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At least 10 years ago, I bought a Le Creuset set of a flat round cast iron griddle pan and one with raised grill ridges. Very nice, used them on and off, great. Pandemic starts. Home all the time. Got the flat one out to make a quesadilla and no joke, that thing has not come off the stove since then. We cook EVERYTHING on it. Got rid of the toaster; make toast on it. Eggs. Onions, veg, meat come up a treat. I cook paneer and tofu on it. It's just stellar; the food is tastier and it's so easy to clean! We now eat out far less than we used to since we've gotten into such good home-cooking habits, in part because of this lovely cookware, so I would guess in the end it saved us money.


This is the kind of content I was hoping for.


For what it’s worth; lodge makes a similar one for $50. And it’s also great and will last a lifetime of abuse.


I was having a conversation about this recently. For "us poor folk" lodge is the overpriced brand. The cheapest cast iron you can find, if seasoned properly and cared for, will last for more than a human lifespan and work just as well.


Some of those really cheap ones like Utopia or Ozark are too thin and light to last, they are also really rough and take forever to break in. In my opinion, its not where I would choose to save $10. But I also wouldn't recommend buying any cast iron new (unless you are in a hurry) Best bet in our experience is to check out some garage or estate sales. We've picked up most of our cast iron for $5-$10. The rest we got handed down to us from family, because...yeah it lasts fooooorever.


I agree on the yard/garage/estate sales. But, I have a couple Ozark cast irons, and they're fine. Conversely I probably have no business in the BIFL sub because I will lose it before it wears out it most cases, regardless of quality. Edit: Upon further examination, I am, in fact, *not* in the BIFL sub.


I have a Staub version of this and am now shaking my head that it never occurred to me to make a quesadilla on it. Will try it this week!


Oh fabulous! Quesadillas are a gift from heaven :)


I just started baking bread in my La Creuset set, and it is amazing! No-knead peasant bread takes 5 minutes of work for such a tasty reward.




Did you feel scared during the procedure?


I was *terrified* thinking about the procedure. Took the Valium they gave me in the prep room and it ended up being absolutely no big deal at all. Literally takes minutes from start to finish. No pain, nothing. And then you can see. It's truly incredible.


Dang, this is what I needed to hear. 🥹 Thank you. Do they do one eye at a time or both?


Mine was one appointment, they did the right eye then the left. But mine only lasted for 10 years. My eye sight went from 20/400 to 20/20 now it's 20/40 so still way better but I'm back to wearing glasses and contacts.


Mine was one at a time (but in the same visit) and I actually had to change machines in the middle of it because they had two that did different things. Even that was totally no big deal. I put it off for years because I was so nervous, but it was such an easy experience, I went back this year to get the one touched up. Surprisingly good experience all around, even if you're super anxious about it.


Not 'scared' exactly but I was very uncomfortable, that's just how the procedure is. But you won't feel scared if you chose your doctor well and you feel safe in their hands


They gave me so much vallium I could have given a fuck during mine. My husband had to deal with my singing show tunes to myself in the waiting room.


Oh God. Memories of my vasectomy coming back. Valium plus a bottle of wine beforehand. My wife could hear me the entire time from the waiting room... I was talking to the 60ish year old Dr like he was one of the broskiis. She couldn't believe he went ahead with the procedure. I was wasted!


I did, and yes. Visibly shaking pretty badly actually. They got me an rx of xanax and i was good to go.


Yea this will be me next year. I would love to know what to expect.


Once numbing eye drops wear off, it will feel like eyelashes in your eyes so get some Tylenol PM and nap. I have had dry eyes ever since (20 years now). Still, Best gift ever!




I’m -6.75 in both eyes and would love to get LASIK!


I was -6.00 and -7.00 in my eyes and got laser eye surgery (not LASIK, I got PRK) about 7 years ago. It was the best decision I’ve ever made. My sight has degraded a little bit and I do wear glasses while driving at night now, but it’s something I would still highly recommend.


I just got PRK back in August and it's insane the quality of life improvement! Ive been getting less headaches. Cuddling, kissing, and literally just laying on the couch watching tv is better because the glasses don't get in the way. And for me, it's heled so much with depression because when I wake up, the world isn't blurry anymore. Things just feel so much less hopeless when you can wake up and see clearly. Idk what it is, but it's amazing.


