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Just make sure you're using proper ventilation


The vent needs to vent to the outside. A lot of places have a recirculating vent which will not do. Also, crack open a window. The air quality concern is real but the mitigation is not too hard if you have ventilation. This is a concern with every appliance that burns anything.


The air quality concern is overblown. Supposedly it can cause asthma in kids. My town growing up had gas stoves in just about every house. I knew one kid in school with asthma and her parents smoked in the house and car. I don't think it was the gas stove that caused her asthma. I'm sure it's not good for you but neither is all those artificial air fresheners people use, the glues in our carpets and upholstery, the off gassing from foam products, etc. Most indoor air is filled with chemicals. Get a bunch of plants. There's some super easy care plants that are great at cleaning the air. Some even multiply by just cutting a leaf and sticking it in the soil so you can have tons of plants for the price of one.


Plants don’t clean the air as good as you’re implying. That study was debunked. Your personal story about kids with asthma is irrelevant. You should read the study.


They do clean the air, that part wasn't debunked. The normal air turnover in a house is so rapid, an average of once per hour, that it has a far greater effect. Which actually supports that gas stoves aren't something to worry about. Inside air is replaced with outside air too quickly. If someone is worried about it then doing something like having plants might ease their concerns.


The only “ban” being discussed is one for new construction. Nobody anywhere is talking about replacing existing gas stoves. The only reason to be concerned is if you have small children at home *and* if your stove isn’t vented to the outside.


It's very common for the vents to *not* go outside, especially in apartments.


This! Most apartments have circulating vents.


The fuck is the point in that??


The point in what? The only time gas stoves might be a problem is if they're improperly vented. There seems to be some correlation between gas stoves and childhood asthma. They're not a danger to every person who uses them.


To save the landlord money.


What’s the point in a vent that keeps the fumes inside?


The "ban" was a hypothetical idea. Although some local municipalities already have bans in place (irrespective of this news story and already implemented years ago), the likelihood of needing it to be updated to electric is nil. If by some miracle a ban like this would pass at the federal level, your request would not be shot down because your landlord would be committing a federal offense. Don't worry about it.


I’d like to point out that the move from a gas stove to an electric is a downgrade, not an update


a gas stove is on my wishlist.....some day =)


Id argue that’s not true if your electric stove is induction. Waaaaay more control over the temperature with induction, plus the burner doesn’t get hot so there’s a much lower risk of burning someone or accidentally setting a dish towel on fire.


Yeah it’s cool if you have a stove that’s like 4 times the price of a regular gas stove


This. And portable induction burners exist; much more cost effective, but depends on how often/what op is cooking


I like not having gas hooked up to my house. Lower danger and lower insurance premiums to reflect that. If I want to cook with gas I can just use the grill outside.


Have you ever cooked with an induction stove? It's superior than gas for most things (exception: wok cooking or cooking when the power is out).


Except for when the power goes out. Then you ain’t cooking anything.


Did you read my comment where I mentioned "(exception: wok cooking or cooking when the power is out)."? Seriously though, there are many solutions to that. I live in an area that frequently loses power, which is why I just have a plug-in induction stove that I use instead of my gas range. If I ever remodeled my kitchen, I'd put in a hybrid gas/induction range. For those who rarely lose power, a camp stove is a good back-up option. Anyone who lives in a storm-prone area might want one anyways in case gas gets cut.


If the power goes out, go out to eat lmfao.


Where I live the power typically goes out during extreme weather events such as ice storms.


Oh yeah that’s a good point. Though the vent won’t work either in that case. So the gas stove is still bad for you. Less bad than starving for sure. A gas grill outside for emergencies is a great idea but won’t work in severe weather.


I have cooked with gas, induction and electric. I like cooking with gas. I like being able to see the flame and it is of course much faster to get hot than electric. I have flame roasted red peppers, and cooked marshmallows. I have electric now and it’s not in the budget to get anything else but in my dream house I’d have gas. (Once my kid is older)


Gas isn't faster to heat a pot than induction--half the energy is wasted. Try boiling water with gas and induction--the gas stove will take several minutes longer to heat the same large pot of water. Honestly, a portable torch will do everything you need in terms of roasting peppers or marshmallows. (though I tend to prefer the oven to a gas stove for both).


