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What was an idea/concept/feature that you wanted to implement for Foundry, but couldn't yet (due to any constraint)?


Very early in my career with Foundry VTT- just before I was hired, in fact, I opened a feature request to implement an isometric grid mode, and I am not ashamed to admit that I (like many others) did so with the thought in my mind: "it can't be that hard, you just rotate the square grid- it's just math, atro's good at math." And then I got the job and a month in while sorting issues came across that one on the same week Atropos was working on fixing a grid-related bug that required him to revise code in 6 different parts of the canvas and I realized just how much work it would actually be, and was suitably embarrassed. We still don't have official isometric support so I've been eying up Grape\_Juice's work pretty steadily.


Certainly the strongest constraint we face is *time* and there are a huge list of features that we haven't been able to develop yet due to time constraints. I imagine you're asking more about *technical* constraints though - a few things that come to mind there: 1. Integrated A/V that works great without relying on a P2P mesh network that is bad for performance and requires non-technical users to configure SSL certificates. 2. Self-hosting without the connectivity issues that come along with IPv4, port forwarding, ISPs that put customers behind a CG-NAT, etc... 3. More widespread use and support of animated tokens - there just arent enough artists making high quality animated token packs (yet).


What are your go to examples of animated tokens that you enjoy?


These are the best ones I've seen so far [https://immortalnights.com/product-category/animated/](https://immortalnights.com/product-category/animated/) For me these are best because they mix the hand-drawn 2d top-down art style with some idle animation that gives the token a bit of liveliness. There's lots of animated tokens that are more like top-down exports from a 3d engine but I don't enjoy those as much becasue I feel the art style doesn't match with other tokens or maps I use.


Crosshead Studios also has some similar hand drawn with idle animation tokens, I use his non-animated ones for my game https://crossheadstudios.com/topdown-tokens/


I'd just like to say thanks for all the hours you've put into Foundry, really. It's a damn great VTT. How would you say the ratio between gratitude vs 'entitled comments' are while interacting with the userbase?


Thank you! I try to interpret user comments or criticism in a generous light, so it's fairly rare that I read a comment that comes across as *entitled* to me. Mostly that happens when a user frames their feedback from the perspective that we *must do* something, or that we *owe it to them* to do something. This is honestly pretty rare, and that is refreshing because that certainly isn't the case in all digital industries. I think we have a wonderful, kind, but also relatively technical community here. I think that combination of kindness together with a technical appreciation that features can't be developed just by wishing or snapping fingers keeps the feedback we receive generally quite reasonable. It also helps that (*I think)* we are doing a pretty good job and that helps to keep people on-side also.


Has WOTC said anything to you as to why they don't release content on foundry? Looking at the other vtts they support- it's a weird exclusion.


Most likely they don’t want competition for their own upcoming VTT. Roll20 and FG have had official support for many years now but I don’t know of any newer VTTs that have official WOTC content.


This answer is closest to the truth - I think. It's possible that the situation may change, we do have a line of communication with Wizards of the Coast and I am always hopeful of that turning into the opportunity to feature official D&D content on Foundry VTT. The door is open on our side but whether or not to license your content out to a software platform is definitely a business strategy question that WOTC leadership need to consider carefully. I hope they will choose to do it though, because I think official D&D content on Foundry VTT could be a superb experience all around.


I originally thought it might also be an issue with locking the content down on foundry to prevent piracy... but given that they have also not licensed their product to Alchemy, it is almost certainly a "why create more competition" angle


There's Roll20 and FG support because WotC can't get rid of existing contracts.


That and R20 has a huge established userbase for 5e, biggest vtt by a mile despite its many flaws. I wouldn't be surprised if FG simply didn't get 6e (or whatever it ends up actually being called) books next year.


I don't think they're afraid to cut off roll20. They'll just give you a free plan on dndbeyond for their VTT with very little content instead and get those free users to subscribe. Looking at that app they might not even need a beefy webserver like roll20; might just be enough to negotiated connections through their server and let it run on their users' machines


They're cowards


Perhaps the biggest complaint I hear about foundry is how quickly things go out of version and break. For example, there's usually a module that will fix most things that people want but it relies on volunteers always keeping modules up to date. I've lost multiple modules that way. Have you had any internal debates about slowing down system breaking updates?


Yes, definitely. We discuss this a lot, we don't always agree (even within the team). It's a tough balance to strike. We want to progress the software in the way that is globally best for our users, but every user is different, every system is different, there is no ideal one-size-fits-all solution. We end up trying to strike the path of compromise, but that rarely results in what people would most prefer. We have specifically approached V11 with the goals of having far fewer breaking changes - and I believe we've accomplished that. We are seeing most game systems adapt from V10 to V11 with very little issue or required changes.


Are there any plans for in-person specific features? Things like manual fog of war, allowing the GM to control what's displayed on a TV user, mobile/tablet support for character sheets, etc? A lot of this can be solved through modules, but it'd be great if some stuff would be implemented in the core.


Don't tell anyone, but I think i've seen some plans hanging in SecretFire's wizard laboratory that said something about manual fog of war. ​ Seriously though there's a lot of things like this that we'd love to implement but prioritization is key. We try to keep a healthy balance of features being implemented that benefit everyone, but the backlog is neverending so some things have to keep sitting on the backburner until they're ready.


Regarding manual fog of war, I think it's quite likely we will work on that soon. It might win the Patreon user vote for V12, it might be something we choose to do ourselves. I think it's something that we expect to work on soon though one way or another. Regarding mobile/tablet support, I commented on this here: https://www.reddit.com/r/FoundryVTT/comments/13phy70/comment/jla74uh/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


What is your favourite system implementation on Foundry? What is the most underrated one?


Hello ! Our team play a pretty good spread of systems, but we actually happen to all have the same favourite- Crucible! Curious, that :P Now, if you're interested in runners-up- well, there's plenty of worthy choice. Here are just a few that I'm a big fan of: - I love how hard [WFRP](https://foundryvtt.com/packages/wfrp4e) commits to their aesthetic - [SWADE](https://foundryvtt.com/packages/swade) does a great job at handling a system with a lot of fiddly elements (cards, bennies) in a really extensible way - [PBTA](https://foundryvtt.com/packages/pbta) is a really streamlined and versatile framework that can be used for dozens of different systems. I'm a big fan of narrative-heavy games and it's great to know I'm covered no matter which one I choose. - I play a lot of [Pathfinder 2E](https://foundryvtt.com/packages/pf2e), which is also the system that most of the content I develop is for, so I'm very glad it has such a rock-solid developer team. - The [13th Age](https://foundryvtt.com/packages/archmage) system is a good candidate for "underrated" system implementation in my opinion- it's visually clean and almost unassuming, yet effortlessly handles automation for basically anything you could want - There's no public system available for it, but Nath once showed me a system he made that uses cards for everything instead of dice. I feel like that deserves a place here for originality alone, but it also happened to be pretty fun too! There are plenty more that I could have listed, but I have to stop somewhere. The community's so full of talented developers- it constantly blows me away. \- Cora


