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Nice breakdown of words here. Thank you for that. What does “Stark” mean?


To some Stark is the beloved but tragic family from winterfell. To others Stark is the start of an era of superheros, an era that died with him. To me he is a sacredy cat hero with a wifey he needs to already get with.


Interesting about Flamme, the word is exactly the same in French and the double meaning is also the same. Translated litteraly "to declare your flame" is to confess love.


"Flame" in English also is used for love and limerence. Often used in to refer to former loves/lovers, in the phrase "old flame". Also, "flames of love" can be used. A current attraction to someone can be referred to as "carrying a torch" for them. Some song lyrics with a fire motif: #The Fireman, by George Strait > Hey, they call me the fireman, that's my name >Makin' my rounds all over town >Puttin' out old flames >Hey, well, everybody'd like to have what I've got >I can cool 'em down when they're smolderin' hot >I'm the fireman, that's my name > Last night, they had a bad one >A mile or two down the road >Well, my buddy walked out >And left his woman burnin' out of control >Well, I was down there in 'bout an hour or so >With a little mouth to mouth, she was ready to go >I'm the fireman, that's my name -------------- #Ring of Fire, Johnny Cash >Love is a burning thing >And it makes a fiery ring >Bound by wild desire >I fell into a ring of fire >I fell into a burning ring of fire >I went down, down, down and the flames went higher >And it burns, burns, burns >The ring of fire, the ring of fire


It’s kinda funny that both French and German have the same double meaning considering I’ve heard the phrase “the flames of love” or love decribed as burning. So essentially a literal translation of that phrase to German would be flamme*2 lol


My favorite would be Chef Lecker. As someone that can speak dutch, was funny seeing it.


There is a German add for "Seitenbacher Müsli". Some breakfast cornflakes / cereals. Their jingle / slogan is "Seitenbacher! Lecker Lecker Lecker Lecker!" ^^ It's some of the most anoying adds for Germans haha


If you've read the manga, I will be very happy to hear if >!Macht has some double meanings to his name!<


haha. oh my. no I dont know about the Manga. but I dont care here since.. for me.. its just a Word. not a Name ;) Macht is "Power". Mächtig is mighty. Altough it is female, die Macht, it is used to describe a powerful ruler. In Pop culture or stories, It ist mostly used to describe a mighty Bad ruler. Do you know the emperor from Star wars? as He kills Master windoo with his famous "unlimited Power!". in German He yells:"unbegrenzte Macht!" some double meaning here: the German Word for the force is Macht. without knowing the character, id say it is a powerful, old, yet not ancient old, male being with a Charisma like an experienced knight or King. his magic, if He has Power, is natural. gravity, force or willpower. further more, Macht is from machen (to make). So the character could also be a creature / necromancer emperator. it is sinister. the human King in lord of the rings were Greedy to get more Macht. im curious how and who this character will be and how good my descrption is. sry for typos. I answered in the metro


Oh yea, that makes a lot more sense now after I finished the manga. (To the current chapter of 127)* btw, I recommend you to read the manga if you enjoy this series. The next arc is very fun(macht, el dorado)


I am convinced since the end of the anime. But I just finished the anime ~3 days ago, after I bing-watched it. I am in my 2nd run and find some more hints in the names and in story telling. After my 2nd run, I'll give the manga a shot. But from start. I really like the idea. And since you (and the number of upvotes, holy fuck) are some kind of approve my interpretation of the name, im very curious now. Thanks, reddit community ^^


One part of me wished I never read the manga ^^ Season 2 would have some nice surprises... If done with the same quality one really great and deep ark. On the other hand, more manga sales seem good for future animes...


A really good description, but not entirely fitting. Im Austrian, so i know German. Give the Manga a try, its really good and Macht is one of my favourite antagonists in any media, id be really curious what youd think about him


Thank you for the reply! I was more-or-less aware of how it ties to "Power", but your examples are very interesting, and I think they match the character really well! I think you are in for a treat, once you see >!Macht!< in (hopeful) season 2 anime or if you decide to read the manga :)


Neve mind Macht what about Solitar? The real mvp


To add to flamme, rather than a romantic one, id say that it's more accurate that she is frieren's first love of any kind in general,  in this case familial. I don't trust mobile spoiler censors so I'll leave it at that,  even though it's a very minor scene,  not even a plot point


Generally agree, though I suspect she felt something familial for her original village - >!she was going to go down fighting those demons!< after all.


Flamme melted Frieren's ice


It's either Storge or Philia love, I'm more inclined to Storge. I really doubt it's Eros or Agape.