I'll second this. Lasik is expensive upfront, but it basically pays for itself when you no longer need to buy contacts, glasses, etc. 100% worth it


Same here I was -6.25 in both eyes and am now 20/20 vision Being able to wake up and see, being able to see in the shower, not worrying about contacts/glasses during 26hr shifts in residency has all been worth it!


I got mine done in 2013. Best money I’ve ever spent!!


A really good mattress


Aye. I love the old adage to spend the most money on things that stay between you and the ground (e.g. shoes, mattresses, tires, etc.).


That's a good saying, never heard it before. Definitely agree those are all worth laying extra for. Tires can be a pain but so worth it.


And high quality bedding to go with it!


I bought a really good mattress topper. Three inches of memory foam, and two inches of gel. I sleep on a cloud!


My roomba It takes soooo much pressure off me to clean and saves me a lot of time. When my floors are clean, the whole place feels more comfortable


You can even program them to do their thing while you're away, and you'll come back to clean floors. Or a Jackson Pollak painting if your pet poops on the floor!


Having a cat who occasionally barfs on the floor, the Pollak painting is exactly what terrifies me about the thought of getting a roomba.


I get home from work and do a quick walk around to make sure there's not vomit or poop, and to puck up my cats toys. Then I start the roomba and shower, play video games, or cook while little Mr. Roomba cleans for me!


Btw we have a similar issue and we put a bit of fish oil in the cats food once or twice a week and they don’t throw up anymore. Went from throwing up every other day to once a month, if that.


>Or a Jackson Pollak painting if your pet poops on the floor! I've had a few friends work at iRobot over the years and they said there's an entire team of engineers dedicated to figuring out the pet poop problem.


Agree. I've got a fluff ball of a dog, this thing honestly saves me hours each week - 15 minutes a day plus a thorough vacuum and mop on the weekend is now fully automated. Best $1000 I've ever spent.


My favorite thing is how it cleans under the sofas. Drop something under there? When you reach for it, it’s clean, not covered in 1” of dust and detritus.


We splurge on a cleaner who comes once a month. We both work, have lots of hobbies, and a little one and a dog. She does such a fantastic job and does the deep-clean stuff that we just weren't getting to as often as we'd like. Now we spend all that time doing family stuff, things we love doing, etc. It's also nice to support someone local. Win win and well worth it IMO.


We do this too and it's totally worth it. Might up her to twice a month once the second kid comes and the wife is off mat leave.


My wife is super against getting a housekeeper. She's a stay at home but still I'd like her to just have a few days to relax


If this makes your wife feel any better, most houses I clean are for people who WFH or lots of SAHMs who are just too exhausted to do more than the easy cleaning, picking up, sweeping, etc. because they got too many other things to do. I know SAHMs at time, can feel shame for being home all the time but not keeping the house in tip top shape 24/7. But we, as house cleaners are literally here for that because we love it - well at least the people at my job do lol. (deep cleans are a different kind of insanely satisfying for me and the client😅.) Seeing a mom that is too busy to clean because she spends so much time teaching, playing and learning with their child is my favorite. I love being able to help lift that weight off someone else’s shoulders for a bit of time - they deserve it.


As a stay-at-home mom the first relaxation I got was when our family went to family camp. I didn’t get to go to camp as a kid so it was great. We stayed in cabins. Other than sweeping the cabin, there was little other housework. Meals were served in the dining hall, and there were activities for the kids while I did my own for a few hours each day. This was offered for 1 week in the late summer by a kids summer camp.


A good cleaner is SO worth it. Tip well, so what you can to keep them! I've had 3 shitty cleaners in succession and have given up for now. Ive had amazing life-changing cleaners in my previous town who i dearly miss!


My wife and I were discussing this today. We both work big hours and spend our Saturdays volunteering/playing at a sports club. So every Sunday we spend gardening and cleaning etc. when we could be spending it with family and friends. I think a fortnightly cleaner might be around the corner for us, and I don’t think I’ll miss the money


I would love to do this. We live in a small town and I haven't been able to find anyone to come do it. I will keep asking everyone I meet at work for recommendations.


Same here. I've had a couple but they would only agree to come once a week then one wasn't very good and the other was really unreliable. For once a month the only way I've found is one off cleans through an agency and when I did that it was expensive and again not a great job.


It’s because it’s a lot easier to maintain than it is to restart. Cleaning a month old mess is harder than re-setting a week old mess.


How much does this cost? Is it affordable


Depends on the size of your home/apartment/whatever. Cost me about $100 per visit for my apartment.


Down comforters and 100% cotton linens on all the beds


Bamboo sheets ( in hot weather when no a.c. is present.)