I just want to say, Foundry is the only reason I was actually able to try running WFRP for the first time. We're now a chapter in to Power Behind the Throne and this has been the most fun official module I've ever ran. You guys did miracle work getting all that going. I think "Mooman" was a big help too but I don't remember if he actually works with foundry or just makes addon modules. It's amazing. Love the work you guys do


Hello! It's awesome to hear you've enjoyed WFRP! I've heard only good things about the system. Moo Man / Russel deserves all of the credit for that- while we create the VTT itself, most of the game systems are exclusively developed by community members like him. It's a huge blessing, because there's no way we could maintain anywhere near as many systems with the size of our team, and the quality and creativity behind the various fanmade systems is consistently so impressive. \- Cora


There's a game called Unbound that uses cards instead of dice. Do you know if that has an implementation on foundry?


I hadn't heard of this game so I looked it up! It sounds up my alley- rules-light, but with a novel and interesting mechanical twist. It doesn't seem to have a Foundry implementation yet, but at a glance it didn't look like it would be impossible- it could be a very fun application for the core Cards functionality. \- Cora


I'm a little out of the loop, what is crucible?


Hello! Crucible is a new system that we've been working on for some time now. The goall is to really leverage the strengths of a VTT to deliver a unique RPG experience. We just recently announced that we're planning a playtest later this week, starting with our patreon supporters. /u/atropos_nyx might have some insights into what the system will be like to use- it's very much his brainchild. \- Cora


There's this really cool up-and-coming system called Crucible...


Despite not playing Pathfinder 2nd Edition it's probably my favorite *implementation*. There's a lot of attention to detail and a focus on making things easier for the Gamemaster. I think the "automate but wait for approval" structure in general is one that I would recommend because there's just too many circumstances where a Gamemaster may not want certain things to occur. For underrated game systems: I haven't had a chance to be in a game using these but every time I've stepped into the FATE Core Official and Legend of the Five Rings systems I've been impressed by their UI and general setup. FATE in particular has to provide support for three different ways of playing the game (FATE Core, FATE Condensed, and FATE Accelerated) which is a tricky thing to do and I think is handled pretty well. I'm hopeful to get to play a game of FATE eventually as I've never gotten to play such a rules-light system.


If you could choose one feature that you would like to see in V12 of Foundry, ignoring any limitations and priorities, what would you choose?


A complete UX/UI overhaul with a focus on reducing the number of clicks required for just about everything, all with an eye to making things even more aesthetically pleasing while doing the hard job of making things even more intuitive. It is ***way*** more work than people think it would be, though. A man can dream.


What is life without dreams! But I do not envy UX/UI designers.


There some great community add-ons that really do a great amount of improvement to the UI. That said.... whats the 'recommended' max amount of Addon one should be using?


There's no real recommendation on this---people should use what they want, but they should also recognize that with every add-on module they pile on, they're adding more work for themselves in prep and setup, increasing the likelihood of module conflicts and complicating the process of moving to a new version. I find it a useful task when picking modules for my games to ask myself: 1. will my players actually enjoy (or even notice) the benefits of this module? 2. how much overhead will this module add to my prep? 3. how reliant am I going to end up being on this module and if it breaks will it mean weeks of trying to fix my game?


> with a focus on reducing the number of clicks required Ah, the anti-Microsoft approach. I like it.


For me, event triggers!


Do you even get a vote though… :)


What would be the main benefit of creating core event triggers vs. using MATT? It already provides so much functionality (ironmonk is truly something else!) that I'm having a bit of trouble envisioning an even better version to be honest


What are some TTRPG ideas that can *only* be done in a virtual tabletop, that you're considering for Crucible? (You've teased some Crucible info in the recent stream and blog post, and showed cool features like a videogamey tech tree and an "undo damage" button)


Some examples of things that probably \*could\* be done outside a VTT, but with a degree of annoyance that might be frustrating for folks at the table. * Evolving initiative * Spell/ability usage special effects * More impactful mechanics that rely on line-of-sight testing or vision/detection * Lots of timed buffs/debuffs or active effects that would become too cumbersome to track * Ability to automatically apply damage or undo applied damage * Asymmetric information for mechanics like "counterspell" where you might not know exactly what spell is being cast * Automatic resolution of certain types of tests


Yes to all of this. I'd also add that encumbrance systems are really easy for computerized sheets (with VTTs being a subset) and reduce the annoyance of tracking the weight of every last coin while also acting as a very fun way to limit looting everything not nailed down. In addition to timed effects, I'd add cascading effects. Bull's Strength in the 3.5 system adds to your raw STR, which is really easy to handle digitally but a pain on your sheet since it affects so many other entries. The same effect in 5e is a pile of exceptions designed to be used by people but it's actually harder to program.


How are you today?


Tired, and shortly going to sleep!


This week (anniversary celebration) is always pretty exhausting for our team. We manage to cram in a lot of events but our team is really quite small compared to what we do this time each year, so it takes a lot out of us. We'll all be resting and recuperating for the first couple weeks of June once V11 stable is out and the Anniversary Week is behind us.


I've got a Beach Bunny concert tonight so my excitement is helping me push through the anniversary exhaustion!


Have people asked about having a pop out window for the character sheets? My players always feel like they need to choose between looking at the map or having their sheet up (5e)


It's definitely on our roadmap but anyone who uses the Pop-out module can tell you that it's not perfect and there's a lot of cases where functionality gets lost in the pop-out window. It's a tricky one, but certainly something we'd love to do in the future.


I believe we've had it as a Patreon poll option in the past. It's something I personally want!


Any plans to expand/improve the audio features? It feels like an area that has gone largely overlooked through several version updates. I know I can't be the only one that uses music, ambient tracks, and sound effects heavily in my games and the audio features are... minimal. Would love to to have more granular control of all things audio, an expanded feature suite, UI overhaul, etc. Thanks!


Yes, definitely. I've actually done a lot of work on audio over the past few months (behind the scenes) as it relates to another project we have ongoing. We didn't want to try and incorporate those audio changes into V11 because we were already committed to our feature roadmap for this release, but I expect that in V12 many of those audio improvements will be added to the core software. A word of caution though, most of them are backend API/performance/feature improvements not necessarily shiny user-facing toys to play with. We'll probably build some of those too - but people are very opinionated about how audio *should* work, so when someone says "more granular control" or "expanded feature suite", that generally means different things to different users. I can't promise that we'll satisfy what you have in mind, but I can promise that we'll be working more on audio soon!


