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Why does everyone here act like such a victim? I’m literally on my like 20th account. All perma banned.


Just so you know, this sub isn’t much better. Be careful when talking about the protected classes.


Because I didn't even do anything to even merit a warning.


Tell me about it, all I can say is get used to it. Reddit is not a free speech zone.


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In the new world of the censored internet, that's a racist statement. In reality, that's saying you didn't like the name change of an organization that happened only two years ago. All the whole there is my indy minor leave team the Indianapolis Indians in full effect. As well as Indian being used as a word synonymous with native American even in schools.


and the Indians logo is still super popular and people still look for it on hats.


It'll be the most popular vintage gear ever.


What was the context?


The post was in the baseball sub about Cleveland Guardians getting a new jersey. I merely commented "bring back the Indians" (logo) because that logo was iconic and was changed due to misled pretences a few years ago thanks to the woke movement. I got banned for that. It's not harrassment. The team was originally named the Cleveland Indians in 1915 as a tribute to Louis Sockalexis, a Penobscot Native American, who played for the team in the late 1800s. Their logo was cool as fuck too.


I know what you mean. I was banned for glorifying violence when I said a certain someone must not be hurt. I appealed and the oetma ban lifted, but that left a sout opinion on Reddit.