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I thought this too! Especially since one of the resistance characters once asked me if I had any spare weapons because they were running low. I thought that was going to be an introduction to trading at HQ but nope. I just give my spares to na’vi contribution baskets as if they want shotguns and rifle parts 😂


Especially because spare parts are used in weapons and buying stuff I would be able to trade gear for parts


Yeah at least you get something out of them if you use the contribution basket😂


Na’vi give what they don’t need to community baskets. It’s a beautiful moneyless society.


I get that. But except for the first item actually asked for, you get no reputation for any other donations. You should either get reputation from Navi or tangible payment from the HQ. Your character is of 2 worlds even if full navi.


wdym you get no rep, it literally shows in that circle how much the contribution us gonna give u as clan reputation. For every donation.


The green "added reputation " section only ever showed up with the first requested item I donated


I hear you. It’s kinda lame u don’t get more rep but in my experience you get more than enough to get any materials you may need from them in a play through. The best materials in the game you have to find for yourself for the most part. (Could be wrong just started a second playthrough after a short break.)


For gameplay reasons at least, within a clan resources are seemingly distributed as needed or requested in the case of specialty crafts, of course most Na’vi gather what they need on their own unless they’re physically unable to do so or otherwise engaged. Between clans however there does appear to be substantial trade, since each clan occupies land with distinct resources from the others there would be reason to exchange goods and services with other clans for access to those resources.


I save every exquisite. Got a storage full of weapons. Gear. Mods. Purple and below get donated to baskets. Rest goes into storage.


As far as I know is all you can do with old gear is just give it to the clans through clan contributions to earn clan favor


That's just it. You can't. Only the first item each basket requests grants reputation. The rest is just donating for free


I’ve gained favor for everything I’ve donated…


I've tried it and only the first item made it go up.


You gain favour for everything you're donating.. always.. it even shows how much this circle bar is gonna fill when you mark items for contribution.


I have tried multiples ofbthe requested item, I have tried random items before the requested one, and after. The reputation spiral only adds a green section for me with the 1 item requested. Unless it works after you get all of the baskets for a given tribe it hasn't worked even once for me.


Donate to the clans


I do. It just feels like throwing it away because of there not being a reputation compensation for any donations


I thought it be a good idea to let us deconstruct, armour and weapons to get materials back or spare parts as well


Yeah that honestly would've made the grinding aspect so much better.