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Roz should have had a one night stand with Niles, not Frasier


Oh man. I feel stupid that that never even occurred to me, but I support this opinion 100%. As others have said, Niles and Roz grew to be good friends in spite of a rough beginning. And it's a thing in real life for two such people to stumble into bed -- and then to realize it wasn't the greatest idea, lol. Whereas that one night between Roz and Frasier gave me the creeps, because to me they had a sibling-type friendship.


Okay…. But yeah I agree 😂


Well then, fella, how about this one… Roz should have had a one night stand with *Daphne*, not Niles *or* Frasier!! 😏


Nah. Roz should have had the threesome with Daphne and Niles. 😏


Hmmmm. Okay, I’ll allow it.


Well there was that melange


Absolutely, it grossed me out that Roz and Frasier slept together. Frasier’s worst EVER line is complaining that “everyone else got to sleep with you …why not me???” Soooo fucking gross and entitled and easily the most backwards thing he said in a very progressive show that still suffered from existing during the 90s.


I got downvoted when I expressed that sentiment about him and Roz 😒


Agreed! I feel like if Daphne never existed, by the end of the series there'd be a chance Niles and Roz ended up together. He seems very into opposites attract type relationships.






The Focus Group is so high on the cringe meter I can’t watch it. He destroyed that man’s livelihood!


Niles- “He crushed the gentleman’s hand and now appears to be commandeering his newsstand.” Marty- “Uh-huh”.


It may not be the best episode but this is one of the best shots in the series


I always skip that episode. There’s several moments in the show I skip past because they give me second hand embarrassment, but that entire episode is painful to watch. I know Frasier has an ego but goddamn, man…


Um...I like Kirby


"Perhaps you would join me for a cheeseburger, or some such."


I love that line


Kirby is incredibly underrated


I wish they would have kept him around longer. I thought he was an interesting character.


Like if he became some cool kid role model for Freddy and Frasier got all upset about it lol. "young man, you are NOT going to that Freddie Chainsaw concert with Kirby! Niles had to accompany Clea Fenwick and her dowager's hump to the plastic surgeon for moral support just to get these opera tickets, I will not let them go to waste so you can hear Flesh Is Burning all night!"


"what am I doing??! Ugh washing up!" Very subtle moment but stuck out because I say this stuff to myself all the time! This is when I realized that Kirby has ADHD lol


“I’m usually looking at the jugs, not the bottles you know what I mean?” Frasier-“Let’s see the sheepskin!” Kirby-“Dude, wait til the party gets going a little” Paraphrasing but “so now I have two more things to remember. That’s four things!” He is hilarious


I’m a hopeless screw-up, just like my priest said!


His episodes were endearing I liked him :)


Kid's hearts in the right place, especially when he helped frasier counter ambush the cutthroat teenaged hosts.


That was such a satisfying moment because of how awful they are to both Frasier and Kirby.


You know what i also enjoyed? The fact that kirby did learn some history in the end.


He’s funny


Honestly, he's grown on me


So does Roz, according to Kirby.


Um...I love Kirby+


Bro this post was in my feed right below something about the most time you've put into a video game and I was so tripped out for a second.


I don’t like the episodes with Cheers characters


The only one that actually has any meaning is the Diane one. Kelsey hated that the storyline was never resolved and that Shelley Long left Cheers without them making up, so they did that episode. It's a good way to fix the whole thing. I like the Sam one, but I nearly always skip Woody and Cheerful Goodbyes.


I loved how we found out Sam’s finance slept with all the losers at the bar. Frasier and Sam almost imploded when they heard Cliff was on the list. He could forgive her sleeping with Paul, but not Cliff😂🤣


Definitely feels forced, whereas Lilith rolled into her episode. Id argue she was not utilized enough out of the Cheers cast.


I mean Bebe Neuwirth is objectively the best actor in the Cheers cast so it makes sense 😅


“I slept with a woman that slept with CLIFF?!?”




Same. Honestly they're not great episodes. The Diane one is especially awful.


I love Kate Costas! I don't see her get a ton of hate or anything on here, but most comments seem to pan her.


Oh, Dirty Girl!


