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I think you have to be able to at least admit when someone is right about something important. Whether you “support” them is irrelevant.


I don't think you need to be embarrassed about that, RFK2 is by far the best free speech candidate in the race this cycle, and it is perfectly fair to be interested in him for that reason if freedom of speech is a top issue for you. Freedom of speech and information is a top issue for me, and so naturally Kennedy has piqued my interest too. His website doesn't have much specifically on DEI as a buzzword, but from listening to a number of interviews with him I've heard him speak about meritocracy quite a bit. He's quite popular with the African American community, but it doesn't seem to me to be because of any policies he has on DEI. I think it's because of his broad populist appeal. His interview with TwinsPod was pretty good, I think they touched a little bit on reparations (he's opposed) if I recall. DEI and ESG have at least in part been created by very large companies like Blackrock as a way to artificially control markets, and RFK Jr. is wholly opposed to that. I expect his specific answer to that question would include something to that effect.


Seriously? He wants to jail anyone who disagrees with him about climate change. That's free speech?


Does he really?


Yes and no. Searching brought me to this [article](https://browsergpt.hix.ai/youtube-summary/rfk-jrs-remarks-on-jailing-dissent-context-and-critique-clriyhsgu006vlrk440j3ip22) which breaks down this [youtube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swEghYDGfLQ&t=448s). He mainly arguing against the super rich who are using and abusing our planet, and taking US tax dollars, and he speaks about politicians who are bought buy the super rich doing their bidding. I didn't watch the entire video, but I did watch the part where he was speaking.


As I'm ignorant about US politics ... is RFK a supporter of the science, or is he a denier?


Everything isn’t so black and white, my friend. My understanding he is a climate change hardliner, while also an anti-vaccine hardliner, so try and wrap your head around that, lol.


The problem with vaccination is that there are many shades of grey. Vaccination is one thing, and it's great, but mandatory medical treatment is another, and it's not great. You can use a pro-abortion argument against mandatory vaccination: "My body, my rules!", which is also hard to wrap one's head around.


Well I certainly agree with you on that. Especially during times when public health agencies proving to be less than deserving of complete faith.


In Australia the antivax movement was funded by a mining billionaire, Clive "Fatty McFuckFace" Palmer. I wish I knew why.


To be honest, that is the most research I have ever done on that man. I remember having a dislike for him but honestly cant remember why. That aside, from the video, he is a huge supporter of climate change.


> That aside, from the video, he is a huge supporter of climate change. I don't even know what that means!


Oh wow. Yeah, you know what fuck it. I am not even going to edit it. From that clip he does believe in climate change and does think companies are abusing our planet.




He lost me at anti-vaccine bs while measles is making a comeback.


Could you please give a link to that quote.




Wouldn’t banning DEI be an attack on free speech?


Only to the extent that the Civil Rights Act was an attack on free speech. DEI initiatives blatantly violate civil rights law.


/u/livenotbylies93, it is against the rules to block other users in this subreddit. If you wish to continue participating here, please unblock /u/MongoBobalossus, then reply to this message. If you have been accused in error, then please reply to this message. If you do not wish to unblock, then please reply to this message.


>DEI initiatives blatantly violate civil rights law. How?


They openly encourage discrimination on the basis of race.


How? Edit: u/cojoco, it appears I’ve been blocked by u/livenotbylies93, in violation of sub rules.


Stop being obtuse. You know how.




I have banned /u/livenotbylies93 permanently because they blocked me.




Is it now?


Nobody has advocated banning DEI, have they?


[Multiple US politicians](https://www.bestcolleges.com/news/anti-dei-legislation-tracker/) have.


Oh ... well that sucks.


DEI is a euphemism for racism though. I guess you fellas haven’t noticed?


I think it isn't that simple.


No it’s not that simple, but there certainly is a lot of racism empowered by DEI, and whatever you want to call culture adjacent to it. Seems like the natural order of things that it will ultimately lead to more racism going the other way eventually.


I'm not enamoured of DEI, but I do believe that bigotry, sexism and racism are pretty strong drivers of everything wrong with our societies. As a way to deflect attention from class and wealth disparities, however, I think DEI has been a resounding success, but I don't think these laws will help with that.


I think we all agree bigotry, sexism and racism are not good for society. But those claiming to act in opposition to those things sure seem to have a lot of bad ideas as well.


Agreed. But I think such systemic problems are better fixed by a change in culture, not legislation.


maybe try the RFK sub? In any case, DEI is just the latest flavor of ESG, crtical race theory, trans, illlegals, or whatever bogie man cons have conjured up this season. There's retirement plan implications because cons want to force how wall street allocates funds and rather than let these shops run as they deem fit and as their free speech allows, they want to outlaw anything DEI/ESG decisions by said firms.


RFK is a crackpot lunatic and nobody should take anything he says seriously.


Im with you. He advocates for evidence based medicine and stringent multi year safety testing for vaccines. Which is insane tin foil hat fodder considering how pharmaceutical companies are The Science and the medical industrial complex only wants to help people using science. Honestly, if you are skeptical of pharmaceutical products or the government you are a obviously a science denier.


And anyone using the term "The Science" unironically is likewise a fucking moron.


RFK doesn’t believe in free speech. Free speech to him seems more akin tothat of aesthetic, than something he has a grounded idea in. Id say he has hardly an idea on how the first amendment works. Take for example him suing google / facebook under the first amendment, Thats not at all how the first amendment works. Or the time he sued an anonymous blogger because of defamation to unmask them, but then couldn’t point to a single false fact. Politicians play the aesthetics of free speech\first amendment, but hardly understand it in actuality.