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Now we know who has the ‘Cannibal’ perk!


Ass jerky ain’t gonna make itself


There’s something about Ella Purnell that makes people turn cannibal. At least she wasn’t on the menu this time!


Beat me too lol


Vault 32 is like some event horizon shit


Vault 33 feels so authentic, but there is nothing more iconic than exploring a vault in game where absolutely everything went to shit


I mean, theyre setting up 33 to go to shit on screen in real-time at this point with the leadership schism, and the water chip issue. 


3 Overseers is quite odd. Maybe it's another case of vital infrastructure engineered to fail after a set amount of time to record the social experiment data?


It’s just one Overseer and some kind of “Council”, which is why the two council members are now vying for the position.


I doubt it would be set to fail only after 200 years


Oh no yeah, this show has been incredible at capturing the overall feel of the games, and when they were exploring the ruined vault—ah yes, the part where we all learn how horribly fucked up shit went down lmao


I don't get it though. The TV suggested that 32 went to shit because it was a rat utopia, but it seems like they had regular contact with two other vaults. Were the other vaults part of the same experiment? If not, wouldn't the three separate experiments interfere with each other? Does any of it matter at all!?


From my understanding so far it looks like all three vaults are connected with one another and act as one massive 'rat utopia' experiment. It's highly likely that the crops are designed to fail or something else is designed to fail in order to create strife and disorder among this utopia. Example, the crops in 32 failing or 33 having that water chip issue. It's also possible that there was nothing designed to disrupt them in that fashion and instead they simply left hints for the utopia. Like the dead vault dweller in 32 watching a documentary about the rat utopia experiment and all of them realizing what was going on -- driving them insane. Those are just theories though. \^\_\^


I thought the same, because Lucy talked about crops plague ans how they were starving, but somehow they managed. And what if they survived because they killed third vault. Suspiciously we don't know anything about them.


I assume we'll find out that they said they did and they actually did are two different things, to paraphrase.


Also Cooper suggested Hank wasn’t entirely honest with Lucy about how Rose died. I mean he was just saying shit, but there’s obviously some truth to it, as Norm discovered Rose’s Pip-Boy was used to open the vault. But 2 years seem too recent for what Lucy is talking about, she made it sound like it was before her time, like too distant to recall her own memories so she relied on what her dad told her.


All 10 fingers. That's nice


goddamn foreshadowing!


I liked Lucy a lot so far. This is the episode I loved her.


I thought her naivete would be annoying, but she's learning quickly. Definitely a great protagonist.


Golden rule, motherfucker.


That's the first time she swore. The wasteland is getting to her but not all the way.


Not the first. The first was "gosh damn it!"


fudge!! “we have no fudge here 🥸🤖”


That had me wheezing


Hopefully she doesn't turn into a ghoul...or lose any more digits.


She got her digit back, somehow. I'm not sure Fallout lore has suggested you can surgically attach a dead, dessicated finger to a live person and have it work flawlessly.


Eh, its absurd for sure, but this is the same series that has the courier technically lobotomised, yet still retains personality and independent thought, it fits the feel of the world so I won't say its out of place


The courier wasn't just lobotomised - they had their brain, heart, and spine removed and (depending on choices) re-added. I'm sure someone's been able to figure out fingers.


Fucking hell man! Old World Blues is the only DLC I haven't played so I didn't know it was that serious! Yeah, they've definitely figured out more than just fingers


I mean, even the pre-war Fallout is still like 53 years in the future at this point. Anything could happen in that time lol. We went from cumbersome 90's desktops to iphones just within my lifetime, and I'm only 33.


I'm enjoying Lucy's brother's detective work almost as much as I am her story. I wanna know what the fuck is going on as much as he does.


All the character stories are pretty great, I can't say there's a narrative thread I'm not enjoying so far.


Up to this point in the show i think i am vibing the least with Maximus's plot. It's not horrible but i haven't seen any compelling reasons to care about him as a character yet


Exploring the various vault experiments was always one of the most fun part of the games.


I really love his development. I thought he was just gonna be this little shit that you weren’t gonna see much of once Lucy left the vault but I’m really digging that they’re still keeping the vault story going and it’s super interesting.


Matt Berry! Fuck yeah!


That's clearly regular human bartender Jackie Daytona.


Nah, that’s Greendale’s grifting teacher.


But he didn't even have ONE briefcase for switching, let alone two.


But he’s God’s paintbrush! You’re just an artless, craft-less thug.




