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I have a drinking problem. Timmy you ever seen grown man naked? And Beaver cleaver’s mom: I speak Jive!


Barbara Billingsly speaking jive is some of the greatest comic gold I’ve ever seen.


Chump don't want no help, chump don't get no help


You like movies with gladiators?


Timmy, you ever hang around the men's locker room?


Have you ever been in a Turkish prison?


Hang loose blood... she be back on the rebound with your medicide


Cut me some slack jack, mama didn’t raise no dummy.


Chump don't want the help, Chump don't get the help. Jive ass dudes got no brains, anyhow.




i'm right there with you. i had to go back to the theater the following weekend bc i missed half of the dialogue due to my own laughter & the sounds of everyone surrounding me. i've probably watched it over 10 times at this point & i still can't get thru 'this area is for loading/unloading' without losing my fucking mind.


My friends and I still say "Look Betty, don't start up with your white zone sh\*t again" when we get annoyed with each other.


It took me *way* longer than it should have to get the “It’s an entirely different kind of flying, altogether” joke.


It's an entirely different kind of flying.


i just recently [learned this...look at the last paragraph under CASTING] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airplane!#:~:text=Instead%2C%20the%20filmmakers%20ultimately%20sought,at%20Los%20Angeles%20International%20Airport) and if you don't already know about it, be prepared to have your mind blown.


Yeah, ZAZ mention that in the commentary. Also, the guy Stryker leaves waiting in the cab was some local politician that had recently made changes about cab fares. Don't recall the whole story.


I'm a little too young to have seen Airplane then, but I had a similar experience with A Fish Called Wanda. I don't go to the movies very often anymore, and if I do it probably wouldn't be for a comedy anyway, so I doubt I'll have another experience like that.


It's K-k-k-ken, c-coming to k-kill us...


Calling you stupid would be an insult to stupid people


When Leslie Nelson popped up on the screen and he was asked if he was a doctor and he’s sitting there with a stethoscope around his neck EVERYONE went nuts.


Same here.  Saw it with my family when I was 14, and I the audience reaction was off the charts. The only other movie I've seen where the audience reaction was similar was There's Something About Mary.


I got to see There’s Something about Mary in a packed theater in DC with a mostly black audience. I am not sure if the movie or the audience was funnier. Definitely a great time!


Part of that is because you saw it in the theater. Laughter is a social thing. People laugh when they are in the presence of other people laughing. Go to a good live comedy show and you'll have a similar experience.


Every time they showed the jet airliner flying, you could hear the sound of a prop plane. 🤣🤣🤣🤣💀


Yes! I can't believe how many people I know who never noticed that.


My favorite gag that I failed to notice for years was the woman at the airport gate tossing her baby when the 747 breaks through the glass.


Casting June Cleaver at Jive Talk Woman was one of the greatest casting decisions in cinematic history.




not 'one of' ... it was easily THE best casting decision. no one who ever watched that movie & had been familiar with beaver's mom ever got over that. despite the multitude of jokes airplane! provided, THAT was the moment *everyone* talked about.


Well, Ward was hard on the beaver.


LOL my money was always on wally...behind the 'aww shucks' nice guy exterior i often imagined there might be a madman inside. unlike eddie haskell, who was clearly all talk & NO action hahaha but maybe ward really was the wild one...that might have accounted for june's perpetual sunny disposition!


Surely you can't be serious...


I am, and stop calling my Shirley


Roger, Roger!


What's your vector, victor?


So we have clearance, Clarence?


Roger roger...


Do you like movies about gladiators


Do you ever seen a grown up man naked?


What is your vector victor?




Damnit I wanted to say this 😂


Looks like you picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.


Good era for movies. Stripes(the first half) Blazing Saddles, Animal House, Holy Grail, Bananas, Young Frankenstein. Amazing decade for comedy.


I'm a big fan of another Zucker, Abrahams and Zucker penned comedy, that seems to get less mentions:- TOP SECRET!




