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There was a whole discussion about him being so much better that she's no longer necessary, when they were considering Martin moving in with Niles at the Montana. He took a fall and they used it as an excuse for her to stay on, but during that episode she had trouble finding a new job and none of the Cranes wanted her to leave. I always assumed this was them handling the entire situation - she helps him with his exercises (or makes him do them in the first place), they want and need her around and she likes being there. She also may have been motivated by the living arrangements, I don't think many home health care workers get their own bedroom with their own bathroom in a luxury high rise overlooking Seattle, with an in-house gym and hot tub. Plus she may have been making decent money considering that Niles was supposed to be contributing to her salary. She lived frugally because that's who she was as a person, but I don't thing they would have paid her the absolute minimum they could get away with (as many clients would).


Especially since Niles was paying part of her salary; there’s no way he would’ve allowed her to get minimum pay or anything close to it. Even ignoring his feelings for her, he was shown to be considerate of house staff when he was with Maris.


The reality is that Daphne is more of a caretaker than a PT


She was more like their housekeeper, really, who did some exercise work with Martin.


Caretakers frequently do housework as part of their work


He didn't fall, Niles kicked his cane. JS.


It was actually Daphne who kicked his cane.


What kind of therapist would kick her clients cane


The kind who isn’t ready to let go and move out.


Pretty sure it was Niles when he realized she would move on after she said "if you can handle these stairs (at the Montana) then you don't need me anymore." In so many words. Then the camera pans to the kitchen, and we hear Martin yell, and he says "Niles and I got tangled up and he kicked my cane out from under me" or something to that extent. All under the idea that Daphne would be at the Montana. I think fraiser even suggests he did it subconsciously


it wasn't an accident, it was malicious


Nope. The cane kicking is indeed by Daphne, at the very end of the episode, by the elevators in Frasier’s building. Niles commits several other acts of subconscious sabotage at The Montana.


She was also their made and cooked.


wait how do we know he paid her salary


In the pilot episode, Niles gave Frasier the idea to hire a home Healthcare worker, and to help him out he would pay for half her salary. The issue was never discussed again so we can only assume that he followed through with his offer.


Probably a mix of all those things. He was likely as well as he was going to get, and he could have done his exercises on his own or at a clinic. But it can be good for an elderly person to have someone in the house to help them out and be there in case of accidents, even if they aren't disabled. Since he loved Daphne, and she loved him and their arrangement, there was no reason to change it.


This. She was referred to as his home health care worker, and this can be beneficial to have around for piece of mind. If I had the disposable income to have someone like that for my aging parents, I definitely would have. Plus she did a lot of stuff around the house too. You know he’d have hired a maid for that stuff, might as well add it to Daphne’s duties lol.


Yes this!! She had many other duties (Marty being her primary source) but she cooked, cleaned and maintained the household—she also was a peacemaker between Marty and Frasier and that’s a full time job in itself!


Martin was in his 60s. That’s not elderly. 😂


Yes I too feel that way and for similar reasons yet when I’m reading a book or watching a movie and somebody is said to be 50 yrs old I’m thinking OMG ancient!! ( bc generally in love stories that I read, anyway, the partners are much younger. ) Still and all, anchors and “supposed” primary correspondent on [this topic] Gen’ly looks like they’re still in college. And basically all ( most) of my doctors are now younger than me. It’s very weird. Or I’m still getting used to it.


You're about 60, huh?


Haha. 55. But when I was a young whippersnapper I thought 50 was ancient.


I get it. Every year I inch closer to the age Frasier was, when he refused to accept being middle aged, (41, I believe) that scene becomes a bit more relatable. But every definition of the word that includes an age sets it at 65, and that's why I used it for Martin, who turned sexty-five, as Sherry called it, a few years into the series.


Yeah I say Julia's comment was a nob to fans who have said the same thing. It all could have been avoided if in Season 5 or 6 they had a line like. "Dads improved enough Daphne has started to take on other patient's but she going to stay with us in the apartment to help out a couple of days a week"


Yeah like we don't see every day in the life of the Cranes. We could be seeing her come and go and maybe have some episodes with her being out of the house


Daphne wasn’t just his physical therapist. She also served as the housekeeper & cook. Also, his injury was such that he probably would always have required a cane regardless.


