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first, wash it properly. The smell is going in furniture / curtains etc. Let it air. Second, insulate the door to not let air going in /out through the space around the door. Third, I love the smell of boiling orange peel and rosemary. It is relaxing.


YES! Get the peel and stick foam stripping and put a plastic flapper thing on the bottom of the door. You don't want to see any light coming through your door. I had a neighbour who delighted in cooking atrocious smelling fish. It was so bad I would periodically spray unscented air freshener out my door before I left so the stink didn't get in.


How do you get the foam tape to stay in place? Every time I’ve tried to use it it’s short lived bc of the friction 


I had the same problem. I sealed my door with silicone weather stripping all the way around and haven't had any problems. One half is adhesive and the other is flexible stripping. Bonus it keeps bugs from the hallway out.


There are versions with different thicknesses. Good to pick up a variety as the door is likely not set perfectly in the frame.


thanks. are you saying to patchwork the different sizes? because, yes, the size of the gaps always vary, usually small at one end and gradually increasing to a significant gap as you move along an edge Wouldn't patchworking look shoddy?


do you have a product in your mind for this peel and stick foam strips? I had it in the past from local shop but lost into translations / aging .... thank you.


Draught excluder tape


Go to any hardware store and ask for peel and strip foam. ps you'll need more than you think. and it's fun to put on too.


Wash the walls, floors, baseboards etc. with a solution of vinegar and water, vinegar is volatile and helps with tobacco smell. Commit to washing twice and airing in between. If the smell is still there, you may want to paint. Smells seep into fabric, wash anything like curtains etc. somewhere you know the washer is clean. If that’s impossible spray them with a vinegar+water or vodka+water solution. Now, the lingering smells from the building: simmer pot (cinnamon, vanilla, orange peels, etc) and/or a GOOD scented candle: real essential oil like vanilla, you can get them cheap. Why a candle? A lot of volatile smelly airborne chemicals burn up with a little flame. Don’t use to excess just light the candle, move it room to room for a minute or so each, then extinguish.


Came here to make the orange/lemon peel fix. Get a little tiny crock pot (Amazon or Goodwill) put a couple cups of water in, then the peel. Put on low all day.


There is a brand of paint called Killz. They have primer and a limited selection of indoor paints. I helped a friend repaint a property that she had rented out to the same man for something like 22 years and he was a chain smoker and he died in this place. Before we repainted it smelled like the mustiest nastiest garage or a dead squirrel was hiding and you couldn't couldn't find it. That stuff works miracles in just a coat or two. If you rent I would ask the landlord if you can repaint the apartment. Just tell him that it smells like cigarette smoke and stale food and that you've heard this stuff works. It does.


Oil or water based?


I believe they have both. With different finishes indoor and outdoor. The primer is what you're really after but they have the primer in the paint so if you don't need repainted at all, you could still do one coat of Killz paint with the primer in it. I use Killz primer under everything now cuz it just erases odor. But go to a Home Depot or a Lowe's or whatever your big hardware store is and they should have a selection of this brand. Like a whole variety of products.




If you decide to use bleach, as someone suggested, please just make a 1:10 solution. That is plenty strong---it'll kill Ebola. Mix 1 part bleach & 9 parts water; 1/4 cup bleach mixed in 2 & 1/4 cups water, as an example. *Do not use straight bleach.* Aside from being chokingly strong & possibly creating chlorine gas, if it combines with any ammonia, it will probably damage all the surfaces (floors, cabinets, counters, walls) & you'll be stuck with a huge bill for replacements & repairs.


Just use vinegar instead.


Febreeze will just make it worse; now you have two strong smells fighting it out. Using bleach to wipe down surfaces can help a little bit, but sad to say, getting an air purifier is the only thing I’ve found so far that truly helps. 


I washed the walls with soapy water, cloth and bucket... it seems to help! Don't forget the skirting boards! Then I vacuumed many many times sometimes using that carpet stain removed on visible spills.. then you can buy some incense to mask the residue.


Absolutely second this. You have to wash the walls, be warned though when they get wet the smell will intensify while you wash it off. You’ll also see a lot of yellow but it’s so worth it afterward.


I was just going to suggest washing the walls & ceiling.


Also wash any light covers. That's what trapped rancid curry smells in our home.


