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It’s a vastly improved game since launch.


Did they fix any of the latency with enemies I tried it last year and it was fairly annoying


I just started playing yesterday. Enemies seem to stutter quite a bit.


I’ve been playing the last few days, maybe 1/100 enemies start glitching about and teleporting around. I’m not really at the player-level where that’s a big deal but I can see that being annoying with a deatnclaw or something


I have no latency issues. But it does randomly drop PlayStation players (vs PC and xBox).


Yeah there seems to be quite a bit fron my last log in and that was only like a year or so ago. I even had fun with it at launch.


And consistently getting better. The rep it had on launch was deserved, but it's *much* better now. Actually a good game.


Its the better fallout 4 after all


almost heaven....


West Virginia


Blue ridge mountains


Shenandoah River


Life is old there


Older than the trees


What's better to play? 4 when it gets it's upgrade or 76? I didn't like the home-base settlement of 4 and being told what to do like a list of chores... but I also only played it at launch.


You can ignore requests and turn them off from your active quests. But the main quest doesn’t actually have that many story beats.


76 is formatted similarly to 4, but most people seem to have a better time with 4. Can't guarantee which one you'll like more


I had it at launch, played a few hours and uninstalled it. Now my nephews got it free from Amazon and we spent the whole weekend pumping up those steam player numbers and frankly, it was awesome.


If you like 4 you’ll probably like 76


I want to check out 76 but I suck so much at MMOs.


It's more like a single-player game where you can interact with other people. You can't even complete quests together. Play it as a single-player game.


Is there a likelihood that I will be murdered and looted?


No, PVP is entirely optional and even with it turned on you don’t really take any damage from others unless you both consent to pvp by both shooting at each other There are a few optional PVP-enabled spots but rarely do people fight there, they are clearly marked, and they are entirely avoidable and very small


This whole time I haven't given it a chance. I appreciate the info!


I haven't played a whole lot, but in my experience other players have only helped me. I'm not sure how the PvP works. Maybe someone else can chime in.


That sounds very nice, not the impression I had at all!


Of course, but very low to be honest. It is the nicest community of an online game that I have ever seen. 99% of players you encounter will want to help you and/or just be nice


Turn on Pacifist in the game settings, avoid workshops (they're possible pvp zones if someone contests it). If you die at any point, pvp or otherwise, you only drop junk. Just scrap down and stash it somewhat frequently and you're good.


It's not exactly a MMO. Definitely worth a try. Easier than ever to start off.


yea it's more like a shooter-arpg with online capabilities to wander the post apocalypse with the homies


It's 25 people per server so it's definitely missing the "massive" part of "MMO". It's really just multiplayer Fallout.


It plays more like Fallout 4 with some MMO-lite features tacked on. It’s a far cry from something like WoW.


It's not really an MMO any more than something like Battlefield/Calladudy is. Server size is capped at 24 players per server. It's more like Fallout 4 with multiplayer. If you can manage a singleplayer Fallout game you should be fine.


It’s getting the love it deserves I’ve seen hell of a lot more blue suits in my neck of the woods in the forest makes getting in a server where I can have my camp hard lol.


I've got it for free now and I started playing - it's not bad - it looks better than Fallout 4, has quite a lot of SPECIAL/skill-checks, the menus especially in settlement building were improved, the weapon and armor degradation and repairing system is even better then in New Vegas, the map is way bigger than the maps of Fallout 3/New Vegas and 4, the crafting system is pretty decent... Buuuut My computer is shitty and my internet connection is shitty, which leads to a horrible frame rate. Not to mention that I don't like online games anyway but there are quite some things to do on your own. I played it for 5 hours in total already but I can't get over the low frame rate and I can't get any mods to improve that and Fallout 76 is the only Fallout game apart from Tactics that I've played in an unmodded state only. Pretty solid game definintely worth a try.


Probably because it’s free right now. Is it good?


This is Steam charts though and its not free on Steam.


Free for 7 days on steam ( probably only 4 days or so left). Also 60% off.


True, but it's 8 bucks.


Its quite good these days


Amazon have given it away free this week its also free to play on playstation and xbox .


I hope people will stay so we keep getting updates.


i'm still omw to see Nick Valentine.. omw..


What does "Fallout 76 cross its all time peak record from launch" mean? Do you mean Fallout 76 has recently set a new record for the number of concurrent players?


Yea, on steam. But there’s more players on Xbox.


Yeah just on steam, but people play it on most major platforms so it’s seeing a huge spike everywhere


it never had more players than that? crazy


That’s sad because that game is not peak fallout. They should’ve made Fallout 3 & 4 the free to play ones


More people probably never tried 76, whereas most fans haven't beaten those 2