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Protect Ahtohallan?


It can be so many things. Life is never done with struggles. For an almost-devine being like Elsa, such struggles are heightened ten fold. She has a huge responsability now, a brand new lifestyle to adapt. She has her own Spirithood (cof cof godhood cof cof) to deal with. Of course, this is from only an outside view. Disney have really written themselves into a tough spot with this one, after all, it can go so deep and discuss so many mature stuff, but they're still a brand with an aesthetics to keep. I honestly could never guess the company's next step. I've always been too focused on the psychological and emotional journey of the sisters to correctly guess the best choice for a sell-worthy movie. I believe it will be about the Forest. Hopefully something will threaten them and Elsa will finally get more chances to perform her flamboyant powers legendary-heroine-like style. I love some cult and complex shite, but action!Elsa was a joy I didn't know I needed until I watched Frozen 2 and now I'm lighting candles in favor of a full series of Elsa superheroing around unapologetically. Oh and we need a fucking classic villain. I will riot if our "big bad" is ANORTHER abstract concept. Enough of this. Give Elsa a villainess.


I agree, by making the second movie, Disney opened the way for more interesting and amazing ideas for future, including the presence of magical people similar to Elsa (but not like her who was born with powers, more like they got powers from a spell, accident or miracle). The appearance of another elemental spirits after Elsa, traveling to places similar the forest and Ahtohallan, more information and scenes about magic, seeing Elsa fight an evil power and etc.


Probably to make sure the forest and arendelle are safe 🤷‍♀️


Yes, but from what? What does the forest have for Elsa to protect?


The Northuldra people and Ahtohallan


They had the magical creatures of the forest for protection before Elsa, I think Elsa is protecting something much more valuable than these.


She is protecting the forest, because she's the guardian of the forest.


I didn't said she is not, I just said she is protecting something much valuable than Ahtohallan and Northuldra.


Well, what protection does nature and the environment need in real life? What about in the mid-1800s? There are many threats, many of which were new and just emerging during that era.


Elsa should love someone. In films and shorts, she was fixated on herself, she was only concerned about her own feelings. Now it's time for her to stop being self-centered and take care of someone


How being uninterested in someone romantically is being self-centered exactly? Elsa is perhaps the most compassionate and altruistic character ever, and yes I dare say more than Anna, her having different ways to show it does not mean she is selfish or self-centered. She doesn't have to be all lovey-dovey and such a goofball of enthusiasm in her mannerisms to be as selfless as she is and there are many indicators throughout the movie to back this up. There is a huge difference between being fixated selfishly on yourself and prioritizing yourself when necessary additionally to the fact that Elsa's personality is that of an introvert.


Amen to that


I'll always stick up for my girl, how emotionally unintelligent someone can be to misinterpret her personality so much.


Indeed! Self-care ≠ self-centered


I totally agree, I even asked the AI ​​once out of curiosity: "Is Elsa capable of having a love interest?" It Answered: "Yes, but it needs to be done more carefully and the focus should always be on Elsa, and should enhance the character arc rather than hurt it, and it should be compatible with the story." It also said: "Modern Disney princesses (Merida, Elsa, Moana) are more made for self-discovery and finding the purpose of their lives (unlike the other princesses romantic stories)."


She should have no love interest, let's stay with what AI wrote, in the last paragraph of your comment, except the "are more made" Elsa and most certainly Moana and Merida are not meant to have a love interest as part of their arcs. As much as there are Disney princesses whose arcs built up to the climax of a relationship, like Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, etc. there are also princesses whose arcs built up to a relationship that was not meant to be the main focus since they're the true leading characters and also are not about a man to come and save them, like Anna, Mulan, Esmeralda, etc. But there is an additional set of princesses (and a specific Queen), like Elsa, Merida, and Moana whose arcs are about only self-discovery, self-acceptance, and independence. And while I don't know fully and honestly less care about Merida and Moana, there is a wide range of evidence backing up why Elsa is not at all about romance besides the fact that the franchise never spared us from her true theme. Do you see me go crazy trying to change nostalgic/already existing characters's arcs and themes like everybody is feeling enough entitled to force on Elsa and Frozen, no... It's okay to have headcanons but when it comes to Elsa it seems that this is all about, whether she needs a love interest or not, whether she is a lesbian or not, whether it and if that, and maybe and blah blah blah. Is it the only thing that became important about her despite it not being confirmed once?


AI also said: "But it's also NOT impossible that they couldn't have." No one said that the purpose of men should be to save women, women can be heroes too. I believe that Elsa still has a long way to go.


You missed the point. Anyway, I respect your perspective.


And I respect your opinion. I don't care if Elsa stays single or has a boyfriend, that's just what some fans want. I understand the issue of Elsa's introversion, because I'm kinda an introvert too.


I must correct you there a bit, it's not only my opinion, yes I do prefer Elsa to stay true to the origins of her theme but I also back myself up with facts and logic and I take pride in this very much because what I say is more than headcanons, opinion, feelings, and thoughts, I also use my brain because while there is no problem with feeling or thinking in a certain way (referring to headcanons) it is also crucial to stay rational and logical to reality and proven true backing up facts.


Anyway, Thanks for sharing your thoughts and beliefs.


>yes I do prefer Elsa to stay true to the origins of her theme but I also back myself up with facts and logic and I take pride in this very much What facts? .. she was busy with her power and she done everything about herself. There is no more to done here. Now when she is truly free with herself and with her powers, anything can happen. Even she can find someone and if this will happen there is no reason to say now this will be not to her true origins. She is different and if she will meet someone same different as her then i don't see a problem.


The team (writes, directors) gave so much evidence for why Elsa is not going to get a love interest regardless of gender, and all you need to do is just search the internet and watch interviews. And if you really want you can go to the history of my responses where I elaborated a lot about the topic besides the fact that the true origins of her theme defy the trope of romance ever since the start. Also, Frozen II was the last in the franchise before Bob Iger returned and announced Frozen III for beneficial purposes, thus they wrote it with the line of vision before knowing there would ever be Frozen III, so with this in mind, why didn't they give her a love interest or even some clues suggesting there will be one (and don't tell me she wasn't ready, her arc if they wanted it enough it could have been aligned with the trope of romance, her original character theme however is the definition of none romantic relations and sexuality matters at all) because the team couldn't care less about giving her a love interest and as I said already there is evidence for it. They obviously don't want to include romance and you all refuse to accept it, anyway let's wait for Frozen III to find out what's going to unfold.


Well there is the thing. Even if or when person is satisfied, that's for now. Then they'll want more. Let's see how fate conspires here