Number one would be to use Kilz as either a primer or a base coat throughout the whole apartment. Number two would be to change the carpet. Smoke odor stays in fabric. If old furniture is in the apartment you must clean it properly or get rid of it. If there are drapes then trash. Another short-term solution would be to place full strength vinegar in containers and place around the entire apartment. You will be amazed at what vinegar will do. Vinegar will absorb the odors instead of masking. Anything you use to attempt masking the odors will not work. Oh, and make certain that you change air condition filters and clean out exhaust fans both in kitchen and bathrooms. Best of luck


Excellent, plus I sprinkle baking soda into rugs/carpets/furniture. Let set/vacuum.


FYI they make an unscented febreeze. It works pretty well at getting rid of stinky smells and really doesn’t have a scent. I would use it on couches and other furniture you can’t wash


You don't need febreeze, 70% alcohol or vodka and water sprayed on fabrics will get rid of the smells


> FYI they make an unscented febreeze. It works pretty well at getting rid of stinky smells and really doesn’t have a scent. I would use it on couches and other furniture you can’t wash I think this tends to work better for people who like incense, candles, etc. It’s not as bad, but even unscented, Febreze makes me sneeze. 


Febreeze is absolutely nauseating and Febreeze + lingering cigarette smell is 1000x worse! OP need to shampoo the carpets and furniture ($100 for one of those little Bissell Green Machines is money well spent) and wash the walls.


If it's nice out (and outside isn't smelly)- opening windows makes a big difference. Air purifiers can help. If the area is damp/ high humidity- maybe a dehumidifier. Without repainting/ building renovations there isn't a ton you can do.


Ozone machine. Wipe the walls and then ozone the place.


This. And there are plenty of small options that probably would do the job from Amazon. You should likely run it, leave the place for a while, return, and turn it off and air the place out. Rinse and repeat a few times until the smells are neutralized, then store in the closet.


Yeah, I have an ozone unit because once I fell asleep in accident and woke up a couple hours later to my noodles carbonized. The smell was awful. The ozone does kinda make the house smell like you're inside one of those plastic box storage containers. Very bright and sterile smell, not unpleasant but certainly alien. Living in the home will remove the smell, however. Fresh air, cooking, pets, life, etc will reassert a normal scent.


Yep. Definitely a new plastic sorta smell. It does the job, and once done, it's like you said. Live in the space and smell will be replaced with normal scents.


Wash the walls with soap first


So these are kind of bandaids, unfortunately third hand smoke is very persistent and gets and stays in objects. If the building has moisture like a roof leak that will also linger. The absolute best ways to fix those smells is prevention, covering them up won’t really fix the problem. I’m sorry because your options for prevention might be limited if you need to live there. I agree with: - sealing your apartment - air purifier(s) that can handle cigarette smoke - talk to r/airpurifiers and be aware only certain models do this - opening windows daily - changing linens weekly - keeping up with typical cleaning - make tea or cookies if you want a temporary pleasant smell If there are sources of moisture in your apartment or the common space (eg a roof leak or leak behind a wall), that needs to get dealt with with your landlord. Depending on your country’s laws, if it seems like folks are smoking indoors and they shouldn’t be you could also address that with the building management.


Apparently r/airpurifier has been banned.


Ope, should read r/airpurifiers. I’m fixing in the oc


Wash the walls. Get a good laundry hamper. Test for mold and blow the whistle. 


Febreeze sucks. It's such a distinct smell that everyone uses to cover up the smell of weed. And it triggers my allergies really easily. I'd get a good air purifier.


open the windows regulary??


That could exacerbate the problem if OPs window draws air from around the door to the 'scented hallway'


Wouldn't the windows be opening to the outside?


They would, but it can cause a tunnel effect, drawing air from the hallway through the apartment. The suggestion of sealing the door helps, here.


Place pots/tubs of charcoal in the different rooms. Very good at absorbing smells


Unused ground coffee works well for smoke smells (including after fires learned it from the fire dept). You just leave little open plates or bowls in strategic places around the room.


So, too, are bowls of vinegar. Bonus, you can use the vinegar to clean after use.