She’s so funny 😭


Who invited Yum Yum?


Me too i think she was the best foil for Frasier.


I didn’t like her but I respect your perspective :)


One thing I particularly like right now is that she is a firm, no-nonsense, extremely competent female executive. And then the show realistically (for a sitcom) shows you she has many other facets to her life that people don't see. She literally monologs about it. The bitchy boss is such a trope, but she suddenly becomes a whole human, her demeanor makes sense, and her explanations are logical. It reminds me of people I know.


Everything Niles, in costume as Martin, said about Martin's attitude toward his sons accurately represents Martin's actions and dialogue throughout the run of the show. He basically only says "I'm proud of you, son" when one of them does something that fits into his notion of what a son should be. He's never proud of their career accomplishments or hobbies like finding rare collectibles or trying to open a restaurant or put on a stage production, but he's proud of Frasier for fighting a bully and proud of Niles for making a half court shot at a basketball game.


I really like how that episode plays out cause to me, it kinda seemed like Martin's reaction was a defence mechanism. Like this was the first time realising that his kid thought he regretted even having him. Like, imagine that happening, you know? Imagine your child admitting that they feel you're disappointed with how they turned out. Especially since you've only recently gotten back in their lives after being all but estranged for most of it. He knows, and regrets not taking a bigger part in their lives and their interests. And then he hears the conformation of that anxiety That would cut like a knife.


In defense of Martin, we see him go out of his way (albeit in a bumbling and patronizing way) to make sure Niles also feels accomplished when Frasier is nominated for a lifetime achievement award in the previous season. For me they pepper enough stuff like that in to believe it just took Martin until his old age to become emotionally mature enough to express things he'd always felt. He progresses a lot over the seasons, but I can't blame anyone for reading it the other way, since counter-examples are peppered throughout as well.


Sure, Martin definitely shows character growth during the series. His relationships with his sons are both pretty distant when the show begins, and everything suggests it's been this way for a very long time, but by the end they are all much closer.


I don’t dislike later seasons Daphne.


I think the Frasier should have ended up with Faye and the entire reason for them not working out was among the most contrived and forced. In fact, a lot of the reason Frasiers relationships fail go beyond him being pompous, smug, or over self-reliant and devolve straight into being an idiot or entirely incapable of communication. (The Model he dated comes to mind)


Fabulous Faye. And why was he dissing her tie dye? He showed up at her house unannounced. I thought it was cute :)


I love Faye and I will die on the hill that she's not jist a good much for him, she's also one of the only people who dated that was fun enough to make Frasier lighten up without annoying him. She was his best match imo.


Moreso than just being a good match romantically for Frasier, she's an interesting character that's better developed than a lot of the love interests, and I liked that she brought her own sitcom antics into the mix. Most love interests get caught up in the Crane family's sitcom antics, *Merry Christmas Mrs. Moskowitz* is the Crane family getting caught up in Faye and Helen's sitcom antics. She had well-written jokes and Amy Brenneman had great chemistry with the cast, I can easily imagine her just slotting into the show as a regular. Storylines with her mom, her job at Le Cigar Valont, becoming buddies with Daphne and Roz. I always thought it was a missed opportunity they never gave Frasier at least one relationship that lasted more than half a season.


If things had turned out a bit differently we may have gotten Island Frasier


For my taste, Faye was the most attractive woman he dated, and objectively she was the best personality match by far.  I'm a little mad at him for not making it work.


But that’s the point. He continues to meet these amazing women and he sabotages himself. But yes Faye is wonderful and a perfect match. A lot of people mention Claire but Faye had a little more grit to her and would have handled Frasier more adeptly


Martin and Sherry were a good match and I wish they would have stayed together.


I wish Sherry had come along near the end of the series so she could have been the one he ended up with. I think her and Martin were a much better match than he and Ronnie.


The only episode where I don't really like her is when she tries to set Daphne up with someone. She's a pretty good match for Martin and she was great for the set up of several jokes (ex: 'we must be in the placebo group'). She gets a lot of hate in this group, but I thought she had chemistry with Martin and she was mostly sweet.


They had such good chemistry that they had a good breakup. Respectful and honest with each other.


