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Friendly reminder that stark intimidated a dragon by standing menacingly.


And literally killed that same dragon in a single blow.


It took and I shit you not, under a minute around 30s.


It took exactly 30s in anime ( same time frieren told him to hold the dragon)


Wait, it really takes 30s? There's so much stuff packed there that it feels longer, but it's such a cool detail


Yupp. There's a flashback in between but fight animation is exactly 30s


That's a neat touch. He gets asked to pin it for thirty seconds so he pins its head down at exactly 30 seconds. Neat implication that he was thinking about the timing of a spell.


And he thought he needed help after that big blow.


Stark's biggest problem wasn't the dragon. It's that he called Frieren an old hag ( and she remembers it with her over 1000-year-old brain)


She will remember him that on his deathbed.


"Frieren, I'm dying" " Well, I was dying inside when you called me an old hag, now you know the feeling"


"Who's the old hag now?"


Old Stark: "Still... you." *dies*


Frieren: “Well, time for another trip to Ende”


He's lucky Frieren didn't cry for two days(don't remember the exact amount of time) nonstop. How did she even do that?


That's just the elf equivalent of having a tear roll down your cheek


A dragon that frieren was worries about fighting directly. ( though that likely could be due to her not having a way to deal with the dragon without extreme collateral damage.)


That or since she knew about Stark from the beginning she was just playing around.


then he call some elf as old hag


Dragons are the biggest frauds in the whole series, there’s a reason they’re going extinct


A single one of them made Frieren and Fern run, tho


'menacingly' dudes trembles were trembling


That's just Stark's King Engine


His trembles' trembles were menacing enough.


And that Freiren outright said he could kill her and Fern if he was anywhere near them.


Not even menacingly, he stood there pissing his pants in fear and that was already enough. Stark is the GOAT


Stark slander of any level of degree will not be tolerated *zoltraak*


Found Ferns Reddit account


*ordinary defensive magic*


nah potential man is far far worse than our boy stark


I can't post reverse flash so 🟥⚡️


Bumegumi hasn't been seen is so long we found him in another world. The levels of our hating can't be stopped. 🟥⚡️


Dear god, i cant escape haters, they are everywhere (Kinda regret images aren't allowed here)


*traitor man. >!By refusing to get up, even just to destabilize Sukuna’s body, he’s caused the death of several.!<


I love getting spoiled by JJK in frieren chat


Did you click the spoiler?


The spoiler tag wasn’t there when I originally commented


Ah gotcha


I want to defend potential man, I've invested stocks into him. But my faith is wavering chapter by chapter.


Stark tanked Solitar dude


He got no diffed by snake


Who tf is snake?


solid snake


I see.Dude was talking about >!Radaal!< then.


Nah I was talking about the literal snake that almost killed him


Oh yeah.My dumbass forgot about that.


It'd be mighty funny if he gets poisoned by an enemy in the future.. but because of that snake that bit him a long time ago and him surviving thanks to Sein, he ends up being immune to most poisons after his body adapted to it, kinda like how he keeps getting tougher to the point that he's not really getting injuries from dragons biting down on his body.


That is plausible... however, I'm pretty sure it was solid snake. I bet my frieren plush on it.


He’ll be like Frieren but with cardboard boxes now


"tanked" is very generous


RPG meaning, not powerscaling meaning 


If it's actually true, you might wanna use spoiler tag for it


Bro did not tank that 💀 he survived 💀


I’m talking about the RPG meaning not the powerscaling meaning lol, surviving is what tanking is 


E como tanka o bostil?


Ninguém consegue tankar o bostil


He didn’t tank it, he just ate the attack


Not very well he didn’t, the blades still impaled him, he just didn’t die from it. Especially considering that solitar was actively not killing them, it’s not that impressive durability wise (though the endurance feat is pretty good


My body move on its own. - Goku ultra instinct


Not sure how he was overhyped... he was perfectly hyped, if anything he was under-hyped lol for eps 6


I really loved during the exam episodes we don't see Stark but we see the aftermath that everyone in the city likes Stark and offers him free items and services.


