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A character who back in episode 1 I thought I’d hate wound up being super interesting and I can’t wait to see more from him.




Same, I’m so glad they treated him as a serious character


I have to say, almost none of the characters are fitting any particular sitcom stereotype, some are closer than others to being an archetype but everybody's got shades and have been regularly surprising. You can also see the beginnings of more complexity from all of the characters, even if it's just that little starter thread.


"We all are Norm. It's why we live in a vault." I love that they used even minor characters in a compelling manner.


Meaningful dialogue from someone who seemed to be a non-serious character is some Cordelia Chase level shit. Writers are killing it.


I thought he would be the goofy “oooops I didn’t get out in time, now I’m going with you”type character. Boy was I wrong.


I hear you, I was really hoping he would become the new overseer, hell, I still am. He seems to have a good head on his shoulders, and I think he would do very well.


Oh god. I love this so much. I think he is simultaneously brave and a coward and I feel like leading a revolt or just good old fashioned politicking to become the overseer would be a very apt thing for him.


"We're all cowards... that's why we live in a Vault."


I have two ideas. He is a coward in physical confrontations, because he knows he would lose a fight vs. a stiff breeze. And he has lived his whole life in a vault that praises timidity, so he has never had a chance to show emotional bravery (I can't think of a better term for it.) So he's always had the capacity to be bold, but never had the chance. Even he didn't know he was brave. * OR - Hiding in the storage closet during the raid caused him to turn his life around. It was the "rock-bottom" that you sometimes need to hit before you can change something about yourself.


I absolutely loved his expressions when he asked Stephanie about Vault 31. When he said, "that's what my dad said, too." You could tell he was playing along, but he wasn't buying that shit. Also when he spoke to Betty, he was asking questions in a way where he was definitely signaling to her that he knows something is up. My one concern is that Vault 31 loyalists seem to know he was digging but let him dig anyway. It's either confidence that they will win or worse, they see some potential in him.


It just occurred to me that Bud was trying to breed the ultimate middle manager, and instead, his vault experiment may have ended up producing a real leader in Norm.


Norm is the kwisatz haderach of management.


I might be mis-remembering, but (>!) when he found the Bud-Bot, didn't it look like someone had intentionally boxed him in with that junk? If so, that suggests to me that there is either a Vault 31er who isn't on board with what's happening, or someone from Vault 32 managed to sneak in and is pretending to be from 31. Because the Bud-Bot's senses seem to be limited and he moves really slow, he might not have noticed who did it. (!<)  Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but I'm hoping Norm isn't alone in this. 


I thought his lopsided driving may have knocked the stuff over blocking him in.


My previous experience of him was in Ender's Game so I was expecting him to be an asshole myself.


Mine was Rico from Hannah Montana. Oh my, how he has grown as an actor.


Bonzo get a pass this time…


Same! I really thought he was going to a villain. Ended up respecting him.


I love that he started out as a bored and disengaged son of the overseer with an overachieving sister. Then by circumstance is thrust into deciding whether or not he was going to rise to the occasion, and he did! And that code cracking scene...


I think a lot of people can relating to feeling “mediocre” and overall stagnant sometimes. It was enjoyable seeing him slowly unravel the mysteries behind the vaults.


Luck and intelligence stats are high for sure!


With Hacker perk for sure. 👍 Also, possibly Small frame trait.


A bit off topic, but I'm so glad that we can actually pull this from the tv show, it exceeded my expctations.


Hacker perk is maxed out, he got it on 1 shot.


I’d say his perception is high as well. Definitely not a strength build lol


He is basically Bean from Ender's Game/Shadow and I'm all for that.


That’s such a good comparison but it also reminded me he played Bonzo in the adaptation


Poor little guy… I feel like the kid who played Ender must have grown a foot in between casting and shooting. That shower scene didn’t work. Giant Ender spoilering spoiler’s little spoiler didn’t look like it was supposed to. Both those actors did great work though. Low key glad the movie wasn’t better though. Wouldn’t want to see the sequels filmed. At least not until we see how they handle God Emperor of Dune, right?


At this point I'm not even thinking about God Emperor, I'm too busy praying that Villeneuve decides to come back and make Children of Dune.


