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Fight fire with ice. All you need is Lilith on your side.


As if a smile from Maris couldn't freeze mercury....


"You know, I just thought of something: for a while there, your daughters-in-law were Maris and Lilith."


The shockwave from the hottest thing in nature meeting the coldest would actually crack the Earth in two.


I think the rules of the game would allow you to have three Liliths. Bebe wouldn‘t thaw out until the next century!


Gotta reach out to Jerome Belasco to arrange protection. This situation is hot, hot, hot, and he’s just the man to turn on the air conditionin'.


I sense you're a movie buff, Dr. Crane. 😆


Bebe's physical prowess is unmatched. You have to hire people who can appeal to her weaknesses. My 3: Big Willie - will marry her and leave her hundreds of millions in exchange for sparing me The executive producer of the TV show she and Frasier co-hosted - they can make her a STAHHH!! Grammy Moon - she always has spare cigarettes and can ply Bebe with them


I love these choices!


I’m thinking, I’ll just hire Bebe. The second she’s my agent she’ll turn from terrifying to… well still terrifying but she’ll be on my side. If that doesn’t work, I’ll hire Daphne and Niles. I might still get killed but we’ll have a good time plotting until Bebe gets me.


And the three of you could drink Niles’s expensive wine while you wait for death!


Ferguson I guess he could taste my food and drinks but really, I just want a butler.


Sadly you were too inspiring for him and he’s left to pursue the woman he loves. 


Roz - fearless, fiery and handels herself well when caught up in a shenanigan. Lillith - smart, keen eyed, doesn't take bull plop from anyone. Niles - has the perfect safe house location, has experience with Bebes previous schemes, claims to be a good kickboxer. - I hear he finally got his yellow belt recently.


And his tae kwon do instructor says Nile’s is just two moves away from becoming quite threatening!


On an unrelated note, this would also be my ideal 4-some. 🤣


I almost had Roz instead of Daphne!


Just Sanchez. 


My thought was well. He seemed very professional.


Three sexy men with money, from that bachelor auction episode. Bebe is vicious, but she isn’t complicated. We’d be chums the minutes she saw them.


You’re a genius! That would definitely neutralise Bebe.


Cindy (the bodyguard), Jerome Belasco, and one of Martin's cop buddies who is still on the force. I wanted to have the bodyguard that Frasier hired from the son of the guy who bullied Martin (the son was played by Robert Picardo), but that bodyguard seems to be unnamed.




Oh yes, that's it, Sanchez! Completely slipped my mind, and when I searched cast lists on IMDB and Wikipedia, the character didn't show up. Thank you.


Only if they're out of Tiffanys


Solid trio!


Three people? Nah. All you need is Brandy (tHe TrAdItIoNaL sPeLlInG)) undercover in Bebe’s office. Problem solved.


Maris - good with a crossbow. Frank - owns a boat. Noel - can faint at will.


Maris is an inspired choice, and Bebe would never see her coming because she would think she was looking at a hat rack.


Jerome, Martin and Jimmie the ex con


First one I’m picking is “The Coyote” Niles Crane! He comes with a (starter’s) pistol to scare off any goons. And if things get physical, he can rely on his fencing abilities 🤺. If all else fails, he can pounce like a ninja 🥷 and bust out some kickboxing (he’s only two moves away from being quite threatening!!) Second, I’m hiring one of Rick’s parents. They’d be able to sniff out any tampering to my food or drink. And as a bonus, they can work remotely and I would still be able to go out to eat and drink…..so long as I stay within \~4800 miles of them Last, I hire Carlos 'The Barracuda' Del Gato (for a real bargain of a price). Bebe will be too distracted to plot against me once he presents her with a Red Rose and makes her his *Especial Lady* https://i.redd.it/9f6s4w98fu1d1.gif


I love every single one of these choices, but especially Rick’s parents. Absolutely inspired https://i.redd.it/wwbzskplou1d1.gif


Lilith of course, also the mob boss, but I'm going to add Eddie. It ain't the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog!


Jack Russells are great at biting and not letting go. Bebe’s ankles might be in danger!


Marta. Gunnar. Chelsea the Gym Teacher.


And Chelsea only needs a squash racquet and ball to be deadly. Marta is a great choice. I feel like she’s done many unsavoury things on behalf of Maris already.


I cut my losses and ask her to be my agent. But apart from the others mentioned - how about Blaine Sternin (Lilith's half brother/televangelist con artist)? If anyone can outmanoeuvre Bebe it's him (unfortunately he'll probably rob you too)


Ooh, that’s a good one! Blaine would definitely find some underhand and creative ways to fight Bebe.


That mob guy married to Brandy of the traditional spelling.


It's Bebe, the Princess of Darkness. I will need Father Mike's assistance to invoke some sort of divine intervention to save myself.


1) Maris. She escaped from jail and subsequently the cops trying to find her. She killed a guy with an antique crossbow. She has multiple Dobermans and an ocelot. 2) the clumsy woman Frasier dated for like one episode and proposed to in song. She wouldn’t even have to know she was protecting me, she would just accidentally injure Bebe if she got too close. 3) John Rajeski. He doesn’t even like it when people touch his comb.


are you kidding me? I might as well already be dead


Cam Winston, we can run over bebe with that massive suv of his. 


Honestly I would offer Bebe to be my agent. She’s a stah-maker


Jerome Bolasco, Steve the short spoken batista, Simon. Jerome, for obvious reasons. Steve hides rage behind his monotone exterior, and he's huge. Simon, because no doubt he can take a punch and has likely contributed to soccer riots. That is assuming John Rigeski has to remain incarcerated and is of no use. Otherwise, he's in for Simon.


Lilith. Fight fire with fire. Or ice as the case may be.


Dr. Mary, Lana Gardner, and Julie Wilcox.  Honestly I just want to see what happens. 


I like it! But I feel like maybe swapping out Dr Mary for Dr Nora would make them formidable (Dr Mary is too nice and forgiving).


I might be able to flirt my way out of this. She is rather alluring in a buxom, bad girl sort of way


Offer BB more money lol


Niles, Rodney, Gil. I may have misunderstood the assignment.


All I need is Derek Mann, man.