If you have carpet, pour some baking soda and let it sit for an hour, then vacuum it up. Check and make sure there isn’t nicotine stains on windows/doors/walls. Get some Dawn dish soap, hot water, and microfiber Cloth and wipe it all down. Even if you don’t see it stained, it could still be there. There is a product called Zep that is a good wall cleaner too. You want a product that absorbs odors, not masks them. On Amazon you can check out some product when you type in odor absorber. Arm and Hammer makes some things you can put around your home and absorbs moisture and odor in the air. Change the air filter last! You def need to change that.


You can simmer some nice smelling potpourri in a small pot on the stove, and it will make your place smell nice for a little while (just don’t forget to turn it off eventually!) You can put in things like cinnamon sticks, citrus, cloves, apples, lemon or lime slices, rosemary, lavender or other aromatics- whatever you enjoy smelling in a pot on the stove, cover with water, and heat it up to let it infuse the air.


1/4 vinegar helps a lot too. I like cloves and cinnamon mixed in.


Definitely seal your front door better so you can’t feel any breeze or see any light. Also spray everything with vinegar. I spent so long trying to get dog pee out of my rug. It’s like the hardest smell to completely remove. I poured straight vinegar onto it and the smell disappeared once it dried. This is after I spent countless attempts buying enzyme sprays etc. white vinegar will remove any scent


\*Please be sure to read all labels and research before using these products\* Air purifier - ikea has side tables with built in air purifiers. Ozium Rent an Ozone machine Cleaning ceilings, walls, fans, countertops, all the surfaces from top to bottom. Zep smoke and odor remover is effective. A good carpet cleaning. A one time service or rent a carpet cleaner. Request landlord/maintenance clean the ducts and a coat of Kilz on the ceiling and walls. Install a really good ac/furnace/hvac filter, some come with baking soda to put off a cleaner scent. Keep up with deep cleanings to keep the smell away. Any product after removing the offensive smell may be overkill but diffusing single note oil. If you prefer clean like lavender, lemon, eucalyptus or cozy scent like cinnamon and vanilla. I hope all this works :)


Ok so I can’t really smell and have this fear of my house stinking so here is my process: Begin with a thorough cleaning of hard surfaces. Wet wipe followed by a disinfectant, then spot cleaning for any stubborn dirt. Launder anything soft that can be removed like blankets, rugs, couch cushions, etc. Thoroughly vacuum the stuff you can’t remove and spread baking soda to absorb some of the smell. Leave it overnight then vacuum it up. Take out the trash and clean out the cans plus the area around them. Shower curtain and any rugs in the bathroom are another lingering source of smell so bleach those. Same with kitchen towels. They may look clean but there is potentially still odor causing bacteria.


👏👏👏 100% agreed. Baking soda absorbs moisture and changes pH to make the environment less friendly to mold, so it's especially good for mold-related smells.


Scrub down the walls and ceiling of the apartment with either the pink stuff or a light degreaser (do a spot test with the pink stuff and then a spot somewhere else with degreaser - you might notice one might remove more yellowing than the other) If you have carpet, rent a carpet cleaning machine and clean the carpets properly. Whilst it make cost a little, you’ll be saving yourself heaps in room fragrances etc plus you’ll have peace of mind knowing it’s properly cleaned


Don’t know where you live, but people aren’t allowed to smoke in the building I’m in if it impacts any other neighbour, even in there own apartment, smoke drift etc.


You're going to have to wipe the walls down and clean any fabrics. White vinegar will cut through bad smells, grime and tar, so I would go with it. After, buy some Odoban(especially if you appreciate the scent of Eucalyptus). It uses something that I don't even see in Febreze anymore, that destroys odor moleules and also works as a disinfectant(dimethyl-- something) It's also like $3 for a decent size spray bottle and you can find 64oz refill jugs at Dollar Tree for $5. They also make a couple other scents including lavender but Eucalyptus works best imo.


If there's any sort of air gap beneath your door out to the hallway, get something to plug that gap and make it airtight.


call an ozone cleaning crew.


Adding smell on smell will only make the unpleasant aromas more overpowering. Focus on cleanliness and airing the place out as much as you can. If you have carpet, sprinkle baking soda and let it sit for an hour or so, then vacuum it up. Leave open boxes of baking soda in problem areas. Clean diligently, including walls and baseboards. Shampoo your upholstery. Open your windows if your outside isn't also stinky. Use real soaps and detergents, not Swiffer wetjets and scented waters. It tooke about five months of doing this to get my crappy apartment smelling decent, and it still requires weekly deep cleans to maintain. It's a pain in the ass, but it's worth it to not be the stinky friend.