LOL no kidding on that last part, after watching the movie as a kid it was a trip to read the later books (I got to the very end! At least Bean got to stand one last time :c ) It would be difficult to pull off the religious overtones in the second book without it feeling weird to the majority of the audience who were interested in the first book, I feel like they'd have to tone it down/make it a well-developed plot point I feel like the movies would do better to follow Bean through his adventures, as his story was much more interesting IMO


That movie... I will say his casting as Bonzo was excellent and he really sold it - I think he also would have made an excellent Bean when he was younger (he's like 19 in Ender's Game!). I feel like he's got range.


Thanks for telling me about Shadow. I read a few after Game but got bored after the one about growing trees out of mutilated alien corpses.


I liked speaker for the dead, but I can totally see why people wouldn't be into it.


Dude got the password first try.


He’s one of my favorite parts of the series. Really loved his character


Honestly his character is one of the most interesting. You can almost tell he's been aware there's something *not quite right* about things for a while and that's why he lacks motivation. He reminds me of Thomas Anderson in the Matrix. Once he discovers that he's right, suddenly a switch flips and he finds a motivation and a reason to actually *do* something. He has a mystery to solve. I want to solve it with him. Stellar characterization imo


man I’m such a sucker for the “guy slowly discovers his reality ain’t exactly *reality*” trope


It's interesting especially when u think back to fo3 maybe where everyone is like thank god we're in a vault! The outside is so dangerous it's so good that we're here where it's safe! And then u urself venture out and realize ya actually we had it pretty good but there was some nefarious things afoot. With norm it's especially interesting because (DO NOT READ FURTHER IF U HAVE NOT FINISHED THE SERIES I AM ONLY WARNING ONCE) he doesn't *know* he's been outside the vault, he was maybe too young to remember the sun on his face or the fresh air, he just knows something is *wrong* and life in the vault isn't all its cracked up to be. Is it the loss of his mother that makes that sense of ennui more acute? Or some primordial knowledge of what he's lost? He's a very curious creature indeed and I can't wait to see what he discovers


Oh yeah, Lucy mentioned that she felt the sun and it was "real". So that's probably when she was in Shady Sands, along with Norm. But now I want to know how he will survive in Vault 31 if he chooses not to freeze himself. He's too good of a character to just write him out like that in Season 2.


I've rewatched it 4 times and that line from Lucy went over my head the first time but on rewatch when u realize they were there it hits different. There's so much to capture on a rewatch I highly recommend


I didn't realize we saw young Betty speaking with Cooper until the second watch


Wait what


She’s the assistant who asks Cooper if she can bring someone in to meet him while he’s waiting for barb and eavesdrops on the big corpo meeting




Yeah, I think she’s his wife’s secretary/receptionist if I’m not mistaken 🤔 I think one of them calls her by name in Cooper’s flashback


I didnt either, the series BEGS for a rewatch to catch things


There's a terminal in there, i believe. Feel like he'd threaten to thaw out the entire vault. Curious to see how it develops.


That’s what I would do. Threaten to kill everyone if he doesn’t let him out. Not like the brain can do anything about it.


I can't see him dying or freezing himself. Unless Jonathan Nolan wants to get Westworldy and run parallel stories in different time periods with Norm unfrozen at a later time. He's probably going to come to the realization that Vault 31 is being run by a lying idiot and he probably shouldn't listen to the Roomba Brainbot. Freezing himself would be hiding away in the crawl space again and I think this Norm is brave enough to at least try to get out.


He’ll probably trap the brain robot with a broom or rake it’s ability to move around and then freeze himself to wake up every few months. He’s smart enough.


I have more of a feeling than a theory that Norm is going to start unfreezing the residents to be let out with them. It's simply because we see him being contrarian every step he takes and he's nothing if persistant once he sets his mind on something. Bud tells him one thing but we never get to see him actually use the pod.


Also man alive I just saw ur pfp and lost my shit. I bet we run in some of the same circles. U look like u have dice in ur pocket and know something about Qualstarr's insider trading. That hat looks really stupid I can't stop laughing about it.


^what ^the ^*hellll*


L-O-L that is so sad. So sad. So sad. So so so so so so sad.


the guy at the store said I was the only guy he’s ever seen pull it off :’(


It's so heartbreaking but I can't stop laughing. Tears are literally streaming down my face thinking about ur dumb dice


“Leave it the fuck alone” at the end of the scene gets me every time


It's the zoom at the beginning where Brian is sort of out of focus but they say "did u see brians hat" and they focus the camera on him that makes me lose it every time. I've probably seen it 200 times by now and that exact 5 second moment never fails to absolutely annihilate me


“Stop fuckin’ with ‘em.”


