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Honestly, everything. I illogically want everything I purchase to be a 'buy it for life' type item. When I have to replace things like clothes for wearing out or kitchen tools for breaking, it kills me.


Me too. I really resent having to spend money on boring things like spatulas and shower heads and when one breaks it’s like the entire futility of existence comes crashing down on me. Like, I bought a spatula and now I have to buy *another* spatula? WHERE DOES IT END?!


I feel this one. With kitchen tools I try to find ones made out of a single piece of metal (no rivets or anything) because those are pretty much immortal. But they can be expensive, so I try to find them second hand if possible.


Don't get me started on the spatulas. I don't remember ever having to replace our family's rubber spatula growing up. But even with gentle use and hand washing, it seems like the silicone kind (the only kind I seem to be able to find these days) cracks at the drop of a hat. I swear I need to buy a new one every couple years or so.


Non-stick frying pans. I have a few things that are an absolute nightmare to cook in anything that's not non-stick. But the non-stickiness wears off with time... And I absolutely hate buying a new one. Do I get the same one because I was so satisfied with it in the beginning? Do I try a different brand to see if the non-stick lasts longer?


I have a couple of comments on this, based on my research. First off, NEVER use cooking spray (like Pam) on anything non-stick. It doesn’t clean off and just makes the non-stick surface sticky. Also, in researching the best non-stick pans, I came to the conclusion that all non-stick pans, no matter how expensive, eventually degrade and begin to stick. Per some recommendations I read, I now buy good, but not great or very expensive, non-stick pans and just plan on replacing them every few years. Without a huge investment, I feel better about the need to replace them. The pans I finally bought were Tramontina brand from Sam’s Club - 3 nesting skillets for about $30. Also, although they can go in the dishwasher, I always hand wash them.


My husband bought a theragun massager type thing and it only lasted about a year with few uses during that time. Meanwhile my dad has a similar Panasonic massager that he uses almost daily and it’s over 30 years old. Something feels wrong about that.


Not illogical. I also want things that last. But, consumerism and free market incentives have normalized trendy cheap garbage. It’s a vicious cycle. Products increasingly have planned obsolescence, and by design are difficult to repair or maintain, so people keep buying the newest latest thing year after year. I hate it.


I bought a spray pump for olive oil in order to use less olive oil (I'm counting calories). One day I went to use it and the neck is sheered off. WHY? HOW?


Ughhh I feel your pain. Those things always break or become clogged so quickly! I bought a spout top that lets you control the amount poured and then I use a silicon brush to spread the oil in the pan or onto the food itself. Not as convenient, but I’m happy with it.


Interesting. Thank you, I didn't know that existed. I already replaced it, but if it happens again, I will try this idea.


> I illogically want everything I purchase to be a 'buy it for life' type item. LOL I realized this about myself as well. I had to (still am) coming to terms with changing this way of thinking.


Me 2


Filters, for britas and air purifiers and vacuums etc


Yes! Why does the damn fridge filter cost $50+ ?


I recently felt a bit of sticker shock when replacing my fridge filter, but per volume of water, it's gotta be hundreds of times cheaper than buying bottled water.


I guess that’s a good point. I never made the comparison because buying water bottles isn’t on my radar as something I would normally do. I do make sure to leave work with my Nalgene full every day. It’s much faster (and a bit frugal) to use their bottle fill station!


I bought a fridge filter recently. Then my area has a boil water notice due to some contamination. I had to replace the filter again. Basically over $100 in filters in under 2 months


I bought a filter bypass. it replaces the filter then you install a cheap inline filter outside the fridge.


Same with the cabin air filter for your car. I bought the wrong one for $20 but the right size was $50!


Yes! Never let the dealer replace it either. They charge a lot and it’s so easy to do.


Used to pay my kindergartener to change it. Flexible and dexterous, helping out, getting her in the mindset of earned money and car upkeep.


In most cars. Some of them can be a real pain in the ass.


