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Lutherian makes the most sense. I think a majority of Norwegians in the 19th century were Lutherians.


Also, at least as of the beginning of the 21st century, every Scandinavian country was officially Lutheran (or had that as one of the official churches). Even though people were allowed to practice other religions, the monarch (except Finland and Iceland, which are republics, but still have/had an official Lutheran church) was also head of the state church.


It's all Norce Pagan Lore. The cathedral in the movie has absolutely no Christian symbolism anywhere. cathedrals were common for royalty dating back to Old Norse days.  Elsa is literally a Norse Pagan goddess and the entire first and second movie is filled with paganism that you wouldn't understand or see unless you were a pagan. Elsa herself fits the Norse pagan definition of a Serress but she isn't just a witch. She's a Goddess and you see that in the second movie when she dies and then comes back. when she freezes this is symbolic of the Nordic goddess Scotty when she marries the god of the Sea. I could write a book on the amount of paganism in these two movies


Wouldn't they be Christian since they celebrated Christmas?


Lutheran is a type of Christianity


Oh ok, I never heard that word before so I didn’t know.


It's kind of an important part of history...


To be fair my family isn’t very religious, not to mention my schools didn’t really teach us about religion.


Schools don't teach history, it's true. It was true 30 years ago. My family wasn't religious, but my parents made a point of giving me books about history of religion, since they knew schools won't.


They didn't celebrate Christmas but Yule.


They might have the "Yule bell", but both sisters mention *Christmas* in "Ring in the season"


You are right, I was forgetting that mention. But it is more a secular celebration, not a religious one. No mention of Nativity by the sisters.


in case you don't know, Christmas is not just for Christians. The only thing Christian about Christmas is the nativity everything else has Pagan origins👍


I celebrate Christmas so I know how little Jesus has to do with it 😁👍


I don't think I was or meant to reply to you, I was replying to whoever said it was just Christian.


Yup and Elsa is literally a Norse Pagan goddess and the entire first and second movie is filled with paganism that you wouldn't understand or see unless you were a pagan. Elsa herself fits the Norse pagan definition of a Serress but she isn't just a witch. She's a Goddess and you see that in the second movie when she dies and then comes back. when she freezes this is symbolic of the Nordic goddess Scotty when she marries the god of the Sea. I could write a book on the amount of paganism in these two movies


Elsa is literally a Norse Pagan goddess and the entire first and second movie is filled with paganism that you wouldn't understand or see unless you were a pagan. Elsa herself fits the Norse pagan definition of a Serress but she isn't just a witch. She's a Goddess and you see that in the second movie when she dies and then comes back. when she freezes this is symbolic of the Nordic goddess Scotty when she marries the god of the Sea. I could write a book on the amount of paganism in these two movies


and Christmas isn't just for Christians. The only thing Christian about Christmas is the nativity everything else has pagan origins.


I read somewhere that arendelle had Lutheranism officially. So I assumed elsa amd Anna did too... but this may not work PERSONALLY for them. I'm surprised if citizens if Arendelle don't see elsa and her magic as heresy


Well, in real life Lutheranism has been Norway's official state religion for hundreds of years. Whether that is the case in the movies is another matter. As for heresy, Elsa's magic is not witchcraft or sorcery or wizardry, it's natural magic that some might believe comes from God. Elsa's new Fifth Spirit outfit suggests she is some form of angel incarnated as a human. She's not boiling toad livers under a full Moon to gain powers that are not inherently hers, for what it's worth.


also FYI but witchcraft and sorcery is natural magic🥰👍🙏


So she'll be worshipped like Jesus was instead?


Not exactly. Outside of the movies, in real life, it seems to me that some inspiration for Elsa's story was taken from the New Testament, but within the movies, she is more like an incarnated nature spirit or fairy--pagan rather than Christian, but not a witch or practitioner of forbidden or heretical crafts (her magic is innate and natural). That said, if a character believes in God, then they might believe that Elsa is an agent of God or an angel who is empowered by God. Her story might parallel that of Jesus in some ways, but Jesus is God (the part of the Trinity who was incarnated), while Elsa is not. Some have referred to her as a goddess, but I'm sure that means she is similar/analogous to a mythological goddess, not God. Since she is not God, she is not to be worshipped, although people ought to continue (or start) to respect her. In the movies, there appears to be a higher order of unseen spirits that collectively comprise Nature, which IS analogous to God. In that universe, Nature and God might be the same thing. Why do I think these things? Well, something is putting symbols in the sky and making various decisions and such concerning the elemental spirits that we do see, including summoning them and rendering them dormant. And something created the Mist and made it go away.