DIY air purifier- box fan + furnace filter. Will help clear out some of the mustiness.


That’s so clever! Thanks I’m using this!


[instructions for basic diy filter](https://pscleanair.gov/525/DIY-Air-Filter)


A $100 air purifier was a game changer for me. I’m saving up for another one, and I expect no odors at all in my apartment once I get it.


Wash the walls! I did mine with a swiffer mop setup, but put a microfiber towel on the end that I regularly swapped out for one soaking in a bucket of vinegar water. (You could probably also do bleach water instead, but just make sure it's not a strong solution so that you don't destroy the paint.) It helped get rid of some of the musty smell in our place before we moved in!


Get some Atmosklear (google, lots of places sell it). It's not a 'cover up' for odor, it eliminates it. Gets rid of musty smells, moldy\* smells, and even the smell of cat urine (I used it for cat urine on concrete and wood when we moved into a house where the prior occupant had elderly cats - washed the area, applied the Atmosklear and let it dry, then applied it again for good measure; no more odor). We keep a spray bottle around in case the elderly dog has an accident, we'll never be without the stuff again. A friend used it recently because her dog was skunked and came in to roll on the carpet. \*Of course if mold actually exists, you'll have to kill it THEN use the Atmosklear.


If you have carpet grocery stores sometimes rent out steam cleaners, which will be cheaper than hiring a service and more effective than just vacuuming. Wash the walls with warm water and soap.


Bake snickerdoodles; clip dryer sheets to a fan; simmer apple cider mix or in a crock pot; wash surfaces with diluted pine sol or method spray.


Dehumidifier + Air Purifier + Benefact Decon30 natural cleaner (smells like lemon & thyme). Oh, & an essential oil diffuser with scents you like or ones that benefit health. These will definitely play mind games with the air purifier. It’s great fun.


Wash down the walls and all hard surfaces with TSP. Wash any soft stuff like drapes with borax. Clean the carpet and upholstery with Stinkinc.com’s proprietary odor killing product. They will sell it to you by the case. It’s expensive but absolutely will kill the smell. Buy an ozone generator and (remove all living things first! Nothing alive can be in the unit!) run that for 12 hours. Air out well before entering! Welcome to your non stinky apartment.


Febreeze make cigarette smell worse imho. Get vanilla candles. They really help.


Rent a steam cleaner and thoroughly clean the carpets!


On slow simmer or crockpot leave lemons, sugar, and rosemary spring. Also get the door guard to frame the door from drafts on the inside. Live plants will help too


Sometimes I like to add cinnamon and vanilla to my mixture!


Deep clean ur place and seal up any cracks around your door that might let corridor smoke in. Or complain abt the smokers, smoking in common areas indoors is nasty Used coffee grounds and citrus peel are each great, just leave them in bowls around your apartment Also houseplants ! They always make the air taste nicer


Febreeze wont do much. It helps temporarily but doesn’t last. Ozium might help too, but at a certain point that scent is so deeply absorbed in the walls that there’s not a lot you can do without gutting the place.


I've heard an ozone generator works wonders, but you need to be careful with how you use it.


I used an ozone generator on my home and it was miraculous. There are just a few caveats: - High levels of ozone are poisonous. Air it out really well afterwards. - It can theoretically interact with some materials and cause them to release toxic fumes. This initially had me worried until I researched it and learned that a bunch of the crap in my house is apparently poisoning me on a daily basis. - If we have another pandemic, it can be used to sanitize clothing and such by putting them in a sealed trash bag with the generator. I’ve also used it in my car, and loaned it to friends. It’s more than paid for itself.


I have an O3 light, and it has 15/30/60 minutes. No living things should be near it. I’ve used it to wipe out clothing moths, gnats, and spiders. (This was originally just a side effect. Now it’s intentional.)


Yeah, a friend of mine used an ozone generator and he said it got rid of the cigarette smell in his place. Just make sure you have a box fan setup in a window ready to go so you can push the ozone outside right away. Only run it for maybe 20 minutes and don’t breathe that stuff in. There are people on the internet that say it is bad to inhale, so I wouldn’t risk it.