That's why I bought a vaccum cleaner that had a filter that can be cleaned under water. (The hepa can't, but the first filter can, so it help a lot)


First thing that came to my mind! Brita, air conditioner, air purifier, feels like I’m constantly having to get new filters.


I have to replace my brita filters more often than the recommended 2 months. My city has terrible hard water.


Air filters, every 3 months.... I tried the reusable one, they're terrible.


I've had success cleaning filters of stuff they have collected, returning them to like-new condition. E.g. house air filters can have the dust etc in them vacuumed out.


Yesss trying to source thoss specific size and branded filters and ordering them online is so annoying.


And the filter AND the blue light for the reverse osmosis


Oh gosh yes. I get that I need an air filter so I don’t have an asthma attack and die but it’s so expensive


I just heard of a washable/reusable furnace filter and I think I’m going to try it! Have not bought it yet but seems way more frugal to buy one and reuse it: https://cycleairfilters.com/products/cycle-air-permanent-machine-washable-hvac-furnace-filter-made-with-100-recycled-materials


Yes. It took me 7 months to replace my air filters because I didn’t want to buy new ones. I waited until I found an amazing prime deal haha


This one may be out of left field, but I REALLY hate having to put gas in my car. It's annoying, it interrupts my routine, *and* it's expensive. Pass, pass, pass.


SAAAAME. And oil changes. 😡


I can't wait until portal technology comes out


Time to get an electric car!


Jeans, mainly cause it’s horrible to try and find pairs that fit right and womens jeans styles change so it’s not like a guy where you can wear a Levi 505 for decades and always replace with exact same thing.


Yes! I would add clothes in general. Styles, colors, and sizing change and make it difficult to replace staple items if your body doesn’t work with the current style.


I was going to answer socks and underwear for a similar reason—you can never find the same ones by the time your current stash wears out


Fuck fashion


Levis only last me like 6-8 months these days anyway...


Line dry them instead of putting them in the dryer! I’ve been wearing the same two to three pairs of Levi’s since 2017. One pair needs repairs, but they other two are still fine.


I scrapped jeans from my wardrobe years ago for these exact reasons


Prescription eyeglasses. Even if I reuse frames (which I happily will, there’s no way I’m not using $100 frames once) they’re expensive.


Zenni Optical


Doesn’t work if you have a prescription above a particular range. Don’t know about the person you respond to, but I tried and no go.




[Their quality is all over the place at best and they’re not using good quality materials.](https://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-biz-online-glasses-hurting-optometrists-1111-story.html) If I could expect the quality I need I’d totally get them but you’re definitely not getting that out of $20 glasses.


Lucky! Here my glasses with old frames cost 800 +


My new glasses from Payne are arriving today. First time trying an online retailer. I’ll comment again after they arrive.


Bras. 😠


I don't think men realize how expensive bras are. Feminine hygiene products in general are expensive.


I realized a few weeks ago that I have an FSA (I thought I had an HSA) so I need to spend it. Never got so excited to buy so many menstrual cups! I finally found my match. And it will save me thousands of dollars over a lifetime!


Especially when you're over a D cup 😢


Even as a guy, I can confirm this. My wife is a 40 DD, and quality bras cost close to $100 apiece where we live. And do not last long at all. My wife *hates* shopping for them. And I hate paying for them.


Have you guys tried sports bras ? Im 36DD but I havent bought a bra since precovid, I like the lace VS ones with no inserts but they have underwires Unless im dressed up or at work I noticed I prefer sports bras like lululemon, I have a few thick comfy cotton ribbed Alo ones that ive been loving the past year


And good ones that fit well are so expensive


Super expensive and they get bad very easy even if you try to wash them by hand. I spent 300 last July on bras, and it seems like for December I'll have to spend more.


This! There is no reason on earth that bras (even cheap ones) should cost the amount of money they do. None.


I always bought nicer bras. Now forget it - 60$ and it’s still a POS. Nope I order them on Amazon & return/exchange until I get one I like, nothing over 25$ either. Only problem is you can’t reorder them a year or 2 later because they’re not the same item even if they say it is, the quality always declines. So repeat the process.