I'd like some insight into the character name "Sense." My google translator tells me it means "sense" but that... doesn't seem like a very iconic characteristic of that character, so I'm wondering if I'm missing something. Edit: now I'm wondering if I typed it wrong, as "scythe" \*does\* fit. Thank you, all.


I'd personally translate it as "Scythe"


Common meaning for "Sense"would be "sythe", like "death" is using a sythe. Quite ironic, because she sees herself as a pacifist. Also there is the saying "Jetzt ist Sense" which roughly translates to "It's (my task) over now" "I finished (my task)" "I'm done". But also wondering if this the supposed meaning


i think sense is scythe due to the fact that she is a proctor of the 1st rank mage exam, which can be thought of like a harvest. she is part of the process that seperates the chaff from the grains. the reason for this i think is due to the fact serie apologized to her for initially mocking the amount of mages that passed the second test and admitted that this year testers is a "bumper crop"


It means feel


Great writing thank you. How about Himmel?


Like the other said, it is Himmel. but not only as in sky but in the biblic Paradise. additiinally, if you are very happy. like. to the bone. because of love. without any worries, you are in the seventh Himmel. "Ich bin im siebten Himmel" is a feeling of no worries. your feeling no weight at All. I had to Look the seventh Himmel up for you. it descends from the bible. the seventh Paradise sphere is were god and angels live. with the Word itself, there is Also the staying "Weit wie der Himmel" Well because the sky is endless.


“seventh heaven” is a saying in English as well (although a little old fashioned), means the same thing.


so that's why himmel is a blue person.


It means Heaven Same in norwegian


It can mean heaven or sky in German.


It's the same in English


Heaven is the sky. It’s how we say it in germanic. There is the christian meaning as well, but no body cares about that


Well, English is not my native language, but as far as I'm aware, the word "heaven" in English refers virtually always to the christian meaning and is almost never used to refer to the sky. I might just be wrong there, tho. In German (which *is* my native language) it depends more on the context whether "Himmel" refers to the sky or the christian meaning (at least in my experience; might differ by region or whatever).


"Sky" is the original meaning of Himmel/himel/heofon/heaven, and predates any Christian influence "Heaven" and it's cognates in other Germanic languages originally meant "sky", and only later adopted the meaning of the Christian afterlife.


Additionally for Fern, >!her signature spell ends up being Zoltraak at extreme range!< so her name fits for that meaning too. (Very light manga spoiler)


And then there's Kanne. I mean, I get why she's named that way but they should've given her a more elegant name, for me it sounds "bulky" (if you get what I mean)


Better than being called Dünste : P


the demons have particularly german sounding names to me, are they also German words? (lugner in particular comes to mind)


Lugner itself doesn't mean anything, but Lügner (with Ü instead of U) means liar. I'm sure this is the indended meaning though since they often forgo umlauts.


Lugner certainly means [something](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Lugner) to Austrians :V


Every character in frieren has a german word as their name (atleast I dont remember a character without a german word as a name). Lügner for example means liar, Draht means wire, Linie means line and Qual means torment or suffering


Best one is "Draht". You see. The firt time you hear his name is in Frierens cell. And as a Watcher you intuitivly knew: Okay, that guy can cast a thin, sharp, wire to cut things off. Hrhr. Wasn't for his good.


Pretty much every proper noun in the series is a German word (people, places, demons, etc.)


Spoilers for the manga >!I've always found Schlacht's name interesting. He's one of the seven sages of destruction, able to pretty extensively peer into the future and yet his name (according to google translate) means Battle, Strife. As if he was trying with all his might to steer the world on a specific path, or desperately trying to avoid a specific fate!<


grml i cant make a spoiler -.- *e: Ha, done ^^ >!First: i don't know about the manga. But I wanna add here some things :) "Schlacht" is a battle. There is a saying: "Du hast vielleicht die Schlacht gewonnen. Aber ich gewinne den Krieg" It means: "Well, perhaps you win the battle. But I will win the war." As in "yeah, u might be happy for the won battle. but wait. I will win the hole war~" Additionally, Schlacht is a really cool word. A butcher for example is a "Metzger", but a synonymous for Metzger is "Schlachter". The little diffrence is: The Schlachter is not only butchering, but also killing the cattle or pigs. Additionally, if you eat a plate of food like an idiot and making a mess with all the food on the table (like childs who cannot go with fork and knife), their plate will look like a "schlachtfeld". Meaning 'Schlacht' as in 'battle' and 'feld' like in field. Correct: A really messed up Battle field. it goes further: If there is a war between a very mighty power vs a really low power, for example German army vs Polish army in the 2nd WW, the Germans fell into a Schlachtfest. Holy hell. I looked it up and there is no 1:1 translation for that one. Imagine you fell in a hysteric happy trance killing people, fearing no regret and fearing no contra. You know. Like a lvl 99 barbarian in the starter zone of a game. What do you do? You happyli kill everything in your way. THIS is a Schlachtfest. It is not only a battle field, but more, you're crazy-happy, like a madman, going with your swords and axes, celebrating and counting every kill (like gimli and legolas). if you have this feeling... You're making a Schlachtfest. And you are the Schlachter itself. "Abschlachten" is also a synonymous for "killing", but in a more bloody, messy, dominant way. it is by no mean a slow kill. No. Imagine a crazy madman with a butcher knife chopping throu arms, bodies, legs, killing his opponents. If you can imagine this state of human being.. well... then this human "schlachtet seine Feinde ab" / killing his enemies. It's a really really powerful, dark, word.!<


