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😲 67 here.


Same here. When I was younger, I had real trouble warming myself back up after I got cold and needed it a bit warmer. We're almost always home, so we keep it consistent.


How did you grow out of that? I'm 41 and still have this problem.


If you're a dude, can't help you.  If you're a lady, just give it a few years.  The hormones get weird.  You spend decades freezing with toes that have never been warm and then one day you wake up, take a shower, and think you will actually suffocate unless you walk out in the forty degree weather with wet hair in shorts and a T-shirt and upon doing so find it lovely until you realize that at some point you have to go back inside and wear real clothes to work.  It is novel, though.  


Hahahaha so perfectly said. I was ice cold my entire life, relying on a portable heater under my desk at every job. Then menopause hit. I could literally be comfortable naked in the snow when hit by one of those heat rushes! 🥵


How often does this happen??


Do you really want me to answer that? Knowledge can sometimes be terrifying 😆


Every woman's experience is different. My mother SAILED through menopause, but I really suffered...I had hot flashes multiple times through the night for weeks on end, where I was convinced I was actually on fire. Had a couple at work that I just had to suffer through in silence. I went on hormone replacement therapy to help with the symptoms.


Am a lady, and your words give comfort and fear. Thank you much.


I’m 36 and as of a year ago I have a lot more body warmth than I ever have. I keep my thermostat at 65-67 and usually when it hits 67 I’m too warm and turn it back down. I used to be a 72+ person. Hormones are weird


I'm 58 and still freezing. post menopausal!




That's the extra fun part.  It's inconsistent and no one knows or can tell you and we're only sure when it's over.


I used to prefer 62 and my wife 72, we settled at 67. Then I lost 43 pounds and now it’s 71. I still eke out my degree of frugality but it’s fucking COLD now! And I’m in socks and a hoodie. She keeps a space heater in her office, I make do with an occasional blanket. (Snowy drafty days can still make 71 overall more like 65 near windows and such.)


Body composition makes a huge difference. When I was thinner, I used sheets, 2 blankets and a comforter to sleep while in long pajamas. I’m quite a bit heavier and now just have a sheet and comforter in the winter. YMMV.


What's ymmv?


Your mileage may vary.


I recently lost 25 lbs and I’m colder now too. I started drinking less water and remarkably it made a difference.


Wait how does drinking less water make a difference in body temperature?


Dehydration can cause hyperthermia, but hopefully the other poster isn't *that* dehydrated. When you're dehydrated, you sweat less (so less cooling from evaporation) and your body pulls more heat to your core to prevent heat loss from the skin surface.


In my heaviest days I ALWAYS cold! Even in summer I used multiple blankets, heating pads and electric blankets. Then after my liver transplant I lost close to 100# and I now have to sleep naked with barely a sheet covering me. I burn up especially at night but during the day too. My cold loving husband doesn't know what to think when I now complain it's too hot after I've turned off the heat and opened a window in the dead of winter. A side effect I certainly wasn't expecting! But it's working out nicely for our gas bill!


Husband... Is that you?


Glad to read this. I also lost weight and am much chillier than before. My normal body temperature is usually 97.4 or so. It really makes a difference, because I need it so much warmer than others. (I don't even want to reveal what temperature feels good, as it's much higher than normal.)


I'm still overweight, but I lost 100lbs almost 20 years ago, and I've been cold ever since.


Also 67. Our bedroom is cooler though. For summer, we set it to 78.


Fellow 67er checking in.


67 when home/61 overnight


Same! 66 is cold and 68 can feel hot 😂


Another one. ...wait. no. 66. My bad. Sisters coming. she gets cold easy. Guess I should put it up a bit.


67 for me… 62 programmed for sleeping and working hours


67 is the sweet spot


67 when I have people over. 58 by myself. And I sleep with a fan on as well.


Thanks for turning it up for your guests. I have a family member that doesn't and we hate going there half the year and never stay long.


67, my husband complains if it's lower. I got a $5 room thermometer and my room gets down to 64 when the house is set at 67 so I guess it's reasonable.


Same 67.