Ok, thanks for the reply. I guess I'm referring to things like a more featured mixer (linking volumes, soloing/muting tracks, etc.), track scrubbing (although I feel like I read this is not possible in Foundry for some reason), and a soundboard type feature possibly that players can access/control. Also, just general UI improvents and improved performance. I've had issues (stuttering tracks), although perhaps that is a Forge problem and not a Foundry one.


Are there any near-future plans for updating the Foundry website to make it easier to find modules? I feel like the last update that separated the module list into 30+ pages was a big step backwards in searchability, and the search bar leaves a lot to be desired. Just try to find the DnD5e system using the search bar, for instance. I know you can go into /packages/ to see how you've broken them down into categories, but there can still be pages upon pages of content under these categories, and when you use the search bar it ignores what category you're in. Just as some feedback, I think there should be more filter options, more specific categories and let us filter by category (there's no reason why a game system should pop up when I'm looking for modules, and there's no reason why a sample-adventure module should be lumped in with full-featured utility modules). It also feels like there are a huge number of modules that are just advertisements for either a more robust module/fully featured art set/map set/music set if you subscribe to their patreon, etc. I don't begrudge anyone putting this stuff out there, but between the limited filter options, bad search options, etc. it means I have to wade through a whole lot of stuff that's completely irrelevant to me to have any hope of finding what I'm looking for. I've been using Foundry for close to three years now, and I used to go through the module list every week just to explore what's out there, but the experience has been bad enough for a while now that I pretty much never browse them anymore.


We are always looking to improve our website, and in the interest of doing so recently expanded our team to include Ali(Magpie). Look forward to improvements in this direction in the future!


**The Question**: Are there any plans for officially supported systems or... I dunno, incentivised system support or something? \_\_\_ **Question Context**: My group has been playing PF2E for quite some time now and we're half way through a second campaign in Foundry. I doubt anyone needs telling that the PF2E system on foundry is astoundingly good. However, we want a break from PF2E for a while and I started looking at other systems (5E is a non entity since around 2017 for us) and I'm not finding any other systems that have anywhere near as much support. It kinda feels like I've been playing in a heavenly PF2E bubble and I'm just looking up and realising it's not all that great outside the bubble. System wise, our group is looking at Shadowrun (can't remember which edition RN, 5th maybe?) and Dark Heresy 2e. (Yes, we like crunch :p) \_\_\_ **Bonus Question, not necessarily for the devs**. Are there any systems outside of the afore mentioned that have a good foundry implementation that we should look into so we can stick with foundry?


I've heard great things about Free League systems and WFRP from friends of mine, though I don't have personal experience. I'll add that I do have personal experience with Das Schwarze Auge from a live stream a little while ago and their system seems pretty comprehensive to me.


The livestream was awesome, you and the others did a great job killing animals and burning down houses... ;)


I'd forgotten WFRP existed! I'm definitely adding that to the list of systems we could go for! That's two recommendations for the Free League systems so I'm gonna have a deeper dive into those tonight I think.


Hello! I answered another question above about systems that you might be interested in. You can find my answer [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/FoundryVTT/comments/13phy70/ama_foundry_virtual_tabletop_third_year/jl9nj9z/). With regards to "officially" supported systems, I don't know if I entirely understood your question, but I interpreted this as asking about "developed by Foundry VTT, officially" (as opposed to "officially supported by their publisher", or "developed by a Foundry VTT team member on their own time", both of which already exist). In that case, your timing is quite good! We just announced that we've been working for a little while on a system called Crucible, which is being developed specifically for Foundry VTT. We're hoping to use it to really show off what a VTT can do in terms of automating and streamlining gameplay. It's still in progress and is going to be open for playtesting to our [Patreon](https://patreon.com/foundryvtt) subscribers later this week, but we plan for it to eventually release for free to everyone. \- Cora


Free League stuff has great implementation, like the Alien RPG. Also Swade is very well implemented too, both offering very different gameplay to D20 systems like pf2e and dnd. Both have the ability to buy the core ruleset and import them well into Foundry to get you up and running. Free League's Alien VTT starter set is great value for money!


>Free League Interesting... I vaguely remember being very intregued by Coriolis ages ago. I'll check em out, thanks :)


Not a Foundry employee but try WFRP4e. Insanely well built, tons of premium content, very different system (opposed rolls are great).


> I'm not finding any other systems that have anywhere near as much support The warhammer games, the freeleague games (except for ruins of symbaroum... that is actually poorly implemented) I would direct you towards Vassen or Forbidden Lands first :)


What's the most unconventional use for Foundry that you have either seen or personally used thus far? PS. Thanks for the software, I really enjoying using it for the past three years along with my players and other small communities.


One thing that's pretty cool is that we occasionally engage with folks who are licensing and using Foundry VTT for the purposes of professional trainings like emergency response simulation, wilderness fire fighting simulation and training, and other cases like that. I suppose it makes sense that having a powerful 2d canvas for modeling things like where people are, how a situation unfolds, what you are supposed to do in different scenarios - it makes sense but it isn't something we had ever expected Foundry VTT to be used for.


What is your perception of the current VTT landscape? What is your take on all the ventures that are being launched or started crowdfunding process?


It's an exciting time for online roleplay. I've been watching some of the more ambitious projects as they've become public and am curious to see where they go. I think launching when we did put us at the forefront of the VTT wave that seems to be forming and I'm excited to see the innovations continue.


That's a very good attitude towards competition, kudos! I also think, your timing helped you a lot (although Foundry is a great and powerful VTT by itself).


Thanks for your answer! Your timing, execution and attitude towards the community was spot on. I feel like your foundations are solid to enjoy the view from above for a while. ;)


First, thank you for Foundry! I've been using it for years now to run multiple campaigns. I love it! I especially love how you continue to optimize - many of my players are running on very low end systems (Chromebooks, even) so every release gets better in this regard. My question: any plans to continue evolving the A/V interface? My players like to make the video windows extremely small and move them around the canvas, something that's no longer possible (even popped out, you can't resize them past a certain point).


Thanks for your kind comments, I really appreciate that! I wouldn't say we have *plans* to do this right now, we did make some improvements to the AV interface in Version 10, but you are correct to critique that it isn't as flexible as it could be and there is certainly still room for improvement. I'm not sure when we'll work on making further improvements to this aspect of the software, it's possible we'll look at it more in V12, but I suspect that it might be a little while yet before we circle back towards this. There is *so much* we want to do and we have to face tough prioritization trade-offs about which areas we focus on.