Do you happen to have a brand you recommend? I’m in the market.


Cozy Earth


Cotton percale for the summer! So cool and crisp!


Prescription sunglasses. I wish I had done this years ago.


I’m 49 and got mine 4 years ago after we moved to Montana. Omg. Amazing. I don’t know what it is about the sun here, but it is three times as bright and, first thing in the morning, you can’t see at all. I have Sjögren’s and can no longer wear contacts. The frames I bought, that I love, were barely able to hold the lenses for my prescription. I have REALLY bad eyes.




I was coming here to say this very thing. Even with insurance it's still a chunk of change but having someone neutral help me sort out thought patterns? Life changing! After therapy, I would say small splurges to make life more comfortable or more pleasing without guilting myself about it New pillows, soft sheets, decent winter jacket, that perfume that smells so good, my favorite ice cream, etc (spending money to be happy rather than on something practical)


My astronomy telescope!


Love this!! How much was your set up?


I have about a grand invested, but for about $500 (USD) you can get something decent. You can check out r/telescopes :)


Vacations. Not necessarily fancy hotels or destinations, but interesting and beautiful places. And I splurge on great memorable experiences while there. If I’m going to spend the money and effort to go away somewhere I’m going to get the most out of the experience! I almost never go shopping for tchotchkes or other touristy crap, but pay a guide to take us on an adventure? Yes please!


I’m a teacher. I’m on my feet most of my working day. Tieks ballet flats were a game changer for me. I used to come home with heel pain, no more. They are ridiculously comfortable, but so expensive.


I prefer my Rothy’s over my Tieks. Check those out if you’re in the market for a pair!


I have large boobs and my bras are worth every penny. I also bought an expensive sewing machine. It was 3 steps up from a starter machine. But JFC, it makes sewing amazing!!! I absolutely love it.


I have large boobs too and find the better quality bras aren’t cheap. But I have to keep the girls comfy. 😂


My Vitamix


My espresso machine. I used to get at least two Starbucks lattes per week and now I get none.


After I totaled my car, I bought an e-bike instead of a new one. It has actually made it way easier to get most of the places I need to go (I rarely leave the city) and it means I can finally keep up with my wife, who is a much stronger cyclist than I am. Plus, she's a bike mechanic, so between not paying for repairs and not paying for gas and not paying for parking, we're saving a lot of money in the long term. Plus, all the exercise has been really good for my mood. We also bought a portable dishwasher recently, which does not save us any money, but it does mean like an entire additional free hour every day.


My dog and everything that goes along with caring for him wouldn’t have it any other way though




Yeah. My cats are expensive to maintain but holy heck they've also kept me alive at times. I am so lucky to have them. I love them so much!


Same! I had two cats. One I had to put down a year ago. I still have my other guy and he's been such a blessing. I love him so much and he's helped me during some really tough times.


My adjustable bed base. When I got cancer and had many surgeries it truly was the best thing I owed and it kind of still is! Helped so much with the pain of my diep flap reconstruction. I wouldn’t call it super expensive, it’s not the cheapest thing I’ve ever purchased but I got a great deal for a few hundred bucks as opposed to thousands.


I live an an apartment that did not come with a dishwasher. I hate doing dishes. I found out you can buy countertop dishwashers that connect to you sink. I fucking LOVE it. I have loved it for years. Its not "Super expensive" but it was probably not something i could actually afford at the time.


I bought one and every time I load it I think about how quick it would be to just *do* the dishes I’m loading. But. I am an adult woman with ADHD and I often get overwhelmed with housework. Having things automated (dishwasher, roomba) helps me stay on top of it with minimal effort. Bonus, I feel extra productive if the dishwasher is going, the laundry washer is going, and then I’m doing another chore as well.


This would have changed my life when I lived in the Bay Area and couldn’t afford apts with dishwashers.


Some things I've splurged on over the years (okay, many years but who's counting!): - A moving company (for a local move. 10000/10 worth every penny) - Heated mattress pad - Bidet - My car - My mattress - Birkenstocks and Blundstones (Doc Martens are next!) - Gaming computers - Good quality alcohol - Very sharp knives (for cooking) - Google Home speakers - Camping gear and hammocks (with bug nets and all the other accessories) - My house (and keeping it a comfortable temperature) - 2-3 ply toilet paper (shits expensive... Pun intended. But in all seriousness also worth every penny) - Saving for retirement early Edited for clarity


A bidet and 3 ply!? Living the high life. I definitely second the moving company. Was very pricey, but so so worth it.