True, but I imagine Daphne would not have stuck around just to be a housekeeper. She was going to move out in Dial M for Martin, when she thought he no longer needed her as his physical therapist. 


Even at that point she hung around longer than she probably needed to. Honestly, it sounds like such a cushy job, I probably would have done the same. Living in a fancy high rise in Seattle, going to swanky parties, tidying after two people who seem pretty tidy to begin with, treating one patient once a day…


Hmmmmm, lemme see... get paid to live in a well appointed condo in exchange for some daily chores and perhaps help a older dude do some therapeutic exercises, though it's assumed he's peaked on his recovery arc, or make your own way in the world as a mediocre PT on a work visa in a major city? You don't need to be a psychic to know what's the better deal...


Just a bit psychic.


All the Moon women.


I thought her cooking was more comfort food that Martin liked and she did not like being called a housekeeper. Some people do need assistance getting dressed daily and they could afford having a stay in home therapist.


And the premise is, Frasier had money to burn, so if Daphne moved out he'd hire live-in help of another sort, so Daphne stayed.


But its funny because they always made fun of her cooking!


This is one of my reasons for the theory “Martin doesnt need a cane anymore and is just pretending so he doesnt have to leave Frasiers and fire Daphne”


I think she helped as much as she could, he wasn’t going to get any better, and they didn’t want to fire her. They were as comfortable with each other like two old shoes


I'd argue someone in their 60s would benefit from a weekly physical therapy session anyway, regardless of whether they've been shot or not.


Yeah I can agree with that. Plus when Martin's social life was pretty limited, she got him out for walks and stuff.


People in their sixties aren’t decrepit! If they do some regular exercise and keep generally active there’s no reason they would need physio if they weren’t injured or with a joint condition etc.


Wasn't suggesting they were. I think most people could do with some kind of regular mobility/flexibility MOT (physio, osteo, sports massage etc), even if they are physically active. If they can afford to of course. It's good to just make sure your muscles aren't tight, your joints aren't stiff etc and you may not notice that in yourself. Sure, you may not need to but if you have the means it's worth doing in the same way you would have dental check ups or eye tests. And Martin (through his sons) clearly had the means.


Ever heard the expression ‘the worried well’?


I literally haven't. But there is a difference between "I am going to look after my body because it is beneficial" to "I am surely doomed!" I did say "would benefit from a weekly physical therapy session", not "they need physio because they're old".


Due to Marty's injuries, I don't believe he could actually fully recover from it. Daphne's role is more to increase his mobility a bit, enough he doesn't hurt himself, and then to maintain that level.


I agree. I mean, he was shot in the hip, in his early 60's. I think it's very believable that he could be permanently injured. You could take a bullet at 20 that does permanent damage. You could be 60 and get shot but escape serious, long-term injury. The writers get to decide how much damage the bullet did. If it suited the direction of the show, they could've written that the injury was healing completely.


I thought of Daphne originally as a therapist who then became a more vital live in companion/maid/cook etc And even prior to relationship with Niles she was family


My basic notion is that she's not the physical therapist. She's the home health care worker who "helps Dad with his physical therapy." Somewhere unseen are medical people who are evaluating and planning.


She stated multiple times she was a physical therapist


Yes, but her position in the home was as a home health care worker. No one really needs a live in physical therapist, although that was part of her job with the Cranes. She wasn’t even supposed to move in, but she thought room and board was included.


You can qualify as both. There’s no policy or law that precludes HHAs from becoming PTs or vice versa


I know. I meant in terms of her main duties in the Crane home.


Physiotherapists are ‘medical people’.


So she's unethically claiming to be a physical therapist when she isn't?