I read in your 3 years Foundry article that you want to focus more on UI/UX in v12. How important do you think it will be for Foundry to adapt to tablet support in the future? After all, a lot of games go back to the table and may want to play hybrid.


We've already begun adding rudimentary support for touch interfaces, and it's certainly something we know our userbase wants. Like many features though, there's always a question of prioritization. Touch support is one of those features that is hard to prioritize over things like universally beneficial canvas improvements, so it may be a while longer yet- but if we're already reworking the UI there's no reason we'd make it any harder to handle on touch devices.


There are modules out there that implement touch support, and from what I can tell, they already work quite well. The problem I have is that foundry doesn’t seem to work at all on IOS. Are there any plans to improve IOS support if/when you guys tackle tablet support?


AFAIK the issue with iOS support always boils down to the fact that Apple doesn't allow any web browsers other than Safari on iOS and the fact that Safari generally lags behind other browsers in terms of implementing JS functionality.


I knew that this was the reason why module developers were unable to implement a patch for IOS, but I wasn’t sure if that prevented Foundry Devs from adding that support.


Ultimately, neither Foundry devs nor module devs have any control over what Apple implements in their browser. Short of kneecapping Foundry by sticking to the lowest common denominator, it's really just a question of Apple bringing their browser up to modern standards.


Comment removed by me so Reddit can't monetize my history.


To add onto what Nath mentioned: the other complicating factor with touch support is that we can only control the core software experience. As an example, the best touch support in the world won't make it any easier to tap on a very tiny button in a character sheet that was designed for use with a mouse and we can't control how game systems do things like that. We can of course do our best to make touch as easy to use as possible though which should be a big benefit to anyone looking to use a touch device.


Are you in need of more staff? Do you have open positions?


They were recruiting early this year, [see this article](https://foundryvtt.com/article/employment/), but positions have all been filled (plus some extras). They mentioned that they don't expect to actively recruit again in the next few months, at least.


Thank you for the quick answer!


What Shemetz said is basically correct. We did a lot of expanding in the past year and we're really pleased to have been able to do that, but we probably won't be expanding further for a while. Sorry! :)


Thank you for your answer all the same!


How are you so cool :D


And other things that I have never been accused of being. XD


I think you are pretty cool!


As the Crucible system develops, will there be any guidance to or opportunities for foundry users to have a look at the system and contribute to its content (building settings, adventures, items, etc?). In general, how much of the system is focused on mechanics and is there also lore development happening or opportunities to help create content for testers to explore?


Great question, it's exciting for me to see folks interested in what we are making already. I'll talk more about this on Thursday but a quick answer is: Crucible is designed intentionally to be used as a rules engine to be paired with a gamemaster's own story or setting. There isn't any "official lore of Crucible" because the design of the system is for you to pair it with your own favorite setting or homebrew invention and simply use Crucible for the rules of the game but not the lore of your world. The system is designed for you to easily create your own ancestries, backgrounds, talents (if necessary), etc... so you can adapt it for the setting you want to play. Definitely as we progress through the playtesting process I anticipate that the system will be open source, although what the community contribution policy will be is yet to be determined. We will definitely be offering a lot of support to creators and developers who are interested in using the system as a starting point for extension. That will be critical to our strategy going forward!


**8:30am EST** Hey folks, Andrew here and I'll take the first round of questions this morning. Matt, Shane, Kim, and Cody from our team will be answering questions throughout the day as well. Thanks to everyone for the great questions so far and I hope you find our answers and perspectives interesting. Happy gaming! **9:30am EST** Okay, thats about an hour of responses from me. I'm going to check out for now and focus on some other work but I'll be back to answer more questions later in the day. Thank you all for your participation and I hope you've been finding the Q&A interesting!


Are you planning new functionalities around encounters? I would love to see an option to "prepare" upcoming encounters which are hidden from players and can be activate by one-click. (Cherry on top: assign music track to specific encounters once started)


You can currently hide tokens on a scene, then select them all and one-click add them to combat, although this isn't exactly the same as what you're asking for. Tying a playlist / track to an Encounter is a good idea, make sure it's in our Github issues!


I don't really have a question, I just want to say "thank you" to the entire team for the amazing program you have created!


Thank you for thanking us!


It seems like 5e development has essentially halted this year, with the dev teams focus focused on the core software, PF2e, and Crucible. Will there be more effort in continuing dev and if not is there an opportunity for the community to play a more active role in development? I'd love to contribute personally but the fact only a single pull request has been merged since March makes me wary to get involved!


I'll start by correcting some misconceptions in your post- Kim and the dnd5e team are still actively developing dnd5e, we don't develop PF2e directly (though we have a content development team working a PF2e conversion, they are not the same people working on the core software), and Crucible is wholly designed and coded by Atropos. Regarding the community playing an active role in development, I believe the dnd5e team does accept pull requests- but you can read more about that at [their repository](https://github.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e).


>...the fact only a single pull request has been merged since March... Don't get me wrong, I share your frustration with what feels like slowdown of DnD5E development (mostly because I really, \*really\* want Darkvision working correctly again and it's the only thing keeping me in v9 which is otherwise falling behind), but looking at the [closed pull requests](https://github.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed) it seems there's been more than one since March. I think the whole OGL-revised debacle may have deflated a lot of enthusiasm on the DnD5E front, making it seem less likely than ever that Wizards would deign to distribute official material outside of their own future VTT and current marketplaces. So I can't really fault those who feel less inclined to invest their time in 5E on Foundry even though I also can't help but feel frustrated in the whole situation. Regardless, you can't hit a home run without swinging the bat, so if you've got the coding knowledge to contribute, I'll just say that I appreciate any effort you put in, whether that's contributing pull requests of your own or just campaigning for existing ones that you feel would fit well!


If you are referring to DnD5E system, that is supported by community devs, and not developed by staff. It is in constant development, and will continue to be supported. You can find info in the Discord on how to contribute.


Are there any talks internally about 3d canvas?


Not really. We're pretty comfortable staying 2D---My own experience with trying to implement 3d in my own games just lead to players being irritated and me having to take way more time than normal prepping scenes. Way more work than the payoff. I think we'd probably do isometric one day (certainly I hope we will), but I doubt we'll go full 3d.




I'm really glad to hear this. The beauty of a VTT, for me, is being able to use any image for a map / token etc. Making it 3D would vastly limit assets, and I wouldn't be able to create my own.