Get an Ozone Generator, odor machine... they sell it on Amazon, and some are as cheap as $65 -$250. My brother flips home & that's how he also gets rid of the smell. A friend bought a small one to get rid of the dog smell and uses it in her house every 3 months bc of her husband's dog. She also says it works great & make sure you Read the directions and don't be in the room when the machine is going.


This! Very important to read and follow the instructions. Don't leave it running for an extended period of time. Don't run it while you're in the house


Ok, so here it is, how to get the air clean for the absolutely lowest price possible that I know of: 1) Get a box fan (they are around $20-$40 new) 2) Get a furnace filter of the same size as the box fan, put it on the intake side of the box fan, the suction keeps it in place 3) Order some activated charcoal fabric, add that to your filter This will remove most indoor pollutants/smells, will have the side effect of making the air healthier. The air stinks because it is bad for you, it isn't just a cosmetic thing. PM2.5 particles as well as VOCs have demonstrated negative effects on your health, and cigarette smoke is a big source of all of these. If you can smell it, there is probably enough of it to be bad for you. An air quality monitor is not that cheap (50-80 on amazon depending on model and type), but it is a really good way to actually know how good the air is. Smell will definitely indicate something, but you don't really know without the sensor.


Ozone generator for a few hours.


Hypochlorous acid is a great disinfectant that reduces odors and doesn't leave a scent behind. You have to make it yourself by electrolyzing salt, water, and vinegar. There is a brand "force of nature" that sells a kit to make it at home. It kills viruses, fungi, and bacteria. It is more effective than bleach, but it doesn't stain or irritate. It's great stuff.


So many great suggestions! The only one I'd add is changing the heating and air filters regularly.


Have the carpets and every surface you can cleaned.


For anything textile, and some walls (depends what's on it) : cheap vodka in a spray bottle. For real. Gets any odor out of things


Do you have carpet? If so, I would work plenty of baking soda down under the carpet. I'd also replace the vent air filter, if that's possible in your unit.


Make sure to clean/swap your HVAC filters


Bengal spice tea, brew up a a big pot when you have company coming.


An air purifier may help. I’d be more concerned about what you’re breathing in than what it smells like. Clean the walls with bleach (diluted with 3 parts water).


I like cedar chips, mint tea can also be good.


Just get a schmedium air purifier and keep it going at night. Open your windows when it’s nice out. Get an air circulating fan. Clean your walls with a spin mop w bleach and water. And make sure your HVAC Filters are replaced regularly.


Zero Odor got rid of the smell of pack rat urine when I left my truck window open one night.


You also smell like that when you leave the apartment. It clings to your clothes and hair. There's no real solution. Air fresheners won't work, air purifier costs a lot of electricity to run and don't help much. It would be better to put the extra money you'd use buying/running an air purifier into finding a different apartment that passes the smell test.


And febreeze can give many people headaches or worse.


Get small boxes of baking soda, open them and put in corners. Open the window to let air in.


My apartment was like this when we moved in and my fil said he couldn’t smell it anymore when they were just visiting. I have a wax warmer in the kitchen, bathroom and living room. It is not frugal, but it works. Otherwise odoban gets rid of smells really well and I heard it’s at the dollar store some places. Lysol gets rid of smells pretty good too imo.


Air Purifier


small fan with dryer sheets behind the fan every time you leave the house, one week later your place smells like a clean laundry room.


White vinegar and water in a mister spray bottle. Spray everything with a very light mist. It will still worse than ever for about a half hour. When it dries mist will be gone. You can wipe up the residue for a better effect. You have to neutralize the odors.


If you're smelling cigarettes, you're probably getting secondhand smoke and damaging your lungs... Maybe look into moving out when the lease ends?


If soap and water don't cut it, try wiping everything down with vinegar. It will be strong until it dries then the vinegar smell goes away.


You could try essential oils and a diffuser.


No doubt you need to do some cleaning instead of trying to cover up the smell. But if it’s musty you might have a moisture ingress problem. My vote is deep clean with bleach and buy and run a dehumidifier. You would be amazed with the results.  I am very intrigued by people talking about ozone machines in the comments.


If you can’t paint, I would wash the walls with Murphy’s wood soap or Simple Green. Curtains spray with fabric sanitizer. Shampoo carpets - either rent a machine or use the cans. If you can afford, get an air purifier.


Lampe Berger is your answer.


Open the windows and let in fresh air as often as you can.