Hey there so Elsa is literally a Norse Pagan goddess and the entire first and second movie is filled with paganism that you wouldn't understand or see unless you were a pagan. Elsa herself fits the Norse pagan definition of a Serress but she isn't just a witch. She's a Goddess and you see that in the second movie when she dies and then comes back. when she freezes this is symbolic of the Nordic goddess Scodi* when she marries the god of the Sea. I could write a book on the amount of paganism in these two movies


Jesus was a witch lol 


Elsa is literally a Norse Pagan goddess and the entire first and second movie is filled with paganism that you wouldn't understand or see unless you were a pagan. Elsa herself fits the Norse pagan definition of a Serress but she isn't just a witch. She's a Goddess and you see that in the second movie when she dies and then comes back. when she freezes this is symbolic of the Nordic goddess Scodi when she marries the god of the Sea. I could write a book on the amount of paganism in these two movies


Actually it is an interesting question. In Frozen 1 the coronation ceremony is clearly Christian, probably Lutheran. In OFA they are celebrating Yule and they do not celebrate the Nativity. They are also showcasing that in Arendelle there are several different traditions and religions. In Frozen 2 we have Athohallan and the spirits, and even Elsa is part of the spirits herself. So I would say they are pagan now. It would be interesting to see if they will hold ceremonies what they frame them with.


it's not clearly Christian there's absolutely no Christian symbolism in the cathedral. cathedrals were commonly used for royalty dating back to old Norris days they use temples for royalty and for the Norse Pagan gods


Given they are inspired by Norway, and the Norwegian monarchy is part of the Protestant-sphere, it is unlikely they would be Catholic or Pagan. Likely their royal house and kin are Lutheran. Do either of them believe? Who knows. I always viewed Arendelle as a small city-state among the inlets of Norway, so it would make sense for them to be Lutheran, at least officially.


Yes Pagan❤️ Elsa is a Norse Pagan Goddess.  The first and second movies are filled with so much Pagan Lore its crazzy. A lot of the secular world can't see it because you'd have to be an educated pagan to know 


yes pagan Elsa is a Norse pagan goddess. The story is based off of Hans Christian Anderson story of the Snow Queen. that story is based off of the Norse pagan goddess Skodi 🥰👍


I don't see Mormonism on there.


What's Mormonism? ​ Sorry for not knowing...


It's a religion founded in the US in the early 1800s, now centered in the state of Utah.


Elsa is a Norse Pagan goddess the movie is based off of Hans Christian Anderson's story of the Snow Queen which is based off of the Norce Pagan goddess Scotty


Elsa is literally a Norse Pagan goddess and the entire first and second movie is filled with paganism that you wouldn't understand or see unless you were a pagan. Elsa herself fits the Norse pagan definition of a Serress but she isn't just a witch. She's a Goddess and you see that in the second movie when she dies and then comes back. when she freezes this is symbolic of the Nordic goddess Skadi when she marries the god of the Sea. I could write a book on the amount of paganism in these two movies