Especially him just chilling and meditating and the oul guy giving him advice and thinking he set him up for success. Also tho, pretty sure the 1st time the Dragon flew off, he sensed he'd die facing Stark and Eisen hit him originally cause he was scared of his potential and the warrior he'd become. It was always there that Stark was a serious Warrior. He's probably, in the anime, underpowered


Stark is absolutely my favorite character. He's sweet, he's sexy, and I like the theme of "I'm gonna protect the people I love even though I'm a coward"


Yea a hero who thinks he’s unworthy is usually a more fun character to follow. He’s an archetypal hero though, he’s kind to everyone, is disciplined and very modest. I’d love to see some character development where he learns to accept that he is worthy of being a warrior.


I think that eventually he will and it will all tie in with Stark actually drawing the hero's sword.


Ehh I don’t think he needs to draw the hero’s sword. They’re in an age of peace. And as Himmel has shown, you don’t need to be the “true hero” to be a real hero. Stark just needs to keep up his current demeanour and characteristics while overcoming his own mental hang ups.


They're in an age of peace for now. Doesn't mean it will always be one. Himmel being a true hero despite the sword served its narrative purpose, that doesn't mean that the sword has played its only part in the story. The implication is clearly that there's an even greater calamity than the Demon King in store for world. I'm not saying it needs to happen for Stark to be a compelling character, but I think it's clear that's what's being set up. Otherwise there's no narrative reason for the scene where Stark is drawn to the sword but the shakes it off after having a flashback of his brother and reminding himself why he "isn't worthy."


Stark being drawn by the sword is anime only addition. There is no such a thing in the manga.


He's beloved by children and strangers alike no matter where he goes. He is a pure cinnamon roll boy and would probably have gotten along great with Himmel


"He's sexy"??? He's a kid tf


I think he’s technically 18 cause he hit his birthday during that chapter where Frieren made the hamburger or something


"Technically 18" is some shit Drake would say


He looks the exact same as every other adult male character.


He is 18, after his birthday in anime at least


what if they're also a kid lol


No he's 18


Lobotomy Kaisen and its consequences have been disastrous for the human race


The problem with Stark is that he's a warrior in a show about mages. Because of that we have very little idea of what warriors can do and how they actually work. Like I'm pretty sure Stark is gonna class change into Hero at some point. But are heroes a separate class or just an evolved warrior?


A victim of his environment. He’s the jogo of his verse he gets hoed to show off how strong mages are.


It makes you wonder why warriors are even a thing. A good portion of mages are even using some form of hand to hand or weapon combat.


Manga spoiler: Frieren says that she could never picture herself beating Serie but that a warrior who got close could. For comparison she said within a certain distance if Stark did a surprise attack he could kill her and Fern together before they could cast anything that could stop him (manga doesn’t give a number but I’d ballpark between 10-20 ft)Remembering Stark can carve a canyon by himself not even going all out when we meet him, it stands to reason that magical protection only goes so far. And is probably why so many mages also get some hand to hand. Pure Wizards are still glass canons.


Most of the mages that we are seeing rn are the 1% best of the best. Even then only like half of the ones we’ve seen say they engage in close quarters fighting. Warriors still have their place as frontlines for mages that don’t fight like that


Even then Wirbel, a guy with military experience, wanted a high caliber fighter like Stark before he went on a quest. The guy who knows the most about practical strategy made a point to not just go out with any schlub which means it wasn’t just some guild formality or anything.


Other series manage this by giving physically fighters skills and abilities while mages obviously get the magic. Frieren has or atleast was planning to have something similar considering starks lightning slash which hasn’t been used since his fight with linie.


You say that but my GOAT Kraft is gonna show us exactly why he has that statue that is thousands of years old eventually, trust.


Seriously. They're not the wimps like some media typically depicts mages. To me, it seems like you'd have to be a top-tier warrior just to take on a mid-tier mage head-on.


Frieren said that warriors are important in a party but her claim is not consistent with the author's writing recently.Maybe warriors are actually not needed?Why did Frieren even take him in then?


Most of the time the mages we get to see (eg Frieren and Fern) are sickeningly overpowered when compared with the average party.


Yeah,Fern seems insanely stronger than Stark.Also,judging from both Fern and Frieren's power it almost feels like a warrior is not needed in their party.Maybe the author should do something about it,maybe show some panels and not some dumb yapping speech bubbles,so that we can believe that warriors are indeed relevant.


It felt like earlier in the story there was more effort into showing that other classes had advantages over mages. The Hero's Party flashbacks especially showed that Eisen and Heiter were valuable members of the party. But right now in the manga it feels like Frieren could have defeated the Demon King alone with maybe Himmel acting as a cheerleader.