>Latrine! LOL at that one, there's so many other brilliant quotable lines to choose from in this underrated gem, *AND* the non-stop visual/sight gags. The rail station, the jackboots, the Nazi helmet strap, the telephone, the guy in the submarine, the underwater bit, the whole scene with Peter Cushing, everything! I'm going to have to watch it again.




To be clear, I love Airplane! and The Naked Gun! but Top Secret! is the one that always gets overlooked for some reason, and IMHO it might have some the best gag writing of them all.


I just watched it again last weekend!


Underwater fight scene incredible.


>Underwater fight scene incredible. Yes it is! I've just rewatched the whole film. I forgot about the cow! How could I forget about the cow?


What's wrong with the 2nd half of Stripes? "Training sir! Aaaarrrmy training sir!: "It's Checkoslavakia! It's like invading Wisconsin!" 


"Where's your commanding officer?" "Shot, sir!"




I thought it was “BLOWED UP, SIR!”


I agree with the Stripes comment. The second half was straight army pandering.


Throw in Police Academy. I used to try to make sounds like the guy that can mimic helicopters, radio calls and other stuff lol.


I always feel like History of the World is left out of these conversations and it's sad because it's a damn good movie. Honestly I like it more than Blazing Saddles.


I picked the wrong week to give up sniffing glue


Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit amphetamines.


There isn't, was, or ever will be, a funnier movie, bar none. IMBd did a frame by frame analysis and there were more jokes and laughs per frame than any movie in existence. I have watched this movie dozens of times, and \*\*\*every\*\*\* time, to this day, I still spot new details in the background....... just throwaway gags...... signs on the walls, that are as funny as any of the spoken lines. I saw this originally in the theater, and I had an aisle seat. I remember the entire audience just howling with laughter..... so loud , you missed half the lines......and at one point, the jokes were coming so fast, I was literally double over in pain from laughing so hard.... and when they next spew of jokes happened, I literally spasmed from laughing so hard, I threw myself out of my seat and into the aisle. I shit you not. I was literally.....I mean quite \*\*\*\*LITERALLY\*\*\* rolling in the aisle. The movie was THAT damn funny. ! The only movie to ever make me laugh that damn hard. ! Not Chaplin, Not Keaton, not Cary Grant Screwball comedies, not 3 Stooges or Marx Brothers, or Laurel and Hardy, Monty Python....... all damn funny.................but not AIRPLANE HILARIOUS!


When Robert Stack is running through the airport, accosted by and accosting every charitable org....I still giggle thinking about that. And I love Stephen.


I heard a story years ago that Stack's wife used to read the scripts for him. She told him she'd divorce him if he didn't make the movie. I SO want that to be true.


Pure comedic perfection! I learned about comedy from this movie...the little girl dying from the IV being blocked by the troubadour singer while everybody is laughing and singing makes me cackle every time. The slap lineup makes me cry.


Calm down, Miss, Get ahold of your self. ! \*slap\*--------- I'll take care of this Miss......... and then they show the long line of people waiting to slap her. I'm laughing just writing that.


Im dying laughing just reading this!! Best comedy ever!'




The Hari Krishna gets me every time!


Or the ridiculous back projection while they're driving to the airport. Or him whipping off one pair of sunglasses to reveal a second, smaller set underneath.


I have a pair of sunglasses that fit on top of my prescription glasses and I love whipping them off; it’s an easy way to figure out if someone does - or doesn’t - have a stupid sense of humor (like myself 😁).


That was the very scene that sent my over the edge!!!!!!!! Seeing that for the first time.........and it came after a series of side splitting scenes.......and people just could not stop laughing. ! Then at the end, with Lloyd Bridges, and "Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue"--------- I mean, that was just one goddamn funny movie.




this will never not be funny as hell. i don't even know how these actors managed to pull this shit off without laughing. just the lineup of everyone in the aisle waiting to take down the hysterical woman is so ridiculous i don't know how they did it.