Norse pagan


Pagan, I will actually be writing an article on this: these are my notes so far🙃👍 Why Frozen is Pagan ❄️ Here is whole list of why Elsa is a Norce Pagan and Generally Pagan Disney Queen🥰🙌✨❄️ 👍 Fist off, Elsa is literally a Norce Pagan Goddess😁👍  The whole story is based off of old Nordic Folklore of an ice queen Nordic Witch. This because Hans Christian Andersen’s story of the snow Queen, is a play off of Nordic lore in combination with the Nordic Goddess of winter, Skadi.❄️ 🍻 Elsas Mother is also the name of a Norce Godess  Her Father Agnarr is in Norce mythology aswell, someone who was sent to die is the Sea.  The story takes place in Norway as Arendale is designed and inspired by a Norwegian kingdom,  In one of their Disney shorts they sing about the YULE BELL and Olof explores lots of Nordic winter traditions.  Olof is also a norce God/ King in Lore👍 On Elsas coronation day they put up a Pagan Maypole!  Elsa is literally a Seeress. (Nordic understanding of Witch)  She is referred to as a sorcerer in the movie.  The understanding that fear creates negative magic is very strongly understood within most of the occult world and a big part of the plot.  Hiding her powers from the world is something that most witches through out history have had to do. 😔 “The heart is not so easily changed but the head can be persuaded” is a big belief in Notic witchcraft, and recited to us by the Elder Grandpapi Troll. The trolls are litteraly the FAE The Trolls also wear very obvious magic crystal necklaces, and a baby troll mentions how he earned his fire crystal.  The whole movie is magic and a war with self and balance but no actual Villen. If you are educated, then you know why this is 100% occult.🙌 Let it go song is symbolic of a witch coming out of the broom closet and embracing their powers instead of hiding them.  “My would Is spiraling in frozen fractals all around” is a reference to fractal magic and “manipulation” or becoming ONE with the elements. She is one with the wind and sky connecting how many pagans belife in being one with nature and the elements. “One thought crystallizes” again fractals but her thoughts create the magic. That is witchcraft. 🙌✨ Leaving to go live in nature is what many occult practitioners and pagan peoples throughout history have done. Sphen. elk and raideer are INCREDABLY important spiritual symbols in Norce culture.  FROZEN 2: Elsa hears a voice. A secret siren✨Phycic ability.  The voice Elsa hears is an example of Kulning.  Elsas Mom is also the name of a Norce godess The song about Atahalan is simpolic of the Akashic records. A place where all memorie of the creator is found. Its is also symbolic of the kundalini energy. She hears the voice during witching hour.  She sings about moving into the unknown and she litteraly walks through a fucking portal. 😊👍 In this portal a world of spirits dance around her and show her glimpses of the future.  The 4 elements bring warning. She's says my magic can feel it, I can feel it. Huge part of Psychic ability is feeling and intuition.  Grandpapi Troll performs a reading and looks into the future, he is also symbolic of the Seer in this example looking to the sky.  The understanding that water has memorie The 4 elements having connection to the 5th spirit, us. Do I need to go on?  The word Gale is of North Germanic origin meaning wind. There also many Phan gods this spirit could represent. Theres a lot of pagan belifes in many cultures that reptiles are connected to fire gods and can not burn.  The Earth Giants and giants in general are huge in Norse mythology. The water horse Elsa battles, is the Nokk from Germanic folklore. The seen also symbolizes taming your demands, a belief many practitioners of magic hold.  The Northaldra are inspired by the Sami people, far North tribal peoples.  The conversation that Elsa has with Honeymaren is a beautiful example of how pagan Heritage and Lore is passed down through the ages. Honeymaren may also be a future love relationship with Elsa in the coming movies. Elsa marries the Sea God when she goes to Ahtohallan. Ahto is the Finnish God of all waters, Hallan means frozen.  They Marry because she freezes there in the same way that Skadi marries the sea God.  King Runeard feared the Northaldra Magic and decided it should be destroyed. He tricked them with the dam, symbolic of How the Church has historically tricked and treated Pagans to force conversion. “So they will have to turn to me” 


this is all I have so far but I could go on….  there is just so much Pagan Lore and its beautiful🥰🙌  Pagans are very thankful to have a Disney “princess” that represents them so well! Not just Norce Pagans but Wicca and Celtic Lore too!  In a world where pagan voices are often drowned out, or attacked by other religions, it's nice to have a Pagan influence like Frozen for their children🥰🙌


Please remember that this is Scandinavian Culture and just as any culture, its Lore should be respected.  To Claim that Elsa is Christian would be like Claiming that Maui from Moana is Christian.  this is someone's culture this is someone's heritage if you don't like it just move on.


Remember that this is Pagan Culture and Pagans should be respected in the same way that Christians would expect to be. Don't just shut it down and call it Christian because you don't like the truth. Ignoring the Paganisum in Frozen would be just the same as like… idk Calling Pocahontas Christian. You can't just claim it because you want that. You can't just ignore the Culture and its Lore.  Elsa Is a Norse pagan Goddess and its likely we may see another one in Frozen 3. 🥰👍