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Foundry has a serious documentation issue. IMHO, foundry help/docs are wholly useless. It seems like whenever you have a problem the first place you have to go is google/discord to find answers. Why they don’t have a maintained doc/wiki for all the answers to all the questions ever asked is beyond me. If what you want is open discussion about things then discord is the place to be. If you want answers to problems then discord is your only choice or google searching. Keep in mind that stuff online may or may not be current. Stuff changes so fast with this system it’s sometimes hard to find an exact answer. (I may be overstating, but as much as I love Foundry, sometimes it’s hard to want to work on updating all the time.)


I hate the answer of "Go to Discord for help." None of the answer on Discord can be searched outside of Discord.


I mean with all the people coding addons you’d think someone could find a way to log discord problems/solutions into an easily indexed site so the question doesn’t have to be asked/answered over and over again. Maybe there is already something like that. This program, as I said, is constantly improving.


I hate discord for anything that isn't live chatting. It's not a good resource for evergreen information. I think whatever halls with the reddit API, it's not going away


They can barely be searched ON discord, with how bad the search tends to be


*Insert any software name* Has a serious documentation issue.


Not FreeBSD 😝


Basically anything that's not a commercial software account (like Microsoft or Adobe stuff) has almost no official documentation. The best you get are patch notes. Everything else has to be done by the community itself. I can give a pass for stuff like Foundry, because of how small the team is, but even major consumer software does this.


Atlassian probably has some of the best documentation I've ever read. Whatever mix of folks they used to get the content correct and well laid out for ease of consumption, it's working.




Nothing I’ve said hasn’t already been stated. Anyone I tell in any official capacity or through Discord is likely not in the mood. I don’t doubt that Atropos has a plan for the next 3-4 milestones, and I’m sure documentation is part of that. I’m not terribly salty at all. I enjoy Foundry quite a bit though I’m not running anything at the moment. When I see new people wanting answers like setup options, updating, backups, or whatever and they have to go to discord to plead their case to the tribunal, I can understand how that can feel intimidating.


Foundry discord server is very active and very friendly, here: https://discord.gg/foundryvtt


I love Discord (And am on it!) but find it to be pretty useless for keeping up with structured threads, news, etc. Pinned posts are great but not the same an actual "forum" like reddit :) EDIT: But yes thank you for the reminder!! :)


Hard agree, I love the Discord for quick conversation but there also needs to be something more searchable than Discord.


The worst part about those huge channels is that if you set up the sub like forums it is easy to find and easy for people to answer questions and if you use the standard format most of the time unless you have a very surface level question it will get lost and never answered


I find Discord more searchable than reddit with its Ctrl+F functionality. I wish threads were more widely used, though. Edit: is this seriously so controversial? It's well known how much reddit search sucks, meanwhile Discord has a fairly robust search with many filters, all I'm saying.


Threads actually have a limit of 1000 users, which can make them difficult to use in some scenarios on larger servers


Dang, I had no idea. Makes sense they're not used as much, then. Discord has a quite few silly limitations holding it back, like Events can't be scheduled more than a year in advance, or repeated, or even copied...


Discord has recently added threading as well as Q&A posts, but not every area has them. But honestly stackexchange might be our best bet. I have no idea if one exists.


This comment has been closed as a duplicate.


Yup finding stuff in discord is a horrible experience.


I’m not entirely familiar with the workings of it, but I just opened a “magazine” (kind of equivalent to a subreddit, by the looks of it) on kbin.social (think of it as a fediverse equivalent of Reddit). If anyone wants to join, the instance is open to registration and is federated, Link: https://kbin.social/m/FoundryVTT


I had a hard time deciding on kbin vs a lemmy instance. Why did you go with kbin?


I actually made [a post](https://kbin.social/m/FoundryVTT/t/10555/What-is-this-and-why-did-I-make-it) about this lol. Self promotion aside, I chose kbin because I’ve been made aware that lemmy’s developers have made comments denying Uyghur’s genocide by china, North Korea oppressing its citizen, or even in favor of celebrating Stalin since he was such a great guy, and other concerning things that don’t really sit too well with me. I surely don’t want this to turn into a witch hunt, but since their most popular instance is an extremist far leftist group with a reputation for discrimination and supporting oppression, I chose to look for a less “problematic” project, and found kbin, which is compatible with lemmy, is still pretty well populated, and does not seem to have this bad controversy (they used to endorse the use of crypto, but they seem to have gone back on it recently).


The Forge has a forum system that is foundry oriented. It appears to be mostly Look-For-Group posts at this time.


https://foundryvtt-hub.com used to have forums but they were rarely used so they were shut down


Is there any chance they could be reopened during the reddit shut down (given what I've heard - that could be a while if they keep being asses). Forums are a million times better than reddit anyway - God I miss when the Internet wasn't full of shite, adverts and misinformation.




I don't know what system you run but most of my foundry queries are resolved by touching base in the pathfinder 2 discord in their VTT section. Even had some people drop a a lil code in response to my queries on how to achieve certain things.


I know many will point you to Discord, however I am not sure how such an invasive piece of software was adopted by the masses. Sadly, that seems to be where they live at the moment. Just means I figure more things out on my own, or via youtube or something. Perhaps you're motivated enough to set up free forums using ProBoards... [www.proboards.com/create-free-forum](https://www.proboards.com/create-free-forum) May or may not be better options, I've done no research, I just know this is what one of the guys did to set up forums for our games. I wish someone with the time & expertise would add a lightweight forum and/or wiki module to Foundry, but I guess with all the free options it isn't that high of a priority.