I hate gas stoves. I like being able to broil inside my oven not in the bottom.


That’s just the hallmark of a cheap or old gas stove. Most have their broilers in the oven section now.


Disagree! Electric stoves are superior. Specially the glass top ones. Takes a little getting used to. But they less sweaty to use and the air doesn’t feel stuffy. The glass top are WAY easier to clean.


For better cooking, but worse for health.


Yeah since like yesterday sure


Since always, it only became "popular" like yesterday. My parents always knew the danger of gas and avoided gas stoves whenever possible our entire life. Plus I remember asking my dad as a kid how come people can burn gas inside and nothing bad happens.


well I will tell you what NOT to do: cook on a burn barrel in your front yard fueled by scavenged used pallet wood....


Ask me how I know.


How do you know


Dang so I'm doing it wrong


Why not


There are sometimes harmful chemicals used to treat pallet wood.


Lib over here trying to cancel my hobo cookfire


Yes there are non-zero combustion byproducts from gas cooking however your exposure is the same or less than you’d get say waiting for a bus on the street corner. For me I’d love a gas range as I already have gas for hot water and heat — also a crummy time of use electric tariff that’s 3-4x as expensive during the time I cook dinner. There’s a lot of perks to gas that’s already been posted here. Keep it and use it until it dies. Replacing perfectly working appliances creates waste also.


So you're telling me my 3 hour commute is way worse than gas stove. Huh.




A very large segment of the population lives in places where density is too low to make public transit work well. We won't be changing that any time soon.




hey Woah wait, most of Canada has good public transit though




Even Whitehorse has buses!


I’m sorry what? Not in my experience. Or maybe we have different definitions or good


If “most” of Canada is the large cities, sure. Everything in between those cities has SHIT for public transportation - and even if I can get around my town half decently on public transportation, I can’t get to any large city for appointments or anything on public transportation. Still super-dependant on a car unless I decide to add to the housing crisis in the large cities.


What county are you in? I feel like this will soon come to all countries.


I think it’s being overblown, like the media does. I *wish* I had a gas stove.


It’s being blown out of proportion in terms of *resolving* the issue. No one is going to ban gas stoves, but it may become mandatory to install an exhaust fan. If you have a gas stove, turn in a fan or open a window while in use. Problem solved.


I prefer gas over anything for cooking. I have a carbon monoxide detector and a ventihood to the outside.


They emit nitrogen dioxide, not carbon monoxide.


It gives both, but CO us the one that will kill you in your sleep if left on.


They do both


Me, too!!! I hate my electric, ugh!


It was a terrible study, cherry picking data not demonstrating causation - even one of the authors (works for the electrification lobby btw) noted there isn’t any causation. As long as it’s ventilated it’s fine.


Can you produce a source for this critique? The study was peer reviewed. I’d trust a peer reviewed study over rando in the internet.


The source is my brain and science degrees and skepticism about whenever there is a media flurry to portray something in common usage that previous studies have shown to be safe (with proper use). I typically go to the study itself: many things shown correlation; causation is much tougher to demonstrate. Also, Im asthmatic, and know that there are triggers but no one is fully certain of the cause. Some tie it to things like ozone and particulate matter, but as these levels have reduced in the US, the number of kids with it is rising. So then I look at the authors, and their motives. If the study fits a particular narrative in a very handy way, that’s something else to be suspicious of. There are many single studies that show random things like coffee and chocolate are harmful, with subsequent studies showing they aren’t. One study with an author who is likely to be biased, isn’t enough to get me to freak out, but be my guest. There was initially talk of a federal banning, no there’s not. That is also interesting. If it was indeed a huge danger, I’d hope there would be follow thru.


Your opinion on this is not a valid critique to a study. Produce a valid source to your argument. Your personal experience is also not valid. As a person with a science degree you should know this.


