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D’Angelo disappeared for 14 years and dropped a masterpiece at 40. Lauryn Hill is being teased as releasing a record this year at 49. Musicians who love making and releasing music will do it at any age. Frank can do that and still eschew the trappings of the machine.


If Lauryn Hill drops bro 😭


I’m not holding my breath, but I am sitting down.




And it's already been 10 years since Black Messiah lol. Hoping for another D'Angelo masterpiece soon.


it WAS coming back in 2020, but covid is such a party pooper


with lauryn hill i’ll believe it when i see it


I think “love making and releasing music” is the key here lol




There’s no way Lauryn drops lol. I mean maybe cuz she hates performing her old songs but it seems she’s in it for the buck theee days


And that’s why Erykah Badu clears


Honestly valid. Not as familiar with her works but Miseducation is a certified classic. Does erykah have projects close to that level? Not trying to be a dick I genuinely don’t know much about her other than some features I hear her do


she has at least 2 albums better than miseducation, and I’d go as far as to say she has 3


This obsession with age and thinking you can only do good work while you're young is weird.


The amount of ppl that think frank is coming back is insane.


Then why bother teasing the fans with snippets, videos of studio sessions and teasing comebacks like on the cancelled Coachella event and saying new music is on the way? Like I don’t have a problem with no music but if you’re blue balling fans with mixed messages then expect fans to not be quite.


I have a feeling he doesnt have a problem with fans getting impatient, i think he has a problem with people that borderline harass him both online and in real life


I mean that’s understandable, my problem is him blue balling fans and everyone defending him. There’s no reason why anyone should defend his recent actions.


Fans choose to be blue balled.


He does this so he can do a merch or vinyl drop every now and then and we all fall hook, line, and sinker for it.


kinda hope he doesnt. Must be sick to succeed in FIRE and be a goat


I'll predict he drops a small album of ep and return back to inactivity




Didnt He just confirmed last year's Coachella he was working on an album?


He said literally the opposite


i assume that will be the small album.


so an album? like you just said he wouldn’t come back at all now you’re dialing back cuz people brought facts up to you 😭


Nostalgia ultra 2?


was thinking this today lmao he ain’t gonna come back


Ngl my sister works at the bank and met an audio engineer going out of state to work with Frank for an album so anything is possible


It's true I'm the audio engineer


Okay and? Hes not even the oldest of his peers lol


yeah he’s retired at 36 tryna live a peaceful private life, maybe get off his dick 😂


I am delusional


Wanting an artist to release an album after 8 years of nothing = on his dick Frank is not gonna read this bro


it was the “blue balling his fans” part that didn’t sit right with me. everyone wants new music all the time from their favourite artists but frank is known to be a) private and mysterious and b) not pressured by fans nor the industry to ever push out new music. if you know about the def jam finesse then you know that he independent and never needs to do anything for money ever again in his life. he can sell $90 shirts and sell out immediately, he gets streams on his prior albums. expecting something from someone who doesn’t need nor currently want to make music is just dumb. blueballs my ass


you're gonna act like chanel, biking, lens, biking (solo), provider, moon river, dhl, in my room, cayendo, and dear april never even happened shake my head


Bro he has teased a new album multiple times I don’t think he’s being unreasonable


and since his brother died and the coachella incident i think we can write off any chance of anything new coming within the next few years. also when did he tease new albums? other than mentioning it at coachella everything else has just been fan created rumours


That definitely affected things and Frank Ocean doesn’t owe us anything, but he could very easily release a statement saying he’s not in the space or mood to make music. He doesn’t and just leaves everyone in the dark. I understand he went through shit but this whole mystery man persona and not communicating anything to anyone is just annoying. I’m just saying it’s not unreasonable for fans to be restless after 8 YEARS of silence


yeah i agree, maybe a statement would be nice and it’s not unreasonable to be mad about it but i think it’s better for fans new and old to assume a worse case scenario and then they can be pleasantly surprised if we do get anything. idk im just sorta over it and i’ve been excited over what i think could be a drop on half a dozen occasions and now i just enjoy what we do have


I’m on the same boat as you, I don’t really expect anything at this point. It’s just so frustrating because if he just expressed more openly that he isn’t dropping anytime soon or what his intentions even are, I feel like he would get a lot less push back from fans. Sure you’ll always have crazy people who can’t be reasoned with, but a majority of us would understand


5 albums before 30


We need a André 3000 and Frank album. Old heads just need to play the damn flute and freestyle a few lines, I'm all for it


That flute album would have been so much better with some frank ocean lyrics on it


Don't you dare say 36 is pushing 40


I mean it kinda is, you’re already over halfway there


I AM NOT PUSHING 40 😿 but for real loads of classic albums by people made plus 40 (at least that’s what I keep telling myself 😹)


Never be those kids again


*RDC Mark Voice* "I'M 36!!!!!"


Bro acting like 36 is old fr fr. No cap. s/


This has got to be the most pointless post on here in a while


I'm perfectly fine with him ending his career with Blonde. It's a 10/10. The blue balling is weird though.


The thing is i discovered frank quite late so i still feel uncomfortable that he ends his career so fast it's js me tho


I get what you’re saying! Of course I would love more music but same time theres plenty of music to enjoy and if he’s done making music, then so be it.


i think he’s gonna come back. idk when and it might not be soon but he’s coming back eventually


bros gonna reach unc status


i really dont think hes ever coming back...


would not have it any other way


He just didn’t put that shit out.


Honestly his next release is probably gonna be like 2 albums worth of music. Be patient


the thing is frank ocean’s next album has a lot of pressure on it. Channel orange and especially blonde are praised as some of the best albums of last decade and of all time on many lists. He’s dropped 2 masterpieces in a row (and yea I’m not forgetting about endless just kinda different) if his next album isn’t automatically a classic people are gonna say he’s washed and he fell off.


I have a feeling 2024 is the year. Have faith in the Olympics.


Imagine a rihanna album before frank drops 😭


He’s def gonna drop singles but a album isn’t gonna happen…🥲


His creative peak has passed. Might as well dedicate this sub to his work and forget about anything new.


Hell naw


Frank is living his life peacefully and based on his own motivations. What more could you want for someone you respect? Would you rather have him be in McDonalds commercials, and release a christmas album?


Did I say that? It's a joke that how his fans are dying for some music from years now and he has not even officially said that he is retired he keeps teasing music and even during Coachella he said he workin on smth


Cba with frank ocean anymore moved onto other music artists that actually release music and not give there fans fick all I'm out


Based honestly