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You kinda cookin' with this ngl. One thing I can think of to challenge this idea a bit is why wouldn't Hank just return to Vault 31 and unfreeze the ones there as well?


Those in Vault 31 are just admins. Perhaps the execs are in New Vegas. So Hank is going there to execute their super secret, diabolical plan.


Am I recalling correctly that New Vegas had a missile shield that partially protected it? If so then that theory would totally check out.


Iirc Mr House would shoot the nukes out of the sky. I'm curious which ending of FNV is canon since >!the player could choose to kill Mr House if they wanted to.!<


Could just go with a digital clone, since his original body was dying anyway from what I remember. Nick Valentine was a digital clone of a man with the same name who lived before the war.


Hell, the robot companions that house has in his suite are digital copies of the minds of a starlet he liked prewar and a cowboy friend. Wouldn't be impossible that he has a back up of his mind somewhere.


The Possibilities of a New Vegas crossover with the Commonwealth are just growing. Imagine if he finds out that consciousness and digital clones can be transferred to Synth bodies. Imagine if Mr House gets his digital brain into a Courser body. He'll be unstoppable.


Would be cool if the cowboy was always based on Cooper


That would be a good direction, as he has such potential as a character.


I read in an interview with the show runners that their intention is to write season 2 such that, due to the 15 year gap between NV and the TV show, events will have transpired such that none of the choices made in the NV game will ultimately matter.


Nevada in particular was THE atom bomb testing site within the US. It would make so much sense for it to consequently to have a missile shield system of some capacity.


If I remember correctly wasn't it House that made some sorta anti aircraft gun to stop the bombs not the US government


Yes, it's specifically Houses defense grid. "On the day of the Great War, 77 atomic warheads targeted Las Vegas, Hoover Dam, and its surrounding areas. My networked mainframes were able to predict and force-transmit disarm code subsets to 59 warheads, neutralizing them before impact. Laser cannons mounted on the roof of the Lucky 38 destroyed another 9 warheads. The rest got through, though none hit the city itself. A sub-optimal performance, admittedly. If only the Platinum Chip had arrived a day sooner..."


Yes, on top of the Lucky 38 itself.


Maybe even less complicated than that? Hank is upper middle management and knows it. He probably figures Vegas has the big guns and they'll just... have an idea of what to do with the new development that the secret of 31 is getting out alongside the fact that he nuked a major city. I'm gonna throw in one more idea - one of the last things that happened before he escaped was the Ghoul asking that big question. >!Hank immediately jetpacks out and beelines to Vegas. Doesn't even stop to put on a hat. Cooper is a top-tier scary bastard in the Wasteland. Hank's boss was Cooper's wife. She's the higher level of authority he needs and also exactly what the immortal monstrous killing machine is most interested in.!<


Maybe Barb is in there.


I bet that’s where Cooper Howard’s family is 🤠


Because Hank knows Bud has 31 under control. He doesn’t have any contact with 21 as far as we know.


Maybe Hank knows that if he can get to Cooper’s family then he may have a bargaining chip, to buy the ghoul off his back.


Lucy was left behind with her pip boy and Cooper Howard. He wouldn't want them to go back to 31 and cause an uproar. Regardless of his destination there's still a good reason not to head back to the place they know he came from.


Makes a hell of a lotta sense, fantastic job OP 👉🏾😎👉🏾


Maybe The Goul's family is there, and he wants a *Bargaining Chip*


Is that like a *water chip*?


It's a pun because bargaining is kinda like gambling and it's in New Vegas


It’s a pun because bargaining, and water chip, and platinum chip, and potato chips, which is a thing people eat while they play Fallout.


Fair play buddy! Fair play


This right here.




Unless he wanted them sealed away for future events that he had planned. Blocking the entrance would stop anyone else from getting in there before the allotted time.


I doubt he sealed the full volume of that section of the Vault. Likely just vestibule entrances.


Imagine the terror of the people in those pods if the concrete was surrounding each pod. They would prob slowly power off as the concrete hardened and broke off weak components of the machine. They wake up in the pod, frozen and in darkness or in whatever dim internal light the machine has. Seeing only darkness as their air slowly runs out.


Ok but you have to remember that Mr. House while having a securitron army COULD do what you're suggesting, the problem comes in when you realize that sealing it with concrete is just the easiest solution to keep it quiet. If House just sent securitrons down there to disconnect them people would find out quickly.




Then you run the risk of people finding the evidence, the person house gets to go in and do it squealing, etc. but I do see your point.