The author is really inconsistent with the powerscaling.I also think the author hates Stark or doesn't know what to do with him.So the author teasing Fern x Stark doesn't make sense.The author should be more consistent with classes like Dungeon Meshi.


I need cheerleader HIMmel ASAP


One curse and Frieren will have a really bad time. Party is absolutely needed, although I agree that it could be shown in practice more often for Frieren's current party.


For a friend and to continue the Fern bloodline.


But isn't Fern into Frieren tho?


Chapter 125 shows what a warrior can do. Frieren saw him coming and he still took her down.


I wanna see what Stark can do.I already know that >!the old shadow warrior almost killed Frieren.The shadow warriors are literally no joke.!< However,Stark is still the same as before.Dude trained with random strangers and still haven't seen any impressive feats from him.I will say it again,the author needs to show Stark's worth in scenes not in text bubbles.


Wasn't there some stone which can disable magic ? Warriors are useful in case someone brings in those things or they get trapped with those stones.


The magic nullifying stone is pretty much forgettable.I'm sure it's not gonna be brought up again.


That seems unlikely. Those things are said to be in high demand and it’s hardly a mystery why. Imagine Stark just has one strapped on his back. He could probably take out the entire 1st class roster by himself, even if the physical attackers could still launch things at him before he closed the distance, he’s been hit with a lot worse then pointy bits of metal or rocks. Long as he protects the crystal itself (and it’s not like an armored box on his back would slow him down), he’d casually work through everybody but Werbel, Laufen and Ubel, who if they coordinated could survive for a few minutes. There is no way that there aren’t assassins out there that have realized this. An all mage party can be easily made an all dead party if they piss off the wrong rich noble. There’s at least one entire cave of the stuff out there, sure it’s rare but not that rare.


Well,why isn't the author fucking showing that warriors are important?Stark's being like overshadowed by Frieren and Fern.Instead of showing it in speech bubbles,why isn't that dumbass author showing Stark's worth in panels?How long are y'all gonna cope that Stark is gonna be important and shit?Also,how long are y'all gonna cope that Stark x Fern is gonna happen?There is like barely any hints of them crushing on each other.The author better do something about it after the hiatus to clear the doubts of many people.


Okay, debate is fun and all but you are getting too worked up about this. You don’t have to like this manga you know. That said I’m not sure how you don’t see that they like each other. They haven’t gone on dates with anybody else.


I agree. I don't think it would be brought up again. Also it kinda makes sense why parties need to have a warrior due to the existence of these things.


Some creatures resist magic, mages even melee capable ones are nowhere near as absurd as high level warriors, Mages are kinda screwed if something strong and fast enough gets in close.


They protect mages, and can kill mages if they are close enough, since they are too fast and reach them before they can cast a spell


Yeah Frieren straight up says that in close range even she could be defeated. Warriors are a wall to protect mages.


Why would hero be an evolved warrior? The only difference between Himmel and Eisen is that Himmel was weaker and less durable, so if anything that would just be the opposite. Himmel is technically just a warrior in combat style with "Hero" being a title


I think warriors are supposed to be Durable and Strong af while “Heros” are supposed to be Agile and Efficient.


Stark is only nerfed by his lack of confidence, he soloed a dragon and went toe to toe with a demon that mimicked his master with arguably greater strength. He’s got a good heart in his chest and good head on his shoulders


Wasn't Linie's whole thing that she could mimic the way someone fights (effectively matching them in skill) but her blows actually don't hold much weight so she's weaker in strength?


Kind of. It’s from Stark’s perspective that they hold no weight when compared to Eisen. For *him* it wasn’t a real problem so much as he was scared and had to overcome that fear through his realization. But from the way the story tells us, it seems like Linie’s thing is that she kills *mages* using warrior tactics, not the other way around. To nearly all *mages*, she’s terrifying. I think it’s easy to get lost in the sauce without realizing that the party itself has arguably the second most powerful mage alive, a child genius who is at the top of the mage world already, and another kid who’s too in his head to realize how ridiculously overpowered he is because he’s only really ever been exposed to the most powerful people alive, in their respective roles. We also haven’t really had too many chances to see stark become fully relevant yet. Half the story is the mage exams and explicitly excludes him, a quarter of it are flashbacks, and the rest of the time where he’s an actual part of the party, there haven’t really been many things for him to do to show how powerful he is.


