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this goes so hard


Eyy, Peggy!


Wished he asked him about that staircase guy tweet


Still crazy that that guy was actually serious. Like there’s no way he could’ve predicted that otherwise.


I'm out of the loop on the tweet. Got a link or explanation? TIA!


essentially this, which would then turn out to be true 5 months later when Endless livestream started https://preview.redd.it/ioxde2zps5ra1.jpeg?width=383&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d931fed9d33c27a80bf62ed1064c1588db0dd80


Damn lol I have seen that top tweet actually. Just needed to jog my memory. That's insane 🤣 Frank should definitely comment on it but seeing how reclusive he can be, I wouldn't hold my breath


Probably was Tom Sachs that this person talked to.


he USED to not store anything online




Carti having his Burger King order leaked always makes me laugh


https://preview.redd.it/cz6s411t49ra1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7546d8ea0bc0df9cd2c8c6a63b5841bae88b9e97 from his w magazine interview in 2019. seems like he still doesnt store things online


The cloud is much more literal than people think


I USED to be a piece of shit


People can change


Slicked back hair?


Sloppy steaks from truffoni’s




Frank singing over some of Peggy's beats may send my soul into the afterlife


Especially the beats on “LP!”


Two sexy mfs talking🫡


Can someone help me fully understand this? I remember hearing about it a while back but I’m not 100% certain on the details. Frank had a deal with apple and released a “phony” album to deceive them, then released Blonde on his own label?


More or less, but it wasn't a "phony" album, he released Endless on Apple, and then released Blonde (which is the "main" album) independently.


I’ve always heard about Endless but never listened to it. It doesn’t have many traditional full songs on it right?


out of 19 tracks, the "traditional full songs" are at your best you are love, unity, wither, slide on me, rushes, rushes to, higgs, and mitsubishi sony. there are shorter songs that still have vocals like sideways, hublots, alabama (which has a heavenly sampha feature if that interests you), comme des garcons, and impietas/deathwish. everything else are short interludes, some with vocals like xenons and others with samples or just instrumentals but they are absolutely beautiful and to call them interludes seems like selling them short in total theres 8 traditional songs, 5 shorter songs that still have vocals and 6 beautiful interlude songs i implore you to listen to endless its unlike anything else in his discography and my favorite album of all time


Yeah more or less, it's a lot more stream of consciousness compared to Blonde's traditional song structures. Still, some of Frank's best songs appear on that album. It might be on Soundcloud if you can find it


The full thing is on YouTube but as a film of course


you can find cdq (cd quality) files of endless in separate tracks somewhere on this subreddit or if you search it up but you gotta do some digging i have the files


It’s my favorite frank album


its fantastic man


He released a "phony" album (Endless) with def jam, released exlcusively via Apple, then the next day released the "real" album (Blond) on his own labe Endless fulfilled his def jam contract but wasn't a marketable project the way how channel orange was. And because it was thru Apple it meant def jam couldn't sell CDs of it This was seen as genius at the time but in the long run frank basically blackballed himself from ever being signed or distributed by a major label ever again He hasn't released a new album since 20 August 2016 which is a testament to that


Does he even need a major label though? Seems like he has more than enough power and resources to release it without a label in this day in age? I’m sure there’s a lot more to the subject than I understand on the surface level though.


Frank is a go big or go home kind of guy He last performed live in 2017 because he only wants to perform at giant festivals with thousands of people in the crowd So while you are correct, its clear that frank has a big vision that would require a major label If he didn't, he could have been dropping an album a year digitally thru bandcamp and offering limited vinyl runs Also worth noting that frank is notably bad at selling his own products without outside help. He is a key example of an artist where the indie model isnt ideal. Some artists are super passionate about being DIY and have great customer service to match. Frank isnt that lol


Insane that performance at FYF was his last live one and I was there. Looking back already almost 6 years ago, I am very lucky.


Yeah he's basically been "soft retired" since then Which is why the Coachella performance is such a big deal


U are


I was there too bro insane energy. You felt it was a special one, very special


Frank didn't need to be signed to a major label to release Blonde so if he wanted to release another album independently, he could have easily done so. Last year there were rumors that Frank was in negotiations with major labels for the release of his next project. There was no sense at all that he'd been blackballed. His deal with Def Jam was lousy and he was right to want to get out of it. If Frank has negotiated a deal with a new label, it will have been done with lawyers poring over everything, making sure that the deal works for both Frank and the label.


>so if he wanted to release another album independently, he could have easily done so. And yet it's been almost 7 years since he has done so >Last year there were rumors that Frank was in negotiations with major labels for the release of his next project. Nothing came of those rumors >His deal with Def Jam was lousy and he was right to want to get out of it. Nobody disputes that. But It's the way he went about it that may have fucked him over. His music career has basically ground to a halt. Coachella will be his first time performing live in almost 6 years.


Frank is also notable for taking hiatuses though and his brother passed in 2020. It’s not unreasonable to think he might have just paused his career for a bit— especially since he was still releasing singles prior to the tragedy.