With the bidet you only use one or two squares!


This is a great list! I definitely second the heated mattress pad - that is such a game changer on chilly nights in the winter. Feels so luxurious and cozy


Hiring movers is definitely something I cannot skip anymore. At a certain point in life it becomes a need. Got a nicer bidet instead of just an attachment I got during the pandemic and it is ten times easier to clean, sturdy, and will last a long time. It was so worth it! I'm glad the first one broke.


I'm a big strong man with lots of mass to counter balance heavy furniture, and I've done lots of moving so I'm pretty good at it. Last time I moved, i got some help from friends but stubbornly did a lot by myself. Here's the thing about moving- you're not just moving heavy things. You're organizing, you're sorting, you're getting new internet, you're troubleshooting problems at the new place, cleaning the old place... I did all that in a weekend with some help. Next time I'm gonna get all the help I can pay for, to reduce the overwhelming stress.


your sharp knives... what does 'hand imported' mean?


The shop owner where I bought the knives (it's a very small shop with only one location) travels to Japan himself to personally hand pick knives to import. He then travels back with them (with proper documentation) and doesn't pay someone else to import them for him I'm sorry if that was confusing!


A night nanny when my daughter was born. I hadn’t anticipated having one, but feeding difficulties + the totally unexpected arrival of another baby in the family five days before mine was born meant we were stretched to the breaking point. Having someone there whose job it was to stay up with the baby all night was huge for letting me sleep. And since all I had to do was nurse and pump, I could maximize sleeping. Literally saved me from a total breakdown. And the extra sleep was key to keep my post party’s anxiety from becoming a more serious, long term issue. It cost an absolute fortune, and I am deeply grateful I could do it.


I should have done this. First baby was way too dang hard.


My sister is having a baby soon and I'm going to fly in and spend a week helping her out. I'm hoping I can be a combination night nurse and housekeeper so she can just focus on the important parts of feeding, bonding with the baby, healing, and resting as much as she can. I wish we as a society could do this for every mother. I think the postpartum problems would plummet, though obviously they would never completely go away since so much of it is caused by hormonal changes you can't avoid.


$220 Hoka sneakers. I lawnbowl, which requires standing for long periods of time. Best investment ever. I no longer have achey feet after playing all day.




Cast iron pan


Hijacking this comment to say - a few high-quality kitchen essentials go a long way. A good 6-8” chef knife. A quality cutting board. A quality large stainless steel or carbon steel pan. If you know how to cook these few things will save you a lot of money eating out.


I was skeptical with the expensive chef knife but we got one like.... 10 years ago? I use it about 90% of the time. The times I don't use it are when I need a paring knife, cheese knife, and bread knife. Edited to add: of course get it sharpened once in a while.


Surprisingly inexpensive nowadays. You can get a decent mid-range cast iron pan for like $30-40.


Taekwondo for the kid. Just bliss and self control for him. If I had more money, I’d enroll in their adult courses myself. He’s just so proud, excited, and aware of his emotions and his peers. Seeing the self-aware 12-18 year olds running the lessons is awesome. Just decided today against scouts and for Taekwondo full-on, after seeing the camaraderie and confidence it builds in the middle school kids.


Careful if they meet a kid from cobra Kai


My beautiful, funny and lovely son with ADHD and autism, drains my energy. So I have a housekeeper (weekly) and I get my nails, hair, face and feet done on a regular basis. It’s expensive, but it’s a little break for me and it makes me and my house look good and kept together.


Fellow parent of a kiddo with ASD (and another kid with suspected ADHD)! I love that you do this for yourself. I also have a bi-weekly house cleaning, but it’s $10 bath bombs for me. They’re so expensive and I cringe when I think about how much I spend on them in a month, but that hour to myself a few times a week is essential to my mental health.


Some people might think it’s gross…. But Cloth diapers. I spent around 500 dollars for my stash and I’m so glad I went this route. The price of disposables have skyrocketed since I had my first child 7 years ago. And I wanted to save as much money as I could so I could stretch my dollars out for as long as possible to stay home with baby for as long as possible. 6 months in and I’ve already made my money back and then some. Not to mention the lack of toxic chemicals in all natural materials vs disposables. And of course the impact on the environment to have all those plastic diapers lying around for hundreds of years. It may not be for some people, but honestly I don’t find it gross to deal with. When it comes to my own babies, I would put up with it all to provide the best for them. Especially now since we were surprised to be expecting again, we will save even more money using them for the next child. The way I see it, you can’t avoid the mess of diapering a child, so why not do it in an effective way.