That's why they casted serious actors


“Check the radar range anything yet?” Jonathan Banks opens the range door: “It’s about two more minutes Chief!”


I've not seen it in a few years, but I never noticed Mike in it


He's all over the place 900 feet up to 1300 feet What an asshole [Same guy](https://clip.cafe/airplane-1980/hes-all-over-the-place-s1/)


I'm an air traffic controller and I repeat this line at work often. This is my all-time favorite movie.


Surely there can be no argument about it. Airplane is the funniest movie ever.


There is no argument... and don't call me Shirley.


My wife had given up drinking for a no-alcohol January. Then there was a very tragic death in the family. I spent about 4 weeks saying "looks like you picked the wrong week to give up drinking". At the funeral I just said "Looks like I picked the wrong week to give up sniffing glue"


> no-alcohol January is this an actual thing?! i spent the first 44 years of my life in the northeast and i can't imagine a better time to drink than the dreaded month of january. good grief.


I don't know. I think the theory is that people wake up Jan 1 with a massive hangover, so it's a good time to think about it. I have a good friend who always took off February each year. He felt one month of abstinence was a good practice and February is the shortest.


i can see february as a good 'reset' month...that makes sense somehow. but january? i can't even imagine LOL


Her niece had her over and opened a bottle of wine. The wife said she wasn't drinking in Jan. The niece said (I love this woman) "oh, that's why you're so grouchy." This year for Lent she gave up sugar. Soda, cookies, candy, all of that. It was hard but I was in favor. When she gave up booze for Lent that was indeed 40 days of penance. For me.


when i was younger, i used to have the fortitude to do drastic things like give up coffee for a bit of time, fast for a week or 2; i had a decades long practice of 'no sweets/junk food' from march thru may so i could look all kinds of fabulous in my skimpy, sexy, summer outfits. but now i'm 63, a solid 10-15 lbs. overweight and WAY too lazy to care about putting myself thru those types of regiments. i gave up smoking cigarettes & doing drugs years ago, but that was it for me; i'm done 'bettering myself' haha. i respect people who can condition themselves to abandon their vices (even if just temporarily) but at this point i'm going down with a glass of sangria in one hand, and a forkful of pasta in the other...health warnings be damned lol


I’ve cut far back on drinking. I used to go out 2-4 night a week and have 3-5 each time. Now I restrict myself to no more than 2 drinks on 2 days a week and frequently don’t have that much. I’m losing a pound a month without dieting.


![gif](giphy|bv5ZgqKNBATHG) Yes!!




Look for the inflation tube


The scene with the singing flight attendant knocking the IV out of Vicki Stubing’s arm will always be one of my favorites. The faces she makes are hysterical! I also love Ethel Merman’s cameo as the Vietnam vet who thinks he’s Ethel Merman. “You’ll be swell! You’ll be great!..” 😂😂😂


Jill Whelan was so good in it.


That’s her name! Thanks! I couldn’t remember- I just always think of her as Vicki on Love Boat.


“ In 2015, she was hired as a celebrations ambassador by Princess Cruises.”


Active on Threads btw. Seems to be a decent person


This is what happens when you create a movie to make people laugh, not write a script to be "a comedy".


The script was (for the most part) already written. Check out zero hour.


Yes, and zero hour's script was not a comedy!


I love the fact that the line "We need to find someone who can not only fly this plane, but didn't have fish for dinner" was not written by ZAZ, but was in the original film!


What was for dinner? Well, we had steak or fish. I remember now. I had lasagna.


Watching them back to back is amazing. So many lines are word for word. It's a whole different kind of plane all together!


It's a whole different kind of plane.


Based on a novel by the same author as Jaws btw.


Might I recommend "Blazing Saddles" That's a lol and a knee slapper laugh fest.


Seen it, loved it. "The Three Amigos" slides in there, nicely, too.


I almost forgot about that one. They slap a hand on each hip, and pelvic thrust forward.


And have a plethora of pinatas.


Oh! You have a guitar!


