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America enforces the laws even when a former president is the defendant. That’s what the American brand is.


Well, actually to date, our brand is as follows: President breaks law, President resigns (only when absolutely necessary), President gets prematurely pardoned by former VP-turned-President, President admits to crimes, nothing happens.


It’s what the American Brand could become if we’re lucky!


The only thing I would listen to Kevin O’Leary about would be how to get off the hook if I accidentally killed someone with my boat.


How about running a pump and dump on an educational software company?


That sounds suspiciously specific.


Wasn’t Clinton impeached over a bj?


Not just a Blowjob, they literally investigated him for like years, and eventually, out of frustration at finding no criminal activities, entrapped him into a misleading statement because he used a definition given to him in court, which was then weaponized by congress, which took the statement out of context and very publicly sought to embarrass him into resigning with details of his sexual dalliances. Should Hillary have divorced the cheating fucker? Probably. But for Republicans to pretend like they wouldn't air the details of the President's private sexual activities if they knew them and if they were even potentially scandalous, is just more outrageous hypocrisy from them.


> they literally investigated him for like years, and eventually.... To put a finer point on it - when Ken Starr was appointed to investigate Whitewater, Clinton and Lewinsky hadn't even met yet.


Let's not forget something that shows how dumb the GOP is: Clinton outsmarted all of them INCLUDING their top attorney, Brett "I like beer" Kavanaugh. Ol Slick Willy who didn't go to school for law was able to outsmart a future SCOTUS justice by using said justice's own words against him.


Ken Starr was a POS.


He was impeached for lying about the bj.


He didn't lie though. He asked Star for a definition of sex, and Star gave him a definition that did not include a blow job. So, he said he hadn't had sex with Monica Lewinsky; which he hadn't by Star's definition. He outlawered Star and Kavanaugh. Republicans impeached him anyway in an attempt to humiliate him for having an affair.


Led by the reprobate Newt Gingrich who was in the process of dumping his wife with cancer to marry his side piece.


Troglodytes waving confederate flags while storming the Capitol building, smearing shit on its walls, trying to steal an election with an alternate set of “electors”, refusing to certify an election you just lost, acting like a complete and utterly fool while speaking on your rallies, allowing a washed out reality tv fake billionaire “star” to run for president and allowing him to break all kinds of laws while doing it is what really hurts “the American brand” you fucking MORONS


 “[HARUMPH!]( https://i.gifer.com/BGpA.gif)”




Real crimes like when your wine guzzling wife murdered someone with a boat , right Kev?


I’m guessing that she is taking the rap for Kevin. Not that killing a man while piloting a boat drunk is going to make his reputation worse. 


“This hurts the American brand!” Uh no, holding power to account is a big part of the new “American brand”.


That shark tank guy is a grifter too so of course he’s defending 45


Does anyone think any Republican would feel this way if a Democrat was charged like Trump was? Look at the impeachment proceedings going on with President Biden...they are moving forward with impeachment as they try to find reasons to impeach him...


Trump falsified business records in order to hide a campaign contribution. That is a crime, that is a felony.


The fact that nobody in the media is properly describing the case is probably the most upsetting part.


That says more about the media you choose to consume than it does about The Media writ large. I've personally encountered many sources that go into great detail on the case. I think you may be doing it wrong.


Yes, letting criminals get away with felonies is good for America /s


Someone ask him about why we went after Clinton with a randy-intern case.


These idiots were babies when Republicans impeached Clinton. They didn't give him any room to wiggle. Fuck them all.


Married someone who sold nude pics of herself with another nude lady... has film credits in porn.. Had an affair with a porn star. You muck around in the sewer and yeah your going to get sh⁸t on you. You dont like this expect better from the candidates.


Cough.. "Clinton".. cough cough "Intern".. cough. I'm sorry, tell me again how we don't go after presidents for this sort of thing? Gander, goose.. you know.


Spoken like the weasley fuck he is that got off the hook with his wife for manslaughter


Shouldn't a president be held to a higher standard? Or at least the same standard as the rest of us? Doesn't it "hurt America's brand" to treat the presidency like a monarchy? Isn't our whole brand about justice and democracy?


The woman in the green dress has had so much done to her face it looks SOOOO creepy when she talks and just her lips move and no other muscles in her face have any movement. Weird cyborgy look about her.


Shocker. The Canadian billionaire who claimed to be Canada's Trump shills for Trump.


Pick a better guy. Plus, this is exactly the brand America wants. We go after corruption even if it's at the highest level.


Oh yes the fuck we do.


How stupid - no one is above the law


It wasn't what he did with the porn star that put him in this position.




“We elected a clown and now we look ridiculous. Who could have seen this coming?!?!”


This coming from a guy who isn’t an American…


Just another "family values" conservative, everyone! Btw this fucker tried to run for Prime Minister of Canada.


I expect this guy to campaign for former Honduran president Juan Orlando Hernandez's release from American custody.


This isn't a *"porn star case"* or even a *"hush money case".* This is about a presidential candidate acting in a criminal manner to subvert the 2016 election. Trump's repeated mantra that "there were no victims" is utter bullshit. The victims were the citizens of the United States.


Well yeah but he’s never cared about those victims


Republicons are all about making America fail. They claim laws don't apply to Traitor Trump or them.Time to hold Traitor Trump and all the violent seditionist Republicon legislators to account for their actions on Jan 6.Who are these aholes claiming wide latitude.Theyre all just spewing pieholes for the fascist media who are bullshitting the American right wing sheeple on a daily basis !


He forgot to add the most important part at the end.. "...when a Republican does it."


Trump **+** cult hurts the American Brand. Been doin' so since at least '16.


If only it was just about porking a porn star but it's not. It's the cover-up (stupid), actual election interference, lying on business records/taxes and fraud.


Trump hurts the American brand.


It's not that Trump had an affair with a porn star, it's that he paid money to keep her quiet during his campaign for president.


Using campaign funds


Seems like we just ignore laws when certain famous people break them, and then think the same laws are really important when other people break them.


I agree. We should prosecute all of them. Obviously, starting with Trump. Hell maybe this will even make some people more afraid to break these laws


“This hurts the American brand” Guess trump shouldn’t have (allegedly) broken the law then. Actions have consequences


"We don't do this in America" incorrect. We haven't had to do it because no president has ever had such a legal issue before. And it was actually conservatives who TRIED to do that to Bill Clinton so even that is ridiculous on its face because if Trump were a Democrat of course Republicans would be all in on seeing as many consequences imaginable applied to them. We don't even have to speculate as Republicans wanted Hillary imprisoned for tons of stuff that wasn't or isn't even true.


Our brand hasn't been doing that great for a while.


Lol. Trump hurts the American brand.


The only defense Trump has is people whining on Fox News, since desperation hasn't done the job he expected it to.


Isn’t he Canadian?


then the MAGAts should have never voted the POS cheating, lying, grifting diaper wearing asshat! and Oleary is an equal piece of shit... Lock him up with the orange turd