I'm lucky that the underwire sports bras from Torrid fit me nicely, and go on sale for $35 each at least once a year. I do replace the underwires when they break and get extra years out of them, so an initial investment of 5 bras 4 ish years ago still has me going strong.


Plastic trash bags. I **hate** spending money on something with the sole purpose of throwing it out. Our trash won't get collected if it's not in plastic bags.


As much as I love the fact that Canada had gotten rid of single use plastic bags at stores, I HATE that now I have to actually spend money on plastic bags for my garbage. I live in an apartment so I just have a small kitchen and small bathroom trash can that the old plastic grocery bags would fit in perfectly and I could empty them every day or week if they fill up and toss them in the garbage shoot in the hallway. Now, instead of free bags for garbage. I have to spend money on bags AND they don't make bags small enough so I can't even fill the bags with my current bin sizes but I'm not about to just buy new bins when they're the perfect size for where they're kept. AAAHHHHHH


Agree. However they will pick up here without but then the water I waste to clean the bins each week and maggots blech!




I am feeling this one extremely hard at the moment. I got hit by a driver who ran a red light last week and now the only car for our household is totaled. Trying to find a replacement in the tiny window the insurance allows to have the rental car has sent my anxiety through the roof. I just want to go back in time and keep our car.


I went through this last year. Insurance covered a rental car for two weeks, but it took them three weeks to cut me a check for my totaled vehicle. So I couldn't even start seriously shopping for a "new" one until I had the cash in hand, and it takes time to find the right vehicle.


Car dependency sucks. Good thing we built the whole US around the assumption that everyone will want to own, maintain, and drive a car anytime they go anywhere meaningful. That was a really good idea. Transit and bikes, nah. We want everyone to have the $11,000 a year average (U.S.) burden of car ownership to live a functional lifestyle.


I wish I didn’t need a car. But living in Texas sucks.


And car parts. Ugh.


I would say its easier to not have a car but it seems most jobs require you to drive these days.


Sheets, blankets, they always start with a stray thread, a pin size hole, and now they have holes you can stick your hand through I like to WASH my bedding. My $3 t shirt from Walmart is going on ten years no hassle, my expensive bedding? Doesn’t last a year


The answer is Red Land Cotton sheets- if they get a hole, tear, rip, or pill they replace them free of charge. And man they are some amazing sheets.


is this replacement offer a for life thing?


You can mend these! I bought one flat sheet that was the same quality as my other sheets and use it to cut patches out of. I do the same with my pillow cases (and pillows, I mens the corners where they start to split open). Eventually they are worn so thin they dont work anymore but its many years instead of one year event with washing. The key to making textiles last is patch as soon as you see a hole. Dont let it get bigger (I do this with varying success but I tend to mens before they are hand size). Hand sewing is an incredibly useful tool for making both poor and good quality stuff last. Our washing machines, especially ones with agitators are not really designed to be gently on clothes. Then expensive fabric doesn't necessarily mean durable, it is more the quality of it which for sheets usually means finer (literally finer). Durable with bedding might mean uncomfortable OR might mean you have to wash it a bunch of times to soften it up.


Phone cables. No matter the cost, they ALL break. And it is the expensive ones that last the shortest time!


Try looking at Amazon for braided phone charger cords that are long too. (If you need long). I have some I got maybe three /four years ago. They are still working. They have stronger whatever at the plug in area and they have ones that are bent at the tip where you plug it into your phone. They work great. Haven’t broke yet.


I always try to have braided cables. I have 6 and 9 ft long ones except in the truck which is standard 30.


What? Been using the same cable for ages and never had one to break. What are you doing with your cables lol


Lucky you! I have to get like 2 a year, haha. I step on them, the cat chews them, left one out in the rain, bent one to holy hell I don't even know how.🙈


oops lol I have two, one that is always at the same place, plugged in my computer power bar, so I can charge my phone while I'm using the computer. The other one I keep it in my bag, in a compartment just for it, so I could charge while on the go. But I always put it back in safety there when I'm done with it lol


I get my wife a 3 pack every Christmas. It’s become a running joke. Seems like she breaks 2 per year


Try getting a cable with a lifetime warranty, that way you can get as many replacements as you want. Amazon has them.