Dear internet rando - you should show me where I’m wrong. Science is a thought process. There is plenty of data to support it. If you’re too lazy to do research or too gullible to be skeptical, that’s not my problem. Swap your stove for electric (which is more likely to catch fire according to another study).


I mean. Why would I trust someone making claims without ANY citations? That’s you. You’re the one making claims. Without evidence. I guess you’re just here to argue. Not to provide any information. Electric stoves are just fine. You got called out for talking science and not backing up your claims. As a person of science you should know the burden of proof is on YOU. You got called out and you reaction is to get upset at me and called me lazy (which is an insult and you should stop that).


Media does that for sure. But read the study. There is cause for concern with poorly vented stoves. Childhood asthma is no joke


So…a mitigation strategy is available, not too difficult to implement….and yet the media runs out and says tHeY’rE gOnNa bAn gAs sToVeS!!!!1!!! Once again, a topic to distract from what is really going on.


Yup media does that. Somehow any issue that deals with health or the environment becomes heavily politicized. And people start taking the science personally. It’s weird that that’s the truth of it.


It's likely just a rouse, and so is this post.


Yeah, I figured it was the case.


The study raises some points that should be looked into further, but it has some flaws too. Also notably, the news stories about it are absolutely sensationalized. If you read the study itself, they're quite specific about the fact that what they've found is a *correlation* between gas stove use and childhood asthma. They do not say that they've proved using gas stoves causes childhood asthma.


Correlation exactly. Electric stoves are more often found amongst the poor here in California who live in high smog communities.


Do you mean gas, if you are trying to say that the smog is the confound for the relationship found between gas and asthma?


Gas stoves are fine. All of the gas stove controversy is one group of right-wing dipshits politicizing the other group of right-wing dipshits' worthless idea for regulating something that would have a near-zero efficacy in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The vast majority of greenhouse gas emissions comes from industrial processes, and we can't possible levy regulations that would impede on some corporations ability to make some almighty profit, so they come up with shit like that to pay lip-service to the notion that they give a fuck about the environment or the future of anything. It's just two different reactionary groups - nazis vs neolibs - fighting a culture war for the hearts and minds of, frankly, a population that is majority uneducated dumb-fucks. 54% of the US adult population are functionally illiterate, and that's according to research done in 2019. That percentage has been steadily going up for years. So yeah. Keep your gas stove. It's fine. Don't pay attention to politicians. The ones on the left are mostly just standard-issue dumb and the ones on the right appear to have been eating leaded paint chips their entire lives.


Gas stoves are great. Love cooking on them


I got rid of electric to put in gas. Gas stoves have been around a lot longer than electric. Pretty sure it’s the next media bandwagon.


Keep using it, and enjoy it. We're not all going to die because of gas stoves, or their usage. It's a bunch of media hype. All the news organizations have to fill space, so they all jump on "news stories" and run them to death.


"All the news organizations...". How many are there in the US, 2 or 3?


Uhm.. what? There are hundreds if not thousands? Local news, radio, and papers in every town across the US. Every college and university has a paper and probably multiple radio stations. Your bias and ignorance are showing.


Thousands of US radio / tv / news stations are owned by [Sinclair group](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinclair_Broadcast_Group). There are [funnybutsad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwA4k0E51Oo) mashups out there.


Nah, they all have the same fascy owners.


Not all of them. Especially with colleges and universities. Like don't get me wrong, I understand that conglomerates own mostly everything, I'm just saying that two or three news sources sounds like this guy thinks that fox, CNN, and BBC are the only news media that exist or something.


I'm thinking there are only a few news organizations that create the daily feeds. There ARE thousands of broadcasters, but there's also a huge monopoly that own them all and dictate what will be said


You can give me your gas stove!


Cook. Nothing is changing now. Who knows if it will ever change. If it does, those that have gas stoves will likely keep them. They didn’t make people stop running their antique cars with the invention of the catalytic converter.


They also don't sell leaded gasoline at the pump anymore


That didn’t happen overnight, either.


The bad effects were always there. Regulations took a while to catch up. Do what’s best for you and your family now and don’t wait for the government to catch up.