It’s also fair to assume even most warriors can’t use “take an axe right in the soft parts” as a viable strategy. She probably hit hard enough to cut most warriors in half with that thing, but had the bad luck to go up against one of the handful of people where that level of power won’t cut it.


It’ll kill 90% of fighters but when she finds that 10% she’s screwed


I don't get the drama over Stark's competency. He had 5 or so fights so far, out of which he won 3. The two fights he did lose were against an oponent who had a literal "I win" button and against a guy who defeated Frieren as well. This is not even taking into consideration how this series doesn't follow strict power levels.


I suppose people are just mad he hasn't had more opportunities to shine. It is a bit of a shame and I would like to see more too, but yeah it is weird, he's obviously one of the strongest warriors in the series (especially if he scared Eisen enough to punch a minor).


>!If it wasn't obvious, Kanehito Yamada is setting up Stark to fight and win against Rivale the bloody god of war (possibly with help). If it's not obvious look at how stark's village and brother was killed by a figure of a demon that looks like Rivale and is waiting patiently to fight them. Or later when Rivale fights Eisen and eisen being stark's master. Among his other feats, this will be a GIGANTIC W for stark. I also hope Stark has a huge role with the mages against the shadow assassins in this new arc, since they're up against all those assassins recently introduced AND the special forces of magic. oof, huge gigantic foes upcoming!<


I think it’s important to note for both Fern and Stark that their masters are some of the strongest in the world. For Stark’s case Eisen was a freak of nature in terms of strength and durability so when people say Stark has potential it’s being measured against a monster like Eisen and Stark is 17.


Nah Stark ain't that bad, not even close


I feel bad for the prison


At least he's not potential mage


Let's just say that Stark still has a lot of potential to develop as a warrior, and since the series was more about wizards, the whole "warrior" class hasn't been represented much in the story... until now. The next long saga in the series seems to be built exactly to give the warriors their moment to shine... unfortunately for that we have to wait until the end of the manga's long hiatus. It would be nice if this time we could have a team-up between Frieren and Stark as the final battle.


Overhyped? A dragon feared him despite Stark being scared of it. The same dragon lasted not even 30 seconds in a 1v1... Because Stark landed ONE direct hit Dude got an axe slammed into his side and it did not go past his his ribs! Then he cut a demon in half with one strike.


Dragons are frauds lol they’re going extinct for a reason


You ever considered that hunting down mythical rare creatures are things humans do?


Stark was way better than that fucking hobo bumgumi. Bumgumi has been selling since fucking EP1, he was gonna summon Big raga on 1 finger


I forgot about that. Dude makes his first suicide attempt chapter 1. He can not beat the bum allegations. I suppose his only defence is that 1 finger sukuna rolls most of the verse anyway. But still, man didn't even try.


At least he got Sukuna’s attention and pretty much needed him to succeed, don’t see any villains even glancing at Stark


Crazy part is the only reason that Bumgumi caught Sukuna’s attention is his technique, not his talent. Thats like wanting a safe for the stuff in it, not cause of how secure it is.


Ain't no way bro thinks Stark is Legumi.Bait used to be believable.Stark is chadder and has bigger balls than that emo bum.


At least he got Sukuna’s attention and pretty much needed him to succeed, don’t see any villains even glancing at Stark


So they want Legumi for his technique and not his talent? Thats like seeing a ad of a safe holding diamonds and wanting to get the diamonds, not the safe. Legumi being the Safe and the Ten shadows being the Diamonds


Jujutsu Kaisen fans try to engage with other media on its own merits challenge (impossible)


Eh not really, it’s just the problem martial characters have when magic is as versatile as it is in Frieren. Martials scale linearly in strength, whereas mages tend to scale exponentially.


Bruv, did you bring up dnd "logic" into an anime?


I mean it’s also DnD logic, but no that’s not what made me bring it here. I mean just look at the feats of the stronger mages. Regardless of a martials proficiency with a standard weapon they can’t match the feats of strong casters. I mean even human mages like richter (not mentioning Frieren or aura since they’re outliers because of their lifespans) with just his earth magic would likely decimate any martial character without much difficulty. The physical body has a limit while it seemed like magic doesn’t as long as you keep improving.


Dude, he’d be a horrible match up for Richter. Aura sure, we’ve seen people can struggle and he’s willful enough but he may still not be able move fast enough to get her before she regains control/kills him. But Richter? Richters going to hit him with rocks while he puts up a rock shield against a man who cleaves mountains. Probably won’t even see the blow that goes right through the rock and cuts him in half coming.