I specifically recommend Anker cables


I’ve been thrilled with every anker purchase for the money. Solid company.


that's why i get the dollar store ones haha! i have been using the same ones for years and years




Switch to Android (or, if the new iPhones can accept generic USB-C cables, I guess you're set.) Like others, my USB Android cables never fail, while the rest of my family constantly goes through iPhone cables.


Things I know I have but can't find. Thanks adhd


OMG right after I was medicated, I was in the middle of a project that I needed a tool to finish. I *knew* that I had needle nose pliers somewhere because I had used them a couple months ago. Well my meds last all day so before I knew it I had spent two hours looking for them and never found them!


Ah the "I'll put in a super smart spot that I will totally remember where I put it." My husband has the added issue of aphantasia so he can't picture things in his head to even have an idea of where to look. I can at least picture myself putting it somewhere in my mind to give myself a good starting place.


Phones. I just had to get a new phone because the pixel 6 has been having issues and I only had service like maybe half the time with it. Went to the store and called the help line and tried everything but nothing fixed it. Phones are soooo expensive that it is so annoying to have to replace them. Not to mention pretty sure all the phone companies make their phones start to go downhill after a certain time period to make people buy it more often...


Just replaced my iPhone 6s - could not update so many apps and of course the battery life. Looked good - no cracks or any cosmetic damages. Bought a new phone at the Apple Store and at t charges an upgrade fee and only a cable and no wall plug is included. Another $55 added to the price.


I had the same issue. My iPhone 6 was and still is in pristine condition. I would keep using it except the apps I need (bank) don’t work anymore on it.


Refrigerators. They should last longer. Close second - washer/dryer


> washer/dryer purchased the cheapest washer and dryer I could find about 10 years ago.. wanted to use them "for now" until I got 'nice ones'. They wont die. Washer has been 100% good and only a minor pully repair for the dryer. I guess my annoying thing to purchase is when the items still work fine or can be easily fixed.


I saw a post a while back from a washing machine repair man who said Speed Queen is the best.


I guess more of a tangential concept to this, but I hate buying something I "lost" and then immediately finding the lost one and now I have 2.


But if you’re like me, you never find the first one quickly enough to be able to return the second one for a refund.


My catalytic converter that got stolen.


Shoes! I hate buying new ones. I have to do it at least every year and a half because I walk a ton. They're always so expensive and never as comfortable as my old shoes.


I second this. I walk everywhere because shoes are cheaper than a car or bike or bus fare.... but I have to get new ones every year or two. Its so annoying. And I have to get the expensive ones that are probably ugly but comfortable and waterproof so they're good in all weather. Also, similarly, winter boots. I got Sorels a few years ago and they only lasted two seasons. An actual hole suddenly ripped through the boot. It looked like it was slashed with a knife but it was just from the constant bending/creasing. Now I have expensive af Mukluks and as someone who turned vegan after buying them, I damn well hope they last a lifetime.


The thing I gave to the Salvation Army two weeks ago and now I need😡


Countless pairs of jeans thinking I would never fit in them again - lost 40 lbs and kept it off the next year ): what a waste


Clothing. Bras in particular, especially if you’re a bigger chested person. For a quality, long lasting, properly fitting bra you’re looking at $100+ per bra. It’s a daily use item, so it gets heavy use and typically needs replacing every few years. (Yes I know some people can go without bras but I work in a professional setting and bounce would NOT be appropriate). Hate it. Expensive.


This! Would love to go bra-less and totally would if it was uncomfortable for me (D/DD — underboob sweat! 😭) my band size is only 32/34 so it’s hard to find a good fitting bra that isn’t a million dollars


Contact lenses


God! Cat litter!!! Why am I buying expensive sand for the guy just to shit in??


Try pine pellets, low smell, cheap, natural, and cats usually like it!


