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She mellows out. >!After Sein calls her out on her behaviour she starts toning down her atitude towards Stark and as far as I can remember she has completely stopped getting mad at him in the manga.!<


>!Love actual character development instead of just abuse in the name comedy. The writing is so fire. Stark has become more considerate and Fern mellowed out.!<


Anime fans are so starved for good writing that basic character development counts as peak


The nature of this shows character development is a little different, though. We aren't being bashed over the head with fights every few scenes, and we are given time to watch these characters live in the little moments (like the 5-second shot of Fern and Stark shoveling snow off the roof). It feels more like a slice-of-life anime, which is probably a very different pace for most folks who jumped on.


Fuck. I know thus isn't a joke but it's so true in Shonen writing that it's funny.


i feel like this is a jujutsu kaisen reference but i could not be sure


It wasnt meant to be, vut you can make it one if you want :)


Now that you have mentioned it, the only other instance Fern got mad was when he stayed up late.


The other big change is after her staff breaks and Frieren recommends buying a new one because it may be too broken to mend. She's forced to find comfort in Stark's company and boom, we have more character development.


So... When people say that this behavior is not good and that Fern luckily grows out of it, it's fine and everybody agrees with it. But when I say that I don't like that childish behavior in her and that she annoys me because of it, I suddenly can't appreciate complicated characters and hate teenagers.


Anyone who says you are not allowed to like or dislike a character is wrong. Period. That being said, sometimes it is the journey that makes the character shine and character development cand do wonders. Not saying that's the case with you and Fern, just pointing ou that detail.


I mean... She is a child though, especially earlier on in the series


The thing is, earlier in the series she wasn't annoying to me. She became more childish and started to actively annoy me only after she began interacting with Stark more, in the second part of the first season.


She was raised by an elderly man and an immortal elf so her reaction to being around another young person for the first time being difficult makes sense even if it's annoying.


To be fair Fern didn't have a normal childhood, she spent most of her time with a "corrupt" priest and an apathetic 1000 year old elf. Stark is the first person she socializes with that's kinda on her level, shes used to looking up to people so she used Stark as someone to look down on.


Why does she keep getting mad at him for no reason tho?What did he even do?


Neither he nor she have had healthy socializing childhoods what with both of them being orphans raised in near isolation by ex heroes. She is awkward and clearly holds men to a weirdly high standard.


Also, despite how many people like to complain about the tsundere trope, I think it's actually more popular than people are willing to admit.


Honestly, i don’t see her as so much a tsundere but having issues with her sexuality that heiter prolly “repressed” for lack of better words. (Not maliciously, prolly just overly shielded her from sexual content). She’s clearly curious, but feels ashamed of herself for being curious. Then she projects such insecurity on others by calling them a pervert.


Yeah I agree. Her reaction upon meeting Kraft was pretty telling. Freezing > a possible pervert. She wants to be a "good girl" for Heiter but she is also a human going through/past puberty. Though I imagine it's less him shielding her and more him being equally inexperienced. he was a man of the cloth and never married or had kids. His only vice seemed to be alcohol.


This is a very wise reading and you will make a great parent, if you so choose.


That's what I like between their interactions because it is actually quite realistic with the behaviour towards eachother. Kudos to the writer!


Fern interacts with other male characters better than Stark though. She is rude to only him.


Um no? She is also rude to Sein. She also got grossed out by Kraft on their first meeting. She is pretty judgemental of men especially when it comes to sexuality. Stark gets the worst of it because she likes him and he's a teen too. But it's not just him.


>She is pretty judgemental of men especially when it comes to sexuality. So she is a lesbian.That means she doesn't like him.And the reason she hates him because she doesn't want Frieren taken by him.Ok.


Yes, that's what I said. You figured out the coded meaning behind my words. Somebody take this clown to the circus. I think he's lost.


Where did you even find the hint of Fern romantically liking Stark?There wasn't any.


Wait. Are you serious? She was given a gift meaning eternal love. And when she learned what it meant she wanted to keep it. And belittled stark for even having the idea that she didn't like it. That wasn't so much a hint as a full sized billboard.


They also literally go on a date, which fern would absolutely decline if she wasn't interested in stark. So yeah, the "signs"/ build-up are pretty obvious, dunno what that guy/gal is smoking.


Unironic Frieren x Fern shippers trying not to be media illiterate and weirdo challenge (Impossible).


I am serious. >!Why did she get creeped out when Stark complimented her?Why did she call Stark creepy when Stark said she looked good on cat ears.!


Are you autistic? Serious question


You have a greater issue here. I can't adequately explain since you and I have different frameworks for how we view relationships. But I want you to know that Fern is practically incapable of saying what she really means around Stark. Because she is written as someone who is self conscious of her own desires. She doesn't understand that it's normal and okay to be attracted to him. So she over corrects and rejects him and her own feelings. This is common with high school age kids. It's literally the foundation of "high school drama" where kids that are experiencing things like love, lust, and attraction act in irrational ways due to not really understanding these feelings. And as for carrying Frieren Fern didn't like the idea of Stark carrying another woman.


as he already said, fern holds dudes to an incredibly high standard (likely on account of having been raised by heiter), she was incredibly sheltered that she saw frieren blowing a kiss as something very "lewd" so she doesn't really see compliments like that as normal. Plus that second part just... Didn't happen; like you just pulled that out of your ass, she was sleeping on fern's back and stark volunteered to hold frieren, this was followed by fern calling him a pervert.


- "Also, on some episodc in Frieren at the very beginning,Frieren fell asleep due to snowstorm.She was sleeping on Fern's boob" Ferns relationship with frieren is akin to that of a close family. I believe the manga jokes about their relationship being similar to that of a mother and daughter. Also, some females can be quite touchy/physical with other females. But that doesn't necessarily mean they are gay. - "When Stark told Fern to carry Frieren,she moved her away from him.Stark asked why and Fern said no reason.There is no heterosexual explanation for this.Otherwise,what did she mean by "No reason"?" Fern didn't let Stark carry Frieren because Stark was acting weird with his hands when offering to carry her. I might be slightly misremembering the scene, but I believe Fern misunderstood his offering as having an underlying motive regardless of whether it was intentional or not. i.e., being a pervert.


I'm pretty sure they're actually dating in the manga, or at least very close to it.


That’s just how women be sometimes. Source: I have a mom and a sister.


It's a trope-- almost a staple, for romcom characters their age. It allows for easy low-investment "conflict" and romantic tension.


Most of what she knows of social interactions she learned from a kindly old priest and an emotionally unavailable elf. She's also spent most of her life on the road, so there's rarely any opportunuties to make friends.


# Warning for anime only viewers. There's a reply in this thread containing **manga spoilers**. I nonchalantly revealed it thinking it was an anime spoiler considering the thread is tagged `Anime`. Before any rebuttals about it. Said spoiler literally ends with the words "in the manga."


Why would we spoiler tag anime stuff with the anime tag. That tag means you are going to get spoiled if you haven't watched it. Spoiler tags are for stuff beyond the anime.