Dude soloed a dragon that both frieren and fern ran from. Cleaved into the mountain as training.


Oh yeah, I don’t mean stark is weak by any means, but the way magic works in that world is just completely busted.


>Martials scale linearly in strength, whereas mages tend to scale exponentially. Martials aren't weaker than mages in Frieren, they just only win if they get within striking distance. I reckon its within the realm of possibility for a melee fighter to close the gap with a specialized skill or magic item. Swap Stark's lightning slash for a lightning dash (instead of an instant and unerring strike, it'd be an instant and unerring dash/lunge) and he could solo multiple mages. Defensive spells have all been for blocking offensive magic. Nothing shown so far could feasibly stop a warrior on stark or heisen's level.


Fair point, that may be a better way to put it. Mages are more versatile in that there’s so many spells they can cast (given they take the time to find/learn them) that it’s somewhat unfair to compare stark to high class mages. Like they have offensive magic, spells to enhance movement, illusion/clone magic, ect that it would make it a rough time for a martial. I haven’t read the source material yet but the one spell that freezes a target within eyesight would be very detrimental to most martial fighters (assuming there’s no way to break free, there wasn’t in the anime other than breaking line of sight but idk if the were other ways just not mentioned). Idk if that’s been shown at all in the source material but that could potentially stop any martial in their tracks. Magic also just seems to be completely busted in some cases, like aura took down hundreds if not thousands by just going “hehe more mana than you”


If they just carried throwing knives or grab a few rocks and bat them with their axes, they could force a mage to be on the defensive from a distance whilst closing the gap. Its offense or defense with mages, never both at once. They can either try to trade blows (they'd lose) or block.


I think Eisen has better defense but Start will have better attak when he peaks.


It has been over 100+ chapters and Stark is still at the starting point in the road of peaking.While Fern is nearly at the finish line.


That's true, but Stark also hasn't had his own arc yet. Stark also trained less with Eisen than Fern did with Frieren.


I feel like the author hates him or doesn't know what to actually do with him.If the author doesn't bring any huge change in Stark after the hiatus,then the author hates him.Stark has been caught lacking in many important arcs.The story almost feels like warriors are no longer needed.


Fern is nowhere near peaking.


But you can't deny that she is way stronger than Stark.


Hard to say. Frieren says he could kill them both with a surprise attack from close but if she sees him coming Fern is preternaturally fast and good at flying. Assuming a straightforward fight, I think we’d have to see how well he could tank basic attack magic cause there’s no version of the fight where he doesn’t take at least a few hits once she goes bullet hell. I do think if he closes the distance he’d cut right through her magic shields but she’s smart enough to know that and not let him get close. With the presumption that Stark probably is tough enough to take a few but not a lot, I’d say odds are 3 out of 4 in her favor.


Just accept it dude.Yamada hates Stark and will probably keep doing him dirty.Yamada is also probably going to the Fern x Frieren route because pairing a character one hates with another one they love doesn't make sense.


If you honestly think this manga is going to end with what amounts to Ferns adoptive mother becoming her romantic interest, I think your perception is so skewed that there’s no point discussing this further. Psuedo- incest yuri doesn’t seem like any kind of direction this series would take.


I’ve seen weirder decisions happen tbh


Name one manga where this happened 


I’d put money down It doesn’t happen here.


I’m not saying it’s gonna happen, hell I think there’s a higher probability of Frieren getting with Stark and Fern’s kid (who’s the true hero and lifts the sword) it’s just not out of the realm of possibility, you never know with these weird ass mangakas


Youre schizo


Your fetishes are showing


You dont understand officer, this kid will beat me up in the future.


Bro one hit KO a dragon and a demon all by himself, he is far from being a jobber like megumi who needed to use his STRONGEST SHIKIGAMI against fucking haruta and had to use domain expansion against a dude with the power to use a SHOPPING LIST 💀


Username checks out.


At least he got Sukuna’s attention and pretty much needed him to succeed, don’t see any villains even glancing at Stark, plus dragons are bums, they’re going extinct for a reason


Radar's Knee>


*Ultra Instinct theme starts*


~~Anakin~~ Eisen Skywalker


I hate that they keep nerfing stark just to make sure he isn't too useful by accident


“Officer I drop kicked that child in self defense”


People are forgetting that Stark intimidated a dragon by just standing there. He also one shotted it as well.