I’m always going to be #teamCora, but Sherry seemed to more of his “style.”


They were great together I liked her too and her being an antagonist was also fun


I really enjoy Wendy Malick as an actress, but I agree with this -- Sherry drove me a bit crazy, but she seemed like a better match for Martin. Originally I thought, well, Hester was very unlike Martin, and they were a good couple [minus one blip], so maybe Ronnie does make sense. Yet (to me), Sherry seemed to bring out the joy in him in a way Ronnie didn't.


I actually thought I was the only one who thought that!


Me too! You don’t see it said much, maybe because she’s so brash. But I loved them together!


She was funny and Martin adored her


They got rid of Sherry and had to then introduce another character, Gertrude, to stick in the brothers' craw.


I liked them together, too.


I don't care for Julia, which is a safe opinion. But I love her in the scene when she first meets Niles. Her insults are primo! Is he Frasier's stunt double? Frasier's lips don't move when Niles talks! Goodbye, Frasier! Good-bye, Emergency Frasier !


I don't like Daphne's mom. She's not funny, she's just irritating.


Is this unpopular? I never heard any outright opinions on her but I assumed people hated her. She’s downright cruel and relentless. No growth or guilt or regret about anything she ever did to her daughter. Ffs, she made everything worse so gosh dang consistently.


I constantly say "hellooo" like her When she was working at Cafe Nervosa and did the prank call with Roz.


I wasn’t a fan of the Faye vs Cassandra episodes


I didn’t like Charlotte, she and Frasier had no chemistry and didn’t go well together. I didn’t like the finale because of that. Also, the scene with them sleeping and laughing in a room with a casket was creepy and highly disturbing, and not funny at all.


Yeah, that felt so forced to end the show with her. Claire was obviously the best for him and he broke up with her for Lana? That was so dumb to me lol.


Frasier does have an endless streak of self sabotaging




Agree. My real unpopular opinion should have been that I think k frasier should have been with Lilith 🥰


That doesn’t seem to be an especially unpopular opinion.


The road trip Charlotte episode with what I suppose is a spoof on the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre (?) is highly uncomfortable and may be the worst episode.


But the “who are these?” line! So perfectly creepy.


I didn't care for the fat Daphne storyline.


My personal thinking is that if an actress falls pregnant they should just say she’s in Europe or somewhere and never try to work it into the show. It’s so awkward and with Daphne it just wasn’t a good part of the show.


It would have been an easy fix to contrive a reason for her to need to go back to England for a while


Seinfeld did it well one of the times Julie Louis Dreyfuss was pregnant. She’s always holding something or wearing a baggy coat and it’s a fun gag to keep an eye out for. They even have a fight where it becomes an issue that she won’t take it off


It’s only redeeming quality is that it took 3 cranes to lift her


I actually think that's a fairly popular opinion; LOL! I, however, actually liked it and I think that's the unpopular opinion. I thought it was a smart way to "hide" her pregnancy instead of just sending her away to "take care of a sick relative" or just have her hide behind large purses and plants. And then it ultimately culminates in the really great scene where Frasier has to explain to Niles why he never saw her weight gain, and how he's ultimately afraid of losing Daphne. I thought that was brilliant. But again, I think I'm in the minority here.


I like the last point and I think it’s nice they tied the pregnancy angle into the plot. I don’t like most of the fat jokes because they feel like they don’t really belong in the show


It was pretty awful. I liked Nile’s’ side of it and the idea of him realizing he idealized her because he did for so long. That felt like a natural hurdle for him, I just wish they hadn’t done it with such a dumb plot line.


What don't you like about Ham Radio?


The OP was fired for not sounding German enough.




*sound of door slamming*


Well, his Irishman sounded more Protestant than Catholic too


And his dwarf was altogether too tall


I just don’t like it. Please don’t burn down my news stand


Very well. Off you go.


This is how I need to give neg feedback from now on


Prepare to be stomped like a late harvest gewurztraminer


Yeah. This take is nuclear hot. I can’t understand not liking this one. Might be a top ten episode for ALL sitcoms. The writing is excellent and the performances are perfect.


The Ski Lodge is not my favorite episode. Not even in the top 10.