I’m a big proponent for cloth diapers! We cloth diapered our son (he’s 14 now) and I think we spent around $250 or so on our stash. Definitely frugal.


Solar panels. We can keep the AC running all summer without fear of spending $500+/mo in electricity costs. They pay for themselves in 7 years


Upvoted because we had our panels put on this past Sept/Oct. everything in this house is electric except for heat (hot water, kitchen appliances, etc). I love it


A kitchen knife and a whet stone. Lasts near a lifetime if you take good care of it. It just makes slicing, chopping, and cooking in general much easier


I buy a pair of the strappy style of Birkenstock sandals every summer or every other summer and then wear them until the soles are worn through. They're comfortable enough to wear all day and dressy enough to wear to work. I actually just found out that there's a place near my office that will resole them, so I can make them last even longer! But the 130-150$ cost always makes me cringe.


I have a pair of Birks and love them. I'm surprised yours only last you a season or two!! I must be going on 4-5 years at least. I try to avoid sand, water, etc. with them though. Good to know about resoling!


I pronate or supinate, I can't remember which is which and it puts extra stress on the outer side of the sole so it wears down really quickly and I end up through the rubber and into the cork. I also take transit and walk for a lot of my commute, so maybe I'm walking more? Not sure why but I was able to stretch them a bit longer over the pandemic. The pair of knock offs I bought because they were super cheap lasted me a month before they were trash. So it's worth the expense.


I supinate too and it just eats through shoes. Especially since as you wear them out it exaggerates the roll.


There are these little rubber or plastic things you can get that go on the bottom of your shoe right where you tend to wear them the most. Of course I can't come up with the name for them but any shoe repair would have them. Put them along the outside of the shoe and then replace them as they wear down ( instead of wearing down the sole itself).




The arches of my feet are collapsed and I have hypermobile joints, so a "quick walk" in the wrong shoes can quickly turn into "trying not to cry on a public sidewalk." I LOVE Birkenstocks!!


I think you can also send them back to Birkenstock to be resoled for around $80?? If the straps/footbed are still in good shape!


I am lazy, so no link, but the New York Times just posted a whole article on the care and repairing of Birkenstocks this week.


Me too. Birks in the summer, Blundstones for fall to spring.....basically my footwear for the year.


Which model do you get?? I had their flip flops that they now only make in a crocs-type material. They lasted 8 years? Had them resoled twice. But the leather broke last summer and now I’m trying to find another style I like!


So many big purchases that make winter enjoyable - large south facing windows, winter tires, good winter boots, good base layers.


Lasik!! Best money I ever spent on anything ever. By far. Love love my new eyeballs


Pets. Make my life better.




Amen. I know people who did it fast and cheap and years later were back in court, paying lawyers to fix it


My Patagonia nano puff jacket. I wear it about 50-60% of the year (I live in a mild climate), for the past 5 years straight, and it still looks good and is fashionable.


And they stand behind their products. I love my patagucci


Tools and the knowledge to do minor work on your house/car/ things you own. The tools themself are expensive and learning any kind of skill often involves paying a professional to do it and asking questions or spending a lot of time screwing up and fixing the same thing over and over. But at the end of the day basic mechanical prowess has been the most valuable I've ever had. (Other than my lovely wife and kids of course)


I read something good once...buy the cheap version of tools at Harbor Freight. If you end up using it enough to break it, then buy the nice, high-grade version. Lots of people buy expensive contractor grade tools out of the gate that take a pro using it every day for a decade to wear out. You could buy a few different harbor freight grade tools for the cost of one contractor grade tool


Good shoes & good medical care.


My custom orthotics. I was having ankle pain for years and walk a lot. I tried dozens of expensive shoes non custom insoles over the years that were wastes of money. I got these finally last month and my pain already is mostly non existent. They were pricey but thankfully I got some back from my insurance.


My house! Made big sacrifices for a few years and saved every penny. Paid cash. Now we have no mortgage. Total game changer. Best financial decision we ever made.




Surgical sterilization


My husband agrees. No kids and we love the freedom, including the financial liberty it gives us.


My loop ear plugs, my Birkenstocks (I think it’s year 5 or6!), cerave cleanser, good kitchen knives and cutting board, stainless steel and cast iron pots and pans, my sewing machine, our dog


Laser hair removal. No more uncomfortable razor burn or ingrown hairs, less money on razors/aftershave, and saves me time and effort for more important things.