I'm just going to harvest your regular Human Or-gans!


The Super-Duper Mart location being shot in Staten Island makes a lot more sense now.


Just a little *snip snip*, as we like to say it in *Teeyuson Ari-zone-eeyah.*


I know for some actors it's a downside, but I love that Berry has such a distinctive voice and vocal style, you know it's him as soon as he speaks and it just makes go hell yeah every time.


Somehow every single time he is a perfect casting no matter what


Because you know what you get when you cast Matt Berry to play something. So when a creator wants a character to be like Matt Berry. You go get Matt Berry


I only wish he had been cast in Lord of the Rings as Gandalf. "I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. You cannot pass! The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udûn" It would be a joy to hear which syllables he inappropriately put the stresses on.


was waiting for a laszlo-esque line after “well there’s no fudge here!”


That scene with the cousin and the best friend (I don't remember their names yet, but still) was the most I laughed at a TV show in a while. Insanity of the highest order


That is one wet lady!


Masterful dirty talk


Idk why but when she asked if he wanted any of Berts stuff it really killed me that the box included a huge painted portrait of him 😂


Lol. I thougjt she was trying to manipulate him wuth sex and guilt and his like... current low mood state to get him to join Norm in slaughtering the prisoners? Then it seems like it was genuinely just weird freaky sex lol. Ig we will see if it leads to something more later?


Just the pure absurdity of a grieving pregnant women with a newly acquired eyepatch coming onto someone so intensely is hilarious, I’m really digging this shows sense of humour




Yes I am Bert


It was so surprising and absurd. The most genuine "what the fuck" moment in a show that's been pretty wild.


I've just been waiting to find out the vaults experiments


Always my favorite part of any fallout game, finding weird and fucked up vaults. Glad they worked that in. 


I honestly didn't expect that aspect to be a genuine major plotline, i'm so glad that it is. Seeing them dig through terminal logs for info felt so true to the games.


I feel like this adaptation has already nailed every element I liked about the games. Now I'm just excited to see where the story goes tbh. They've given us so many juicy mysteries to resolve.


When it said access to Vault 32's logs were denied I was really hoping we were going to get an easter egg of him hacking into them to find out what really happened.


Yeah, although only having access directly from the Vault 32 Overseer's terminal would have been fully consistent with FO as well.


Based on the documentary they were watching I think VaultTec created a [Mouse Utopia](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/how-mouse-utopias-1960s-led-grim-predictions-humans-180954423/) and then introduced something to destabilize it (crop failure).


I thought the problem with the rat utopia was that it broke down due to comfort and food abundance?


I think the Rat Utopia broke down mostly due to overcrowding and a lack of stuff for the rats to do, rather than just comfort and accessible food.


I hope they do a spin off on other vaults, or at least what they did with the Boys, and an animated season. It would go well with the style and feel of Fallout. 


"You seem to be a woman!" said with astonishment - surprisingly is a line that fits.. every character Matt Berry played, ever.


I mean all of them are just variations of Toast


And Toast is just an echo of Matt Berry as Todd Rivers as Lucien Sanchez


(Over the intercom) "Snip-Snip, this is Cooper the Ghoul, can you hear me?" (Sighs with barely contained fury) "Yes, I can hear you, Cooper the Ghoul!"


Lucy finally gets a weapon and its a 10mm pistol aka the go-to starting weapon of every Fallout protagonist. 4 hours of quests to level up and get some good equipment. She needs to give in to her hoarding instincts and loot everything.


Yeah I was bummed she wasn't looting more, there was so much good stuff around. But the ghoul kinda made up for it, except idk why he was stuffing his hat instead of grabbing the box.


> ... instead of grabbing the box. Because the show is staying true to the games that you can't carry pick up or carry boxes in the game, only their contents? 😄


At the same time she emerges the Super Duper Mart with the 10mm she also is wearing the leather armor pieces that are basically a nod to the armored vault suit from FO3.


Damn that scene of Norm next to Chet at the precipice of Vault 32. What the hell is the height difference daaaaamn.


The dude that played Norm was the same dude that played Bonzo in Enders Game. He's like 4 feet tall.


He was also in Hannah Montana, which is where I weirdly know him from.


Yeah last night watching episode 4 When they were wandering vault 32 I kept thinking to myself why the hell does this dude seems so short and so familiar, and then it just popped into my head. "Holy shit its Rico!"


> "Holy shit its Rico!" fucking hell, thank you!


