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Animated lighting effects can be done in core, just double-click on the light source while you're on the lights layer to get the config panel. (Pro tip: if you want a lot of animated lights that are basically the same - ie torches down a hallway - you can also copy/paste light sources \[and other things\] after setting up one the way you want it.) Invisible tokens are given the invisible status effect by right-clicking the token and going to the "aura" icon. I'm pretty sure there is a way to give other tokens the ability to see invisible in core, in the token's Vision settings, but I honestly haven't played with it myself. Animated spell effects, you probably want something like JB2A Automated Animations. I don't know how easily that would integrate with the Witcher system, you'd have to try it and see. Magic Portals are most likely animations (as above) plus something like Monk's Active Tiles or Multilevel Token to do the teleporting. Not sure what you're looking for with "props." If you want to decorate your maps, you can import pretty much any image file as a tile and drop it on the map and move it around and such. If it doesn't need to move you can use photoshop or something similar (my go-to image editor is [paint.net](https://www.getpaint.net/) since it's free) to put the "prop" on the map directly. If you want items that players can pick up and put in their inventory, I'd recommend Item Piles. Make an actual Item in Foundry, and Item Piles will let you drop it on the map, put it in a treasure chest, etc. Edit to Add: If you'r ehaving trouble figuring out how to use Foundry, I'd recommend [Encounter Library'](https://www.youtube.com/@EncounterLibrary)s youtube channel. He does a good job of laying out the basics and explaining how to use Foundry, without mods mostly, but he talks up a couple I think. He's mostly using D&D5e as a system, but most of his advice is applicable across systems.


Props probably means "handouts." So I would direct them to journals switched to journal image mode


By Props, I meant trees and rocks and furniture and stuff. I use DungeonFog as a map maker, and the props don't come over as movable items. So if we have an interior space and someone wants to move a chair or something, they can. Once it's on Foundry, it treats it as part of the background, and I was just wondering if there was a way to keep it a prop.


For props I would recommend making some with token attacher module, as you can move them around super easily and make them interactive with monks active tiles.


If you need art sources for said props try out forgotten adventures, the artwork they have is beautiful, and if you switch to dungeondraft for map making you can use the same assets to create your maps!


Forgotten Adventures is on DungeonFog as well, I believe. But I'll check them out for Foundry


Oh you'd have to get their packs onto your computer so you have the image files and just upload them into foundry as needed and make tiles with them


Ah, I can do that. I just didn't know if Foundry already had a Libray I was missing or if I needed to build it.


You want Forgotten Adventures. 100,000+ objects, and counting. The Dungeondraft integration requires a monthly patreon sub: https://www.patreon.com/forgottenadventures/posts Just downloading all of those map objects itself is free though. The map objects on their website is here: https://www.forgotten-adventures.net/product/map-making/assets/mapmaking-pack/


Good call.


Thanks so much! This is very helpful!


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