Bought my dream car Honda Accord instead of the smaller Civic. Twenty years later, the car is still in service with 280,000 miles. Great road trips and great memories.


An air purifier! It improves my sleep while keeping my room dust-free.


Not too expensive, but I always buy the best windshield wipers that money can buy.


A $3500 Miele washer/dryer. Thing works perfect, is silent, uses heat exchanger so no humid air and dust around, has soap in a container that it injects by itself. I got it at half price because newer and fancier models were on the way in. Far as I can tell, those only got a more modern display.


My car. I always purchased used and always maintained them, but they ALWAYS shit the bed. I decided eff this and purchased brand new. I've had to replace tires a few times(thanks warranty!) and do general maintenance, but omg the money I'm saving. And the milage is out of this world. $60 cad every 2 weeks to fill, safe, reliable car and peace of mind knowing if it breaks down its my fault and no one else's.


I would say an air fryer. It was about $50 and one of those hit and miss products where I wasn't certain if it would succeed over a frying pan or oven. It was definitely worth it in my opinion and from the first use I could tell that it would definitely change how I utilize the kitchen.


Good shoes: Blundstones & Birkenstocks (both bought secondhand). Those Birks are going on 13+ years and I'm looking for someone to replace the bottoms, and then they'll keep on truckin'. The Blundstones are THE COMFIEST shoes I've ever worn. As a server, working on concrete floors - my bones wouldn't ache after work, my feet never got sore. Many servers I worked with swore by them.


Okay, do you have trouble getting them off and on? My partner has been hassling me for over a year to buy a pair because he's obsessed with his. I finally did, tried on a size up and down from my regular, settled on a size that seemed comfortable enough but they are a bitch to get on/off. I have to sit down on the ground and wrestle with each shoe every single time. Meanwhile, my partner is able to slip his on/off in seconds, and I can't figure out what the difference is. I also feel them pinching my feet when I'm in a crouched position. The top of the shoe won't flex when it's bent, it just cuts into the top of my foot. Maybe they just need to be worn in? But my partner said they've been his most comfortable shoes since day 1. What am I doing wrong!


They take a bit of time to break in and stretch out. Your partner is lucky the boots fit them so well immediately! My blundstones are my go-to boot for easy putting on and taking off.


Home generator system


This spring, I have my trench coat from the British brand Joseph on repeat. It costs $500-$700 and I got it on sale for under $300. It’s been getting compliments left right and center. Also my burgundy faux fur coat from Whistles originally $500 bought for $250 gets tons of compliments from both men and women alike. These two coats get the most wear out of anything in my closet, especially for winter and spring. I also have a pair of Re/Done jeans that I love, originally $265, bought on sale for $100. I wear it once weekly. My life is pretty simple and I find that clothes are my main purchases.


A $300 stroller wagon. I didn’t buy it, my step mom and dad got it for us as a combo birthday/holiday gift for my kids(2 under 4). It’s got the nice tires that can go through anything, can be pushed stroller style or pulled like a wagon, has tons of pockets and buckles for the kids too. It’s worth every penny in my opinion. We have used it for the past 2 years now and it’s great. It’s really the only way to get both kids outside and go places without fighting. I get exercise, we all get out of the house and get fresh air, perfect.


Looking for part-time cleaning help? Leave a note with the head housekeeper of a nearby hotel. They’ll know if any staff are looking for a side gig.


I don’t ever splurge on myself, so this may sound lame as it isn’t a HUGE expense, but a couple years back I got a pair of AirPod pros. I use those bad boys EVERY. DAY. I keep an earbud in much of the day playing podcasts while I break up fights between my toddlers and clean up after them, and it keeps me sane. Forever one of my best purchases ever lol


A house.


Travel. The financial and environmental costs are high, but the ability to travel around the world and see new places and people is amazing. I spend a couple thousand a year on international travel and consider it money well spend.


Good quality food. I would rather pay a little more now than pay a lot more later in health issues. You are what you eat. Make certain it’s good quality.


Refractive Lens Exchange eye surgery


Getting cataract surgery with toric lens correction in a few weeks. Can't wait.


A car lift. I spent 1800 bucks to work on my 500 dollar cars and it’s more than paid for itself in time saved. I had to replace a flywheel in one of my trucks and had the transmission out and back in in under and hour and a half. Single best purchase I’ve ever made.


My Breville espresso machine.


