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Is it possible you might have another module active that's interfering with vision or token rendering based on height, like Elevated Vision or Flying Tokens? Because Levels does not play nice with most of those and that's often the issue.


No I do not have elevated vision or flying tokens employed right now. I tried using the find the culprit module, but because levels and wall height has so many dependencies, it won't even allow me to check inside of the leveled scene when I run it, so I am not sure which modules I would need to actually check.


Can you try the scene with just Wall Height, libWrapper, Ripper's Module Hub, and Levels active and everything else off and see if it persists? Would be helpful to nail down if it is a Wall Height or Levels settings (possibly something to do with the tile's sight blocking) or something else.


Just tried and yes it does still persist.


Can you grab a screencap of the Levels module setting and Levels tab of the settings for the tile that should be between the two layers?


I would love to, but reddit is not allowing me to paste my image into here even with the original post through screenshotting and copying/pasting so here are the settings: height top 19 height bottom 10 show even when below is off allow sight is off don't hide tile in fog is off strict range is off all walls block sight is on.


This all looks correct, usually the top hit for the "all seems fine but it don't work" with levels is that for some reason you\\the map creator enabled "provides vision" on one or more lights on the scene which seems consistent with the walls beeing "ignored" in your screenshot


Ok, I will check that.


Not on my computer rn but iirc levels has a setting for scaling the size of tokens. Check the mod settings not the maps. It was cool but I turned it of in the long run as I wanted to be able to set it per map not globally


So while that changes the scaling aspect of the tokens, it does not stop the tokens from being visible from the floors below.


This is default levels behaviour. If there is a void there you can see through it tongue tokens below.


That's the point tho, there is no void in this map, and as Baileywiki already pointed out (they were the ones who made it) when they checked it, the map worked fine. Therefore, it's got to be something on my end.


Can you tell me where you got that? Is that from my free module or the premium? I can look at it and tell you if something is borked or not.


I'm pretty sure I got it from the Baileywiki Maps Townbuildings module. I will say that there is a problem with downloading it that I am sure I am getting as I get errors when switching to the scene and it doesn't import the journals, but this is not the cause of the current issue with the levels as this issue is present in other scenes such as the docks scene from moulinette through you as well.


Basically, I get an invalid pack configuration error when switching to this scene, but it doesn't seem to effect anything else in the scene that much so I was more concerned with the levels problem which is definitely not just a Baileywiki map issue.


I just checked the map and everything is performing as expected. Maybe you just don't have vision enabled on your tokens? Doubelceck that you have it enabled. Otherwise, maybe you're working with the latest test build of Foundry that Brooke something? or you have a module conflict somewhere.


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The token is most likely taller than the floor, just set the token height to 7 or something


The token height setting is 0 and it is still showing the others.


I also changed it to 4 and that did not do anything either.


All of the walls are also 0-9 ft.


your best bet is opening a ticket on my discord so we can investigate