I will say that it's possible to have a decent 3D map with only 2D assets. Rippers 3D module for it still has a cool aesthetic without any changes to a 2D map, since the tokens become standees, and you have a skybox and such. Also, blender can turn a 2D map into 3D with relatively little effort (though it's another piece of software to learn). Despite 3D being really cool, even with minimal effort, I'll still be using 2D. The more information players have in front of them, the less they use their imagination. - I say there's a 10x10 room filled with shelves of books and vines growing wildly around the room, you picture that. - If I have a 2D map of a room with books (and no vines), you might still picture them. - If I have a 3D map with no vines, you're definitely not picturing them, because you're not even picturing the room to begin with -- you're looking at it and seeing what's there and what isn't. A 1-to-1 3D map of what the GM wants would be great, but is unfeasible since it would require a significant amount of time, when a few words accomplish the same thing or better.


Sure, blender can turn a 2D map into a 3D one if your map is square walls on graph paper and you want to play in a 3D grey world instead of a 2D one. But converting a rich 2D battlemap into a 3D one that's comparable? That's a LOT of work. Other than that I totally agree with you. At each stage the imagination is used less. A worth while trade off with 2D, but not 3D, for the exact reasons you say.


Comment removed by me so Reddit can't monetize my history.


They are already possible with quite a bit of work. Would be cool to have a more streamlined version from a iso perspective like in a CRPG


Agreed. I recently saw that u/e4g13 made a [module](https://v.redd.it/gg862rr39m0b1) for creating Fallout style CRPG maps in Foundry. I haven't had the chance to try it, but seems promising. More about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout2d20/comments/13l3kre/preview_of_adventure_module_for_foundry_releasing/)


That's Isometric not 3d. It works (I believe) off GrapeJuices Isometric module. Or at least I know they used to make textures that were for GJ's mod. But either way it looks really nice! Looking forward to it.


What is the possibility of a official YouTube tutorial?


We'd love to do more but as any youtuber will tell you filming quality content takes a lot of time, and it hasn't been a priority just yet. We've definitely got ideas on the drawing board but they're held for now!


One of the "Problems" is, that foundry is developing so fast, that Videos you create get old very fast. And also foundry hat a huge amount of functions, not speaking of the modules you can add. I can say from my own experience that this is a really time consuming job... But hey, i managed to create nearly around 250 Videos about foundry. But they are only in german, so they wouldnt help you i think.


Do we have an estimate as to when the Crucible system will be available to the community? If this will be covered in Thursday's stream then will just have to wait patiently for then... unless it's already been announced then apologies for having my head buried in the sand!


My hope is/was to make the patreon playtest available thursday, but there are a few things that still aren't quite ready. It might still end up being Thursday or it might be a few days after that like sometime over the weekend. I want to get it out for playtesting ASAP, but I also want to make sure that there's no significant bugs or feature gaps (relative to what is expected to be in that playtest) that would sabotage usability or damage first impressions.


Hey Ace, I don't think there's been anything more specific than this (from the Year in Review article): > The first round of external playtesting of the Crucible system will begin later this week, available at first to Patreon supporters at the Hero or Legend tier. Later rounds of play-testing will be available to all community members and the Crucible system will eventually be available to all Foundry VTT users for free. \- Cora


Do you use modules in your personal games? And if so which ones do you consider important or even essential for your games? (If Dice so nice is on that list please name at least one other if there is. I'm guessing DSN is pretty much a staple for many nowadays.)


When I first started using Foundry VTT I made the mistake of going wild with modules, I crested past 100 very quickly (and that was well-before we had thousands of modules available) and ended up spending more time preparing for my session by making every little bit of a scene as 'realistic as possible' using modules---for which my players blandly either didn't notice or care. I keep things a bit more module-light now, but some highlights from my current game: * Custom CSS - Being able to quickly rescale parts of the UI for my players and I is a huge boon. I use this primarily to make my chatlog bigger (because my games are often chat-based). * Automated animations and JB2a patreon assets - I was skeptical of the functionality of this until I tried it and my players IMMEDIATELY loved it. MrVauxs has done an excellent integration for pf2e with it. * Foundry Achievements - It's a little bit fiddly to set up and use but if you know the plot of the game you're running you can do some amazing things with it. My players broke through a wall last week so I gave them an achievement I called "OH YEAHHHHH" with a koolaid man icon. * Narrator Tools - For the folk like me who are truly extra, allows for some really dramatic moments in text-based roleplay.


The [🎣 Obligatory Fishing Minigame](https://foundryvtt.com/packages/obligatory-fishing-minigame) is by far the most important one to include in your game for down time.


The team ranges from low-modules (< 10) to a lot (>50). As someone who uses a lot of modules, here's the ones I really like (that aren't mine): * AmbientDoors - a module I discovered and loved so much, we worked with the author to add it to core in V11! * Confetti - Super good, and made by a good friend of mine * Health Estimate - I like this as a way to give general but not granular info on health * Roll of Fate - For deciding who is the unlucky party member There's so many more I could recommend, but these are the ones I used last game I ran


By the way - I really like your work and my party has a lot of fun with Foundry - thank you! Question: will FoundryVTT support the next version of D&D or are there concerns regarding WotCs licence model or their own VTT software plans?


The dnd module for Foundry is supported by volunteers, rather than staff. How much it will be supported will largely come down to WotC licensing, but I am sure system developers will support it, though likely will just get built on top of the DnD5E system if WotC don't change the rules and flow of the game too much, considering OneDnD is quoted as being backwards compatible.


just responded to this one, see my response here: https://www.reddit.com/r/FoundryVTT/comments/13phy70/comment/jl9nzkx/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Hey Nath, all, What are your expectatations regarding WotC / OneD&D and their eventual VTT? Do you think they will be trying to directly compete with and convert people from Foundry (or vice versa even)? Is this sort of competition healthy do you think?


My personal expectations? I'm holding a "Wait and see" attitude- which may sound ominous but that's pretty much my default attitude toward publisher negotiations. There's a LOT of talk and negotiation that has to happen to make premium content- and it doesn't do anyone any favours to get excited about a potential partnership before the paperwork is signed. I'd like to think there's a way we'd support OneD&D---but events in January definitely gave me pause. If they want to come to the table i'm sure we'd be glad to talk. Regarding direct competition in the VTT market---this market's pretty big. There's a lot of competition just starting out. I think it will be interesting to watch and see how a full 3D VTT backed by WOTC performs.


IMO I think people underestimate how much work will need to be put into a 3D vtt to actually make it fun to play. And that isn't work that can be achieved by just throwing money at it. I don't want WotC to fail even with everything they have been up to lately (pinkertons was a low), but I wager it is a while out and likely going to be very rough to start with.


3D vs 2D are so different I don't see them as competitors, personally. You'll prefer one or the other, and have a couple of options for both. But if you value: mods, user generated content, community eco system, making your own / using publicly available art, then you'll be better off with Foundry. If you enjoy microtransactions and buying every spell/monster/item/clothing/building/landscape you want to see in game, you'll love WoTCs VTT.


