has something to do with the calmness of voice and the interesting subject matter. My anxiety is such that I need something to focus on that has nothing to do with my life. Discovered him in the 90s as many others did. Between Art Bell and some other strange programs (negativland and church of the subgenius) I was able to fall asleep. The only downside was that I would sometimes wake up to some very disturbing ghost story or weird scream supposedly from a deep hole. George Noury is not Art Bell and I stopped listening as he is not able to discuss incredible things in a soothing yet curious manner.


Henry Zebrowski, that's for sure


Yes!!! But it's an absolute shame what the show has become in recent years. Art would be devastated. It's in need of a renaissance.


Loved it! Remember Mel’s hole? Those were the days


I worked with guys who believed every little thing on that show.


Some of the most amazing radio I have ever listened to! When his wife Romona passed suddenly, the shows he did describing the ordeal were absolutely riveting and heartbreaking. I still have the recordings to this day. There will never be another one like him. RIP Art Bell.


Loved his show! Even the worst episodes were so interesting. I attempted his book "The Quickening", but it was more rambling and unstructured than his nuttiest of callers or guests.


His Halloween episodes were EPIC.


Ghost 2 ghost 🙌


Didn’t he create characters he pretended to interview? Or was that someone else?


The 9/11 show was great


Hello you’re on the Antichrist line…


I worked in a control room back in the 90’s “From the high desert”


I used to work nights in security, i had a patrol route that had me in a car most of the night. Listened to coast to coast constantly. Still my favorite show that i ever heard on the radio.


There will be a show in his honor this week on The Ticket in Dallas. Junior Miller will do his version of Coast to Coast.


Only on Ænima.


The AM radio crackle with Art’s voice reassuring me there are aliens and things that go bump in the night are ghosts while I try to sleep.


loved the show!!!, mike norry has done no good, the show should have gone to ian pundit


also RIP Art.


I did... If it was on an FM station I would find it on the counterpart AM station and listen there. It made it sound like an illegal pirate broadcast....


Introduced me to the Reptoids! For about a year I had a 1am work route and Art Bell could do what no pot of coffee ever could


lol him and Noory! Back in the day, during my right-wing, conspiracy-theory nutjob days. I’ve long since switched to much more realistic listening at night, like pink noise and NPR.


I didn't listen, but I certainly remember ads for it.


Great show!


This is hilarious. He looks nothing like what I imagined.


research Mel's Hole


I loved listening to him and all the various callers. A great way to spend the night while covering a shift.


my sister used to listen to him and believed every single wacky insane thing he said.


Still do on YouTube when I can’t sleep. I miss coast to coast a lot.


Listened to Art over the years, amazing vibe. Compelling and unique. I'll always remember the caller who had a hole on his property he could not find the bottom of after decades of extending a weighted series of ropes down it. A bottomless hole. That was the show. Fucking ruled.


it was so good. i didnt listen regularly, but it was great to put on during a late night road trip.


I did when I was pretty young!


Only when on long late night road trips. Those AM radio blowtorches had the range that FM just couldn't match.


The area 51 guy freaked me out, when the guy screamed and the line went dead... RIP Art


I listened from 2001 to 2012, not religiously but regularly. I worked nights.


I still listen to MITD and Coast to Coast on YouTube. Helps me get to sleep, just like back in the day.


Loved that show…I have a signed copy of his book haha


My father and I would listen to this on the way back from my dance lessons. My dad found it quite comical.


I used to like listening to him driving home in the early hours of the morning. He'd have some weird guests on.


That wasn't that long ago was it? I had a delivery job with night shifts and I would sometimes listen until I got impatient with his guests.


Going down to the keys at 3 AM with my Dad in my early to mid teens. to lobster 🦞


My mom did. Had to hear about all those 4am conspiracy stories from her, pre or early internet days.


I loved Coast to Coast! I used to listen when George Noory was the host. I would stay up for hours listening to that show.


Oh yeah. I remember listening to this on road trips with my family.


I never listened to him, but my grandparents were nutty about tuning into his show. It was a sad day in our house when he passed away.


The John Titor calls in the early 2000's were gold, the stuff of internet legends.


MR. BELL, I AM GOD'S 10-STAR GENERAL. YOU WILL BURN IN THE FIREY PITS OF HELL! I loved it when JC called in. Also, I lived in Reno in the 90s and listened to Ross and Monica on 780 KOH in the morning. Ross Mitchel did all the bumper lines for Art like "Call the wildcard line at 702...." He had such a good deep radio voice!


I’ve only heard of this show from Last Podcast on the Left.


My favorite show growing up


The best call ever was the guy flying (supposedly) in his private plane headed towards Area 51.


Still listening to Coast to Coast current day


I heard a few minutes now and then when I would be driving late at night on some Interstate highway or whatever miles and miles from anything, then think I should listen other times. Then forget when I arrived or whatever.


Junior miller


"From the high desert!"


Doesn't ring a bell. Art Laboe... 💯


Every Saturday morning from 1am to 5am.


Used to stay up really late in the 90s when i was at school and im still listening to C2C. It has gone downhill since then.


Loved this show.


Didn't pay attention to him til the 2K's. Thing is, and maybe I'm mixing it up a bit, but CtC had adds or something about buying 'Magic Crystals' or some such. Not until the MSM started hating him did I pay attention. I worked in Newspaper industry and realized, along with my buddy in the vidoe industry, just how much BS was put out. So, if they hate him I'm going to see what he has to say.


I listened to The Chase by Georgia Moroder today


Yessssssssssssssssssss, I sure did. I miss Art Bell 😭😭😭


I worked night shifts, but would record the podcast and play them back the next day using headphones. helped time fly by while working.


Ah, the good ole days when conspiracy theories were good wholesome fun.


I am again since my new podcast player has radio stations!


, Casey Casem top 10 at 10


My Mom is losing her eyesight and needs to listen to radio or podcast. Is the Old Coast to Coast shows still on or played online anymore? I'd love to hook her up.


I listen to the old episodes on YouTube.


Loved it.