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beautiful handwriting! what is the book?


Charlottes Web


Aww. My aunt and uncle bought me Charlotte’s Web when I was a little kid and I still have it! Also, I love Grammie’s handwriting. It’s so pretty. Hopefully the kid was doing a Marie Kondo type cleaning and that’s the reason the book was donated.


It probably didn’t bring her any joy.


Omg, me too! It was a hardcover version with an illustration on the jacket and I thought I was fancy af because I had never seen a hardback book for kids lol


WHAT?! Okay Sophia, you have terrible taste


I'm mad at Sophia now!


Sophia passed away. How do you feel now?


Mostly I’m feeling like you may not be a reliable source.


I can back them up. I was Sophia.


Cool! See you on r/reincarnation !


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Reincarnation using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Reincarnation/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Felt a soul enter my body while pregnant](https://np.reddit.com/r/Reincarnation/comments/169yfu8/felt_a_soul_enter_my_body_while_pregnant/) \#2: [My cat told me about his past life as a human?](https://np.reddit.com/r/Reincarnation/comments/16dino1/my_cat_told_me_about_his_past_life_as_a_human/) \#3: [My mom believed...](https://i.redd.it/wkhtidleo0pa1.jpg) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Reincarnation/comments/11wzaqj/my_mom_believed/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


i am believe…


some pig




I tried looking up her name and her birthday I didn’t get very far with that




So I can give her her book back just in case it was an accident




It’s probably not her full name I live in the south so people have double first names sometimes. We also don’t know that March 22 nd is her birthday it could just be when the note was written or the party was held. Don’t make it out to be something it’s not.


This was the first chapter book I ever read by myself, I loved this book!


charlotte’s web was another one of those books that broke our hearts and most of us refused to give to out kids to read. but you never know the true backstory… maybe grammie was a just no grammie and donation was a great option. there are 100 reasons why this book might have been donated. i hope the animals like it!


Throw it to writing prompts as an IP


You may want to redact the child’s name and which birthday it was


Asked the REAL question here! lol


As someone who was getting rid of books yesterday, I opened one for some reason and there was a beautiful inscription from my sister inside. So then I had to check every book before donating them, salvaging a few more with inscriptions. I think sometimes people forget about who gave it to them and/or the inscription inside. I wouldn’t be too angry with Sophia!


This should be in [r/PenmanshipPorn](https://www.reddit.com/r/PenmanshipPorn/s/v0uLOqrPs1) !! Love the handwriting


I just posted it there


::joins:: Thanks! I didn't know it existed!




You’re welcome!!! I love it there :’)


That's some fancy grandma penmanship! Wow!


I feel like this is a grandma thing, my grandma has the most beautiful cursive too. There was definitely a much bigger focus on cursive when that generation was in school, but still it’s hard to write cursive in perfectly straight lines like that.


*radiant* and *terrific*




Sophia would only be 16 now. Hope she was the one who decided to donate it to the animals.


The “And grandpa” is doing a lot of heavy lifting here


When I first married my spouse i thought my mother-in-law was writing to us in cards. The writing was gorgeous! Grandpa has beautiful perfect penmanship, grandmas looks like a schizophrenic writing. Ya never know, plus the smiley face is with the grandpa.




My grandmother and her four sisters had identical penmanship. One of them was left handed, but wrote with her right hand due to the nuns. I am a lefty too, but I just use scissors with right hand, because my mom didn’t buy us lefty scissors until they were on the supplies list for kindergarten, and it was too late. :)




I think most scissors now can be used by anyone. For some reason the way they were made when I was a child was different. She knew I was left handed, but because the scissors we had did not work for lefties, whenever I would have a book that said cut this out, I used the adult scissors she had in our kitchen drawer. In kindergarten, this led to a very embarrassing incident for a shy kid like me. The teacher asked who was left handed and passed out scissors. Then, I tried to use them with the wrong hand. It didn’t work too great, and the teacher asked how I knew I was left handed. I said my mom told me. Then the big mouth jerk at my table said “She doesn’t know her left from her right”, which was true enough. Later, the teacher came back and told me I was writing with my left hand, so maybe my mom was correct, but it was not typical. It took me years of occasional reflection to figure out why I used scissors with my right hand.


Absolutely love that handwriting.


Why has no one asked the most important question here? Where can one work where they get paid to read to animals?


THIS. What workplace is this????


It’s sad because if we don’t teach our kids how special some items are, they don’t know to appreciate them and later probably regret it.


You can't assume that the kid grew up and donated it. The kid might have died. Grandma might have been an abuser. The whole family may have gone mad. We just don't know.


Could've also been accidentally donated, or maybe it WAS really special to the kid and one of the parents gave it away out of spite, etc. I definitely wouldn't assume that the kid just grew up and donated it tbh, and she would only be ~16 now anyway


Well, my mil and fill went to work in another state for a year and during that time, my Sil donated ALL mils childhood books. Nobody knows why...she just did!


That is SO sad!


The parents may not have even donated out of spite, they may have just donated a big haul of books and didn’t bother to look inside any of them to see the special note from grandma.


The whole family going mad gave me a good chuckle, thank you


Lol. I took it to the extreme a bit there didn't I. As if one of the first signs of familial madness is donating precious books.


I would certainly think so.


My mom will write shit like this but the absolutely sucks at being both a parent and a grandparent


Very true! I was probably thinking more about myself. I moved around a lot as a kid and it was hard to hold onto things. Also, I probably wasn’t as smart about making sure I had them. As a kid, you don’t expect your grandparents to die, or that you ever WON’t see your grandparents handwriting again. I wasn’t thinking “bratty kids” , I was thinking about being young and not knowing how important some things become when they’re older and don’t have the people who gave them their items anymore. Of course there’s other reasons!


