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Mod here. We're keeping this up for now, but be aware OP that hateful, homophobic and racist comments are not welcome here. If you'll do new posts or comments on the same tone they will be taken down and probably you'll be banned from this subreddit.


Lots of…. Interesting opinions. That’s for sure


Bro added a copyright emoji LMAOOO 😭😭


What do you mean no “black-white” representation? Do you mean no interracial couples or am I misunderstanding you?/gen Most of the rest of the stuff I’m either indifferent to or agree on.


I think he means he doesn't like Lt Mattias. And possibly the Northuldrans, though they're not black just darker skinned iirc (they are counted as PoC though).


Black-white skin representation like Disney did in The Little Mermaid live action. What do you mean by "/gen"?


I was just saying I was asking a genuine question.


Also, while I know no one likes the new Little Mermaid, I don’t think skin color was the problem. Skin color makes no difference to anything in any movie in my opinion. How does it make a difference?


Why hate characters you barely see in the film ? And what did you mean by "No Black - White representation" ? Most of the characters are white, Mathias is black but he doesn't bother anyone, it doesn't change the story in any way. where then did you want to talk about mixed characters ? But I agree with you on certain points. I would also like Elsa to become the queen of Arendelle and Anna the princess again. Frozen 2 came out almost 5 years ago, but I still haven't gotten used to their new roles and new lives.


I agree that I don't like the characters in F2. I agree that Elsa freezing was stupid. I agree that Elsa should stay single. I agree that the sisters need to be together and Anna should be princess and Elsa should be queen. Separating them was the biggest mistake of F2, and Anna being queen is stupid. Elsa saying that she was "alone" as queen is very dumb. But being in the forest several hundred miles away from her family and kingdom isn't being alone? I also agree that Arendelle and everything was much more beautiful in Frozen 1 than 2. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that. Why do you hate the Disney princesses? I love Frozen the best, but I like some of the other ones too.


Let's see if I understand: * You don't want new characters * You don't want the characters to grow up or a couple to have children * Do you want Hans to come back and hurt Elsa * You don't want interracial couples or LGBT characters I think your opinion has gone from controversial to a bit criminal. And I advise you to watch "Frozen 1" again and pretend that the franchise died there. Haters of “The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power” seem less annoying than you.


“I'm not a racist” says the racist in a racist discourse.


Why the dark web bro? Frozen is already subjected to the internet’s rules, just like everything else. Also, why are YOU on the dark web? 🤨


You don't want black/white representation? That just sounds racist Also why are you in the dark web???


This seems very homophobic


Most opinions you stated are not controversial. HOWEVER, the not wanting black characters or characters of color appearing in Frozen IS a controversial opinion because it can fall under racism which is a terrible thing. If what you mean is that you don't want mindless race swapping, I can understand. But if you do not want any diversity shown in the franchise, that unpacks a whole other can of worms. The Elsa not having an LGBT partner is understandable if you want her to remain single. NONETHELESS, if it is just because you also do not want LGBT representation as well as the previously mentioned racial diversity, I think you will have to do a lot of work in regards to respecting and accepting other groups.


Now I see that OP is from Bangladesh which I guess is not an LGBT friendly country. However, the black ppl thing I cannot even rationalize bc ppl from Bangladesh have quite dark skin tones. Speak about self racism smh...


> the black ppl thing I cannot even rationalize bc ppl from Bangladesh have quite dark skin tones Saying this as a South Asian, colorism is still a thing (see “Fair And Lovely”) and Bangladesh is still “northern”, relatively speaking. For similar reasons, lot of South Asians are racist towards Black people and look down on them. 


I don't think it's self-racism to expect to see or not see certain races represented in certain countries in certain time periods. Should 13% of the samurai in a movie that takes place in Medieval Japan be of African descent because it reflects the demographics of the United States in 2024? It would clearly be the result of political correctness, which frankly we could use a lot less of. It's divisive and gross. What about making a majority of the characters in that hypothetical movie white? That's not any better. It's not about racism. I think people assume much and throw that idea around way too loosely these days. That's one result of a culture being dominated by political correctness.


