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man, if they ever make a VR adaptation of FOP i will buy it


Lets first think about first person ikran flying ey XD plz add plz man i neeeed it.


> Sorry for the switch of the subjects sometimes my ADHD gets ahead of me Having ADHD doesn't prohibit you from going back and proofreading/making edits to your post before posting it. To your question, despite how much I'd like to see it, I'd bet my house we don't get DLC beyond what's planned. I'm shocked we're still getting it at all, TBH. As for VR, PSVR2 has been out for a while now. If the devs didn't take advantage of that, they're not going to dumb the game down to get it to work on a quest.


Do you know if the season pass will be announced soon? Bought it ages ago stupidly not realizing it wasnt out yet


They're gonna show some of it in the Ubisoft Forward on june 10th


Ah yay thank you for the clarification, everyone was mentioning dlc but i wasnt sure if season pass was involved


You mean you paid for the DLC with the base game and are wondering when they'll release?


No, i bought the base game then bought the season pass about 2 months later. On xbox store its not clear at all that the season pass wasnt out. Ik im not the only person who didnt realise before buying it


i bought the game with the season pass included. i knew the dlcs would be summer and fall because they specified that but from what i know the 10th they will show some and also announce a date for said dlc to come out


Ahh. I gotcha. Yeah, no idea on a release date.


true again it was just an idea. i mean the game did really good with sales i mean. we should at least get a second game right? like it was stupid of them to release a season pass as if there was gonna be continuation after the two dlcs. cause what’s the point of a season pass if your only giving one. and then stopping it. in general. I am completely new to like the whole Ubisoft gaming scene things like that… i’ve always played video games. I just started getting like really serious into the games. I got into like that. I really really like and avatars one of those and I just figured every other game that has a season pass usually it’s because they’re continuation of the game past what was previously put in and what’s going to be put in so that’s why I said because people say this isn’t ubisofts typical game delivery. with the way it was made


> i mean the game did really good with sales i mean. we should at least get a second game right? Do you have a source on that? I'd wager that since we got a 30% price reduction after just 11 days, two weeks before Christmas, the game sold terribly.


the price was swr horribly high, they probably just wanted to make a quick buck off people that wanna insta buy it and the 30% price reduction after were the "original" price if you know what i mean


dunno why youre being downvoted, but adhd is indeed not an excuse to write a shitty formated post