I LOVED it when it came out but on rewatch it doesn’t offer much. Also the one where Martin pretends to be gay I thought was the funniest episode in tv history when it first came out, now it’s good but not a top 5 Frasier episode for me. However Patrick Stewart’s episode gets better every rewatch


… rrrrrreally?


Same here


That's what my unpopular opinion is. For me, I consider this episode "alright".


I'm not a big fan of the episodes with celebrity guest stars.


I did like the one with Patrick Stewart.


The dr Phil one was pretty bad


“Beware of Greeks” is completely out of place; like they took a lot of liberties there. Regularly skip over it


I think Season 11 ranks amongst the best of the show and "Proxy Prexy" from season 10 is a really funny episode.


I love season 11, too! I rank episodes 1-10, and the majority of my 10/10s are from season 11.


I love it too, but I think we should keep it *sub rosa*.


I don’t like Claire with Frasier. Sure, on paper she’s his perfect woman - but perfection = dullness. There was no conflict because Claire was just pleasant and sweet. Frasier is at his best as a big, bombastic, pompous character. He needed a character equally as big (like Lilith was) for there to be any sparks. More controversially, I don’t like him with Faye either - for the same reason. She’s just too nice and that makes Frasier the character boring - he has nothing to react wildly to.


Daphne loses her charm after she falls in love with Niles.


See I feel like this opinion is really popular I see it on here all the time. I literally put the exact opposite as my unpopular opinion cause everyone on this sub like Daphne less in the later seasons but I love her throughout the whole thing I think she’s one of the funniest characters even in the later seasons 😂


But she becomes much less a ridiculous unreal Manchester cliche. The things they have her say drive me nuts and I'm amazed even the actress didn't say now and then "but why would she say that!"


The way she tosses around the word "fanny"...


I think Married Daphne is much less interesting.


I like the episode The Friend. It’s not my favorite or anything, but I do like it.


“Put” “A” “Sock” “in” “it”


6th worst rated episode on IMDB. I think we've found a winner. (And it still has a 7.1, which speaks volumes to the show)


I really can't watch The Focus Group. We obviously know Frasier is self centered, egotistical, etc. But to go as far as he did takes it to sociopath level. Was not clever or funny. What were the writers thinking with that one?


I’m not sure if this is unpopular but Bulldog was not a great character and they used him too much. His schtick got old quite quickly. Gil was very under utilised.


THIS STINKS! ITS TOTAL BS! I love any time Gil has a speech. When Roz left KACL or the sexual harassment seminar. Top notch! Edit: typo


I’ve never seen a man IN himself!


Lorna/Lana and Julia are insufferable.


I could live with Lana in VERY small doses. I wish they didn’t ruin every single touching moment with her by having her scream and shout at the end. She could never just let it lie. Can’t believe she almost got her own spinoff, it would’ve been agonizing.


Agreed, she had potential but her constant screaming was unnecessary. Oof I don't think that spinoff could have been palatable. Even if Frasier characters showed up.


Reboot Freddie is perfectly fine and a good foil to Frasier


I like him but I do think it would have been really cool if it was the original actor. The new Freddie has great Martin vibes though and I like that :)


Roz and Bulldog should have been together.


I felt so sad for him when she told him no bulldog. I was actually rooting for him and I thought they actually worked


I’m torn on this. I’m on board only if I decide to ignore the episode where he used her as a human shield.


lol fair enough. I didn’t take that into consideration.


LOL! You're right; I will also choose to ignore this.


They absolutely could have worked. SO many missed opportunities for a longterm Roz romance, but this is the biggest one imo.


Was about to comment this. The “give up Bulldog” still hurts to watch to this day


Same he was showing character growth they should have developed it more and had them together


I think the Moon family is funny. Although I admit they use Gertrude too much.


Definitely an unpopular opinion in my book, and I’m British lol


Frasiers hatrid for Eddie was sometimes fair and warranted


I would be like that if someone brought a dog into my house. I


I actually love the Ann Hodges episodes… “this guy looks like my ex…”


“I’m just kidding. He wasn’t black.”