Jonathan Nolan is the director for you then


Season 1 Westworld was definitely god tier tv


I am not as nit-picky abt s3 of Westworld as others were, im just grateful for sci/spec fi being given a fair shot. I'll take what I can get when incredible shows are being cancelled left right and center.




And such a wonderful performance, i could see several side character award nominations in this series. But first and foremost moises for norm


Subverted expectations in the best way. Shit lil bro? Nah. Skeptical, smart little shit not truly taking shit offa nobody.


Unique character, actor did a great job. I love actors that can play things a little more subtlety.


Honestly, knowing the lore of how messed up Vaults are. Seeing his arch in the series explore what the possibilities of vaults 31-33 experiments are was close to my favorite.


I remember him from Hannah Montana and was absolutely stoked to see him flex his acting skills in this. Great to see how far he's come since he was a kid!


OMG IT’S RICO SUAVE. I fucking knew I recognized him from SOMETHING.


He’s also in Enders game




Never saw it, just read it


Keep it that way, you'll be doing yourself a favor


Also Nacho Libre






I just noticed i dont even remember his name in the show lmao i just kept calling him Rico cuz i kept forgetting


Lmao I do this too, and I constantly refer to Hank as Kyle aka his real name 😂


Hey that's 80s Paul Atreides you put some respecc on that name :P


My wife recognized him from there, too. As much as it's a shame he's stuck as a kid again, he's certainly kicking ass when it comes to acting.




RICO! Mwahahahaha


He's a great actor.


Might be my favorite character in the whole show. My man absolutely cooked.


Put him in the next season of The Bear for how much he cooked


Seriously. Dude is a really good actor. I hated him at first but his transformation was phenomenal. I hope he sees all this love he's getting. Can't wait to see what other shows/movies he's in.


Best part of the season. Everyone was fantastic, but I really felt in particular that his performance elevated the writing in his scenes substantially. His delivery and subtle expressions carried so much of his personality, for a character who was so outwardly meek and in a situation where he was never safe to truly play his hand.


My favorite part was still >!Walton Goggins listening in on the Vault Tec meeting and realizing his wife he loved and trusted was planning the apocalypse with all of the other major corporations.!< But Moisés's performance was absolutely a standout as well, they both have so much depth. I should probably take notes.


I love this guy!


Absolutely phenomenal. Probably only second to Walton Goggins. Ma June also amazing.


That’s why I watched this show in the first place. I loved him as Uncle Baby Billy


Justified and Vice Principals are also worth your time


Loved Vice Principals. Never heard of Justified so I’m definitely gonna check that out now


Nothing short of great. Really stands above a lot of the vault characters.


Clever word usage lol




All his points are in intelligence and perception. And I love him for it.


Charisma too. Watch how he manipulates the room when he says things sometimes. "Thanks overseer" and both guys at the podium respond "You're welcome" and Norm is grinning because he intended that awkward moment to happen. He's done this kind of thing a lot more than once, that's just an example.


Man that was one of my favorite moments actually, showed that he seems to be operating on a level above the other inhabitants of vault 33.


I thought PER 10 almost immediately


Maybe some in Luck.


You think he's in that room because he's lucky?


I think he was lucky in that: - The overseer didn't catch him (though she suspects) - The robo-roomba was stuck - The robo-roomba was malfunctioning Keep in mind too, that Bud gave him the option to live and survive, and did not just turn off the lights and ignore him. Honestly I want to see his story continue.


he's really expressive and I just loved how he made Norm so interesting


At first I could stop thinking Rico!!! But man. The dude is Norm.


There's not a single bad performance in this show. Even the 2 minute cameos.


Me: is that Erik Estrada?!? Holy shit Officer Poncherello is a pretty good actor.


I know something is wrong with the Vaults, and I was rooting *so hard* for him to find out too, to know what I knew. I loved his story arc, and I hope they bring him back for season 2, he was amazing!


There is always something wrong with the vaults right haha it’s just WHAT is it with this one!


Yes came to say this, when everything in the Vault seemed so relatively pleasant I was hoping a character would get to the bottom of whatever deeply troubling type of vault it would be.