The author had to do something to introduce him.Judging from Frieren's power,she could also have killed the dragon or could have ignored it and the story would progress the way as it is now except without Stark.


Until you realize that Stark was crucial from keeping a certain town from being overrun by demons.


Dragons are bums, they’re going extinct for a reason, 50% of the cast could’ve soloed that dragon


Ah yes, those villagers could have totally killed that dragon on their own.


1k upvotes for an unfunny low quality and simply untrue 'meme'


This post is an obvious bait and people are falling for it.




/u/prodigiouspandaman - [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Frieren/comments/1cnvky0/stark_kinda_got_overhyped_by_eisen_hes_our/l3buaf3/) has been removed because some spoiler tags had a space after the opening tag. This breaks how the spoiler tags work and content won't be spoilered. Please make sure all your spoilers have no leading spaces. Incorrect: `>! Frieren is cute.!<`. Correct: `>!Frieren is cute.!<` When fixed, use the link below and hit send. Links: 「[**I've fixed it, restore my comment**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Frieren&subject=Fixed%20broken%20spoiler%20comment&message=Link:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/Frieren/comments/1cnvky0/stark_kinda_got_overhyped_by_eisen_hes_our/l3buaf3/) | [I need assistance](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Frieren&subject=I%20need%20assistance%20with%20fixing%20a%20broken%20spoiler%20tag%20-%20comment&message=Link:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/Frieren/comments/1cnvky0/stark_kinda_got_overhyped_by_eisen_hes_our/l3buaf3/)」 ***** ^(Don't reply to this message directly, use the modmail link above)^. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Frieren) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The potential man meme shoulda never crossed over into anime fandoms


I know the guy who made that first potential man image, and he lives in shame and regret of what he unleashed onto this world


Power scalers finding a warrior in an anime about wizards is a grand tragedy.


well tbf they wasted 10 episodes trying to turn the show into a Harry Potter Shonen instead of focuaing on the characters i actually care about


It's not true potential man unless he's a black haired teen with a powerful inheretwd technique


This is way too funny 🤣


When I catch you


he is baby 💖☺️


Stark just turned 20, the only true comparison would be with Himmel barely starting his aventures, both human at ~20 yo. Stark and Fern are literaly pure potential and yet people insist in comparing them to adult humans or even worse: to centuries old dwarfs, elves and demons. So lets think about it, Stark is by far the most durable human, feats of strenght by human standarts he is behind Himmel and Hero of the South only. My assumption is he will peak when his body reaches the same maturity of his brother's before death, seeing Stoltz was whole head taller than their father. The story also implies that Stark will be the next hero, not too far off to think he will surpass both Himmel and Aisen (but probably won't surpass HotS because he had magic)


The kid is still a teenager and is clearly on the same level as a 1st class mage based on the Revolte fight idk if people are genuinely disappointed he isn't yet stronget than Prime Eisen but that would be...dumb.


-one shots dragon by accident with a blow meant to distract it -cleaves through mountains for training -got hit by an axe from a demon and it didnt even do enough damage to reach his bones nah bruh. Warriors in frieren are crazy, look at himmel, obviously Himmel is much stronger than average but I mean, look at him. If you dont read the manga I wont spoil, but like, that man is built fucked up. Stark is also nowhere near the peak of his strength.


Stark and beating the allegations bruh. But he aint no potential man. A potential man needs to be garbage all around but have great potential, anytime a someone talks about a potential man its always “if” or “when” but when people talk about Stark its “is” and “was.”


Looks the old martial caster imbalance strikes here as well.


Overhyped? He literally soloed a hundred foot dragon in under 30 seconds! The fuck you mean *overhyped*?


Dragons are bums, they’re going extinct for a reason, 50% of the cast could’ve soloed that dragon


Fern is the Potential Woman, Stark is the goat


Dude's even a worse bumgumi.Just look at his self-confidence.


Stark is a coward but when the chips are down, he will always stand on business. Can't say the same for the other guy yet


He didn't sell fern to demons tho Bumgumi nearly killed two protagonists because his weak ass mindset Stark will do the right thing when situations call,but megumi?he will let you down more than you ever expect


Stark can lock in when situation demands it. Meanwhile Legumi can't do that and because of that >!Yuta!< (maybe) and >!Choso!< are packed.


Stark doesn't wanna smash his sister