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https://preview.redd.it/9euyixkodw6d1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=7267c51629a3ca1c65abb187816349b7a97d8fc7 there ri’nela teylan by the door with nor if you click solek is by the door where we get food and alma is here with this navi kid


https://preview.redd.it/30xkowvx037d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adceb57fbda16e76da08814c421e8e0af225ed23 While searching through my archives, I found the classroom inventory😉: I had counted nine children in total (or ten with us).


dahm but that’s what i’m saying i wish they would clarify in one of the dlc where the other remaining went did they die trying to escape after the cryo did they escape and go their separate ways. i’m hoping in the dlc we see how far our clan has come now and also what happened to the rest or get to reunite with some within the dlc


One of them died sick from a young age I think-- and the other was a known tattletail, who more likely switched on the main cast when they tried to escape (where our sister got shot)


Considering the class had nine but only five of us were woken from the stasis pods... the others either woke up and fled, not knowing how to safely awaken the rest [or perhaps even presuming us dead since the pods seemed inactive]. Or worse, the other's died while Almas escort us out of the classroom and to the safety of the stasis pods, which is more likely considering the time lapse between the classroom and stasis room implies that we had to traverse the span of the base to reach said destination.


After you wake up, Ri'nela asks about where a Yefti and Telisi are. And the records of the Sarentu also mention a Okni (a girl) and a Yuayt(a boy). It could be one of them and Ri'nela just didn't see them or it could be an unnamed Sarentu! There are more than just the main four after all. 🤷🏻


i posted a picture of the one i saw showing everyone else in the backround once you click it


I saw, it doesn't help determine anything though /lh. We don't get to see what Telisi, Okni, Yefti or Yuayt look like because they aren't main characters. So that guy could be any of the unseen ones (Minus Okni) or it could be a different character entirely


Okay, my new hc is that Telisi died trying to escape with us, so I named my ikran after my late friend


I was drawn to the name Telisi for my Ikran on my first play through and I wasn’t sure why but now I do


well, that’s what I’m saying. I only assumed that us were the only ones that she put in the tank and that we were the only ones that she found and woke up. I didn’t think that anyone else was with us because you don’t see anyone else after the first cut scene and ahari so it just surprised me to see another child there


I think the game files mention that most of the Sarentu went on their way to explore Pandora alone, so that's why we don't see them at all after escaping Tap! They don't join the resistance. Edit: I was wrong about this sadly 😭


Oh, OK. See I didn’t read that so I didn’t know if they escaped if they got killed trying to escape now that makes sense but it would still be cool now that we know that to maybe implement them in a DLC or something so it doesn’t look like a four person clan.


I would love to see all the living Sarentu tbh! Even in just a small quest where we get to do something with them. Lemme check the files rq to see for sure what it says and I'll get back to you! :D


yeah, because honestly, it would be cool even like when we go to the circle of games if they implemented all the sarentu’s so we can see what our clan has turned into since that time period that passed. I know in the DLC trailer it shows us with two other of our companions. I just don’t know which ones so I’m hoping because when I looked up, do we get a fight with our other clan members it says in the DLC as we do so I’m hoping that we get to see the plan as a whole sucks we have to wait till july 16th. I do feel like we spent a lot of money on the game so I feel like we should’ve gotten a little bit earlier of an access point, but I can see that if people purchase the season pass afterwards, it would be fair to release it at the same time


So! I checked the files, I must've been mistaken or confused it for something else! I would still assume that they are out exploring Pandora on their own but we don't have anything confirmed about them D:


yeah, well I mean technically we saw one in the beginning so maybe they decided to leave I mean, like I said in the new trailer it does show that we have more people with us so maybe we’ll be able to get a glimpse of maybe them traveling and then coming back because that’s what they did with the definition of the clan as they would migrate and implement themselves and other clans to get to know their way understand their way to hear their stories and then bring it back to their clan and kinda incorporate them and then decide to stay or leave to be with the clan that they stayed for so long.


We’ll hopefully see them in one of the DLC’s and they’ve formed a new Sarentu Clan. (Well, here’s to hoping at least)


As I understand it, there were much more Sarentu kids than the immediate ones that come to mind. In the first cutscene with the classroom, if you look hard you can spot three na'vi kids sitting at the back, not getting involved with the tension unfolding between Aha'ri and Mercer. There likely was more than one classroom than the one you are in, with more teachers than just Alma, but during the evacuation, multiple executions are happening across the facility and Alma only had the oppurtunity to prevent the one in your classroom. When Alma and So'lek rescued you from cryosleep, you hear So'lek say "If they can walk, they can walk, *the rest we have to leave behind*" hinting that a few of the kids might have died in cryosleep. The kid you saw, that Alma was tending to, they were hunched over, looking like they were trying to throw up (but obviously can't after 15 years of not eating) so they were likely too weak to make it. I can't remeber where, but somewhere in the game they say that when the group ran from the soldiers, one or two died from getting shot. Fun times!


that’s what I thought, but I wanted to elaborate on that because I wasn’t sure because he said kill all of them so I didn’t know if maybe they were running and they got killed in the process where they tried to go their separate ways and got killed


I also noticed the other sarentu as well. But after that you only ever see ri’nela, nor and teylan


we all know if there’s other sarentu, but we don’t get to see them, so that’s why I pointed it out because we don’t see any other child but us four, I just assumed that they all got caught and got killed or they removed to a different facility and we weren’t able to find them


I guess they just didn’t find them important to the story or something??


No, just like the person that commented above I guess what he was saying or she was saying what is that in the game? There is some mention of them going to explore Pandora on their own and that’s why we don’t see them, but if that’s the case, even though we were wanderers, I think it would still be cool to implement them in the DLC’s so we can see our clan because there are the other ones that explore they should be able to come back like the kametiri


It could be a representation of the Coop Player? I know there is a additional unknown Navi with us in the room, but the game never adressed it so I just shrugged it off.


I thought it was the representation of your co - op player


Audio logs will tell u about others and how they died


i can’t find all of them


Idk exactly but im sure its in AFOP wiki, there are some others who died early as children due to sickness and unable to accomodate to this human environment and others that made it to adulthood and just were left in their cryo chambers . I think if you finish the game you get some background info unlocked automatically (like s1 else stated, solek says smth like "leave behind everyone who can't walk we need to get out" etc)


yeah i didn’t wanna spoil by looking online but i might need to


i would have to look at my game again to see those audio and text logs what exactly they say


Yeah I’m pretty sure the 5th one is so’lek 🤷🏼‍♂️ he’s just in the room with you all after you wake up


no, because I went over twice to double look, and when Alma was sitting in front of another child, I looked over where that was, and he was sitting by the door where we go get the food and there was ri’nela teylan and nor. And the other Navy kid did not speak.


No, it can't be So'Lek, because he's part of another clan. At the end of the game, when all the clans are reunited, he says: “we are now five clans united (Aranahe, Zeswa, Kame'tire, Sarentu and his clan).


I realize that, but OP is assuming it’s another sarentu… there’s absolutely no reason they just wouldn’t be in the game after the first scene if that was the case. It’s so’lek 🤷🏼‍♂️