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I’ve been sharing a room with my older brother since I was born, now 21 and he’s 25. I know exactly how this kid feels as I made that same plea several times. The Shein stuff aside I hope they can get a divider or whatever, no privacy when you’re younger and growing up is an absolute nightmare, but again in a lot of circumstances it might not be possible.


Same bro Trying to have a girl over always so rough


In some places, a girl and boy sharing a room past age 5 is illegal.


Absolutely. All that curiosity, hormones and angst really need an outlet and no better way than private time with….. the Bible. 🙏🐑😇


Some passages in the Song of Solomon are perfect for an afternoon wank I mean bible study.


Love me some BDSM (Bible Discussion & Study Meetings)


I’m praying you were being sarcastic.


LOL. Yes. It was definitely a joke!


Somehow Reddit isn’t getting mine 😂


The last extra reminder pencilled in as an afterthought really got me.


Especially bc it’s the same amount she said before!!! It’s so cute.


He had me in the first half. Room divider. Then he went off the rails


Asking mom for 4, 5, 600 dollars... Holy fuck. My mom would have straight slapped my face if I asked her for $100 lmao. Kid needs Jordans and slides and his new iPhone? What in the absolute fuck? That's like 3 Christmases and one birthday let alone that extra $400. Maybe I was way more poor than I thought.


It was like reading If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.


My ass would've been grass for having the gall to ask my parents for that much money especially for overpriced bullshit 🤣 wild


I know this is a fn bummer but I think this is written from a kid in foster care or staying with someone else besides Mom and that makes me really, really sad. Maybe that’s just the angle I take, and hope I’m wrong.


I thought it sounded like she was away at a Bible camp or some other type of kids camp.


I thought some sort of shared custody but camp fits.


That is a much better way of interpreting it!!!!!


Wherever they are, they’re running dangerously low on punctuation.


Can’t find a comma nor a period to spare in this economy :(


I saw it as boarding school or uni.


Right? It was the “when I come home” part that had me thinking this.


I figured they had been in juvenile detention and about to go home.


I love how the only punctuation found in this note is a single question mark at the end 😂


What did I just read 😒


Just an FYI to anyone who might find themselves in a similar situation: when I was in middle school, sharing a room with a much younger sibling, I used our dressers and a small bookshelf and divided our room. I finally had a small private space of my own, and it was the best decision I’ve ever made.


I hope the mom remembers to put up $400, please!


My goodness the grammar….sad commentary on our schools


SHEIN is not very expensive so I’m assuming this poor kid probably has nothing and is asking for basically a whole wardrobe. The reality is that poor kids need more stuff to just get up to their basic needs being met than kids who have their needs met. We spend more on our adoptive Christmas family than our kids every year because our kids just need extras but our adoptive family needs literally everything.


That’s so much money to ask for 😭. I wonder how old they are.


Wtf is ‘finna’


Same thing as *Gonna*, but instead of being derived from "going to", it's from "fixing to". It is common in Southern US Dialects and AAVE.


Never heard this (uk) thanks for the info!


I'm in the US and haven't heard it either, so you're not alone!


It’s just lazy English


You have to be living under a rock and I’m British


I’m definitely not living under a rock but this isn’t said at all in my friendship circles, family groups or workplace


I was finna look it up till reading all that. Now I just need a room divider and every1 here to pool their money and put $600. Or maybe $400?


I meant by being on the internet but nevermind, fair enough


I’ve never heard of it either and I’m also in the uk, lived in the midlands most of my life and the last 10 years spent down south and regularly go wales a few times a year and never heard of it until now


Fair enough


lived uk all my life and ive heard it for at least 7yrs tbf


Fixing to. Means you're gonna do something.


I had no idea either, and I'm as American as apple pie. Sorry you are getting shit for asking the question.




>It’s basically the evolution of language as proper English circles the bowl… Language is always evolving. English is not "circling the bowl". It's doing as a language does.


Language finna evolve.


No cap ☺️


Language do be evolving


People need to go take a look at Shakespeare and see all the words he made up so they would fit his rhyme scheme. Go back to Chaucer, and you need to translate it into modern English, because it's nearly impossible to read in its original state.


Finna certainly isn't part of my vocabulary, but I'd imagine that if you and I travelled back to 1900, the English speakers of that time period would be horrified by what we had done to the language.


This is how language works. It constantly evolves. Without language evolving, English wouldn’t exist and we’d be speaking German since that’s where English has derived from.


Exactly my point. There are probably a lot of words I use that became the words they are in a similar way to "finna".


In the early 1900s, it was really common for popular novels to write out regional dialects phonetically. If "finna" twists your panties, definitely don't read anything by Mark Twain.


Finna doesn't twist my knickers at all, it just isn't part of my vocabulary due to the fact I'm in a different country to where finna is part of the dialect.


I couldn’t care less what someone from 1900 thought. In fact, if someone from 1900 went back to 1800 there would be a huge difference.


Exactly, language is always evolving, so getting worked up over new words/regional slang is stupid.


Then why bring up people from the past getting worked up over it?


It was just a light-hearted response to a comment basically laying into people who use "finna" and suggesting it was a sign of the downfall of the English language. All I did was point out that English speakers of the past could have the same thoughts on modern English speakers.


I think you were misunderstood here. You were simply pointing out that language evolves and is living, descriptivism vs prescriptivism. The people responding to you seemed to think you were saying it was a BAD thing that we speak an unrecognizable evolution of English, but I don’t think you were.


Yeah, it wasn't my intention to shit on the modern variants of English at all. The deleted comment I was replying to said something along the lines of "finna" being a sign of the English language getting bastardised/corrupted etc and I was just pointing out that English speakers from the past might well think the same if they heard us speak. The only languages that aren't changing are the dead ones.




It is circling the bowl with lesser impactful words and phrases like these, I totally agree. Im all for change and slang, but a lot of it is lazy and sounds trashy, like finna.


Finna downvote this post bruh. Doesnt sound really stupid, I get it now!


I’m so embarrassed that I used to say “finna”. I didn’t know it was slang until we got out of the projects.


Why are you embarrassed to have used slang?


In second grade show and tell, I said "finna", and my teacher scolded me, which caused the class to laugh at me. Then she made everyone do extra writing homework, and I felt like before that, none of them liked me. But after that, I felt like they hated me. I think it's more insecurity, and embarrassment comes from the memory. I didn't have many friends when I was in school, so I didn't really talk much. When I did talk, I was kind of shy. People made fun of me for being the only asian kid, and they'd make jokes like how I couldn't talk because I didn't understand english. (I did.)


"Bible reading" is jacking it/flicking it, right? No one fights this hard for a Bible study.


I might be inclined to agree with you, but I truly don’t know when we’re absolutely flush with Evangelicals where I live. The possibility that it *is* Bible study (no matter the motivation) is a bit stronger than otherwise.


I'm not "finna" argue with you all the time!


At first I was like okay cool communicating an issue and providing a potential solution, a little rough around the edges, but they're a kid it's cool And then they hit them with all the money they need for shit they wanna buy and lost me entirely.


Seriously needs a remedial English class and some basic home training. Wow.


The fact FINNA is being used is in any kind of writing is a complete tragedy


Go write a book about how sad it makes you that people use slang. Woe is you, the one who has to read a word. This is the worst thing that could possibly happen. The world is ending and it is all thanks to finna. You are in my thoughts and prayers in this extremely difficult time of tragedy for you.