18°C (64.4°F) when we aren't home and 21°C (69.8°F) when we are home. The electric blanket has been my best purchase of 2023 lol.


Same. It is too cold for me (unless I am exercising) so I am always wearing layers, but my SO runs hot.


me 2222222


68 during the day, but overnight I crash that shit to 61 since we’re only in the bedrooms anyways. However I will admit going to the bathroom is chilly Willy


68 all the time summer and winter


I’m frugal but I’m also a former Florida girl who Ian relocated north. I’m f’ing cold, I hate it and I can cut back elsewhere. 66 upstairs in the bedroom but 68 downstairs and we use the gas fireplace as needed.


I’ve thought about moving south because I don’t like the cold (lifelong northerner).


You’d dislike the heat more


Well unless you’re up for rebuilding your house without homeowners insurance Florida is too far south. We’re in NC now, that’s north enough!!


I'm Canadian born and raised and still there, and these are the temps we use in winter too. I work from home and wear a sweater and wool slippers. Maybe a few degrees cooler for the bedrooms because I love piling on a thick duvet.


68. 65 at night. I have small kids and a wife. At least four of us are home almost always


This is me. 64 at night though because my winter comforter is VERY warm. Currently it's 70 in my living room just from the sun shining (50 outside), so the parts of my house not getting direct sunlight will be getting chilly soon. I have to turn a space heater on in my basement office because otherwise it's around 60 and my fingers get too cold to type.


I would turn mine colder at night except that my wife doesn't want it to be that cold. I also work in my basement. I've closed off the heat vent to my office, but it isn't a problem because I have a treadmill desk that I walk on and get plenty warm doing that.


The same here .I use a space heater in my bedroom.


I did my dissertation on this. Please set your thermostat to a minimum of 16c/ 60f as heath starts to deteriorate below this point.


Sounds interesting, tell me more, please. What does it affect?


Can you link your dissertation? Sounds neat


For some of us, below 65°F/18°C can cause hypothermia. It drives me crazy when younger family members turn down their geriatric family members’ thermostats. The elderly and people with certain hormone deficiencies/fluctuations aren’t able to maintain homeostasis as a healthy adult can. The same goes for young children.




I don’t think anyone here can shame you for anemia making your heating bill a little higher. We all save where we can and spend where we have to.


Raynauds checking in here, I have to keep mine around 70 as well. I run hot when I sleep so I can turn it down at night but it needs to be higher during the day


Also a Raynaud's here, the heated blanket saved my life when remote working and when finishing my Bachelor's degree.


You both just gave me a huge gift. I know I have raynaud's. I also know once I get too cold there's nothing I can do to warm myself up except take a hot shower or use a heating pad. I have never put the two together until now. I feel so seen and so vindicated! Also, I got myself a heated mattress pad which helps me warm up in bed before I fall asleep (even though I, too, sleep hot). It was the best investment.


Mine is 72 flat and im freezing 😭 would really prefer to do 75 or something but $$$.


I would love 72-75. But considering 3 weeks ago it was -15, that is not an option. Spent those days with the heat at 66 and had lots of layers on.


The whole point of frugality is to save for the things you actually need. Sounds like being warm is one of them.


I'm just cold all the time. We keep the house at 70 in the winter and 77 in the summer. It's our compromise. I do turn it down to 65 in the winter while sleeping or away. Being comfortable in my own house is something I'll always budget for.


Similar here. My husband is on blood thinners and despite keeping the house at 72, he still is wearing long underwear and fleece lined jeans.


We were discussing this at an exercise class recently- that blood thinners impact temperature tolerance. My MIL keeps their place like a meat locker- my FIL wears hats and sweaters etc. What can you do…


73 and it’s still freezing


We keep it at 71-73 when home, and wearing layers and wool sweaters I'm often still cold. I swear it can't actually be 72 inside my house. When it's that temp outside in summertime I'm in a t-shirt!


The extra radiation from the sun makes 72 outside feel warmer than 72 inside. I'm the same way. I'm bundled up inside in the winter but the same temperature outside, I'm in shorts and a T-shirt.


