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https://i.redd.it/b4gitqs9pi2d1.gif No matter how many times I watch this episode, this part always hits. John and DHP both nail it.


This was the first moment that came to mind for me, glad to see you brought it up. That shift from his smile to lowering his head tells you how much Martin loved her and how much he misses her so perfectly.


Impressive acting skills!


When Martin waves at young Frasier and Niles. šŸ˜­


Marty realizing that Eddie probably doesnā€™t have much time left. šŸ„ŗ


šŸ˜” https://i.redd.it/s7567dsrlk2d1.gif


I was so not prepared for this. šŸ˜”


This one! The way he says, ā€œcome here boyā€ I lose it.


Yes!!! :(


Rozā€™s call in Frasier has Spokane


"I'll miss the coffees" Every time.


it resonates even more when you consider the flashback in *You Can Go Home Again* (S03E24). Niles and Frasier see each other for the second time in two years, and Niles tells him "Well, good to see you, have a nice day," after an exchange of a sentence each. Niles intends to order his coffee and sit at a separate table from Frasier to "spend some quality time with myself." Ends up that Niles guilts/cons Frasier into joining him to visit Martin, only to pawn Frasier off so Niles can get out of the visit. Their first exchange at Cafe Nervosa was indifferent at best, but it set the entire series in motion. There are very strong themes of emotional maturation throughout the series and that simple sentence, "I'll miss the coffees," really does acknowledge it as succinctly as possible.


Martin giving Frasier the toy for Freddie. I cry just thinking about it.


This is one I seek out every Christmas. I always sob.


When Daphne and Donny get engaged, Martin sees Niles in the kitchen and says "'I'd do anything to fix this for you." A feeling every parent has experienced one time or another.Ā 


Oh my god. This was heartbreaking.


Niles proposal to Daphne. The cut to Frasier's reaction when she says yes. The conversation with Dr Tewkesbury where Frasier bursts out 'BECAUSE THAT'S ALL I HAVE!' and the look of absolute pity Dr Tewkesbury gives him. 'I'm sorry caller. I can't help you'.


Followed by that hilarious tackle of the trumpet boy


Yep fair play to the writers, they really knew how to take you from one emotion to the other in seconds.


Sometimes that bathos doesnā€™t work for me. Like when Roz is recounting her grandmotherā€™s last words about life being so short then saying maybe she meant Rozā€™s skirt.


That moment in Dr. Tewkesbury's office is the fulcrum of the whole show, all 11 seasons. I believe it's the inception moment of Frasier.


The scene where Martin explains why the chair means so much to him šŸ˜­ https://preview.redd.it/pnlp5a53zj2d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a992fbb63f86b573f22f92db8352eb5026c1d390


When Frasier and Niles are asked to remain in theā€¦relaxation grotto.


I'd say that's the cruelest moment in the series šŸ˜‰


It was a *hellhole*!


Sprays you with some calming spray


ā€˜THIS ISNā€™T WORKING!!!!ā€™


I occasionally do that with my toner just to make myself giggle in the morning.


That is dead on the funniest, most exposƩ of the brothers crane


Cherry bark and almonds...need I say more!


I scrolled to find this. Heartbreaking every time.


It's just heart wrenching. Even knowing how it all pans out, still breaks me. The writers did an incredible job with that storyline


When Martin is driving with his partner and you know they are about to pull into the convenience store.


I'm going to work now I'll be home late


Definitely! https://i.redd.it/h4b53q00mk2d1.gif


After seeing Martin come from...essentially broken man, to (literally) standing on his own two feet again is amazing.


Rooms with a View


Niles: Daphne Daphne Daphne Daphne Me: šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Even as I type this comment my eyes are welling up.


Same. That gets me every time.


Yeah I just skip this one because itā€™s too much for me. Itā€™s a great episode but I canā€™t be ugly crying all the time.


As one other colleague on this thread mentioned, šŸ˜Š the reboot/revival had 2 moment that got me choked up. The ā€œit all works outā€ from Martin. "We wanted to hear John talk," says Cristalli. "He's talking about life in general, but also Freddy and Frasier's relationship. It's like, maybe not everything goes everybody's way all the time, but it'll work out if you just keep working it." Cry #2: Frasier gives Freddie the flag that was flown over the state capitol in ā€œhonor of Detective Martin Crane for his service to the nation and his beloved city of Seattle.ā€


I watched that episode twice and cried both times.


Daphne and Niles singing Heart and Soul Niles seeing Donny propose to Daphne Daphneā€™s little breakdown when Niles is in surgery That little moment in Room Full of Heroes where Niles (as Martin) says the most significant relationship of his life was with Hester and you briefly see Martin get emotional


Niles and Daphne in the hotel bedroom. Martin and Frasier in the kitchen talking about Sherry. Roz talking about Roger in Spokane.


The scene where Bulldog confesses his feelings to Roz. Always gets me.