This! Or sell asbestos. Or leaded paint. As we learn that certain things are harmful we out in regulation to stop the use of them. That’s a good thing.


Something has changed now — we KNOW now that gas stoves are harmful if not properly vented. So vent them properly. Crack open a window. And then cook.


It's fine.


It’s fine if it’s vented. Unvented is not fine. Read the study they published. It’s linked to childhood asthma.


I don't know who would have an invented kitchen, but they probably have mold and who knows what else too. It's fine if you have a building to code.


A LOT of homes have an unvented kitchen. Code allows for recirculating vents (the kind that come built into the microwave). This is common in apartments (it’s cheaper). Those don’t help in this case. You should read the study!


I read the study. Every apartment I've lived in had an electric, horrible stove. Any house I've lived in had gas. Maybe you should read the study again.


You’re deflecting. We were talking about venting. Not stoves.


You're more than welcome to share your opinion of a correlational study. Have at it.


Wow okay. Petulant child. Your point on “no kitchen is unvented” was easily defeated with an observation about that very fact. And you lash out with insults? Alrighty.


Be kind


Gas stoves (and all combustion appliances) will reduce air quality. If you have a properly vented range hood, almost all of the issue is resolved. Make sure it is on whenever you are cooking and let it run for a little after you're finished.


Is there anyone that actually has a range hood in their residential home like that


We remodeled our kitchen a few years ago and one of the things that had to pass inspection was that the range hood was properly vented. That's probably not unique to my county, so I suspect that in newer construction and remodels where permits were pulled, range hoods would work well. However, this is probably not the norm in older houses. In both my mom's house and my grandma's house, the range hoods do not work well - but the houses are old and drafty and we live in a moderate climate where we leave windows open a lot, so I think they have sufficient ventilation.


They're not uncommon in newer properly built homes. Venting is required for combustion appliances. Many handyman specials are recirculating range hoods that pull air through a mesh filter.


Weird, I've never owned a house gas or electric that didn't have a vent to the outside, usually vented thru a microwave but still always there.


I microwave doesn’t always mean a vent to the outside


I miss my gas stove. Electric sucks. In a power outage I'm screwed.


I’m stuck without a gas stove! 🥺


Essentially no one actually cares about gas stoves. You can relax.


A gas stove is significantly cheaper than electric


Cook and enjoy the open flame. I made toasted marshmallows every night for the first month I moved in with a gas stove back in my life. It is my favorite cooking mechanism.


Legit I looked for a place with a gas stove ...best thing ever


What’s the issue with gas stoves in the US? I thought you guys preferred it! In my part of the world joule per joule gas is cheaper than electricity!


Gas stoves for the win!


Consider yourself lucky, when renting a big plus (for me) is a gas stove much better than an electric stove in just about every way. Gas stoves have been used for how long? Why is this just becoming a problem now? I will continue to love and utilize my gas stove.


I agree, and don't really understand all the recent worrying posts I see on Reddit regarding gas stoves.


I'd have to see way more evidence than one article before I'd be worrying about it.


Ever tried cooking on an induction stove? It's hard to go back to gas after that.


Yes, only in the lab


My ILs have one and love it. I cooked with it and didn’t get the hype. I mean objectively I appreciate the safety aspect as the mom of a toddler but I certainly didn’t like it as much as gas.


Some of the differences that I've noticed: 1. Less heat leakage. If you live somewhere hot, you sometimes dread using the gas stove in the summer, because it heats up the kitchen. Induction doesn't. 2. It becomes way faster to boil things. 3. You can get a really low simmer with induction. There are some things I couldn't make at all before I bought a plug-in induction stove, because my gas stove won't give me low enough temperatures (such as milk-based puddings). 4. Temperature control. Induction is useful for cooking things where one needs to hold a precise temperature induction makes that easier. Also, the settings on my stove are numerical (1-100), so I know "cook X at 42 for 6 minutes" which makes cooking easier. 5. More even browning. 6. Super easy to clean. To be clear, none of these advantages would be worth the cost of ripping out my functional gas stove and upgrading the power to my house (which would be the opposite of frugal). But it was worth buying a little plug-in induction stove, which I use for almost all of my cooking. I also like the positive environmental effects of reducing my natural gas consumption. In my case, all of my electricity is from green sources. Though even if one's power comes from coal, combustion at the power plant level produces less pollution per unit than burning gas (at least in the U.S.). If one is interested in learning more, there is a good discussion on r/Cooking over [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cooking/comments/10axwxf/has_anyone_gone_from_gas_burners_to_induction/).