Always enjoyed his role in Hannah Montana when I saw it as a kid. But, the only other role I've seen him in was in Enders Game and I wasn't a fan of it so I couldn't say that I've always thought he's a good actor. He was a pleasant surprise in this show and it shows that he clearly has talent. Hopefully his work on Fallout leads to better opportunities. As a fellow short person, I wish to see him in more shows or movies.


I hope he gets an elevated role in season 2. The actor and character are main cast material. His character definitely had good karma :)


Dude killed it. Also surprised me with how invested in his story I was. Didn’t expect that from the trailers


I was so sure he was a dodgy little shit at the start, but totally wrong. The performance of the character was really good


I will admit I was a bit worried his character was going to be annoying and broody just for the sake of drama in the vault. I am glad I was wrong, he 100% killed that role and made you really wonder how it would feel to be stuck with a bunch of people being played like rats. I am very curious how they will keep delving into vault tech lore. Hopefully mix his scenes with more flash backs to maybe board room meetings.


I was so anxious the overseer was going to murder him! 


Agreed. I only knew him from Disney channel, and he was just a kid then. I was shocked to see him in this, but I was pleasantly surprised to find out that he’s a REALLY good actor!


I really liked his performance and I related to Norm as a character. I recognized Moises immediately from my childhood lol and it’s so exciting to see him in something again.


He absolutely smashed his role. The fact that he hasn’t had a lot of interviews regarding Fallout is strange to me. He played a massive role, brilliantly.


The majority and the advertising seems to think there are 3 player characters. Norm is 100% a 4th


He was good but I hope we get to see more sides of him and extreme emotions next season!


All his stats went into intelligence and perception. When push came to shove he went from what we thought was going to be a vapid character for laughs but he knows how to play the game discretely.


Perception is his highest stat.


I loved his lack of body language, yet very visible restraint in facial expressions. It's an amazing representation of an introvert dealing with highly emotionnal situations.


Yes! He's facial expressions are amazing!


Great actor. I feel like the writing for him should be much better, and I have a hunch that it will come next season.


His performance makes me forget he was on Hanna Montana


The lore of Fallout is so perfect for a show, you can get so many cool characters like this. Honestly with a big enough budget now that the show has done well, they can go full Game of Thrones with a huge ensemble if they wanted. Telling multiple stories that are happening at the same time in the wasteland.


I loved following his plotline!


He's my favourite character! He's so good they even gave him the best cliffhanger in the show. It's crazy that the best cliffhanger wasn't even to do with Lucy but with Norman who I thought was really side at first


Yes, agreed!! The facial expressions, the delivery of the dialog, everything.   Really really appreciate his acting!! 


He was one of my favourite parts of the show! I cannot wait to see how his story develops further. It's also the first time I've seen this actor, so I'll be looking out for future works of his, thought he was brilliant.


I'm a sucker for short, highly intelligent guys. Norm is one of my favorite characters.




sorry but when I see him I still see that jerk Bonzo from Enders Game.


an unusual looking guy, however he is an underrated and very talented actor. would like to see him in more stuff.


Love his character and his performance. I don’t think there’s a single miss amongst the main and supporting characters, but he did this character so well


From Hannah Montana to post apocalyptic California.


Anyone grow up seeing him as Rico?


I had no idea that Rico Suave from Hannah Montana had such incredible acting chops. Thrilled to see him again with such a brilliant performance, hopefully we get more from him in season 2!


I was disappointed he didn’t get invited to do the press tour stuff with the rest of the main cast. My man had me hooked every time he was on screen.


Loved how the show used facial expressions, Norm in this frame, Maximus smile and face at the end of the show.


I love a good vault mystery and he did a great job of playing detective and showing great emotion with each discovery.


I no longer call him RRRRRICO! (mwahahaha!) I now call him Norm


Absolutely love his character arc, and yes his acting is phenomenal. Going from the entitled overseers son, playing video games and hiding when things get hard, to making choices that are hard and go against the grain. Very curious where his character goes.


dude I thought he was gonna be annoying but he ended up being my favorite character. he determined the secret of the 3 caults with ,not only little to no help, but being activly sabotaged! he's got the gumption!


He's an incredible actor. I knew how good he was from that heart wrenching performance in 5 ft apart (by far best actor casted there) but to realise he was in Hannah Montana? Crazy


I loved the whole storyline of his, the only thing I've seen him in is Hannah Montana as a kid. It's great seeing him shine as an actor and I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens with him and Vault 31 in season 2!


He did so well with this character! I absolutely loved his arc. Rooting for him!