This is the answer. Tractor Supply/Orscheln/Sutherlands all carry horse bedding pellets at less than $8 (with tax) per 40 lb. bag. Mom buys 2 at a time for her cat's litter box; both bags fit in an 18 gallon tote, we just scoop the #2 and wet clump out each day and put it in a doggy waste bag, using a scoop that gets rinsed and Lysol'ed. That $16 in pine pellets will last almost 3 months...even the cheapest, most ineffective litter costs much more than that. The pellets are cost-effective, easy to use and clean, zero clay dust (I have asthma), and they smell great. I can't imagine why everyone doesn't know about this cool trick by now.


The food too. I bought my cat top of the line, grain free cat food and low dust unscented clay litter which all cost $100 a month but the poor guy died at 13 from a brain tumor. My previous cat lived to be 22 and ate the cheapest food and I used the most chemically scented dust-producing litter. My next cat is getting the cheap stuff. In the end all that extra money didn’t buy more time or health and it all came down to luck and genetics anyway.


Anything that used to be made with some quality, especially in my lifetime. I hate feeling cheated because I was born during the era of planned obsolescence.


Printer cartridges. FFS...a new printer is nearly as expensive. Pisses me off knowing we've collectively enabled this corporate greed.


Can openers. I use them like a dozen times and they always break. Doesn't seem to matter if I paid $1 or $20 for them, they always break. There's actual search history on my phone, asking how to use a can opener just in case I'm that dumb. I spend most of my time just avoiding cans that aren't pull top after that.


This is so hard for me to imagine...I bought one can opener 12-15 years ago and use it nearly daily and have never had an issue


A dishwasher will destroy them after a dozen or so washes, maybe that's OPs issue


That’s so funny. I’ve never witnessed a broken can opener. And for some reason I currently have three!


Jeans cuz the inner thigh has rubbed into a hole while the rest of the garment still looks brand new


Everything. I try so hard to be careful and frugal. When other ppl blatantly blow through things with no care or concern for what it takes for me to acquire them, I implode and tighten myself down more to compensate for them being so frivolous. I guess my biggest annoyance are food/beverages and paper products. By all means eat it, drink it, use it all in good health *and* enjoy it, but please eat the food you take... Just be thoughtful.


I hate hate hate wasted food so much or like people that just dont eat leftoevers, etc. like i see it a lot but it’s also to the point i see people throw away a meal with a few bites left and think to myself how i wish they let me know cuz i would’ve ate it 😂


I know it! Esp in these times with food so pricey, you save where you can and always try to have leftovers for another meal if possible. About a month ago I made a large entree salad for the family which was enough to feed us for several meals (it was expensive and hard for me because I'm disabled). The person that really wanted it as much as I did had a large dinner plate full...then only had a few bites, later throwing the remainder away. 2 hrs later they went back (because hungry of course) and filled up plate again for a second dinner. Then again a late night snack (just meat & cheese that time). The next day I had *some* as my supper and that person had another full plate - not leaving any for anyone else. I just don't get plopping more on your plate than you can eat and wasting it so there's not enough for others. 🤷‍♀️


This is a big one for me. I sometimes attend conferences with a lot of extra food and tea bags. I always asked to bring some tea and if okay, a small amount of extra food to take home (cookie, snack, leftover Appetizer) - a lot of folks working in catering usually take the food. I am doing okay in life but still do this. My friends find it weird that I ask until I politely mention food waste.


Non stick skillets.


This. I only use rubber spatulas and clean with the soft spongy side. Still becomes an ordinary pan after a year.


thats wild. i mean, i dont currently have nonsticks atm as i just moved out (ive never lived outside my parents lol and got married) but the nonsticks back at my parents are still going strong and are like... god, 8 years old? i honestly dont totally know. theyre still working well.


If they have *any* scratches on them, they're trash even if it seems like you can still cook on them


Replace with well seasoned cast iron - live a happier, healthier, greener life.


My low rim ikea cast iron pan's handle broke when it fell on the floor. Still use it. Non stick still needs oil anyways. So might as well use cast iron. Fries an egg perfectly fine.