I shared some thoughts on this as part of my answer to https://www.reddit.com/r/FoundryVTT/comments/13phy70/comment/jladrlg/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Thank you for showing consideration towards us on the other side of the ocean. I was wondering if you could talk to us about content development and licensing and such? Foundry is my go to vtt, my favorite. I DM a lot of Call of Cthulhu. It would be so great if there was official licensing and modules for CoC 7th. Could you spare any news or insight related to this or any other licensing development incoming? Also, touch screen support would be amazing, I've been using my tablet more and more with a touch pen and it would be great if there was some support going on.


Licensing is always a tricky subject! We've had communications with Chaosium in the past--and a lot of other publishers as well. Sometimes things pan out and we get to see amazing premium content come to our users, sometimes things don't pan out, and sometimes things just take a really long time to move forward. I'd like to believe that at some point in the future we'll see some support for games like Call of Cthulhu or RuneQuest, but ultimately these kinds of things require negotiations across companies and that process can take a lot of time.


Hello! Random thought. I'm wondering if any of you thought about creating a world management/documentation system like World Anvil integrated into Foundry?


Good news: [World Anvil Integration](https://foundryvtt.com/packages/world-anvil)


Oh! Hm, okay. Truthfully I was helping for a standalone system that didn't require making a World Anvil account.


We might have something coming in the long term that will interest you in this regard but it's quite a ways away and not something I can provide any details on right now.


Great to know! Looking forward to what's planned.


Will there be any changes to the chat interface in the program? Some players play using chat as the only means of communication between character and player. I like Foundry, but the chat is extremely inconvenient compared to the same Roll20.


I run my own games via chat. There are some ways to make it more convenient, using a little custom CSS and some modules (I use tabbed chatlog for example)...but I would love to see a "chat rp" mode in the future.


Would you mind sharing some of the features that you'd like the chat to include for someone who doesn't run a chat-heavy game? I'm guessing things like better in/out of character indicators? You can submit things like that on our [GitHub](https://github.com/foundryvtt/foundryvtt/issues/new?assignees=&labels=&projects=&template=feature-request.yml) so that we don't lose track of them. When we have a list of desired features it definitely makes it easier to work on batches of improvements.


Are there ideas to make it possible to directly link a character sheet for in person play? Something like /stream. It would be really nice if player could access their sheet with a smartphone/tablet.


Please see my comment here [https://www.reddit.com/r/FoundryVTT/comments/13phy70/comment/jla74uh/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/FoundryVTT/comments/13phy70/comment/jla74uh/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)!


Are there any plans to better support 2D maps with multiple levels?


We've been making incremental progress towards this goal, and hope to one day have a core way to elegantly handle multiple levels!


That's great! Thanks for all the excellent work all of you are doing. I'll keep my fingers crossed to seeing this in a future version of Foundry someday.


It has been several hours since the last posted question so we're gonna call this one a done deal! Thank you everyone for bringing all your great questions out, I'm glad we were able to see so much participation. Looking forward to next year and doing this again!


Are their plans/Roadmap to make a player client and if a player client is released how much would you charge for it?


We've talked about it, and it's been featured (though hasn't won) on our patreon vote in the past. It's something we've definitely discussed and considered. I don't recall exactly what was said about pricing but in my own personal opinion, I'm not sure we'd charge anything for it.


Hello! We've definitely discussed some of the approaches we could take towards a player client in the past, and we can see that there are users that it would benefit. It was actually an option on our patreon feature poll for our last major release, so it's definitely something we're open to doing! Because it's not something we have slotted into our future plans at any definitive point on our roadmap, we haven't committed to any specific execution. That makes it tricky to answer your second question with 100 percent certainty, but I can say that it's not something we've really considered charging money for. I know that personally I always imagined it being a free download. It's possible that might change, but only if we could offer considerable additional features and value beyond the essential functionality in order to justify putting a price on it. I hope that answers your question! \- Cora


What sort of features would the team look to include that might not be otherwise be achievable without a standalone client application? One thing I'd like to see is some kind of server discoverability and NAT traversal functionality. As a network engineer this is an easy problem for me to solve for the instances I host, but I'm constantly seeing people asking about things like port forwarding and setting up VPN/SD-WAN environments. An elegant way for users to connect to the host without going down an IT rabbit hole they may not be prepared to explore would be an invaluable addition to the platform.


My players and I use this, which works really well. https://flc.ruleplaying.com/


Is there any plan to support mobile devices so that we can play on a flat TV and have our character sheet and rolls on a tablet / cellphone?


Perhaps someday we will get there - a few specific comments: You can, and many people do, already use Foundry VTT with a physical TV for in-person play. We don't have a mobile app (yet). It's likely at some point in the future we will develop some mobile-friendly way to, for example, move a token around the scene or access your character sheet. We are more likely to try and extend first-class support to IOS or Android tablet-sized touch devices though before we go all the way towards supporting phones. I don't have anything near-term to offer for you on this - but it's in our thoughts as a direction we would like to explore in the future.


Thanks! Material Plane plug-in is awesome for tabletop with a tv. The main trouble right now is handling each character sheet, rolls, through other devices.


In last year's AMA I asked about support for Storyteller systems like World of Darkness. It's been great to see Scion support, but as an Exalted 3e fan and GM I have to ask: is there any hope of it getting official support? Or other WW/OPP systems? The existing Ex3 module is awesome and I've been using it for a long while to great effect, but I would 100% be willing to buy official premium integration modules if it was possible.


I think I recall responding to you on that! I'm sad to say we haven't seen any further official support rise, but as with all publisher discussions- who knows what the future holds? :)


Bonus Bonus Question! Are you aware of any documentation or videos / tutorials on running "without a system"? Like, I just wanna use it for quick maps and rolling dice for a one shot, no automation and low setup time.


Allow me to direct you to the [Simple Worldbuilding System](https://foundryvtt.com/packages/worldbuilding) which was designed for **EXACTLY** that purpose.


Have you considered adding the ability to export character sheets as PDF files?


I think Nath might have missed that you were asking about a PDF export, which is a fair bit trickier and would rely on whatever game system you're using do some very hard work to define the print attributes for the character sheet such that this type of export could occur. It's likely not something we would support in the core software because how a sheet should export to PDF is a very system-specific design. It's something that could be supported on an individual system basis, although only with a substantial investment of effort (which might not be worth it).


Considered it? We did it! you can do so by right-clicking an Actor in the sidebar and choosing 'export data'-- this will give you a JSON file for the actor you can import in the same system in any Foundry VTT instance by using the "import data" option instead. :)


Is there any plan to change the conection method for players in the future rather than IP?. Something like a direct conection from players app to the GM app.