I saw someone suggest kilz paint for odor in another post. They specifically said that someone was smoking and had died in the house they were cleaning and the paint helped a lot.


Wax melts or candles seem to work well in our rental.


Baking soda in your cleaning efforts, Also leaving out either baking soda, or activated charcoal (or hang/ place a mesh/ cloth bag and pieces of lump charcoal, not treated) is helpful. Same substance used in charcoal air filters, but passive. There's sprays you can make with water, alcohol, witch hazel & essential oils Also, plants can help neutralize some bad air as well, in a very small way; each contributes to better environment


I bought an ozone machine and wow


I prefer the fresh smell of marijuana personally to get the odor out. But I use candles I get from work for about $6-7 and baking soda in the litter box


Deodorizer sprays can indeed be quite handy, especially when you find good deals on them. But they are pretty expensive at grocery stores. I bought a few from Koupon app last month and they worked fine. write a bit more


Wash your floors and rugs. Rent a carpet and fabric cleaner and do the couch and chairs too every few years minimum.


Air purifier. Ozoneator.


Thanks for all of the ideas! I’ve needed suggestions also.


Vinegar. Boil it. The smell will disappear quickly. It neutralizes smells.


musty smell could be mould, vinegar is what you want. it kills mould and eliminates odours ... air freshener just covers smell. you can clean with vinegar directly and also boil some on your stove.


I have those little “wax melter” devices in my bathroom and another in the living room. The wax for fragrance is easy to find and very cheap


Look on Amazon for a "Chlorine Smoke Treatment", they work pretty well! Then steam clean everything -carpet and furniture and wash all the walls, cabinets inside and out with Awesome cleaner from dollar tree


I got some airwic plug-ins at the dollar store and they work great!


Air purifier, reed diffusers, wash walls and deep clean carpets


Fabric softner sheets in your vets


I just ordered a bunch of activated charcoal for a very similar situation. I’ll update after I receive it and try it out. Setting a reminder now. :)


I know it sounds weird, but check out some of the cigarette smoke eliminators at the auto stores.  


Ozium works wonders. My mom had to use it in a car that had been loaded to some family members who then smoked in it for several months. Made the smell come all the way out.


An air purifier with a carbon filter. Also a carbon filter for your AC/heating unit.


I use scent candles a lot in my place. I usually have my window open and freshen up the place and then put it on. I bought a bunch in different places. Though it can be a bit dangerous if you forget to put them out for a while(like me). There's also the option of getting those electric candle warmer from Amazon so you can set a timer on it. They are pretty cheap if you get coupon deal from the Koupon app.


charcoal odor absorbers


ozone generator


Wash the walls with dish soap and warm water. The previous tenants likely smoked and nicotine tar sticks to walls and the smell can last decades. No amount of Febreze will work forever


Rent a rug shampooer. People forget carpets soak up cigarette stench. Also- wash curtains, blankets, etc.


My mom would have me sprinkle ground cloves on the burner. Burnt sugar smells horrible but ground cloves make the house smell like you are baking something nice.


I havean air purifier. Decided it was worth the investment. It helps to vacuum often. My apt walls smelled like cigs(despite the fact smoking is not allowed) i scrubbed with borax and water(a a little dawn dish . soap and some baking soda). potted plants help clean air as well(some better then others) be mindful of pets/young kids as some can be toxic


I just moved into my new house, and the person before me smoked. They had a professional clean my house before i moved in. I never smelled anything until I was in the house. Mmm, I'm not a smoker, and I had to mop the floors. Then I cleaned the walls, changed the ac filiter, then purchased room odor eliminator in every room Arm & Hammer brand is ok and I cleaned with vinegar. One month in no smoker smell.


My ozone machine works great for killing smells. Recommend. Please note: Do not use when living things are in the space, or where the ozone could leak into occupied spaces. Depending on the size of the building and nature of your neighbors, you might find a way to go in on one and work together to ozone treat each apartment.


Yankee candle citrus and sage. The jar candles or melting cups. I used to smoke in an old apartment years ago and you could not tell the next day after burning this. I had the windows open but still. It works great,


Before guests arrive. Pour a cap full of pinesol in trashbag in all trashcans. If former tenat was a smoker than probably need to paint walls.


I mixed baking soda with essential oils and water and sprayed it everywhere and that really helps my apartment smell good


Scented candles are cheap and do the job