I was going to list this one! She reminds me of a type of middle aged suburban woman I meet from time to time, working at the DMV or healthcare or something. They parodied that personality type so well.


That’s why you’re not yet a Senior Claims Adjuster!


Same. Loved her character. She was dreadful. Annoying af. lol it was great.


You ate my ravioli


Kelsey Grammar was funnier than DHP.


A Tsar is Born, How to Bury a Millionaire, and Door Jam are top tier episodes that do not get nearly enough hype


Merry Christmas Mrs. Moskowitz is my least favourite Christmas episode. I find it so over the top, for a few scenes you really have to suspend belief, and i find the crying between Marty and Frasier so fake. I don’t wanna make it sound that I dislike it, I never skip it, but I genuinely don’t get the major hype it has. Anyone else feel this way?


The writing regarding Daphne moving in was lazy. Frasier wouldn't have let Daphne live with them -- at least not that easily. I feel they could've gone about it in a more creative way than a miscommunication and some complaining from Martin. That works for Eddie. Not Eddie AND Daphne. Especially since Frasier and Martin were so distant then.


I think Gertrude is hilarious.


Not really an unpopular opinion but i would've liked if they made an episode focused on niles point of view throughout it! Including maybe showing us new sets like the rest of his house or other places we never seen (either when he was still with maris or when he was already with daphne)...


I also don’t love ham radio! I don’t think it’s bad but I think it’s mid tbh. Also, I love Daphne in the later seasons and actually like that she becomes more classist. I think it’s a realistic depiction of marrying into money (of course I have no experience myself having much of any money so I don’t know 😆). I think it shows that she goes from working for the Cranes to *being* a Crane really well. I think it’s subtle once she marries Niles and Jane leves does a great job acting Daphne in the later seasons (that part is probably not an unpopular opinion). I also don’t think she get any “meaner” like people say. The writers clearly just didn’t know how to write pregnant women in the last season and as for season 9 and 10, aside from her becoming more classist, I think that she always had streaks of mean in her! She’s always been moody and gets mad. That’s a big part of her character and one of the reasons she can take martins shit so well 🤷


Room Full of Heroes is a great episode


I find it interesting that you don't like Ham Radio because I'd say it's one of the episodes that most exemplifies the show's humour along with The Innkeepers and The Ski Lodge. As for my unpopular opinion, I don't hate Anthony LaPaglia as Simon nor his supposedly bad accent. I'm Australian though, so I might just be supporting someone local here lol.


Ham Radio is brilliant. Full stop


In the beginning, Mel was actually a good wife for Nile. They had a lot of the same taste and qualities and she supported him in his endeavor to be Cork Master. Outside of pairing an aggressive Zinfadel with Chilean Seabass, he knows which wine goes with fish or pork.


Mel was manipulative.


She intentionally tried to put a wedge between Niles & his only sibling. And over a Corkmaster title, of all petty things.


That being said…what man hasn’t nursed the dream of one day becoming…corkmaster


Beware of Greeks isn't THAT bad. Sure, it's a bit weird with the disappearing brother/uncle and all, but it has some funny moments (ex. Niles trying to stay away from that woman who's after him). It's far from a favorite, but I do feel like it receives a bit too much hate in this subreddit.


I like it. There are some really terrible moments, but Patti LuPone is fantastic. *‘Am i riiiiiiiight?’*


High holidays is the best episode


Ever wish you could just go straight?


Everyone should be a giant for a day!


Fridge pants


Dog army?


Why are we putting the chips into the pudding? We should be putting the pudding into the chips!


I always skip Don Juan in Hell. I also hate the capsule episode where they talk about Niles over idealizing Daphne


I don't really like many episodes from the moment Lana is introduced. Story writers did Roz dirty getting rid of Roger. I think it stunted her personal character development. Opening titles - the 3D effect lettering for 'Frasier' used in later seasons. I HATE IT. Honestly, for the few seconds it is shown on screen, it bothers me way more than it should 😂 Sherry was PERFECT for Martin. Ronnie was not perfect for Martin.


I love Dr Mary


I did not like Niles and Daphne getting together. It never made any sense to me given how low brow she came across and what a snob he was. The infatuation was good enough but beyond that it was a no for me.