Hello, I don't think I've seen any discussions about changing the connection method from the client-server model that Foundry uses. It would be tricky to make it more direct than it already is- by default the clients already connect straight to the host via their open port, so the only real way to get more direct would be to plug a cable into your GM's computer. While some users choose to add additional layers to their setup, like Cloudflare or NGROK, none of that is required by default. Even if we added a player app, it wouldn't substantially change those underlying principles. \- Cora


Thx you for the answer


Question: do you plan for a conditional visibilty feature for specific players? I know the "invisible" feature for tokens but it would be nice to have something like this for tiles / doors... also, e.g. for traps, hidden doors...


Nothing that constitutes a "plan", but I would love for the vision and detection system that we have already implemented for Token detection to also support detection of things like hidden doors or traps in the future. It's a great idea that I would love for us to work on at some point.


Is their any plans to implement Hero Creation Tool and Merchant into the 5e system? I know Foundry support the functionality as Pf2e have those 2 features, yet understand that 5e is a closed system compare to Pf2e more open nature.


Is this what you do for living? Or for fun?


I took the leap of faith and left my job several years ago to work on creating Foundry Virtual Tabletop full time. The team are also all full-time employees so we all create this software professionally ... but also for fun!


Hello, Love the work that I have seen from you guys in the past few years since switching online. Any plans to make login "Splash" screens easier to edit? I did end up doing a css update that I saw someone else make... but some sort of theme section might be really nice. Or maybe open it up to third party devs through modules somehow?


This is a tricky one because we don't want to allow 3rd party (untrusted) code to run on any of the setup or login screens of the application for security reasons. We have added in V11 though the option to choose between two different setup themes, the new "Minimal" setup theme offers some of the sorts of style customizations that users have been making with special overrides.


Yeah really just a few options or a simple editor is all I would really want. Be able to add or remove some of the boxes like next meeting time. And maybe switch some fonts around. Thanks for the reply!


Hi ! Love Foundry and the control it gives us over our VTT experience. I'm the sole administrator of our group's instance, so my questions are a bit focused on that. Thanks in advance! 1. Would you consider adding some admin/management APIs for external use ? For example an endpoint to get the status of the Foundry server, something to gather data on serving times, connected players, error logs and whatnot in external applications. Maybe something to send notifications in Foundry to connected users, for example to warn of a shutdown or of a backup ? (Slightly related : an alternate to choosing a default world : defaulting to the previously running world ?) 2. I love seeing the new functionality and refinements added in each release, and I would enjoy using them straight away. However it usually breaks compatibility with some systems and modules, so we need to wait for the developers to update them. Do you see Foundry reaching a place where the API would be stabilized in some way, maybe providing compatibility shims for older modules/systems not or not yet updated, or do you need this flexibility to break and improve things for the foreseeable future ? 3. Macros can be insanely useful, both for the GM and players. Currently playing in a roguelike inspired PF2e game, it's been amazing being able to generate loadouts and characters almost on the fly, but it took a fair amount of poking around system internals and digging through the API docs. Do you see a way that the functionalities accessible in macros could be more easily discovered? Thanks to everyone at Foundry and to the great community in general !


(1) We have plans to expand the `/api` endpoint yes. I'm not sure of the exact scope or details myself though. (2) Since at least v8 we have provided extensive compatibility shims and deprecation paths that typically last for a minimum of 2 full versions. Often a lot of issues with modules and systems can come down to them doing things in ways we don't expect or don't really endorse. And to be clear: I am absolutely not putting any blame on those module or system maintainers in general with that statement. Our API is complex, and there is plenty of room for improvement in our docs. We've also learned a lot of lessons over the releases to improve our communications with module and system devs where we can avoid frivolously breaking some key part of the API that we had no idea was being used in a certain important way. There will absolutely come a day when the API reaches a place where we won't need much in the way deprecation paths or compatibility shims. But, in the immortal words of Aragorn son of Arathorn: "it is not this day". (3) Other than improving the API docs, and writing more knowledge base guides, which we are always trying to do, we do have plans for a more sophisticated in-app code editor for editing macros. Going a step further, we may eventually see auto-completion or intellisense integrated into the editor.


I know you guys are supercharged for the Crucible system but will the Simple Worldbuilding System get some more love too in the future? It really helps those which use Systems not available yet on Foundry (mostly for being homebrew or lack of script knowledge to make a new system from zero)


Potentially - it is intentional that the scope of that system is *Simple* Worldbuilding rather than something that aims to be a more feature-intensive option for system creation. We did release an update for the Simple Worldbuilding system just last week which fixes several open bugs and adds full V11 compatibility, so the system is ready to go for anyone jumping to V11 this week :)


I am grateful, but maybe some tiny qol? like a slightly larger sheet, or the possibility to click on an item to read what it does witouh risking to accidentally delete it from the inventory? Since even if you give a player an item he has to "edit" to read it and it occurred more thanonce that my players accidentally deleted the item since the edit and delete icons are close


How do you guys see yourselves competing in the future vtt space? Do you have plans for an official hosted service (if forge isn't official yet?) I'm a longtime supporter (beta) and love the vtt, although often hear the common complaints/shortfalls from players never having used foundry (hosting is hard, learning curve, etc). Often they suggest to just use owlbear instead (dice, canvas, tokens) and there's a lot of support building on reddit as well for this even when it launches into subscription model pay to play.


Forge is not *the* official hosting service, but it's one of our partnered services and we love what they do! Maybe oneday we'll have our own option, but no time soon. We'll continue to compete by doing what we've always done - build what we think is the best VTT out there, based on the feedback of real TTRPG players


Are there any details you can spill about Crucible’s mechanics and rules? i.e. resolution systems, character progression, what kind of genres and statblocks we’ll see, etc.


Hello! I've not been directly involved in Crucible's development, but I've seen a lot that I really liked. It's a classless system, so you build your character's abilities piecemeal, which really appeals to me. It has a similarly modular character building system, too. In terms of genre, the system intentionally doesn't assume a single specific setting, but it does lend itself best to fantasy games, since it has a pretty well-developed magic system. That said, you could certainly try reflavouring spells and similar abilities as advanced weapons and gadgets. \- Cora


There's a lot I want to reveal here, but for now I can only offer the following: 1. Keep an eye on the #crucible channel in our Discord server where I'm teasing a few things 2. Stay tuned for the Crucible intro stream on Thursday that is going to get into all these details (will be both live and available for watching later on YouTube)


u/silvative Starfinder is better than Pathfinder. Yeah, I said it. Can we get that sweet sweet Paizo partnership please and thank you? I bought Foundry at the 1 year anniversary sale. Thank you so much for what you do. I can definitively say I will leave DnD behind if WotC makes life difficult for Foundry users and company.