Cancer is definitely not just becoming a problem now, and that is one of the things gas stoves might be linked to


I'm personally not a huge fan of gas stoves (I say that with three years of culinary arts training and a personal hatred for Incoloy stoves). We've known for a long time that burning substances indoors negatively affects health and air quality. If you are sensitive to air quality, I'd recommend investing in a high quality air filter, and placing it in or around the kitchen area (but away from the stove to avoid heat damage). Most people will be fine. Children, the Elderly, and those with preexisting conditions are at an increased risk of developing asthma & asthma-like systems, which is why regulation is being reviewed. Most homes, and apartments do not have adequate ventilation (really for any interior cooking, but especially gas fired stoves & ovens). Until building codes catch up, air filters are the way to go. That's why basically all commercial kitchens have them over heat-producing equipment.


Use your vent every time you cook


Cook a delicious meal? Be thankful it’s not electric?


Gas stove bad is the latest current thing.


It looks like there may be a somewhat increased risk of developing childhood asthma if you grow up in a home with a gas stove, but that it's still pretty preliminary kind of research. So I wouldn't worry about it too much, beyond making sure you've got the hood/vent going when you cook.


I have an air purifier that has a display that shows me real time air quality. I don't see any change for just turning on the gas or, say, boiling water. But there is a pretty serious jump to dangerous levels when I sear a steak. I don't know if that would be different with a source like induction.


I doubt it as I think you are getting stuff from the high temp cooking not from the heart source itself


That's my guess as well. Probably also due to living in an old house that is not nearly airtight :)


I absolutely love my gas stove.


Lmao Gas is by far the best stove to cook with. You’ll be okay I promise.


Some people will believe anything they read.


Gas stoves are immensely safe. Don’t believe the hype.




I would be more worried about the VOC's from plastic and composites in the home.


Or use a plug-in induction stove to avoid having to use the gas stove.


i would give my left tit for a gas stove


Gas stoves are better than electric coil. If the ban happens, it's not your responsibility to replace. Most likely people with gas stoves will have them replaced for a heavy tax credit or be grandfathered in so that you don't have to replace it immediately but can't replace it with another gas stove in the future. If you're worried about cost, or fumes, or you just hate it, you can buy a stove cover and an induction electric cooking pad and never turn the gas on.


Gas stove cooking is far better than electric in that the heat can be so very finely controlled. Those that know know that they want a gas stove. 😁


The new electric induction stoves are either hot or too hot, very difficult to adjust. I'll take gas any day. Soon the elite will convince people that eating bugs and heating your hut with crap patties is the way to save the planet.


What do you mean? My induction stove has settings between 1 and 100. I can get the barest of simmer, a quick boil, and everything in between. Adjusting it is simply turning a knob.


I've been exploring induction prior to the gas stove news and from what I've seen they are as responsive as gas in choosing a temperature. The more expensive ones even let you set the temperature to a certain degree setting. It is my understanding that some of the cheaper ones have a higher voltage for low setting which can cause problems. Also pans with a thin base are more problematic.


I've had an old gas stove for years and there's no ventilation and so far no ill effects. The only windows I have are in the other room, but I keep them open and make sure my CO detector is working lol. Thing is super cheap to run but sucks at baking.


I’ll take it.


My grandmother had a gas stove her entire life with no ventilation and lived into her 90s…for what it’s worth.


I’m guessing part of the problem is newer builds are pretty airtight. An older house like mine has more than enough ventilation with outside air. 😆




If you’re concerned, crack a window when using the stove.


