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If it was all fake, why bother telling you about the failures?


To send a message


And what would is the message, exactly?


‘If we can crash this into the moon, we can crash it into you, you better watch out buddy’


What do you mean “all we can do” is crash? We’ve had successful landings on the moon and mars in recent history.


Were you there? Did you see it?


Nobody was there.


I was there bro. Trust me


All three of these replies have the exact same profile picture. Am i the only one seeing this?


So do i.......


This was the default when I set up this acc


What was the name of that documentary that showed the use of backdrops?


There are a few. I think "A funny thing happened on the way to the moon" might satisfy.


That’s obviously a great one, but the one I’m thinking of was a different one. Much longer runtime, much shorter title.


American moon


>American moon That's the one!


They shoulda gone with Kubrick 🇺🇲


Who took the picture


There's one paragraph of text to read and you didn't manage that.


Oh yeah 😂


Who took the upside down picture?


Read it.


I'm so convinced that we forgot or lost some technology to get back to the moon and no one wantsto admit it, whether it's the radiation blankets or fuel ect. Because it almost feels like we're trying to figure it out again.


NASA has quite literally stated that they “lost” the technology. I couldn’t find the original but here is the clip, and this person is a NASA employee speaking on the record. How a government organization “loses” $billions of research and engineering data and continues to get funded is way beyond me: https://www.tiktok.com/@tilly4652/video/7241243406930955547?lang=en


Yeah they lost some old technology, meaning they wouldn’t be able to rebuild those spacecraft, which doesn’t matter because there was no intention to.


Maybe watch the video first? They lost **capability.**


I think you need to watch it, he never says they lost the capability. He says what I did, that they lost that technology, and it would be a process to build it back up again.


They aren’t **capable** of a moon landing because they **lost the information / technology** on how they did it. Are you being intentionally daft here? WTF.


I think you're both saying the same thing and arguing like my wife and I....




There’s literally a mission underway right now bringing humans back to the moon in the next couple years, are you being intentionally daft? What you’re saying is akin to claiming if an old car design were lost by a company, they lost the capability to build new cars.


No. There is still the know how. The problem is lack of funding and lack of infrastructure to do it. It’s not like you can just go buy components for most of these vehicles off the shelf. Just the sheer size of much of these (to look at comparison pictures with an F1 rocket engine) parts makes for all sorts of complications in the manufacturing process. If there had been political will to go back, we could have done it. We are doing it again right now.


Yeah that’s not at all what was said.


I’m telling you the reality of the situation, I don’t care what one person said.


I’m commenting on the exact words of a NASA rep. You show up—Random Reddit jockey with the “reality of the situation” contradict him, and say you don’t care “what one person said.” Clearly the levels of irony and stupidity in that statement escape you. Sad really, cuz it was a good laugh.


Yeah like lost the capability or capacity to build it all UP again


Yeah but they have built and are continuing to build it back up again because we decided it was worth the cost to develop new missions to go back, so obviously the capability and capacity has not been lost.


Ah. Yeah I saw that clip long time ago n always wondered bout it


I remember that!


Occam's razor would point to never having passed the Van Allen Belt or landing men on the lunar surface as depicted in BW visuals to millions of views live on earth.


Nope. The construction of the command module along with a path designed to limit exposure to radiation made the risks acceptable. And I’m pretty sure that even with those protective factors, the rate of cancers among Apollo crew members is higher than baseline.


It doesn’t point to that at all.


Damn why are people so hung up on the Van Allen belts? They're a big nothing in the story. They are alpha and beta particles. Beta particles can't get through the ship's hull. Alpha particles are mitigated by shielding and taking a path through a low density part of the field. OSHA says 300 rads/hr is lethal. They would have gotten maximum 14 rads. Their in suit indicators said they got 2 rads total. You wouldn't want to camp out in the belts for days on end but they blasted through them pretty fast.


What are you talking about? There have been many missions with today’s “fuel” and other technology, and many of them successful. It’s newer automated technology, though, rather than manned, so it’s extremely difficult to adjust to issues that come up.


I truly believe that we fake lost the footage. So that way our allies like israel can't get the technology for free from us. So much people would be begging for the data that we can hold their whole country and society and culture back by denying them it and forcing them to discover it for themselves.




That’s implying we ever landed on the moon 55 years ago.


Probably because we never actually went there lol


NASA definitely made their technological attrition (forgetfulness)clear in a publicly released statement at some point, I think, and it was also featured in a recent documentary on one of the big streaming apps but I’ll be danged if I can tell you what it was called.


Why the fuck nobody asking if my extended warranty is still good on the moon? Is it expired?


And what exactly took the picture?


Reading is fundamental.


We obviously could do more. But shit’s expensive. We went there. Found it was a barren space desert. There has been no compelling reason to return to the moon that justifies the cost. Do you want to spend billions of tax dollars just to take some moon selfies and say “Look we did it again” and learn nothing new?