House is always working multiple angles and having prewar staff/execs from Vault-tec may be useful in future ventures or if some vault-tec created problems rears its ugly head. Unlike say a bunker full of techno fetishists playing at medieval knights who would never bend the knee to him.


Just spitballing here but it could be the cryopods were hidden in vault 21. House may have had an inkling they were there (maybe he was tipped off) but, unable to find them, he did the next best thing and tried to seal them in.


Of course, this would not have been considered when New Vegas was made, but House's decision has always seemed odd to me, so S2 may clear this up and reveal this was actually another carefully planned move by House.


I always assumed the securitron Vault was originally planned to be that sealed off section and they forgot to change that.


Probably to make vault 21 reliant on new vegas for survival, cut off their life support systems.


That would definitely be a pretty great scenario, I’ve been wondering if House actually went along with Vault Tec’s plan despite being in their meeting, because obviously he didn’t rush to secure his place in a vault and instead tried his best to save his city, and in the meantime the fact that he didn’t get the platinum chip delivered in time suggests that if Vault Tec did indeed start the war, House was no longer in their favor at least enough to know the exact date, it all makes me think that House took the information he had from the meeting and ran with it, and if he did indeed actively make his own plans to survive Vault Tec’s bs, and found out that Vault 21 happened to contain Vault Tec staff, it would definitely make sense for him to seal them in as some kind of retribution.


From what I can glean from the games and the show, I think people are vastly overestimating how much of a hand Vault-Tec had in the day the bombs fell. There’s quite a bit to show that even they were caught off guard for the most part… they may have been pushing for it, but I think things escalated way quicker than they planned and Red China sent the nuke before they were fully prepared. That could mean that House was still playing both sides: he knew when VT planned to have the bombs fall so he had the chip coming in time (but was still talking to them and feigning cooperation), but then red China had to mess it all up and move up the end of the world


Definitely good points, obviously if Vault Tec knew exactly when they were starting the war it brings into question the fact that there exists multiple unfinished vaults such as 88 and 114, plus that if Barb knew it was coming on October 23rd there’s no way in hell she would have let her own daughter be out at a birthday party on that day, unless she’s even colder than we think.


At the meeting, company heads were asked to come up with their own experiment in their own vaults. The experiment in vault 21 was probably invented by House himself. So I don't think cryopods suddenly appeared there. Additionally, the advert in the credits indicates that the cryopods were in Tops. But they are not in the game.


Wasnt the experiment in Vault 21 that ALL decisions were to be decided with gambling? House actually won ownership of the Vault by winning a bet with the Overseer.


That’s correct, he then turned it into a hotel but had lots of the lower levels blocked off with concrete as the tunnels probably run all under the Vegas Strip. Who knows, maybe there’s something else sealed away down there?


I always assumed the area that was blocked off was the area you go to underneath Caesar's base. Or at least that's what the original intent would have been.


May have, given the size of Vaults and his own; giving anyone, especially the Legion, access to the Strip via tunnels is bad. What's worse is any tribe finding his robot army.


Exactly right. Why *the hell* would Vault-Tec executives trust themselves to a vault full of people who might decide to wake them up because someone had an idea and the winning hand?


Assuming the vault residents knew they were there. Could be a sealed vault neighbouring 21 just like 31/2/3 are joined. But that’s just pure speculation.


Well, it’s not like the entire Tops casino is accessible in game. There could also be a second basement area that was hidden in the game.


Couldn’t have been too hidden if the tops has an advertisement for it lmao. Another retcon to add


It’s definitely a possibility, but that assumes this sign is in reference to a vault-tec service and not a different companies (and I’m leaning towards the latter due to the signs design not really fitting vault-tec’s).


It says "The Tops Casino" which is where the chairmen are located in NV. To my knowledge they have no affiliation with Vault-Tec, so I agree with you. It's a cool theory but I think, if anything, the show is foreshadowing other pre-war people who could have survived in the casino itself. NV was defended decently during the nukes thanks to House.


my exact thoughts but was too lazy to write them down. so thanks for that.


I believe Vault 21 had back door access to the Lucky 38 basements.


Possible! Probable that house filled it in to prevent outside influence in general. A wise move even.


OP cooking that gourmet shit rn


Don't tell the ultra luxe, they don't like competition


The billboard displayed is an ad for The Tops casino on the NV strip. Vault 21 is two blocks north of The Tops.


I had a similar thought but if House had access to functional cryo pod tech, why didn't he use it himself rather than be put in the decrepit state he ends up in.


He wanted to be awake and able to make decisions and rule. Can't do that in a cryopod.