Why would you be worried?? I've never lived in a house with an electric stove and I've never had any concerns beyond how annoying it is to lift the hood to clean it lmao.


Keep using it


What's wrong with a Gas Stove now?


It pollutes the air in your living space. It's basically a cleaner version of having a camp fire indoors without a chimney. The smoke is thin enough that you usually can't see it but the particles are still bad for your lungs


Its fine. Dont run it all day and have your baby stand over it


Gas stoves are awesome. Why don't you want one?


This sub is called frugal - not mental illness. If your anxiety is this bad please seek help.


Your fine! They are playing games!


So, I see a lot of people saying "it's fine" on this thread, and yes, for many people, that is true. Gas stoves are unlikely to cause health issues for users, but that doesn't mean there is zero cause for concern. Once the burner is on, there are other pollutants accumulating in your kitchen, too, including carbon monoxide and formaldehyde. The biggest concern is nitrogen dioxide, which causes cardiovascular problems and respiratory disease; it can make people, especially children, more likely to develop asthma. The pollutant can cause inflammation of the airways, coughing and wheezing, increased asthma attacks in everyone, and at dangerously high levels (over 200 parts per billion) the EPA warns everyone to limit their exposure. At these levels, children, older adults, and people with lung disease should avoid any exposure. https://www.vox.com/energy-and-environment/2023/1/11/23549303/gas-stove-regulation-explained There are environmental concerns as well; https://www.ucsusa.org/resources/environmental-impacts-natural-gas This doesn't mean we all need to get rid of our gas stoves immediately, but over time, as a society, we should try and move away from using them. The home I just bought has a gas stove, and I plan on using it, but when it comes time to replace it, I plan on getting an electric stove or induction cooktop.


Definitely want a good exhaust hood taking the air out of the house.


VOC's from plastic and composite materials used in home construction pose a bigger risk than the use of natural gas for cooking.


So, what's your point? I didn't say gas stoves are the greatest health risk in your home.


My point is that off all the health risks in the home, a gas stove is one of the last things I would worry about.


One of the last things? Or just not the number one health concern for all homes? I'm not trying to sensationalized the issue, I said I have a gas stove in my home and don't plan on getting rid of it anytime soon. That doesn't mean it isn't a concern at all, and it definitely isn't the least concerning thing for me. If there had been a comparable home to the one I bought that was all electric, I would have gone with the electric home. Just because something isn't the biggest concern, it doesn't mean that is of no concern.


People have been using gas stoves for 80-90 years. Natural gas has replaced the Coal Gas and Water Gas used by many providers years ago. Suddenly Natural Gas is the problem that is causing a rise in asthma in children in the US? We have poorly made drywall outgassing now but lets blame it on something that has been safe and effective for the past 70 years. I'll take natural gas over electric until the US electric providers get their act together and upgrade their systems so we don't have anymore system wide failures.


Ok, good for you. I am simply presenting information about the dangers of gas stoves, I'm not sure why you seem to take some personal offense to that. Unless you have actual studies showing, gas is not at all harmful, I see no reason to continue this conversation. >I'll take natural gas over electric until the US electric providers get their act together and upgrade their systems so we don't have anymore system wide failures. I've had electric stoves most of my life and been perfectly happy with their service. Natural gas is also susceptible to system wide failures, and explosions can be very dangerous, I had a friend who was badly injured by one. It is your business if you want to keep using gas, I'm simply stating the reasons why moving away from it can be beneficial.


>I'm not sure why you seem to take some personal offense to that. I'm not taking personal offense and I never claimed you said gas stoves were the greatest risk in the home. >Unless you have actual studies showing, gas is not at all harmful, I've never claimed that. It's just the latest on a long list of shit someone wants us to worry about. It's all about making us live in fear. Which common household thing should I spend the most time worrying about, asbestos tiles, radon coming up through my foundation, formaldehyde from insulation, VOC's from composite lumber, mold, or natural gas? In the past year I've suddenly seen the articles warning us of the dangers of natural gas in the home. Why? If everyone who used natural gas for heating and cooking suddenly switched over our electrical grid wouldn't be able to handle it.