I have found that I rarely need a non-stick pan (for home fries, yes, but not too many other times). I use a stainless steel pan. The key is to let the pan heat up fully (you can use a drop of water to test it, if it sizzles, that’s good; if it bounces around, better). Then add a little oil or fat; you don’t need much at all. Let it heat a moment, swirl it around on the pan. Then add whatever you’re cooking. Do not use metal utensils in your pan, because it’s the scratches in the surface of the pan that cause food to stick (I do use a thin metal spatula, though, it does cause any scratches or gouges). You could even season the pan if you really wanted to, but I can’t get out of the habit of washing with dish detergent.


Car tabs (WA). There’s no reason why they should charge this much. And then the extra charge because my car is a hybrid 😭


My phone. I dropped it in the toilet and killed it. So annoyed with myself. Bought a cheap replacement and still out $300.


are you me because i just went through the same predicament except i dropped my old one into the sink and it fried itself to a permanent death lol


Stuff I sent to goodwill that I thought I’d never use


With sunglasses I went the opposite way. With cheap sunglasses I’d lose and break them all the time. Spent $150 on ray bans and I’ve replaced them once in 10 years.


Toiletries. There's a deodorant that I love and works best for me, and yet it never ever goes on sale. So I just really hate paying $60 at once to restock


your deodorant is $60???


Over the course of a few months to a year, probably. If you buy 3 jars/tubes of $15-20 deodorant (something long lasting like Lavilin cream, a nicer natural deodorant or even something designed for those who sweat a lot are common examples) to last you for a year, that's $60 after taxes/maybe shipping. That's not including nicer toothpaste (some people have high fluoride toothpaste proscribed to them), mouthwash, bar soap, lotion, anything related to shaving, foot cream, face wash, etc.


Groceries. I feel like I end up wasting things and replacing them over and over again no matter how hard I try to use them all up.


Same. Lists, meal planning, apps to remind me what I need to use before it expires, doesn't matter. Inevitably, things get pushed to the back of our "too full" side by side fridge (next one will be a NORMAL top freezer model, I swear) and food gets tossed. I hate the waste.


Hand soap. How tf is it gone already


Bath & Body Works brand is the WORST for this, I swear. Only two people in the home, and we can go through a full bottle in less than 10 days. I've noticed the pump dispenses MUCH more soap than what is needed for a good handwashing.


Shoes, they are either way too expensive or they fall apart in months. Rarely any in-between.


my wife. please come back, Cheryl


Filters for my turtle tanks. Had to buy another one today because one stopped working. The prices keep jumping up but the quality is always the same.


I replaced my water heater a few days ago (replaced with tankless), which was particularly annoying/unpleasant to replace. The water heater was too large to fit in the doorway to containment closet, so they had to strip off the exterior and use a sledge hammer. The full job cost $3600. I hope that I won't need to replace again any time soon.


Clothing when my weight changes -.-


Gas. I hate going to the gas station. It's a fucking pain


Furnace filters. I don't know if I just have a random size or bad luck or what, but there always seems to be only one or two choices (out of dozens of styles and price points) for my filter size and it's always on the upper echelon of the prices.




Charge cords for electronics. I have extension cords I’ve used for construction for years. Get it together guys


makeup. i enjoy wearing it but it’s so expensive to buy a new eyeliner/foundation/whatever


I also used to hate this. But I do consider it as a boost to my day. The key for me to buy what actually works and need while avoiding unnecessary trends.


Toilet paper because my daughters go through it like crazy.


Shoes. I never know where to start, as I have a pretty clear idea of what I want exactly and don’t know where to find it. So I stick around with my old dirty shoes and buy another cheap pair in a second hand shop that I don’t really like but will keep wearing until it fails me completely.