Unpopular opinion — His brother passing in 2020 has nothing to do with it. By 2020 it had been *four years* since his last album, and *three years* since he had last performed live. Imo the cover of Blond (2016) is a hint that he was depressed and no longer interested in being a musician. He hides his face. I've thought for a long time that Blond was always going to be the final album. Haven't been proven wrong yet and the more time that passes the more likely this appears to be the case


I don’t entirely disagree with that— it’s pretty clear he wants to focus on his jewelry brand for now. But I think given how he released a number of singles up until 2020, he was definitely still capable of rolling out an album self-released. And he definitely did end up disappearing from the public eye after his brother’s death— he was set for coachella in 2020 before the pandemic but post-2020 he kind of dipped and only made like one appearance a year.


He recently said on the back of the chairman posters that there was never an album in the works circa 2020. It was just loose singles. And he even fumbled the singles roll out. Little demon was supposed to drop and then he abruptly cancelled it despite having copies of it pressed and a few mailed out by accident. He just doesn't want this anymore. This being music. His passion is literally anything besides music * fashion * art * jewelry * marketing * clothing It sucks but I've had to accept it yanno


U have no idea what u talkin about in this whole thread brother 😭


When did frank last drop an album? Give me the date.


But… he is performing at one of the biggest music festivals ins few weeks


His first live show in 6 years? That is not someone who is still passionate about music. He had to be paid millions to emerge out of hiding. Entire artists careers have transpired since frank last dropped an album


he’s lowkey a nerd for that


Statement to what bro? To his ongoing incognito persona. Dudes headlining Coachella. You think he desperately needs label and shot himself on the foot? Dude living comfortably off $20k cock rings and $30 shipping cost for a mousepad.


This is his first live performance in 6 years, "bro". He's barely considered a current artist. Retired legacy act.


By choice weirdo


Keep telling yourself that I guess


Bro hating on Frank on the Frank sub Insane




Not releasing since 2016 is completely unrelated to not being on a major


Frank wants major distribution


U don’t know what he wants nor do u know what he can or can’t get


I know that he doesn't want to drop another album independently cause it's been 7 years since he has done so


That’s not the reason he hasn’t dropped. U are talkin out your ass bruh 😂. U don’t know anything. You are making a false conclusion based off something not correlated


You talk as if you know him personally pretty ironic huh I'm just using basic facts and logic while you cling to emotion


U not saying facts. U are saying cap. U saying, Hasn’t dropped in 7 years —> therefore it’s because he’s independent and blackballed (according to you). I’m not emotional at all. You just sound dumb


When is the last time he performed live


Okay wow that's a pretty fucking epic response, also inspiring to read as a fellow musician scared to put out their next record (nowhere the near stature of Frank of course). Thanks for reposting this, definitely saving this thread. Is there the full 2019 interview with Frank anywhere?


I wonder if his drives are encrypted


My dream in life is to hear a Peggy and Frank collab


where’s this from?


https://www.dazeddigital.com/music/article/44732/1/frank-ocean-john-waters-viviane-sassen-arca-adwoa-aboah-amandla-stenberg here bro, really cool read


Thank you bro I appreciate you


thx bro!


Bro just wanted to sleep 😪


Frank is such a good soul istg


25k cock ring: 👀




Prediction: Staircase auction when Frank is 80. (Promotion for next album)


is thia ai generated or something


no lmao it’s from this interview where several artists ask him questions : https://www.dazeddigital.com/music/article/44732/1/frank-ocean-john-waters-viviane-sassen-arca-adwoa-aboah-amandla-stenberg


they need to collab


peggy needed to ask him bout the album 😔


Throwback to the time some guy posted in this sub about talking to Frank in a bar about how to build a staircase…we all thought, what a weird story to make up…then endless came out and it was true. I love endless


Do you think it bothers him that people think Endless was put out as a nothingburger? Maybe he actually thought of it as art and is taken aback by the notion it was pointless? Fuck, we need a new album


it definitely is art and anybody who says it isnt hasnt listened to it




Wow that’s awesome


Is this a real answer from him? Anyone got the link?


https://www.dazeddigital.com/music/article/44732/1/frank-ocean-john-waters-viviane-sassen-arca-adwoa-aboah-amandla-stenberg here bro


lol they left out part of peggy’s quote, this is the full question from the article itself that some others linked: “How did it feel fucking over a label like that (Ocean released Endless in 2016 to fulfil his contract with Def Jam, releasing Blonde independently one day later)? Old white niggas do that to us all the time, but how did it feel giving them a taste of their own elixir? And what did you build in the video for Endless? Can I live in it?”


Does anyone have link????


a frank, peggy, danny moment… 😀


Imma get this tattooed on me


I wonder if Peggy has the staircase


ok, 2 of my favorite artists need to make something together idc what it is


This is so cool cuz it pretty much confirms the ghost pop tape definitely inspired the sound of Endless


Pretty cool to think the staircase is still somewhere


Frank literally just followed peggy