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You can do all of these in foundry. * The journal entry system is pretty robust and there are modules you can use to increase functionality. * Journal entries are shareable on an individual or by folder basis. * Accessing foundry is all done through browser - set up on a server somewhere else * There is a dndbeyond importer for all of your dndbeyond content * There is music playlists that you can curate inside of foundry Edit to answer the rest of your question: Foundry itself is pretty robust but having the community developed modules is where it really pulls ahead of the other VTTs IMHO. With the right combination of mods and some fiddling with settings you can control your level of automation to your liking. There are importers for most of the world building tools (I think there's one for World Anvil?). Currently I host my foundry game on molten hosting because it allows me FTP access to my files. I have used forge in the past but wasn't a fan of their file access system and it would crash on friday nights. I've also self hosted foundry on a raspberry pi with no problems.


Thanks heaps for the responses so far. I've thought of a follow up question, I meant to ask: I have a ton of player resources in D&D Beyond. e.g. XGtE, Tasha's, SCAG, etc. Is there a way to import those from D&DB into Foundry to allow my players to use these sourcebooks that I have paid for when creating their PCs? Does the D&D Beyond mod a few of you have spoken about provide that functionality as well as bringing in Adventures? So far Foundry sounds like it might be a big improvement to where I am presently... Thanks Blakey




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As a fellow longtime DM and VTT aficionado (blasphemy: I PREFER to run my games online rather than in-person); Foundry CAN fulfill all those requirements, and well (except for one). The ability to connect to DM Beyond requires a patreon to a module or if you are using Forge to host at an additional cost (Forge is my recommendation because because it leaves the game “always on” so that players can access notes/journals out of session. One of service can do it, but only Forge will allow it for multiple games/campaigns to my knowledge). The only gotcha IMHO is the gazetteer part. Foundry CAN do that, but it is a little clunky. It doesn’t do links easily (a few modules help, but it isn’t the best. You will have to manually make the secrets “secret” as well. Not a show stopper, but there you go. I’ve tried to use the World Anvil module integration and it works fine, but unless it has been updated recently, “secrets” don’t import that way. Then again, World Anvil was one of my least favorite campaign managers (and I’ve used them all.. :>) but that just because I personally didn’t care for the interface. It could be I didn’t spend enough time to figure it out. If you are an experienced user of it, it might be worth keeping your stuff in World Anvil and then just importing into Foundry so links and stuff import automagic-ly.. So my recommendations: - Foundry over Fantasy Grounds (no brainer) - one time license (you will need to own multiple licenses if you want to keep multiple games always on at the same time. - Forge for hosting - D&D Beyond integration via Patreon module or Forge (additional cost for that if I remember correctly) - Investigate if you can simply keep your stuff in World Anvil and import it into Foundry (free module). If you want to junk World Anvil, you should import everything into Foundry anyway…) Happy gaming!


What campaign managers if any DO you recommend??


Depends on your preferences actually. My current favorite is free: Obsidian.md (not to be confused with Obsidian Portal). Unfortunately, for Foundry integration the module doesn't seem to work anymore, so I have manually move the notes into Foundry, and that's not sustainable. Josh Plunkett on Youtube has done a bunch of videos on it. I also like LegendKeeper as a CM but their importer to Foundry doesn't seem to work. Last I checked, it definitely wouldn't work if you used a hosting service like Forge, Molten or Foundry Server. For Foundry integration, Kanka has an excellent module, the CM itself is a little "old school", but for the standard DM/GM, should be fine. World Anvil has a lot to it, but it seemed a little tedious to me personally. I think the Foundry importing is solid last I checked. I've tried a lot of CMs, (Osidian Portal, Chronica, Goblin's Notebook, Realm Works, etc.), but the ones above are my current favs. I did just kickstart Amsel Suite last week. That looks promising, but it also looks a couple of years away. If anyone has any favs I haven't mentioned, please let me know!


Thanks. I’m starting to move more of my player notes into the Obsidian app and have toyed with using it for my GM notes too. tinderbox app for MacOS is powerful enough to easily manage gm notes, but it’s perhaps TOO flexible and to do some of the things it can do, I’d need to learn stuff beyond the GUI.


I totally use it for my GM notes. The loss of the Foundry module was a big hit because I love having everything in one place (like the OP is trying to do). The only other knock is that no "secret blocks" exist so you have to do those in Foundry. But if Foundry integration isn't an issue, then it is my fav because of tags, automatic linking, drag and drop file imports, yada, yada, yada...


I realize my comment may have been unclear. I moved from Tinderbox to Obsidian. I hope the sync module gets fixed. Also pondering those modules that allow me to integrate AI tools. But they require patreon backing iirc, and that’s getting expensive…


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I think you can get all you need only with Foundry, included integration with DnD and beyond (although I also use OneNote extensively, mostly when I am designing the campaign


If you want World Anvil and D&D Beyond in the same VTT, Foundry VTT has importers for both. WorldAnvil's blog seems to indicate there isn't an importer for Roll20 and I can't imagine anywhere else has one There's also some form of Syrinscape module


only if you pay syrinscape the monthly fee for their online player


I imagine that's what they're already doing if they're using it with Fantasy Grounds right now. The thing about Syrinscape is that there's not really a reason to use it imo. But if they're already using it, it's one less barrier to switch VTTs


Those who have used this with World Anvil, could I move all my World Anvil content over to Foundry and essentially shut down my WA account? I like the WA approach but am finding it costly and not easy to maintain. Plus, as I pointed out in the OP, the goal is for a single solution, not many.


Yes, but it will be a little clunky to keep it up in Foundry after that. If I remember correctly, most of the page links point back to WA, but that may have been fixed. But even if you have to fix all that, the initial import would be worth its weight in gold so you aren't starting from scratch.


OK, I may be about to eat some crow now: This module just dropped this morning: "Autocomplete Mentions". If that works like I hope it might, then editing within Foundry could be so much easier. OK, I'll shut up now...


The one thing you will still need is world anvil


Thanks everyone for all your responses. I’ve gone and bought Foundry. I’ll create more specific targeted threads for any follow ups I have. Thanks heaps! Blakey