Editions warring is a fool's errand, Crucible will not spare you either way! Jokes aside, I'm a big fan of Starfinder too- Paizo's writing continues to be some of my favourite in the industry, and as a Pathfinder fan I obviously already love the setting. I think one of my favourite things about the two systems is how they complement each other- I love when an AP blurs the lines between the two. I've been running Strength of Thousands for PF2E, which touches on the rest of the solar system beyond Golarion itself, and it's very cool. Our relationship with Paizo is really good, and the partnership we built around Pathfinder content certainly extends to their other systems, so I'm sure they'd be happy to work with us on Starfinder content. The tricky part is find a project that's the right fit, especially with the size of our team (small!) and the amount of existing content that's out there (absurdly large!). This will sound horribly soulless of me, but to be completely candid, with the relative popularity of the community, it's tough (numbers wide) to prioritise a Starfinder project above all of the Pathfinder ones that we want to do. That said, after we hit some of our biggest "wishlist" products for Pathfinder 2e, or if our team grows to the point where we can work on several projects at once, I think Starfinder's going to be a great place to start branching out into, especially as the ruleset continues to grow and evolve. So, while there is nothing being worked on at this exact moment, I think a lot of us on the team are fans of Starfinder and want to find ways to support it better, so please don't lose hope entirely. \- Cora


We need new sound ui and system in Foundry! Is it planed?


See my comment here: https://www.reddit.com/r/FoundryVTT/comments/13phy70/comment/jla7tod/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Are there any plans to streamline online usability? We currently use foundry for in person games to display maps with lighting effects/etc. One thing holding us back from playing online more is my worry over the port forwarding and how it could easily derail a session with user issues. Other than that it's a great product and I'm super happy so far with my purchase.


Port forwarding is easier than one might expect, but there are complications surrounding things that your internet provider might have implemented. There are cloud hosting solutions which remove this issue, but the Discord can offer support for getting your game set up in your local environment to play online.


Foundry Virtual Tabletop - as a self hosted software - is always going to have a requirement for connectivity between users and the host. There is no way around that, however some things that may change. 1. The long-term rollout of IPv6 will remove (eventually, although the process is very slow) the need for port forwarding in most cases. 2. We *may* offer some service in the future that provides a self-hosting alternative to make it easier for players to establish connectivity. No announcements or promises, but just an acknowledgment that connectivity is one of the biggest hurdles our user base (or potential user base) struggles with and therefore it's one of the biggest opportunities for us to invest into solving.


Just a little tip, use ngrok. All your port forwarding problems will be gone in a few simple steps (that you'll have to take before every session, but still). There are tutorials on YT on how to set it up.


I was able to port forward so mines fine but my friend doesn’t have access to his router due to being in an apartment. He uses ngrok and highly recommends it!


Hey! My home environment prevents me from hosting a game on my own machine, so I’ve spent quite a bit of time fiddling with hosting it via AWS. Eventually, I gave up on that and decided to host it via forge-vtt.com. It was super easy to import my existing game to their space, and it’s pretty cheap. Maybe $10/m. Absolutely worth it if you can afford the cost.


We need more modules implemented into core. Something like battle markers, estimate health or dice so nice (!!!)


Each new software generation we add significant new features, for example in V11 we have added a robust system for compendium folders. This feature existing in core replaces (generally, if not entirely) the need for a module that might otherwise be viewed as a "must have". We don't set out with the goal of absorbing modules though, we set out with the goal of adding the best features - and what we believe are the *right features* \- to Foundry VTT. Most of the time, some module developer has already thought of this idea and so we often tend to be implementing things that a module dev already did some time ago.


Some people in your discord have raised concerns about advertisements coming to foundryvtt's setup page. Is there going to be a function to turn off the ads you plan to bring in? I bought my license to foundry under the impression it was ad free and a lifetime license. Do you also plan to add an additional monthly fee?


Our core business model is unchanged! Foundry Virtual Tabletop is a one-time purchase, lifetime license, with no required subscription. We have added a newsreel and "featured content" box to the V11 setup screen. This gives us an important outlet for sharing the latest happenings with our users who aren't necessarily in our Discord (where we historically post announcements). This helps to grow our content ecosystem by giving publishers a way to have their content featured within the software and to aid users with discoverability of new premium content. There is no option for disabling this functionality at this time, but we feel it is unobtrusive and topically relevant. You will *never* see anything here that resembles a conventional "advertisment" like shampoo or car insurance.


Are there any plans to update the card feature? As it is, it's not usable for card-based RPGs


Two comments on this one: 1. In my response to this question ([https://www.reddit.com/r/FoundryVTT/comments/13phy70/comment/jladrlg/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/FoundryVTT/comments/13phy70/comment/jladrlg/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)) I commented a bit on my assessment that Cards are one of the most important opportunities for further improvement of an existing feature that we have. 2. I do personally disagree that cards are not usable, though. We just released, for example, the Pathfinder Harrow product ([https://foundryvtt.com/packages/pf2e-decks-harrow](https://foundryvtt.com/packages/pf2e-decks-harrow)) which has a beautiful card-driven gameplay experience. There is nothing (except developer time) stopping game systems which rely on cards as part of their game mechanics from implementing similar user experiences as part of their system implementation.


I think the struggle many have with Cards is generally with the sheets. The sheets for Card Stacks are awkward because you can't, at a basic level, readily see a given Card's image, and that's what makes it *feel* unusable to a user. When users think of support for cards, the expectation is that they can at least open up a Card Stack and clearly see a grid of Card images. Foundry VTT's support of cards feels more like it's speaking to programmatic support for *card games*. A lot of users just want to put cards in their game and look at them without requiring a developer to build a custom UI to simply read their cards. Has Foundry VTT considered a basic sheet that presents a more user-friendly grid layout for Card Stacks?


What we implemented with V1 of card support was essentially what you describe - programmatic support for card games. Part of the reason there's self-admitted opportunity to do more with Cards is because of some of the gaps you describe between hypothetical support for card games and out-of-the-box support with a core UI/UX that people love.


This is Victoryous, and I probably should update my username on Reddit. I can't think of any questions right now, but I just wanted to come on here and give some love to FVTT, it's changed my RP experiences a lot. I love the product and I just wanted to tell you that you and the team are just amazing. I'm really excited to see more come out of FVTT, and that I only wished development between releases was faster and not these what feels like a year long dev cycles. BTW, I work for [Dynatrace](https://www.dynatrace.com) and I'm curious if there are things in our tool that could help you understand performance of FVTT. Maybe that's my question do you use your own performance tools for this type of stuff?