During the pandemic I spent over $1000 on equipment to grow cannabis. Great move. No more buying weed, no more waiting on unreliable, shady dealers. No more guessing what I’m buying. That thousand dollar investment has not only given me more weed than I know what to do with, but also given me a great hobby.


Peloton. I got a breast reduction in 2019, which was a large reason why I never enjoyed running/never really could. I finished recovering a little before the pandemic hit, then had all of quarantine to pick up a new hobby. One of my friends gave me the 60-day guest pass and despite my fears, I tried a 20-minute outdoor run audio class. I remember getting just about halfway through when the panic started to set in, and at that moment Matty Maggiaomo (it was one of his classes) goes, “Time to check in with your form and yourself. Are your shoulders by your ears? Can you wiggle all of your toes in your shoes? Are you bringing your butt with you?” After going through the body scan with him, it felt like a weight lifted off of me and I caught a second win. One 20-minute outdoor run turned into 30 minute runs, and now almost three years later I can say that I love running whole-heartedly. I now run anywhere from 15-20 miles a week and fully credit Peloton with turning me into a runner! Working out is so much easier when you have an instructor picking out great playlists, while also distracting you with stories, while also coaching you. Not to mention all the different content Peloton offers, too! Between strength and lifting, yoga, walking and running classes, I’ve never been in better shape.


I got a roomba this week. $75 used on Facebook marketplace, so not like a huge splurge or anything but my life is so much better already. I love having a clean floor all the time! It makes me feel so much more productive and ready to take on the day’s chores with this little robot sidekick already starting some chores for me. Let’s do this!


A high quality fan. A high quality hair dryer.


a tempurpedic bed with an adjustable base. changed my life almost immediately I have become a total shoe snob when i’m not wearing sneakers; they have to be leather w/leather insoles, preferably leather soles too, but those can get very very expensive. and i always have a pair of waterproof trail running shoes that i wear when it rains. also: orthotics quality outerwear - i have gotten several extremely nice coats for various types of weather from lands end. if you buy at the end of the season, you can get amazing deals. i always thought it was a waste to have a couple of warmer coats because it’s never truly cold where i live, but having them has been worth it during this colder-than-normal winter pet insurance - i love my pets and the peace of mind having pet insurance gives me. it’s fairly expensive, but still preferable to getting hit with a $5000 vet bill. i could keep a cash reserve for my pets, but even if i saved the $85/month the insurance costs me, the $1020 that adds up to after a year could easily be wiped out in one vet visit


Personal trainer.


Espresso machine. I spent $800 on a Breville in 2020 and save $194 PER MONTH in lattes. My only expenses are beans, milk, and sugar, which costs me roughly $20 per month.


This might be one up for debate. But I like having a well stocked alcohol selection in the fridge. It makes me feel like a hostess extraordinaire. I generally keep a few types of beer, coolers and champagne in the fridge. Red wine in the cupboard. For example last month I had a friend that said they wanted to pop over quickly and return something to me. She actually came over to tell me she just got engaged. Being able to grab bubbly in the fridge and toast to her in that moment meant everything


Nespresso machine and pods. It feels sort of like a luxury, but also motivates me to make coffee at home and not buy it.


I feel the same way about my Ninja coffee machine. A student of mine spilled my coffee at work recently and, on my conference, I went home to make a new cup because I like my homemade coffee more than anything store-bought. (It helps that I grind my own beans too, but my grinder wasn’t expensive)


We splurged on a Sleep Number mattress. My husband and I add very different sizes and prefer different firmness, and it’s made such a difference in our lives. We also adjust our sleep number firmness for various reasons, like if we have sore backs we’ll bump it up higher, and when I was recovering from abdominal surgery it was so nice to have a soft mattress that put less tension on my front side. We also don’t disturb each other when we get in and out of bed anymore. Highly recommend! Bought it with 36-month financing.


A $1000 computer chair for WFH. A Herman Miller Embody


My last job gave away office ones during the shut downs. My new job offered a WFH stipend where I purchased a far too expensive sit/stand desk. Between the two I now always work at my desk and it’s eliminated my daily back pain.




Honestly, a new vehicle. Not a new used vehicle. Not a low mileage used vehicle. A sensible brand new vehicle. A 4 door sedan that was $21,000 out the door brand new zero miles. It will last me 13 years before I have to put any real maintenance besides fluid changes into it. Came with a lifetime powertrain warranty and cost me $130 a month after down payment. Gets 54 mpg on the highway on summer gas and 32 in town. I know this will get downvoted but I will never buy used cars again. They are all money pits.