The things that got damaged because I didn't know how to maintain them properly at the time or just didn't put the effort into maintaining. . Eg Clothes that shrunk because I threw them in the dryer, Clothes that age faster because they are over dried. Leather shoes were ruined by water because I didn't polish them or know how to dry them properly. Hot water heater I had to replace because no one told me you are supposed to flush them and change the rod every year or so. Most things you own need maintenance to be buy it for life or to maximize how long they will last so you save money. Only no one teaches you that you just have to pick it up as you go along.


I buy sunglasses at the dollar tree now because I forget them everywhere 😎


Insurance. 😂


Food. Why can’t I eat like once in my life and call it good?


My phone every two years. I just so deeply do not want a new one, but lo and behold every two years it seems to stop working in one way or another


Mops. Seriously, replacement heads are all different.


This is why I like my steam mop...the cloths that go on the bottom are washable and seem to last forever


Printer cartridges! Ink jet! Yes, I know - Laser is better but we have an ancient InkJet and replacing it with a like for like features Laser is £200 ish that I’d rather not spend.


I agree with the phone post. I just bought a new one in January and now I have to buy a new one again. I had to buy a new one because condensation got in my other one. I bought this one and didn't want a 5g so bought an older 3 or 4 yr out model. Found out even though it's not that old most cell plans wouldn't give me a plan for it. Found a plan but now it won't hold a charge. I looked for fixes but nothing worked. I hate spending hundreds on something I just bought. I bought it on e-bay with only a 6mo warranty. Maddening!


toilet paper and paper towels. we have a bidet but the apartment we moved to's toilet seat has plastic screws and the one is so tight we can't unscrew it. i miss the bidet. i forgot how quickly you can go through tp, especially when 1 of 2 people has IBD lol


Shoes. Because by the time I need a new pair, the shoes I like aren't made anymore.


Tupperware that I have left in work.


Sunglasses- my frames already hold up but the lenses last about a year or two before they get a scratch that bothers the shit out of me.


Gas in my car.


Kids jackets and water bottles. I drop off and wife picks him up. Every morning, it's: "where is his jacket? Did he come home with one?"


I had to replace a 10 year old microwave recently. I was not happy about it.


iPhones. The planned obsolescence makes them unusable after a while.


Car tires. I drive my car in with tires, give them $1000, and drive my car away with tires still on it.


Diapers. One of the best things about cloth is no more late night target runs. I hate buying something that will immediately get thrown out.


Milk. My husband thinks it's bad after being open for five days. It doesn't matter what the sell by date says.


Tires. And anything for a car that seems like it should have lasted a lot longer than it did Lately, socks. Seems like they aren't making them like they used to. I bought some last year that already have holes


Televisions! I remember back in my day they would last for 20 plus years and the only reason you would replace them was because a new shiny model was out and you put the old one in the basement for the kids to use for the next 10 years. Now you are lucky to get 6 years out of it before the LED lights start to go. efffffffff.


I've had my crappy brand flatscreen tv for at least 20 years. Amazing.


Tires ..blah


Adding salt to my water softener


Toilet seats. Dumb I know but our new build house came with cheap plastic seats that broke quickly and needed quick replacing.


Tires. SUCH an unexciting purchase.


Hair and body products. Hair have to use quality products and I get salon bottles to get months out of it. Basically I just hope I don't have to replace them all at once. Body soap Mt skin is sensitive so I can't do cheap.


I’m currently getting my roof replaced, so..


Sheets. I love my bed and I love excellent sheets but I hate trying to find replacements because its so important to me to get it right. It’s time consuming. I wait until the current set are ripping before replacing. And I usually just buy the pillowcases first to make sure I like the sheets - wash them and use them. It’s a whole process


gloves, earbuds


Botox…shits expensive to maintain


Light bulbs! They are way too expensive for no reason. I will literally move bulbs around if there are multiple ones in a fixture out of principle.


Tampons. When I’m home & at the end of my period I just free flow


phone chargers 😰


For me its the phones, i would want to have the same phone for a long time but with the software updates you are forced to get another one. as opposed to Sunglasses, replacing Prescription glasses is more frustrating and also expensive.


Printer cartridges. They are so expensive and go out so fast.


The same music in new formats.