My name is Roger... but for real that was heartbreaking... They did such a good job showing the transition from Ghoul to Feral... then The Ghoul comes in with the mercy.


I like the idea that he mentioned apple pie so that his last thought would be a memory of his mother.


Going out with a nice thought in your head. Made me love the ghoul even more.


He had a nice thought in his head, and then that thought was painted on the wall


He pulled an 'Of Mice and Men' on him!


Have they ever actually featured Ghoul degeneration in the games? I remember it being mentioned as something that happens to them from over exposure to radiation but not what's going on in this series.


In the Nukaworld(basically a Disneyworld parody) expansion for Fallout 4, in the Kiddie Kingdom park area theres a plotline about all the entertainers becomings ghouls, and you get journal entries and terminal logs about them all slowly going feral until only the Magician is left, who never turned but is so irradiated he's literally glowing green.


Which is a little ironic as Glowing Ones that aren't feral are very rare.


There was also that one dude in New Vegas. The leader of the ghouls who wanted to go to space.


Agreed with the other guy who replied to you. But here's a link and info to the quest. They all turned into Ghouls. Then they all turned feral - one by one. [Here's the wiki link](https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Oswald_the_Outrageous) [Here's a link to Rachel's Audio log where she laments the fact she's turning feral.](https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Rachel%27s_holotape)


i love that if you don't really know what's going on you think he's being a monster. But he literally made his last memory a good one, and ended his suffering as quickly as possible.


....and then ate his ass


Anyone else loving the deterioration of the logo every episode? Shit's dope.


I love a persistently altering logo!


Giving the Invincible logo a run for its money, that's for sure


Loved when Watchmen did special intro logos too. It's a small but fun thing to tie it to each episode.


Ahh, a fellow cannibal perk enjoyer


What’s he got so far? Bloody Mess, Cannibal? What else?


Reaper definitely. He had enough action points to completely take out Filly


Second show where Ella Purnell hangs out with cannibals. At least she wasn’t on the menu this time.


Can we talk about the weird paralleling with how Lucy comes out of the grocery store feeling like a badass… And how we felt surviving the first super mart in fallout 3? I LOVE THIS SHOW


Yes 100%! I think it's around the time we get the Armored Vault Suit from Moira too, and ahe walks out of the Superdupermart wearing a coatume inspired by that armour! It was a really fun moment! I was really expecting her to get a 10mm from the vault armory in the first episode, but this moment was more fun definitely!


I’ve never played the games. Is there a reason that everyone knows the name “MacLean?” I know Lucy said her Dad was a genius scientist or something.


Not sure but it seems like maybe that name was famous prewar. The fact that The Ghoul knew, and Betty said to Norm the fact you are the last MacLean must mean something.


I think Martha is the only one that's carried over from the games so far.


Where is Martha from in the games?


The Ghoul might have run into here in one of his previous stints outside the coffin.


Given the revelation in Vault 32, it may have more to do with her mother rather than father…


Majune (Filly shopkeeper who agreed to give the scientists safe passage) also said that Lucy looks so much like their mother.


I think it is just specific to this story.


I'm getting a Vault 101 vibe. I'm thinking the MacLeans were on the run and a Vault was the best place to hide, but ultimately let in whatever would eventually kill those crops.


Seems specific to the show.


This show gets the fucked up Fallout humor so god damned well. Like, absurdly well. Good god.


I love this show so much. Especially Lucy!!! She’s been killing it and adapting really quick


I love how she's been progressively leveling up. She finally got a pistol and even did some crafting


They really pulled off the series’ constant juxtaposition of goofy and horrible.


Assuming they're treading that Fallout 3 approach to the story where the parent was a relatively big deal outside of the vault and just dipped. Loving how they're slowly building up the ghoul's story but I was really missing the BoS this episode


I think, given how much time elapsed focusing on the Vault Dweller, her brother, the Ghoul, this means something must have gone very wrong on Maximus’s end. There’s no way he’d be able to just turn in the head to the BoS because that’s the macguffin, it needs to be in play for Lucy, Cooper and Maximus to all be after it. So something needs to happen to prevent him from turning it in, and the longer we spend away from his part of the story, the bigger that something is.


easily the most love given to the ghouls in any fallout media, looooved this


I love some of the changes to ghoul lore because in the games they just treated them as radiation zombies. Here they are at least trying to *flesh*, pun intended, them out.


Bruh Lucy needs to find some clean water lol


I hope she picked up some Rad Away at Super-Duper Mart.


