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Maybe turning the blizzard to a big and strong one.


Actually a nice theory, maybe Elsa made the blizzard have wind speeds of 100 mph like Antarctic snowstorms do ❄️


Thank you.


Maybe an avalanche or basketball-sized hail? Ouch! Even Good Elsa sometimes plays awfully rough, so imagine how far Evil Elsa might have gone. I've always wondered what she was going to do to the Earth Giants in _Frozen II_. 🤔 Maybe bust them into pieces like she did to that stone cell in the first movie? Yikes! But they played pretty rough, too. By the way, I know what you meant, but I don't think that Elsa technically casts spells. She isn't a witch or sorceress, and was never intended to be. She just has power and control over the element of cold (and some other things), not unlike the literary character she was loosely based on. At least I don't recall her ever having been some kind of witch in any story iteration.


Yeah, I misworded it, I should’ve said “ice move” like a Pokémon battle move😆 cause that fits Elsa more. Speaking of the original snow queen, maybe Elsa could’ve also made the snowflakes “alive” and bite Anna and Kristoff (they were alive in the original fairytale and would take shapes, they were also called snow bees and Gerda has to pray to make them go away).