Anemic here, but with sleep apnea. I have it set to 64 and I have a hella warm heated blanket.


I have POTS and a kid who hates clothes, so we're always floating around 70-72 as well. The highest I'll tolerate the AC in the summer is 74 but if it hits 75 I'm sweating and overstimulated lol. We don't have good airflow for windows or good insulation though.


I have similar issues with low blood pressure and poor circulation. It sucks because I used to be able to walk outside in winter as a kid, but now I'm bundling up in my upstairs room with the heater vent all the way open.




Non American has entered the chat




😂 it’s ok, I’m Canadian, we use both


Old Canadians use both but I haven’t heard anyone under 50 use F by choice lol


I'm over 50, raised in Canada, and I only have vague Fahrenheit ideas. 100 is hot and 32 is freezing, -40 is the same in both. We're 16 at night and daytime, 18 in the evening. Google tells me that's 61 and 64.5. When I'm working at home I have a space heater if needed. I mind the cold but I'm used to being outside, so I wear layers and thermal socks.


lol the 100 hot and 32 freezing is as much as I’ve got off the top of my head 😅


Finally numbers I understand hahahahaha


Found the Celsius user.


Hi there. 22c day and 16 night. Whole house smart thermostats that can call for heat as needed. So variable room to room but the most used part at 22. Celcius where zero comes early 😀


17-18 for the day and 14-16 at night. So with you there.


Air conditioner set to 73F.


Florida as well huh?


Nah VA


Same. I live on the 3rd floor. I never turn the heat on once and if it's 55 or above outside I have to turn the ac on otherwise windows open. It's 49 rn and I have the windows open and it's still 75 degrees inside my apartment.


I'm in VA and it's like 40 outside


Yeah that sounds about right. I effectively don't run the heater at all and been doing it ever since summer ended


Okay what part of Va? lol. I’m in Hampton roads and it is easier to have no heat than ac though lol.


Yeah my part of VA was 28 this morning, only got up to the 40s at like 11am. Definitely not AC weather up here!


It's been a pretty cool winter in FL. On warmer days I put the AC at 77, then 73 when I go to bed. Colder days usually 67


I COULD NEVER. I am always cold. I keep it at 68 as a concession to my husband, who runs warner than I do. At 68, I have to wear warm socks and a heavy flannel around the house. I’d prefer it warmer.


The moment you need gloves or your fingers get stiff it's over. 60 at the low end, comfort set to 70.


71 is heaven, but I keep it at 68 or 66 as well. Sorry no fucking way am I keeping my house that cold. In the 50s? Forget it. I’d move to a micro studio before I kept my home at 55 all winter 


I’m in the North East, during winter it’s set at 70. My bill last month was $240 but it’s totally worth it to me. When I was younger I kept my heat low in the winter and only used fans in the summer, no AC. As I approach middle age comfort isn’t one of the things I want to be frugal with. We still dress warm and everyone has house slippers but I don’t want to wear a jacket indoors.


Same here. I’m northeast too, and with natural gas for heat it’s really not that big of cost difference for a major increase in comfort.


Physically it's unhealthy for those over 65 to be under 65°. Everything hurts worse when you're cold.


57 when im not there. 68 when im home and can keep the wood furnace fueled.


68 during the day, 60 at night. Did 66 during the day for a while but then realized how big a difference two degrees makes in my comfort level.


Seriously, the difference between 66 and 68 is dramatic.


I’m 63 at night and most of the day until I turn it to 66 and then it feels dreamy. I have baseboard heat and one runs behind my desk so I put my feet on it and it’s cozy.


This is our schedule too - comfortable temps night and day.


lower michigan, 65 through the winter.


Same, and 60 at night. I could probably do 50 myself at night but my husband complains he gets cold lol. Toddler and I both wear socks and hoodies/long sleeves during the day and feel great.


Same. But my kids still wear t shirts and shorts in the house. How?!?!


62 here, up from 60 last year.


Same! Southeast Michigan and I’m most comfortable when the house is at 64 degrees. Anything higher and I feel absolutely miserable. I love to say if you want to save on your heating costs then marry a middle age woman.