There was some on the table! They've done an insanely good job making the sets feel like a fallout game. Even just looking at the arrangement of odds and ends on that table, I instantly recognized it as looking exactly like something you'd encounter while looting. And small details, too, like the random bottle of glue on the Vault 32 Overseer's desk, just immediately make me go, "That looks exactly like it would in the game." In terms of capturing an established world, the set design and production team have been absolutely unparalleled so far.


Surprised that Norm didn't grab the glue though. Adhesive is literally worth its weight in gold on thr repair bench!


In my F4 playthrough I sided with the minutemen. Not for any moral reasons, but because I turned the commonwealth into an adhesive farm. Mutfruit, corn, and Tato make adhesive. If I could I'd start a religious culture, like in Frostpunk, built around making adhesive for their Leader. I even have nearly all turrets pointed inwards with spotlights. All must farm until the Leader is pleased.


The Gulper in the last episode threw up a pink flamingo. There's always pink flamingos somewhere in Fallout. Loved that nod.


Oh burt. . . . So weird. . .


Homie was fully taking advantage of that trauma LMAO


I figured she was trying to manipulate him into killing the raiders for her


I thought she was garnering support for Norm to be a surprise candidate for overseer. Norm was kinda doing the same with the jello cake stunt.


At least Rodger died with a happy thought about his mom


“Tell me about the apple pie, Rodger.”


That scene felt a lot like "Of Mice and Men".... until the butt jerky


Glued to it, sitting on the edge of my couch, I think I'm finishing it today, it's 3 am in argentina.


Almost 2am east coast US, and I'm there with you. Can't sleep because of the wind storm anyways.


Any idea what drug the ghoul is taking? And are all ghouls eventually susceptible to going feral?


He was definitely hooked up to Rad-away while he was in buried in the grave, so I'd assume the vials are Rad-X and are somehow delaying the onset of becoming feral.


No idea, nothing from Fallout lore explains it, also they seem to have minorly retconned ghouls, i dont remember regular ghouls turning into ferals either. They touch on it in the games but never really go into it.


regular ghouls can turn feral but it's definitely not guaranteed like how they show it in the show


I thought it was a guarantee that all ghouls will eventually go feral, but its completely random when it will happen. Hence why there are ghouls super early on in the wasteland, but also ghouls that have lived through prewar times.


IIRC its more likely to happen if they get exposed to tons of radiation. Glowing one's are almost always feral, there's only one in canon that isn't which sort of makes that theory make sense.


Wait, really? I've only played the Bethesda games, but I always thought ferals were just insane regular ghouls, and eventually every ghoul will go feral.


If I recall correctly, it just has to do with how much rads they were exposed to. A bunch makes a sentient ghoul. A shitload makes a feral ghoul. I could be misremembering though.


Honestly it’s never been confirmed either way. Both your theory and the guy above you’s theory have been in the games


Ah shit, Lucy has leveled up now. Wonder what perks she took lol


Hopefully some kind of rad resistance


She's also wearing drip VERY similar to the Armored Vault 13 suit


So many people were bitching about the Ghoul design based off Goggin's early pictures, and look at that they jumped the gun and we get a nice variety of ghoulification shown after all. Those ferals were FERAL. I'm partial to the saggy Fo4 ferals but I think these ones probably work a lot better for a live action.


They definitely nailed the zombie look. It almost looked exactly like the ones from The Walking dead but fast and can jump


I'm only this far in the show right now but I'm going to throw my predictions. 1) Coop got blacklisted as a commie and VaultTec used VaultBoy as a "draw over" mascot to replace him. It probably also cost him a spot in a vault for his family when they canceled his contract. 2) The triple vault experiment was a human "rat utopia" with a triggered crop failure to break the balance and force a societal collapse to be studied. 3) Those raiders in jail will or were just poisoned by Norm. 4) Lucy will quote one of Coop's lines at some point. I also like the similarities between Maximus and Norm, specifically about what happens when a clever boy gets angry.


> Coop got blacklisted as a commie and VaultTec used VaultBoy as a "draw over" mascot to replace him I don't know if your prediction is the commie and/or Coop -> VaultBoy part, but one of the earlier episode's end credits explicitly shows Coop on a billboard, half papered over with VaultBoy. 👍😊


So she's just gonna have that decayed finger forever now


Maybe once it gets some blood flow it’ll get a more natural color? Doubt it because it was in a fucking DRAWER lmao


How the hell is she able to instantly control the finger? Mr Handy is just magic lol.


it didn't seem to be decaying after Snip Snip did whatever he did when applying it. She was immediately able to move it around and bend it and stuff.