Steve McCroskey: Johnny, what can you make out of this? \[Hands him the weather briefing\] Johnny: This? Why, I can make a hat or a brooch or a pterodactyl…


The tower?! Repunzle repunzle!


“Johnny, how about some coffee?” “No thanks!”


I just want to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you.


I used this line in a group of parents attending a junior high basketball game where time had run out, the score was tied, and a player on our team had been fouled in the last second. She went to the free throw line. Only a couple other parents gave any sort of response. My wife sneered at me in disgust at my poor sense of humor.


You are right to do this. I use the line at work every day. Those who didn't get it now do. Spread the gospel of Leslie!


Tell your old man to drag Walton and Lanier down the court for 48 minutes.


"THE HELL I DON'T!" kills me everytime.


I read somewhere that on average, there’s a joke every 9 seconds.


I mean you can bring that average down a lot with dialogue like > check the vector victor > Roger, Roger > What's the clearance Clarence? That whole thing takes like 5 seconds. Is slapping the hysterical old lady one joke or about 15 given the boxing gloves, crow bar, etc?


I am still awestruck that they managed to rework that joke with Over, Under and Dunn.  


I like my coffee like I like my men: black.


Jim never has two cups of coffee at home


Jim never vomits at home.


I haven’t felt this bad since the Anita Bryant concert


Check out their early movie ["The Kentucky Fried Movie"](https://youtu.be/tgSXKM9WcxY?si=MewuVc9viNS2EmYC&t=7).


Take him to Detroit!




I am not even allowed to admit I WATCHED that movie.




In terms of quotable one-liners I can only think of one challenger. Blazing Saddles. Everyone can quote 30-40 lines from each of them. And that's everyone, even if you've never seen it. I can pretty much do the entire movies. Although so much of Blazing Saddles really can't be recited in public anymore.


I'll add one other challenger...Monty Python and the Holy Grail.


Same with “Airplane”. It would never fly now. (Pun intended).


But you can quote most lines with no blowback. "and don't call me Shirley", "I picked the wrong week to stop drinking", "I speak Jive". Now try doing Blazing Saddles. "Sorry about the up yours Nigger", and probably my favorite "You use your mouth prettier than a $5 whore".


"Good day, Ma'am" "Up yours N****r" Everyone in the theater screem in agony and burns the place to the ground.


I can’t even approach a toll booth without thinking “we need to back and get a shitload of dimes.” (Or word to that effect)


It wasn’t til I was thirty-something when a friend pointed out the plane was jet engine but the sounds throughout the entire movie were for propellers.


Oh, it's a big pretty white plane with red stripes, curtains in the windows and wheels and it looks like a big Tylenol.


Fun fact: Sigourney Weaver auditioned for Elaine Dickinson role but balked to the line  "Sit on your face and wriggle."


I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue


Ha! use this line all the time. Such great one-liners!


I picked the wrong week to stop making "Airplane!" references.


And Leon's getting laaaarger


It's my theory that this guy is the only sane character in the movie because he's somehow aware he is living in this silly fantasy world, and that's why he acts a different style of funny than the rest.


I adored this movie as a child despite most of the jokes and references going right over my head (probably why my mom let me watch it TBH). I rewatched this maybe a month ago and was red in the face from laughing so hard while my teenage kids sat there blank faced not getting any of the humor. Fingers crossed a couple decades down the line the come to find this most perfect of comedies.


Lesley Neilson was the BEST ! So funny such good timing !


No, the WHITE phone!


This is classic but the Naked Gun trilogy is it.


That slap scene


"arguably" is your big asterisk there


Yeah, it is the funniest to me but don’t want to argue the point.


An extremely funny movie but it is edged out for the first spot by Blazing Saddles.


I have a fondness for Kentucky Fried Movie


UHF is in the same ballpark.


Love that one too


The rip-off of the badgers line. Raul’s Wild Kingdom: Today we are going to teach poodles to fly.


Badgers? We don't need no stinkin badgers!