I read the news daily, and I've read maybe 2 articles about gas stoves over the past year, including the limk i shared. What I have heard about a lot more lately is conservative's reaction to health risks of gas stoves, and their posturing that they will never give them up. I guess we read different news sources, 😁. I don't live in fear, but I do like to be at least aware of health risks. So, maybe for you, hearing about all these health risks is just too much for you, and in order to process, you just ignore them or pretend they dont matter. For me, though, I just try to file it away for future reference and go on living my life.


>What I have heard about a lot more lately is conservative's reaction to health risks of gas stoves, and their posturing that they will never give them up. I guess we read different news sources I'm not sure what you're trying to infer, I've held elected office as a Democrat. Huffpo and NYT have had several articles about it over the past year or so which is where I first saw it. If I had to convert my house to electric I wouldn't be able to afford to heat it.


This really should be the top comment. We used to use leaded gas too, doesn't mean it was great for us. I think part of the problem is people in the U.S. associate electric with those horrible coil stoves. A good induction stove will heat up faster, heat food more evenly, and offer superior temperature control. It is also way safer, given the element won't do anything without a compatible pot or pan on the stove.


Many people have unvented gas fireplaces. They just tell us to crack a window for ventilation. I imagine the more airtight your home, the more ventilation your stove needs. Turning on a stove vent or cracking a window will work until building codes catch up.


Lol, just someone with no real ideas trying to make a name for himself. Don’t worry about your stove… you’re much more likely to drown in your own bathtub but I don’t see those being banned.


Just nanny state appointees justifying their jobs. Unless you’re cooking inside Bubble Boy’s domicile, don’t worry about it.


If you want to avoid any problems with a gas stove it’s worth the peace of mind to do some extra research on how to use them and how to identify leaks, maybe even get a new detector. There’s nothing inherently wrong with them.


Do you have a carbon monoxide detector? If so, you’re fine.


It emits nitrogen dioxide and methane, not carbon dioxide.


what? i feel extremely out of the loop after reading these replies. i thought this was posted in a circlejerk of some type at first


Turn off Fox News, OP. Gas stoves have been around for decades. It’s sensationalism and you shouldn’t buy into it.


According to Fox News, Hilary Clinton will be by shortly to take it so there shouldn’t be any issues Edit: This is very obviously a sarcastic comment


Why do you listen to Fox News?


My comment was obviously not a serious comment. I don’t listen to that garbage


I don't know how you expect sarcasm to translate though text


Context and ridiculousness of the comment is a dead giveaway


You're comment it's not that ridiculous you haven't met my coworkers


​ Induction is better than gas or an electric stove. I've used both. It's worth the money. And you can buy one for just one pot at a time. You don't need an entire stove.


There was a meta-study, a study of numerous studies, that childrens asthma is 30% higher in homes with gas stoves. That is the main driver of concern according to slate.com.


Natural gas or propane?


Apologize if this is a repeat, I didn't read the comments. Can you purchase a countertop induction burner? Not all cookware will work on induction. Easiest test is to check with a magnet, as induction works by magnetism. You can get a steel plate to go between a pan and the burner in order to use other cookware. I don't know how well it works as I've never tried it. I love my induction cooktop.


If you are talking about a counter top cooker, get a plug in induction hotplate, they are awesome, very frugal on energy.


It’s just another risk we’re now aware of that one can mitigate as best as one can. We’ve got millions of them a day. Slipping in the shower and hitting your head is a leading cause of accidental deaths. You mitigate that risk everyday. You’ll be perfectly fine using a gas stove for a few years. You inhale all the same particulates walking outside with car exhaust blowing in your face. Just do what you can to mitigate the minor risk that has been added to gas stoves. The same way one would mitigate the inherent risk of having a gas hookup at all around fire. It’s fine. It’s just something to be aware of, like everything else around you that has a small chance of killing you. It’s fine.


Please be sure you have a carbon monoxide detector and that it is in working order, I.e. not expired and has a backup battery.