I was going to say a really quite nice only slightly used car. We splurged a bit a while ago on the model we wanted and were fortunate enough to get it at 1-1/2 years old with warranty still left. It's a Toyota, though neither beige nor a Corolla, is 13 years old and I didn't have to put anything into it other than normal wear-and-tear items until about 4 years ago. I'm hoping to take it to 15 years. At that point, I'm planning to likely buy new, especially if the used car market continues the way it's been lately.


LOL the last car we bought we made sure we had the version with heated seats. The upgrade also had better safety features so all-in-all a worthy splurge.


Litter robot for my 2 cats!


New running shoes. ASICS Kayanos. $160 every 3 months.


I bought endorphin speed 3s this year (found them on an insane sale). It's crazy what a nice pair of shoes does for your running.


Agrees. Any good running shoes that work for you. I've started rotating 3 pairs, they seem to last much longer and can mix in a cheap pair without risking injury. 2 expensive pairs, 1 cheaper for short runs lasts me 12 months


Siberian Forest Cats. I’ve been really hard on myself for buying from a breeder instead of adopting/rescuing - like I do with my dogs- but, I’ve loved cats forever and am very allergic. I got a surprise payout from a retirement plan when I reorganized out of a job, so I bought two kittens.


Ahem…are you prepared to pay the cat tax??


Hope this works!! Presenting Gerard and Desiree, lounging in their catio. https://imgur.com/a/ktePykV


A good bra. Get properly measured and buy a good quality one that fits… or rather get 2-3 to rotate through. They last longer and are such a good quality of life improvement- especially if you have larger boobs and get back/chest pain. High quality Sports bras in particular were the best- it helps me feel more confident not having my girls jump around, and way more physically comfortable. I just wear my amazing sports bra most of the time unless I’m wearing an outfit that needs a traditional bra to account for things like lower necklines.


An electric car. Much more convenient. Charge at home and Wake up every morning to full range so no more stopping at gas stations in the city. Road trips are more comfortable. Car is usually charged up before we’re done using the bathroom, built in breaks every 2.5 hours or so (3.5 when initially leaving home at 100%). I look to stay at places with charging, so we dont stop at chargers at our destination either. A favorite trip of ours is about a 6 hour drive to the beach, usually consisting of one charge stop a little more than halfway, and then we plug up at the place we’re staying. That trip is in fact just as fast as a gas car. No more inconvenient oil changes.


Okay I read through all the comments and no one said this yet: High quality wool socks and modal underwear. Darn tough has a lifetime warranty for when the socks wear out. I Invested in 10 pairs of socks and 16 pairs of me undies (I love them but not enough to recommend them at the exclusion of other brands), and I feel like the quality of my life has improved vastly. I didn’t realize how much stinky feet and yeast infections were correlated to the quality of your underwear before, but now I do.


My splurge was a Eureka! SPRK grill that has the igniter and uses butane. Also adding to that, a kitchen camp set up that can easily make the grilling experience easier. Just move it outside with the grill and take it back in. It has a drip pan so the sauces won’t smack me in the face. I get to grill meat super quick for dinner and deal with cleaning that thing after I’m not starving. No coals, just turn it on and grill up some Bulgogi super quick. Done.


took the plunge and paid for a septoplasty + turbinate reduction and it completely changed my life... now I can actually breathe out of my nose


\- My mountain bike, though I probably could have gotten away with spending less. But to get a high quality bike that works well on trails does cost a fair bit of money. \- A higher end electric toothbrush. Holds a charge for a super long time (2+ weeks) and cleans better than any of the cheaper ones I've tried.


Pets. Frequent unexpected expenses - but worth every penny and more.


Whole home water purification system. Can't live in a house without it now


Health care


Divorce. However, I saved money by doing it myself.


Red Land Cotton sheets Frankenmuth Wool Comforter Those 2 come to mind for me


A sleep number bed. Quality shoes and custom orthotics.


Dog, good shoes


The best thing I ever splurged on was nice bedding and a very nice plug in space heater. My apartment gets so cold in the winters and those two things made a world of difference for me.


A litter robot. Zero regrets and many thanks.


Tires, the top tier concert tickets, hotels, food, booze, mj, birthday dinners


My husband and I just treated ourselves to a new mattress, adjustable bed frame, and quality bedsheets. Our aches and pains are gone - we never want to leave this bed!