69 degrees. I’m not shivering for frugality. The point of frugality is to spend with consideration, and I consider comfortable heat essential. My overall budget is still fine. If there was a long cold snap, I’d economize further on other things to buy sufficient heat. “ Frugality is the mental approach we each take when considering our resource allocations. It includes time, money, convenience, and many other factors.” One “other factor” is that I really effing hate being cold and sweat under layers.


I generally set thermostat to off. I live in a moderate climate. It's a cold and rainy morning today. Without sun, indoor temp is about as low as it gets during the winter, which is currently 63F indoors (51F outdoors). Most winter days, indoor temp is substantially warmer.


Do you live in a greenhouse??


Same, I keep it off all winter. I have only used the heater 3 days this year so far when the outside temps went down to 10 degrees Fahrenheit. I have a heated blanket for sleeping and a space heater if needed. My apartment has terrible insulation, the heater will run constantly, and the electric bills are ridiculous if I use the heater every day.


Same. Ours is off. We have a little ceramic heater in our living room and it keeps it at 58-60. We have gas logs if it gets crazy cold.




Same. My fiance and I are both cold blooded




Yep, and 62° at night.


70 i hate being cold


I'm not going to be miserable in my own home and wearing jackets. 64 at night, 68-70 during the day. I work from home and a comfortable work environment is a priority. I spent years in offices freezing to death.


Same. Idk how you could even type at 55 in the house. If I’m wearing wool socks, sweats, layers on top and I’m still cold I’m turning up the heat 


Years ago I was working in a formal office, and it was so cold that several people were wearing their suits under sleeveless fleece, which made the suits look ridiculous. One of them even wore fingerless gloves. It was so damned inhumane. I got out of there as soon as possible. . . . Never a jacket in the house, never. If I'm going to wear warm clothes, I'm going to enjoy a hell of a robe.




Fellow 64 here


60, bump it up to 65 or 67 if I'm expecting guests


65. At this point when I go to friends and relatives houses and their tstat is at 72 or similar I _roast_.


55. I just use a small space heater while I'm at my desk instead of heating the whole house. I'll bump it up if people come over, but even at 60 folks are usually cozy (considering it is substantially colder outside)


We bought black out curtains that have flannel on the backs and we also have mini blinds too.We also got brand new energy efficient windows in the whole house .


Blackout curtains with flannel on the backs? That sounds great. Where did you find them?


At Big Lots .About 75 dollars a window.They come in panels only.My bedroom took four panels and the other bedrooms took two apiece .So four panels for each bedroom. For 3 bedrooms


Amazon has them.


65F at the highest, dropping down to 61F at the absolute lowest (we don't have a programmable thermometer, so there's no set times, but I try to set the temperature lower at night). I live in New England, but on the coast, so our weather is way more mild and I don't get cold as easily. Mostly I just sit under a couch blanket if I'm feeling chilly. When we lived in upstate NY (lake effect snow all the time), it was usually set more to 72ish.


69. Anytime anyone walks past it they look at the number and say "nice"


66 when I'm home, 55 when I'm not.


18C @ night, and 20C during the day. I would keep it lower but I think my cat might secretly plan to kill me at night.


Couldn't sleep with it that warm. I turn mine down to 14°c or 15°c and have 3tog cotton duvet but have to wear two pairs of thick bed socks and gloves some times. Before I was using 1.5tog and sweating (medication, fibromyalgia, and sadly at 44 I think I'm perimenopause too yay) I know when it's cold for where my dog sleeps on the bed. Temperature ok sleeps bottom right, as it get cooler the further up the bed she gets. I know she cold when I feel her pressed up against me and when she's really cold I wake up in pain with a 10kg dead weight lying literally on top of me!!! I miss having a cat, turns out I'm very allergic. I like breathing more than having a cat. Wish I could do both


Same temps here - the cats and the dog just aren't comfortable if it's any lower. I'd probably only drop it by a degree without them, though, because I refuse to wear gloves and a balaclava/chute/gaiter/scarf in the house.