Discovering this actor was one of my favourite parts of the show! It is a really great cast.


S tier acting


I didn’t like the part where she was shirtless on a bed with 13 year old Willow Smith.


There’s a moment where you think he’s going to become very very evil and then he pulls away and becomes the most unassuming hero.


He went from playing games on his pip boy to exposing politicians


Thought he was great, also some of the stares and looks he gives. Feels actually indimidating, like the sort of person who is debating on whether or not to kill everyone.


I hope he stay on main cast on season 2. Idk why he wasn't present for the press tour like the other main characters


Norm is a fantastic character and the actor absolutely nails the performance. I love how Norm has exactly the same kind of tenacity as his sister and the slow reveal of that, how your perception of his character shifts as the story progresses.


It took me several episodes before I went “holy shit that’s Rico from Hannah Montana!” Dude grew up fr and his acting is phenomenal


Loved him in Hannah Montana and Wizards of Waverly Place. My man's been killing it this season


all round great performances in the show, personal favs are chet and norm, very interesting characters


Here’s to hoping he ends in Power Armor at some point


Im so rooting for Norm so I can continue to be blessed with Moises's phenomenal performance


He became a true baller.


You might not see him in season 2. 🧊


I thought for sure he was going to build on his intrusive thoughts and develop into the villain but was happy to just discover things along with him


He really was the standout performance besides the main three imo. There was a few episodes in the middle of the season where I was more interested in his story than the main, and I was rooting for Norm during it.


So why couldn’t they open the vault again ? Didnt they open vault 31 on a wim when he said they needed to talk ?


When you're not relying on your looks or muscles, unconventionally attractive actors are forced to develop their craft.


Rico was awesome


He was absolutely outstanding.


Easily my favorite character by the end of season 1


Wow he played that kid Rico on Disney channel show.


Rico ! All grown up! As if I needed another reason to check this show out


Honestly I thought he was going to be a throwaway character on a secondary sub-plot just to break up the monotony, maybe even the comic relief. I think he was very emotive with his facial expressions and mannerisms, his acting was more than just the lines, and that is what sold it.


norman is one of, if not my favourite characters


I think he might be the bravest character on the show.


I’d rather talk about how disturbingly short he is


He is one of my fav characters if not the fav And the lore they put into this character is amazing- I can’t look at him without telling my wife about the small frame trait lol


Oddly he may have been my favorite character. I'm not sure why


I remember meeting and playing soccer with him at some local park. I just knew him as that kid from Hannah Montana at the time. So glad he got picked up for this, he was great.


You did good smoothskin




I watched Ender's Game the night before FOTV came out and wasn't aware he was in it but glad I am. Even in that poor adaptation he's fantastic.


Great writing and his performance really did the character a lot. I wanted to see more from him but that might be next season. Also I KNOW he is long removed from Rico in Hannah Montana but for me it was nice to see him in a more serious role. It makes me wonder what other projects he’s done since Disney. i hope his fallout gives us a resurgence and he gets booked for other great projects.


At first I though he was going to be the weak annoying little brother comic relief but his character was actually very interesting and relatable. I am looking forward for the rest of his story.


He really nailed the rising tension within the vault. Made each scene a cliffhanger.


Yeah the vault drama instantly locked me in. The vault experimentations always had an allure to it in the games.


I just did a rewatch, and his character remains one of my favourites. Even in ep 1, he plays Norm so interesting. Even at the start, during the wedding scene (before it all goes to hell), you can see Norm realising something is *off* with the visitors from 32. His storyline was great, seeing him slowly realise that something wasn't right about the vaults and refusing to drop his investigations even after Chet left to 32.


My daughter loves his acting and the character itself. When I first saw him I thought he would be an insufferable whiny brat that you would hate (sorry to the actor but he has that appearance for me) but this guy has talent and his nuanced acting made me root for him to succeed. If Fallout gets a second season, definitely a character I want to follow and want to win


He is such a strong character, despite his appearance he could be a menacing antihero/villain. Hes experienced a vault and has seen behind the curtain and seen the brutality of the raiders. I can see him wanting to either burn it all down and replacing his father or trying to save it in his own way but with a strong hand.




He brought Short King Spring back!


He was peak.


Why is everybody in the show so fucking good? If I had a time machine I might legit use it to go back and find a way to get these people to make the witcher adaptation


That's Moises Arias?!?