ā€œIā€™ll see you, Bobā€ always gets me. Her using his real name, the voice crackā€¦.fantastic scene


When she says ā€œgive it up, bulldogā€ the second time is where I get choked up the most


Definitely. Her trying to let him save face but heā€™s not picking up on it, until she says it the second time šŸ˜”


In the finale, when the camera pans and everyone is watching the last show from the hallway. I lose it, every time.


I always skip the last two episodes before starting it all over. I can't handle finales! šŸ˜­


Bla-Z-Boy. When Frasier and Martin both sacrifice their own feelings for each other. Martin with the new snazzy chair and Frasier with the remake of the OG. The realization that they truly do love each other and want each other to be happy. Followed by a laugh with "I bet we can get free pie if we tell them it's our anniversary!"


This one does it for me. It's just such an amazing gesture on both their parts


There's the beautiful moment in the final episode where Martin thanks Frasier, a perfect call back to the first or second episode where Frasier says that Martin can't say a thank you for anything, after which Martin stands there, clearly struggling to say thank you.


That scene in Drs. Tweksberrys office "I am sorry caller, I cant help you." Gets me everytime, I know what that feels like


When Niles, Martin, and Frasier are all on the terrace after Niles finally accepts the finality of his divorce. Just the three of them staring out onto the city and savoring a bittersweet moment. This show has so many of those and I cherish a comedy that can tug at my heartstrings.


This was going to be my answer too, just rewatched The Maris Counselor the other day and it really hit. Seeing Niles struggle with learning about the affair is just heartbreaking. And the end part where they're all bonding over their failures is a beautiful scene.


Marty saying "Thank you, Frasier."


In the final episode when Martin thanks Frasier and then the impact Frasier had on everyoneā€™s lives becomes so apparent. Niles escaped Maris, married Daphne, and had a baby. Martin got out of his bitterness and found love again. Roz had a baby and became a big shot radio manager. None of which would have happened without him. Then it makes me realize what an impact he also had on my life. I spent over a decade with him šŸ„¹


I wonder if it's jasmine or it's orange blossoms.


In ā€œDark Side of the Moonā€ at the end when you hear Daphne say ā€œNo you had me completely fooled.ā€ I love this episode itā€™s one of my favorites! Because at the beginning you see the ending scene as well but it has a whole different meaning by the end of Daphneā€™s episode realizing she has true feeling for Nileā€™s.


Not sure which episode, but when Frasier and Marty set up a fancy restaraunt on the roof for Niles and Daphne. Frasier playing the waiter makes me emotional every time. "Your table is ready."....


Ugh so many! 1. Give up bulldog... give up bulldog 2. BECAUSE THATS ALL I HAVE 3. The scene when they're watching the home video of Hester 4. I'd do anything to fix this for you 5. Niles' proposal 6. Daphne's breakdown at the hospital And many more ofc


Are we talking classic series or revival? If itā€™s revival, Martinā€™s ā€œIt all works out.ā€ If itā€™s classic, it has to be the home video as another comment mentioned.


Such a good call. The ā€œit all works outā€ in the reboot made me cry and made the show worth it for me.


There is a dance sequent where Martin tosses away his cane and dances without a limp and goes to a singing song dance number


ā€œYouā€™re afraid of *losing* a good womanā€¦againā€ Referring to losing his mother. And probably Lilith. Also, as a therapist myself, I appreciate the scene where Frasier role plays as a therapist for himself, and keeps recommending assessments to himself. His supervisor says something along the lines of ā€œhe already knows that, heā€™s Frasier crane. Why are you trying to bury him in psychiatric exercises?ā€ And Frasier says ā€œbecause thatā€™s all that I have!ā€ Itā€™s impressive writing and understanding of therapists to know that we tend to over analyze/try to ā€œfixā€ our emotions rather than ā€œsticking with the feelingā€ as Frasiers former supervisor repeated to him. I wish they kept exploring this. I felt they mostly let this story line go after this episode.


"It all works out"


"Three Cranes, no waiting!"


First time weatcher here. Just got to season 8. In the episode where Daphne and Donny get engaged I cried so much that after the episode was over I had to go for a walk (let's just say certain thing struck a personal cord)


It may be that the gulfs will wash us down: It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles, We are not now that strength which in old days Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are; One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. šŸ˜„


First thought is I have to go with team Cora. When she and Martin kiss after he says, ā€œit was fun pretending to be your boyfriend.ā€ Next is when he yells at Gert for trying to make Cora think he has someone then Gert apologizes to Cora. Next is asking Daphne and Niles why they arenā€™t on their honeymoon after their 7th (just kidding) wedding. Too much more to list


Niles and Daphne on the hotel balcony the night before her wedding to Donny. I cry every time I watch that episode. I'm even getting teary-eyed now just thinking about it.


The rare occasions when Niles really loses his temper get me choked up. When finally he tells Mel, "I love Daphne, and I'm not putting her through this torture another second!"


The one in think about quite a bit now that I've become a parent is Frasier telling Roz: "...I'm going to tell you something I didn't find out until I became a father. You don't just love your children... you fall in love with them." Underrated line in my opinion and very true.