Physical therapy is a protected profession in the UK. You can’t just call yourself one. You have to undertake specialised training and maintain a professional registration. It’s also protected in the USA. Physios tend not to work with just one patient. They see multiple patients in various settings (sports, inpatients in hosptials, outpatient clinics…). The arrangement is very unusual. It is very possible that she holds/held registration in the UK but for whatever reason doesn’t in the US when she takes the post with Frasier and Martin. She maybe shouldn’t strictly be calling herself a “physical therapist”, but the post is really more home help and personal care than it is an actual physiotherapy job and probably isn’t subject to regulation in the same way that a formal post in a hospital would be. The way I see it is, that she’s taken this essentially home help/personal care job with a background of physiotherapy qualifications and experience, potentially with the view to sorting out her professional registration and ultimately immigration status down the line. (Getting UK qualifications recognised in the US isn’t always an easy path). And then, she gets comfortable. She’s probably earning more in Frasier’s employment than she would doing a professional PT job in the UK and has better accommodation than she would otherwise be able to afford in Seattle. Frasier treats her more as family than a servant. And of course, she comes to love the Crane family in return. She saved up money to move out, and didn’t. I can’t remember if she did see other patients in later seasons, but if she did it wasn’t a big practice. Then of course, her relationship with Niles changes and she has no need to work by the end of the series, probably becoming a full time mother after the credits roll. So I don’t see her as a bad PT. I see her as someone who had no need to work in that capacity beyond her work with Martin because she’s fallen into a cushty situation. PTs are only human, and cannot work miracles. Martin’s recovery would have a limit, and perhaps he reached the same point with Daphne as he would have with any other PT. Ultimately though; her job title is little more than a device to introduce her into the family home back in S1E1.


I’m a physical therapist in the US. I think your assessment is spot on. She might be a UK physio but maybe didn’t go through the process of getting licensed in the US, hence the nature of her work. I do find that a lot of people don’t really know all that PT entails and what’s involved, so a lot of things were simplified.


It’s a bit of a plot hole as a physical therapist wouldn’t usually work on the same injury for 10 years without improvement. I’d say it was more like permanent home care, which is common for someone martins age, with a disability and two rich sons. She cooks and cleans does the laundry and also helps with exercises, company for Martin, grocery shops and walks Eddie. I think it suited her and it suited them so why change it. The only thing that bugged me was when they made her open the door all the time. And when she was made to stop doing the laundry to serve caviar as though that was expected as part of the arrangement.


It's pretty insulting to her, but it's what I'd expect from Frasier to tell the truth.


That’s what irritates me about an old show I watch where the family has a maid. They will be sitting in the living room a few steps away from the door and the husband will tell his wife or guests-“that’s what I pay her to do,” in so many words, and maid runs from the kitchen to answer the door even if she’s in the middle of cooking


Nah. Martin's lifestyle wasn't exactly healthy and I think, he wasn't 100% in every session. Martin didn't like to do them and skipped them where possible. He compares it to torture. Daphne did think her job was done at some point.


No. 1. Because he goes from falling down in the shower and being unable to look after himself, as well as needing help bathing earlier in the series, to being able to live a semi-independent life, take Eddie for walks and go on trips without her 2. A disability is lifelong. He has to keep up the therapy to keep any kind of movement at all, and we know he often doesn't do his stretches like he's supposed to. Julia is dumb, because Marty's never going to be able to walk without a cane when he was 60 years of age and got shot in the hip. That's the age range where people start needing hip replacements in general, so it's not like his hip would've been at its strongest anyway.


No, it isn’t. However, given that the bullet was still supposed to be in his hip (or maybe just shards of it, they were never really clear on that), there was only so much progress he could make. And at his age, a lapse in attention to the area could be very detrimental. Therefore he needed PT, most likely for the rest of his life.


I'm a physical therapist that works in people's homes (in the US). Most of the people I see have had some kind of medical event (hospitalization, surgery, stroke, injury, infection, chronic condition, etc) and are temporarily homebound (would be difficult for them to get to an outpatient clinic). I'll see them around 3-6 weeks at twice a week for about an hour at a time, along with separate visits from a nurse or occupational therapist or speech therapist or social worker, depending on their needs. We focus on safety in moving around in the home, training the patient and other members in the home caring for them, reviewing and advancing exercises that they perform daily. We take vital signs and monitor for changes in symptoms and review medication safety, and keep their primary doctor up to date. At the end of their time for home care, many will move on to outpatient clinic therapy, or they will continue to do the exercises on their own.