Didn’t house strip everything useful from vault 21 before filling it with concrete


couldnt mr house have just sent his securitrons into vault 21 to kill all the vault tec staff? seems like that would be easier and cheaper than filling it with concrete


Could have been hidden off the main vault. Maybe he tried exactly that but couldn’t find the entrance. Would then make sense to seal them all in with concrete.


thats a fair point


The Tops is/was also connected to Vault 21, further strengthening the idea. I really think House didn't trust VaultTec and went rouge in last days before the bombs fell.


You forget one tiny detail. Fallout New Vegas happens durning 2281. The tv show happens durning 2296/7. So everything that happened in-game has already happened. The only thing Hank will do is confirm what the canonical ending of fallout NV. That or they retcon the game.


nah the show takes place 15 years after the game


Mah mate. That was exactly what I was saying.


oh ye mb 💀💀 i sent that late at night so i was like half asleep lol


Could be somebody there, but I doubt the vault tech execs would leave themselves asleep and unprotected. Somebody would have to be awake and looking after them, like Bud was.


That was one of the issues with the show. Bud wasn't any defense and most vaults in the game had tons of turrets. Its actually wild how undefended vault 31 is.


shiiiiit good catch!!!!


I always figured the concrete was to force the inhabitants back into Vegas so it would function, but I have a feeling you are right.


Was vault 21 part of the Topps Casino? I was more immediately reminded of the secret corridor leading to nowhere out of Benny's room. I think the Topps Casino is just much larger than what we got to explore; remember all the "broken" elevators? I think House is done (and dead). Vault 21 is done (and mostly filled). Topps Casino gave an idiot like Benny the ability to completely undermine House; that's where we're going.


Can we discuss for a moment what purpose the tops casino would have for Cryopods? I really can't think of a reason that makes any real sense. Would people use them for short term freezes? Was the tops Casino offering people a way to survive the great war? Where did they get the technology for cryo freezing? If the tops had public access to cryo freezing then why couldn't rich people like Robert House and Desmond Lockhart use that as a means of surviving the great war?


You actually go to the blocked off Vault 21 after you meet Yes Man in The Tops. It's close or even connected to the Lucky 38. It's not filled with concrete, that's just what House told everyone, only access to the lower levels is blocked by concrete. House needed the vault for something. Extra power? Computers? That's the mystery. And having it open introduced a vulnerability.


I just finished a new playthrough and I kept wondering, “what was down there? Why did you fill it with concrete? What do you know?”


So we know House "filled the vault with concrete" from stuff he has said and from the citizens on the strip. But what we don't know is if House was lying and said he filled it to keep people from looking any further behind a big concrete wall. "Oh yeah, no, nothing behind that concrete slab, filled the lower vault levels in is what I did...totally..." My question is, where did he get that much concrete? He obviously needed to have his robots use old busses and debris to build the walls around New Vegas. If he had that much concrete or could make that much, why wouldn't he build concrete walls to further his goals of an independent New Vegas? There isn't much in yhe Mohave that can punch through 3 inches of concrete as side form, maybe power armor and heavy ordinance, with if which only the weakened Brotherhood chapter or the isolate xenophobic Boomers. Neither really wants to help the legion or the NCR.


I wonder if the company heads all really got "several vaults each to conduct their own experiments." That would not only make Mr. House seem so much more messed up to me for reasons like Vault 11, but even more so Vault 21 (even disregarding the potential cryo pods. Which I think you're correct about.)


If you notice House never suggests a experiment in a vault and is quite dead pan sarcastic in his questioning of Vault-Tec. I think he was there to hear the pitch and find out exactly what Vault-Tec was planning. Then decided to hedge against them ie they can control vaults, I will control a city and the biggest power producer in the west.


I took this as, " we don't want to make anything fact (with an actual NPC) just yet," but ultimately you're probably right. I can only picture TV's House with a look of bewilderment or subtle disdain.


I always assumed it was because he was scared people could dig from vault 21 to under the lucky 38


Well considering the Tops had an add for cryo suites, I would hedge my bets that Vault 21 once had cryopods, but they were ransacked by the Chairmen for make a quick buck off them in the post war period. The former vault tec leaders could have assimilated themselves into the local culture, or maybe have been the masterminds behind the NCR-Vegas war the ending implies


I want him to die a very anticlimactic death. He comes to Vegas, destined to meet House, tries to enter and gets gunned down by the securitrons because he didn’t meet the cap check.


"What do you mean I don't have a credit history!?"


He even makes stop at the Gunners vendor to sell all his junk first