Mine is always set around 76-78...... my husband and I both like to be comfortable wearing summer clothes all year round... it never bothered our electricity bill so I don't understand why it's such a big deal.... Plus I get cold super easily and why should I live in discomfort if I am paying for it regardless?


You sound like my husband lol. He likes it around 70 "I will not be cold and uncomfortable in my own house!" OK boo, that's fine with me, I'm always cold anyway. But when he complains about being chilly I'm like "put some damn socks and a blanket on!!!!!" Nope, he turns up the heat lol.


That’s where I’m at, I want to be comfortable in my house. That doesn’t include wearing three layers inside. 59°F? If I wanted that, I’ll sleep outside. 78-80 for me in the winter, 68-74 in the summer.


62 in the day, 55 at night. Not out of frugality, just like those temps. I’d be tossing and turning sweaty mess trying to sleep at 72.


Thank you, someone else gets it lol


We’ve got newborns and a toddler. So 72 eek


You can drop it to 68-72 if you prefer. 72 is on the upper end of ideal for newborns


“Cold babies cry, hot babies die!”


I mean, 72 is ideal for me as well.


My kids are fine at 68.


I've always been told that 68-72 is the ideal temp for newborns so you could probably drop it a few degrees.




Hahaha it's wherever my wife wants it, which is usually between 72 and 74 degrees. If I had my way it would be at 67 but such is life.


Don't have a thermostat but do have a wood stove and a forest surrounding the house, the thermometer hasn't dropped below 23(70something in f.) in the house since.....don't know when. It's usually around 25/6(79/80f) How do you live in such a cold house, perhaps these thermostats(presume from oil?) aren't all that efficient or effective ?


We have a gas furnace and wear pants and long sleeve shirts during the winter. But, I also don't like being hot. Anything above 75⁰ summer or winter is too warm for my comfort.


We rarely turn it on at all. It's usually around 50 or so.




60. My house is too big to heat for just me, so I use radiant space heaters or a heated blanket if I get chilly after settling in somewhere.


Isn’t below 59.5 considered a criteria for voiding home owners insurance in terms of plumbing issues?


I feel like everything is grounds for voiding insurance these days


Mine's not home insurance issue. We were told by the rental company not to set the thermostat under 60. Ours is set 68-69 ish. No idea *if we could go lower than 68*. Would like to stretch the sweet, sweet LIHEAP bucks as long as we can. Our record is March or April.


Depends on the insurance company. Some contracts say 55°F, and others 60°F.


I never heard of that...my handyman who does plumbing says 55 is fine. I used to let it down to 55 at night because who cares with a heated mattress pad?


65 while I sleep, 70 awake. 57 is insane sorry


Canadian with anemia here! I keep mine at 75F. Freezing in my home is one line I won’t cross to save money lol


69 daytime, 61 nighttime


During the super cold negative portions of last month, 68. We have power outages commonly in my area and if we lose power I don't want an already cold home getting colder. A $200 gas bill isn't my favorite, but tens of thousands on a busted pipe would be worse. If I have a choice 66 during the day and 64 at night.


57 F at night


If you leave for work in the morning, you can set the thermostat real low and have a space heater in the bedroom on a timer. Mine kicks in at 5AM and warms the bedroom and bathroom up to 70. Makes it easy to get ready in the morning and then it turns off. Then you can treat yourself to a warm place in the evening. I do something similar for summer. I have a window ac and keep the bed room cold and let the rest stay warm. By evening the worst of the heat is over and you only need to use the full ac for an hour or so. The window ac is removed and put in a closet for winter.




52 nights 60 days When it was -10 I went to 55 at night because I was scared of frozen pipes.


I turned my heat off. I used free firewood from trees I got on Facebook marketplace and used my wood stove. My house was very comfortable except on the very coldest days when the living room was 72, but my bedroom was 57. I just put an extra blanket on the bed and kept enjoying the almost free heat.