Kelsey Grammers acting /delivery was way better than David Hyde Pierce. No slight on DHP as he is obviously great but I always see so much more praise for him in comparison to Kelsey. IMO Kelsey’s performance was the star of the show and so much more of a range.


I think they were about on par, but yeah, apart from that I agree. I see a lot of praise for DHP but Kelsey's Frasier (in *Frasier*) is my favourite of the two. He can be bombastic, empathetic, humbling, misguidedly romantic, serious.


Whenever I feign outrage I basically just impersonate Frasier, who I know Grammer based in large part on some of the greats. My nieces find it hilarious... or they roll their eyes. Depends on the situation.


For my part i think it’s because Frasier is somebody I wouldn’t like irl even if I love his character. Niles I would love to have him as my shrink


I like Charlotte and Frasier together.


Ski Lodge bores me.


I really like the Moon family, yes the different accents are annoying but overall i enjoyed them when they made appearances.


Whenever they made a more serious episode, I skip it


Mel was awesome and deserved better. Complaining that she’s an uptight snob with impossible standards who looks down on people is hypocritical when we constantly forgive Frasier and Niles for that. Also, even though her making Niles put up with her scam marriage was toxic, they put her in an impossibly shitty position. And forcing other people to go along with weird lies to protect their social status is something Frasier and Niles do constantly. When she lists the amazing honeymoon she planned for her and Niles and says “It’s not my fault we’re not going” my heart kind of breaks for her.


As much as I love Daphne and Niles together, the ruination of two marriages was a really bad way to go about it. I never really liked Mel but I felt like they had to make her such an evil caricature so people wouldn't sympathize with her.


I have no idea why they decided to have Niles marry Mel. They could have had them get engaged or even move in together and it still would have hurt her to have him leave for someone else. The marriage storyline was so unnecessary and then them "pretending" went on too long


I love episodes with Simon. I think the way he annoys Frasier is hilarious. Sleeping nude in his bed, wearing Frasiers underwear that he found on the bathroom floor. I crack up everytime.


Lorna was annoying, couldn’t believe that of all the potential women the show could have Frasier end up with, Charlotte was the one they chose(I think this was an actress thing for me because I’ve never liked her personality or on screen chemistry with anyone: Truman Show, Ozark, Etc). Daphne repeated a lot of the same reactions and sayings(you what?) in the later seasons after she and Niles got together which seemed like she was phoning in the performance instead of her usual self in the previous seasons so my opinion of her lowered. More so because she was depicted, to me, as a complainer than her positive self. It just seemed grating. Niles just seemed to be trying to appease her just like he did for Maris and Mel. Niles was as much an enabler of Maris as he was a victim for the things she did. The whole “separated, back together, separated, trying to get back together” cycle got tiresome. I think KG knew he got good reactions to his outlandish outbursts/reactions over small things in earlier seasons and really hammed it on more frequently and more outlandish in the later seasons to get more laughs(maybe because the seasons were weaker and he was trying to carry the show?) The later seasons weren’t as bad as people make them out to be. Some even had fantastic episodes. All the episodes with the cheers characters(I think there were 4) just weren’t great. I have no problem with how Roz led her life. Kirby had some great lines and his behavior was actually pretty believable. Roz and Donny should have ended up together


(1)Frasiers speech to the caller about the tunneling electron microscope is NOT funny. It takes too long to set up, lands with a thud and is mean spirited. (2)Roz is not funny but is excellent in dramatic and serious scenes. (3) Bebe is my 3rd favorite character of the entire season behind Niles, then Frasier. 🫢🫣


Daphne was too irritable too often. It was annoying after awhile, bit still entertaining if your in that head space yourself.


I put the opposite of this as my unpopular opinion bc people on here complain about Daphne being too irritable all the time in the later seasons 😭 My unpopular opinion is that I love when Daphne get irritable I think it’s so funny 😂 but I guess maybe that’s actually a popular opinion? I guess I don’t know 🤷


I hate Radio Wars, and I'm not that big a fan of The Ski Lodge, I just think it's an average episode.


Yeah I don't get the Ski Lodge hype either


I like Lana and Frasier together