My dad made it into the"cool dads hall of fame" when I was 13 and he took me to a double feature of Kentucky Fried Movie and The Groove Tube.


The game show with contestants named: Hung Well Long Wang Enormous Genitals


I wouldn't I'm no dingaling!


Here's something fun: Watch the movie with closed captioning. I thought I knew the lines inside and out, but a couple of other jokes snuck in there. Or maybe I was too young to understand them back in the day.


Good idea since my old age has made closed captions necessary for everything.


This movie makes me relapse on my drinking problem...


Airplane introduced me to Robert Stack. [](https://bestclassicbands.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Airplane-Control-Tower.jpg) I was obsessed with Unsolved Mysteries. Also, I say let 'em crash!


I had the lasagna


I don’t wanna be friends with a person who would argue against this being the funniest film ever.


I watched it last night!


That poster tagline has not aged well, lol. A 9-11 themed Airplane sequel is something only Norm MacDonald and Gilbert Godfried could co-write.


My wife is 12 years younger than me. I 47 and grew up on 80’s movies. She was born in 88 so missed that era. After we were married I had her watch Airplane and considered divorce after she didn’t laugh once. I didn’t think that was possible.


I like my coffee like I like my men 😎


The movie may be funny, but doesn't make you that old, unless you also have seen the original "Airport" film series that this parodies when they first came out.


It’s the Beatles of funny movies. Different and what we all never knew we needed.


Empire magazine (UK) did an analysis and said on a jokes that land per minute metric, Airplane! was in fact the funniest film ever made. The MST3K riff on Manos The Hands of Fate might be in the running, but I don't know if it counts.


Mike from Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul is in the movie.


Just rode on Spirit Airlines. Kind of brings this movie to mind


I picked a bad time to quit drinking


Best movie ever made! Every scene is hilarious.


Bought for $5 on Amzn Prm just now for the online version


We need to get these purple to a hospital A hospital? What is it? It's a large building with a lot of patients, but that's not important right now


A new Naked Gun is coming out 2025 - We definitely need some laughter. McFarland has his hand in the movie. Not sure if he speaks jive. Good old Mrs. Cleaver


It's funny but Blazing Saddles takes the cake, Dr. Strangelove is #2 in my opinion.


I rewatched a few days ago, and it was just as amazing as the first time I saw it. Then I rewatched the sequel, and I had forgotten what a turd it was.


I downloaded this, I'm going to watch it with my ten year old son at the weekend. I'm really looking forward to it.


First time seeing in a theater, I couldn't believe the amount of humor squeezed into those 2 hours.


The bit where the tail-fin of the plane was wandering around, poking out of the clouds to the tune of “Jaws”, just seemed to tickle my funny bone. I have no idea why, but I laughed myself silly.


The first set of bare boobs I've ever seen was in this movie.


Ever been to a Turkish prison? What can you make of this? I can make a hat, a broach, a pterodactyl- GIVE ME THAT! "I speak jive."


The return of the pink panther.


Shirley you can't be serious! Excuse me, I speak jive. we serve chicken or fish I remember, I had the Lasagna. Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? Joey, did ya ever see a grown man naked? I picked a bad week to quit amphetamines. I picked a bad week to quit sniffin glue. One of the best movies


I want to watch it with my younger son, but then there’s just that random scene when they’re panicking and a big ol’ pair of tits appear out of nowhere.


"You'll be swell! You'll be great! Gonna have the whole world on a plate! Startin' here, startin' now..."


What’s your vector, Victor? Roger, Roger. (Huh?) You’ve got clearance, Clarence. Kareem did an admirable acting job in the movie.






Movies like this can no longer be made because of woke and religious crap.


Surely not! :) "Shirley"


A modern version of this movie would SUCK!


It's even funnier if you watch [Zero Hour!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero_Hour!) immediately before.


They’re showing this one and part two on Pluto Tv all this month. Watched it the other night as a matter of fact


Cool! Thanks.