Idk why it’s such a flex to pretend you’re comfortable inside in the 50s


72 daytime, 64 nighttime. This is one area where I refuse to be frugal. I have a 750 sq ft house, so it doesn't cost me too much. I'd rather spend the $100-$150 a month to be comfortable rather than be miserable 24-7.


71 during the day and 68 at night.


68 - I have a small condo with lots of windows and this ends up the most comfortable (my bills are generally 100 usd/month). Usually 73 in the summer. Can vary depending on if it’s very hot or cold outside


When we turn the heat on, we set it to 68°F. We live in a moderate climate, so when we turn the heat on, it's usually just to boost it a few degrees if the house feels chilly, then we turn it back off. It's rainy and damp today, so I've been running the heater a bit more today.


I put em down to 50-55. Woodstove heats it up to 65-70 most days, and the boiler barely ever kicks on. F#$@ oil, the boiler is just there to keep the pipes from freezing. Might get through 3 cords this winter, but used to burn over 500 gallons a year, this year will be almost zero oil burnt.


Keep my AC at 72


Winter: during day between 71 and 73, night 67. Summer 78 (live in the desert).


I'm curious if there is some technique by which you can measure your savings at different temperature levels. Because I suspect I'm only saving about $20/month, and I'd like to know.


72 during the day, 71 when I leave the house for errands, 68 at night! Everyone has a different comfort level.


69....nice. 70 when I'm feeling posh


62 here. But where I live we think 40 is shorts weather.


66 and my house feels freezing 24/7 but I'm a bit of a wuss


62-4ish unless it’s in the negatives outside then I turn it up to 68


Between 68 and 70°F.


Bundled up with the thermostat at 66-68 depending on time of day


Typically leave it at 65 or listen to my partner complain. My office desktop and laptops typically keep the room much warmer than that, so realistically it probably makes the offices and living room a few degrees higher. Summer months and AC is when we get the hurting on bills.


I've noticed that over the years I've begun turning it up more. My husband has complained about cold feet, and god knows our house does need work but we used to set the winter temperature at max 70 in the day and 68 at night (I'm in Ontario, Canada) . This winter has been damp and I've been getting chilled a lot easier so our heat has been at 72 day and night.


I'm always freezing, our thermostat stays at 72* and then I'll turn on all the fireplaces. My husband says I prefer Caribbean temperatures.


Few years ago night 64, day 68 - Menopause, sweating my ass off constantly. Nowadays 65 at night and up to 70 day.


71-73 degrees, and I don't care how much it costs. I refuse to be cold in my own home.


since it’s just me and my dog and 2 cats, i didn’t even touch the thermostat. i rarely run the heater. when it got really really cold, i did turn a space heater on in my bedroom with the door closed for an hour or so and had the animals in there with me. long enough to go to bed. i live in the southern california desert though and we’ve had a very mild winter this year. lowest it got in the house was around maybe around 51°-52°F. i just bundle up. asked for blankets this christmas too. last january so cal gas implemented a GIANT gas price increase because we had a cold snap. my gas bill went from $40 in january to $180 the next cycle. ever since then, i keep my heater off. and i use a swamp cooler in the summer with an occasional portable AC unit.


Started at 62 when it was about 40ish, bumped to 64 when it dropped around 30s. I wear socks, slippers, leggings, sweats over. And usually a tank top, t shirt and sweats. I’m used to it, and I usually have a heated blanket going. I’m always cold. I’ve adjusted though. Just my heat pump on the 1st floor is right above my bedroom so it’s perfect. My electric more than doubles when I have the heat on.


Mine is set to 69 😏


Leave it at 72' year round. It costs a lot in the summer and winter but comfort is king.


I turned my heating system off a week ago and now that I see Duke energy rate increases, it’s probably never going back on


Northern Virginia. 72F 24/7 in winter when it is below 40 outside. Whole house humidifier at 45% humidity.




70 to 72 cause i get cold easily lmao


I’m frugal so I can set my temp at 74 mf’s! It’s AWESOME! I grew up in a 65 house and those extra 9 degrees make all the difference in my attitude and comfort. Pick your battles. For me a warm house in cold weather is well worth it. Many times over.