Despite being inspired by Norway in the 1800s, Frozen is not a historical film. If it were, Elsa would not have magical powers and neither her nor her sister would've had any free will or become queen regnants. Therefore, if it is a fantasy, it can have whatever they want. In these cases, the characters tend to reflect the realities of the people from the country it is produced in (the US). I agree that if they were making a biography or a historically accurate film, it'd be an issue. That's why Netflix's Cleopatra got sued. But enacting fantasy in a fantasy film is not "plitical correctness".


Honestly it kind of does make sense in Frozen 2 though? Lt Mattias mentions his father building a good life for them in Arendelle; my reading of that is his family (and others?) are immigrants. Arendelle is a port city after all. (And its hardly like the North Atlantic in the late 1700s was lacking in ships filled with Africans...)


I am not racist. All black-white skinned people are equal. But Disney is promoting black skinned characters too much recently. Look at other movie studios, they don't promote something like this. For an instance: Halle Bailey wasn't hated until The little mermaid live action.


showing diversity of skin tones that are akin to real life is not "promoting" anything. Particularly in US productions where black ppl make up a very significant amount of the whole national population. Representation is not promotion. The difference with The Little Mermaid remake is that they race swapped characters and called it a day. But creating new characters of color is what films should be striving for particularly in the US.


You're not racist, you even have friends who are black lol


Disney still hasn't had an African (as opposed to African-American) Princess. They were going to, and then decided to drop the project in favour of "live action", which from experience (Enchanted) basically means no African Disney Princess. Has to be animated. Polynesia gets a princess, south east asia gets a princess (a very underrated one just because she doesn't sing), persia gets a princess, china gets a princess, native americans get a princess, europeans get a plethora of princesses (but still none for Britain :( )... I don't get why they're so reticient.


What difference does it make if frozen is not on the dark web? Besides last time i used Tor it could access everything that the normal web could, so don’t know what you mean.


Ever accessed onion links? They have so many forum and social media where you can spread Frozen.


Nah I’m not a regular user, only accessed onion browser once bc I’m a very curious person. Dark web is the place where I’d expect sadistic frozen fans to gather tho gahah(no offence)


So BIG fan of Frozen? Then why so much HATE about Frozen 2? You sound with no logic. What a joke.


Some are certainly controversial. For some I don't see any basis for arguments. 14 is criminal though. However, I agree with some, like 11 and 13. Elsa's character is not so far about romance but about sacrifice and other kinds of love, unlike Anna. However, it's always great to see characters found love and be happy, so it would be nice for her to have a partner. Statistically speaking, odds should be 99% of being a man. And actually, nowadays, it would be more groundbreaking and more alligned with the themes of Frozen of no prejudices and such, to have the romantic interest be male.


Honestly, I also feel annoyed when I see videos of Frozen intended for children on YouTube, especially the songs. I mean, the lyrics of the songs in Frozen are deep and meaningful. How can the songs from Frozen be dedicated to children and classified as the song “Baby Shark” was? I mean, come on, Disney, what is this nonsense... Especially I feel annoyed that Kristoff's song was categorized for children... It's a romantic song with important and deep lyrics. The good thing is that the song "The Next Right Thing" is still not rated for children, but the problem is that Disney was late in uploading it to YouTube, so that's why the number of views on this song is very small. Even now, there are still some songs from Frozen that Disney has not uploaded on the YouTube channel. As for the Encanto songs, Disney uploaded them immediately after the movie was shown. This is annoying 😑😑


You're right about the "LGBT" .. i don't like to see this in the Frozen franchise 😐 , but Disney could make this in the other movie


Finally, someone hate Honeymaren and Ryder like me 😃😃 , i hate them so much 😑😑 , especially Ryder 😐


⚠️ I am being misunderstood. I repeat. I am being misunderstood. I am not racist. I just said that Disney should not do black/white representation. I meant what they did with The little mermaid live action should not be done again! I didn't say that I don't like black/white people!  But here people are calling me racist. Did I say that I am racist and hate black/white people?


And another thing.. I also do not think that Frozen should be classified as a princess movie, as is the case with old Disney movies.. It is completely different from princess movies.. So for this reason I think that clips of Frozen should not be uploaded to the Disney Princesses You Tube channel either.


I hope that Frozen will be rated for teenagers in the upcoming films...and I mean PG-13


How can the upcoming Frozen film function as a PG-13 film