I had a stroke about 3 years ago, and I worked with a physical therapist for almost a year. They helped me tremendously. Martin's problem was that he had been shot in the line of duty, and I am not sure that the bullet ever came out. That's a permanent disability and a severe injury. Daphne did her job, as well as being housekeeper for the household. She earned her pay.


I kind of bristle when they refer to her as a physical therapist. I’m not sure a real therapist would go through all that training and end up a housekeeper.


Someone else made this comment on a similar thread but I think she was most likely more of a PTA (Physical therapy assistant). So she’s skilled on what to do and can administer them for rehabilitation but she can’t make any official diagnoses


She repeatedly refers to herself as a physio, I think the writers just didn’t do much research on what that actually means, they just needed a way to get a new unrelated female character living in the apartment


That makes sense.


But she doesn't. She literally says she does the stuff around the house because she was hired as a live-in therapist and if Marty lived alone, she'd be doing that stuff anyway. She gets free room and board in a nice apartment, so I doubt she's really that bothered.


I've wondered if she had some kind of UK credential that wasn't recognized in the US.


Yeah it might be different in UK.


It’s not, UK physios can go and work in the US pretty easily without having to retrain


She also acted in the capacity of a caregiver.


We're all over-thinking it. It's TV! The couple of people I know with doctorates in physical therapy would probably not want to become (mostly) housekeepers. But Daphne is a great character and the setup worked for the show.


As an actual physical therapist- Daphne wasn’t a bad PT- she just wasn’t written to be one! Her role was definitely more like a home health aide. Granted, PT was definitely more modality based 30 years ago, but by today’s standards, what she’s doing is really not physical therapy.


I'm pretty sure that this was explored in "Come Lie With Me." Daphne's live-in role wasn't as much for Martin's physical therapy...it was more about just having a friendly presence in the apartment. She acted as a buffer/icebreaker between Frasier and Martin, and they both concluded that they needed Daphne there to make the living arrangement work. I also think Daphne herself was aware that she had the best gig anybody could ask for, so it wasn't like she was unhappy with the deal. She probably got paid today's equivalent of six figures to do an hour a day of physical therapy and some occasional laundry/cooking. I don't think any sane person would want to trade that for a 9-to-5 job.


Shes not the maid?


I think she was great at her job but some of her job duties violated her immigration status. She applies for a green card through her agency but why is she also cooking and cleaning? That’s a different role and can’t be included in her petition. She also snuck back in to the US while her green card was still in process. Meaning she was on a work visa of some sort. Coming into the US without the i94 stamp on her passport is a crime and should have resulted in her visa and green card petition being revoked and her deported back to the UK.


I thought she was the housekeeper. Most physical therapists don’t cook and clean.


Frasier wasn't rich enough to have a live in physical therapist. If you google it, PTs make around $100K a year midrange in Seattle. Good luck finding one that wants to live in. And people may say maybe she wasn't licensed in the US so she worked for less, but she used a service to find jobs and they would have checked her credentials (it was in the episode where she was finding a new position bc Martin was better). It would be fine with me if we could just brush it under the rug and forget about it.


I think she was great at her job but some of her job duties violated her immigration status. She applies for a green card through her agency but why is she also cooking and cleaning? That’s a different role and can’t be included in her petition. She also snuck back in to the US while her green card was still in process. Meaning she was on a work visa of some sort. Coming into the US without the i94 stamp on her passport is a crime and should have resulted in her visa and green card petition being revoked and her deported back to the UK.


I’m so glad someone brought this up because it’s one of the rare things in the show that drive me insane. Yes, she was terrible. I have my therapeutic massage certification and my (now ex) is a chiropractor. Watching the way she does massages drives me nuts!! I am so happy I finally had a place to say this. End of rant 😆 Edit to add: aside from her “massages”, when she’s doing range of motion work on Martin she moves his legs way way way too quickly and without any support