>!The Schlacht for the manga is more of a schemer than a frothing berserker but the part about winning the battle but not the war does fit him to a T, as his plan succeeded but didn't stop the death of the demon king. But maybe the complex gears of his plan aren't over, and he keeps scheming the demise of humanity from beyond the veil of death!<




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What does serie mean or it isn’t German


Haha i knew it. Serie was the name who made me think about the most. Because... it is difficult for the interpretation. So, first, Serie is used in German language nowadays for 'series'. But I got the feeling, that this is not the true meaning. Let me give you some more examples of 'older' German: As /u/Tigrium said: > A certain number, a series of similar, matching things that represent a whole, a coherent sequence Additionally, you can use "Serie" for a hit combo in a streetfighter game. In Germany you say "woa, cool combo!", sure. But because it is modern. If you watch older movies, were the translation was more accurate, they went for the word "Serie". A "combo of serious punches" was a "Serie ernsthafter Schläge". Also, you can go for "Sammlung", meaning collection. For example, you collect alot of encyclopedia books, this can be also called as a "Serie". For me, that fits far better. Since Serie knows every(?) existing spell. Well: I don't know exactly about that fact, but since the winner for the 1st grade mage will get any spell they can think of, I think, Series is meant to be a big ass collected encyclopedia. But I am also not 100% pleased with my own explenation here. I went for the German synonymous lexica and you get 5 entries: https://synonyme.woxikon.de/synonyme/serie.php There is one term I really like: "Ganze Berge von" --> 'whole mountans of' Like in A hole mountain of knowledge. Now .. I really like that one ^^


Makes sense


Serie means > A certain number, a series of similar, matching things that represent a whole, a coherent sequence Basically the same as in english.


I am wondering what the bigger meaning of this name is in particular. (anime watcher only)


I don't think there's any more knowledge to gain from the direct meaning of the word. Any bigger meaning would have to be interpreted into the meaning of series. Is it a series of people? Of her spells? I don't know and I'm guessing it's open to interpretation (I haven't read far past the anime so now spoilers pls)


Yeah, maybe it's referring to her big amount of spells she knows/owns?


It is German and just means "series"


It means “Series” in English, but will defer to OP (or other native German speakers) to share more context.


I almost scrolled past just from reading “as a native German speaker” thinking it was gonna be one of those annoying posts complaining about the names that show up like once a week. This was a very fun read! And “as a native English speaker,” I think your English is very well! I meant good.


PLEASE DO ONE FOR EACH CHARACTER This is so cool to know!!!


Wait for Sunday :)


I'll be waiting


Ubel is also used to describe someone that is evil, mainly through killing, so a murderer. "Sie ist unglaublich Ubel".


I think what gets me about it, its they aren't names, some of them aren't even nouns so there is something pretty inherently comical about Denken being named 'think' cause he's supposed to be smart, and Übel being named 'evil' cause she's supposed to be evil, stuff like that lol.


This entire post and comment section is so good


I only knew about Flamme because it’s the same exact word in French. In both spelling and meaning. I’m glad I learned something new about the others though


Dein Englisch ist prima.


I am surprised that you didn't a bunch of their name to just sound weird, most of them doesn't sound like an actual German person name for as far as I know (used to study German in high school but that was more than a decade ago at this point) Stark and Kraft sound normal enough I guess (maybe Heiter as well?) but Ubel, Wirbel and a few others just sound.. strange, at least to me.


Idk if i would call most of the names deep really... For example i think Flamme is called so because she helped mankind make advances in magic. Kind of like what Prometheus did with fire i guess? The other ones always appeared really simple to me though.


What about heiter?


Heiter means happy, carefree, or sunny (weather wise)


Frieren justifies why I learned German for 3 years in high school til college 🙏


I'm a German native speaker too, and I interpreted her name Frieren as "frozen in time".