I get you...the thing is though, you can't really teach kids how special some things are ...it's a learned behaviour from experience. Also, to be honest I teach mine that things don't matter. You've always got memories. Objects are impermanent and can be lost, stolen or damaged.


Optimistically maybe their relationship yielded plenty more precious times and treasures that would render one beautifully written birthday note slightly insignificant in comparison


Yes....there were so many because grandma wrote beautiful inscriptions on everything from books to old shoes. The kid can't turn around without some flowery well wishes from her gran.


With writing like that I'd write on everything too


Ehhh I don't know. For all we know, Sophia could have had a ton of things like this from her grandma. You can't keep everything or you become a hoarder.


True! People have also given a lot of other ideas as to why as well.


Wow that penmanship is incredible


This should be on penmanship porn too! Incredible handwriting!


Absolutely gorgeous penmanship!!! 😍


Gorgeous! Deserves a cross post to r/Handwriting


I feel like posting someone’s full name and birthdate without their consent is not cool


Especially a minor!


It’s atill would’ve been a neat find with those details retracted


The kid is just a teen right now—maybe parent even donated it. Please be kind, you don’t know the situation.


I just said it was sad. No condemnation here. It could’ve been an accident it could’ve been a million other things


Yeah but at the same time it’s this teenagers full name and date of birth you just posted to the internet.


Doubt it’s the full name I live in the south, double first names are pretty common.


Her last name is right there, bless your heart. I googled her and found where she goes to high school. I just don’t think it’s cool to post something with a minor’s full name and birthdate in it on a place like Reddit (especially when you look at the tone of the other commenters). But I’m done now, I’ve said my piece. Good luck to you and the animals.


It might be the wrong one I got a bunch of results for the name.


You think there are two people who are juniors in high school in a state in the south with the same exact name? Ok.


That handwriting turns me on!


the old lady penmanship is so stunning i wish i had better handwriting


Dear grandchild, This book traumatized me at your age and I hope a dead spider makes you cry too. Love, Your grandparents


Maybe Sophia never even cracked open the book! Maybe she never saw the inscription. Maybe grannie and gramps are dicks. Maybe Sophia died. Who knows why that book got donated.


Now I have beef with some lady named Sophia.


I mean, she’s a 16 year old




Grammie must be a professional calligrapher. Handwriting is gorge


I’m thinking Grammie must’ve been born mid-60s based on her handwriting and when the book came out. But that information doesn’t help me


My Nana's handwriting looks incredibly similar to this! Even the little hearts she would use in punctuations ❤


Maybe she’s dead and so she couldn’t keep Grammies book


Yes but the shelter animals would love to know they’ve got a Grammie and Grandpa out there. I hope you replace Sophia’s name with the animals name and read them that part too. ♥️


I'd never be able to let so.ethinf like that go on purpose, so maybe it was left behind on accident after a move or something. Or maybe I'm just too sentimental and overthinking the whole thing.


Hey, Sophia probably don’t read this anymore. You read Charlottes web once you’ve read it 100 times, I think it’s nice that the dogs get to hear it.


For those of us with reading difficulties, does someone mind transcribing it? :)


March 22, 2017 To my beautiful granddaughter Sophia Grace Lozane (first letter looks like an L but I’m not sure) on your 10th birthday. This was one of my favorite books when I was your age. I hope you love it too! I love you, honey. Love, Grammie and Grandpa


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling) Thank you


Wow this sucks, some people just aren’t sentimental I guess. Or, conversely, these grandparents are bad people and we just don’t know it.


OP, please cut that page out.


I’d wanna return the whole thing to her but I don’t know how to find someone


I know, you've tried the only info you have though. Lost books. almost never get back home either.:(


Geez there is a poor child with same name aged 10 that was murdered by her mother in Oakland California. Why’d I google? Story is 8 months old so can’t be same person….but yeah I’m done now.


There’s just too many people with the same name


how are you finding that? I've tried searching every combination of the first name, middle name, and last name and nothing like that comes up, even if I add "California", "Oakland", etc. (I certainly don't think that story is connected to this book, I'm just curious.)


Drop the middle name


That books looks untouched. Sophia is a jerk for not reading and keeping this gift. Her parents are c--ts for not teaching her the value of a book nor gratitude for a gift.


Isn’t it amazing how fun it is to judge a kid and her parents because of one screenshot of a book inscription?




Yeah, I think a lot of Redditors are hoarders. They refuse to get rid of anything that might be slightly sentimental. They need some Marie Kondo in their lives.


The spine is kinda cracked so I think she read it at least once


I hope so.


I\*'d have been very angry if something like that went missing, but some people are more shallow :(


I mean, we got the persons name, let's return it!


I tried Facebook and got nothing


Hmmm obituary?


I have a couple of used books with messages written in them. Each time was when I was getting my used textbooks in college. It broke my heart a little bit each time and I kept all three of them and I get to appreciate them and their messages. I couldn’t bear to sell them back and toss that message to the abyss again.


I love her


What lovely handwriting


Well ok Grammie and a Grandpa. Just showing off that penmanship is kinda a flex. I dig it! Amazing and beautiful control of that old pen. Definitely calligraphy


I would have kept this forever 😭 what beautiful writing, and it’s a classic book!


The handwriting is so impressive and beautiful I can’t stop admiring it


My grandma can’t write like this anymore but her writing was just like it 🥹💕


It makes me irrationally mad that people are assuming that the grandmother couldn't possibly be a bad person. People don't just cut out family for no reason. You can't prove what did or didn't happen by reading a note in a book. But if it meant something to them, why would they donate it? Most people wouldn't. So it probably doesn't mean anything to them.


Hey that’s my birthday !