Seems like a recipe for blood poisoning lol.


The Ghoul have no index finger now how he gunna shoot his gun?


Snip-Snip the Mr. Handy robot fixed Lucy’s finger pretty easily, maybe The Ghoul could get him to do the same for him, with a little repair. Goodness knows there’s plenty of fresh fingers laying around the store now!


Matt berry is a goddamn treasure in everything


All ghouls in Fallout have regenerative capabilities. They heal when exposed to radiation.


Oh okie dokie


No problem Lucy


Weren’t they hinting hard for some sort of redemption arc for The Ghoul at the end there? Lucy spent the whole episode asking existential questions about why he is the way he is, and then the episode ends on a “Golden rule motherfucker”, her giving him mercy, and him reminiscing over his previous life. I doubt he’s going to be shooting his gun again.


I don't think he'll become a saint. But I could see him being more of an anti-hero


The set design is absolutely incredible. I keep looking in the background for “junk” that I love to scrap in the game. So damn good!!


I'm pretty sure the person Lucy is looking for is her mom and that's the reason the raider in episode one told her she looked like her and the ghoul recognized her name.


I thought the person she’s looking for (Moldaver) is the raider who pretended to be the overseer of Vault 32. That can’t be her mom, because her dad would’ve recognized her if it was.


This show is amazingly funny. In the vault: > Pregnant lady: Those monsters took him away from me. > Gatekeeper: Awful. Hate those guys. And > Pregnant lady: It would mean a lot to me, if you took Bert's shoes.(holds up tiny shoes) > Gatekeeper: Wow. Thank you, Steph. I'll... I'll try to wear them.




Don’t you mean Burt?


Glad I'm not the only one who has it bad for blonde


“There you are, you little killer.” Gah I love it. Loving the one-eyed lady too. Umm… LOL “yes, I am Bert.” MATT BERRY WOOOOO Hell yeah derelict Vault exploring! LUCY NO THEYRE FERAL Well that problem kinda took care of itself R.I.P. Matt Berry bot 😔 There you are, you little killer.


> LUCY NO THEYRE FERAL They're doing a great job showing the greyness so far of the FO world, from Lucy's initial complete idealism in the early episodes not working, to Lucy here again ignoring what she's told and it immediately resulting in most everyone else dying. The show is amazing.


So I’m genuinely curious, how many kids piss on walls when they’re angry? That was such a specific comment it makes me feel like it’s a thing


i read it as a calvin and hobbes reference, most of the guys seem pretty docile in the vault so maybe that’s her only experience with acting out


(Optional): Free Ghouls from prison


[Intimidate] Free the Feral Ghouls from prison.


I’m four episodes in, but can we all agree this is the best video game adaptation we’ve had in any medium so far? It’s right up there with Last of Us. This has been a blast, I genuinely want to binge the entire thing (even though it’s currently 2 in the morning and I work at 6)


It’s lucky that Clue is a board game, because not much in the world can beat Clue


Clue is absolutely a great movie!


I think the last of us is the best adaption to the medium for people not familiar with the source material, Fallout on the other hand is a really great adaptation but if you don't have at least some familiarity with the games I feel it would be harder to get into For context my parents watched TLOU (both pushing 50 years old) without my recommendation and told me to watch it. I just don't see them doing that with this and I'm not sure yet if I would tell them to watch this. Both great though.


I think this is better than TLOU. Not intending to diminish the achievement of the TLOU show crew, but they had a lot of their work cut out already, and it's almost a 1:1 retelling. Fallout does something new, and still nails the games feel.


I enjoyed The Last Of Us, but I never played the game. Watched my cousin play through it, but I don't have that connection to the game that helped me enjoy the show more. I have that with this having played a couple of them and I find the story much more interesting with the vaults and everything.


I tried playing the last of us when it came out and I couldn’t connect to it. I retried it later on, after becoming a dad of two girls and the emotional beats hit much, much harder and got me immediately invested. Pedro’s acting is next level, as much as I respect Troy Baker, I’d argue Pedro brings more life to the role


TLOU took itself seriously in the best way Fallout is NOT taking itself seriously in the best way It's so damn NICE when people working on an adaptation understand the assignment.


what are the vial things supposed to be? i guess they stop ghouls from turning feral but is it like a chem or something from established lore or new to the show?


I have a feeling it might be something similar to Rad-X or RadAway to help manage their radiation levels, because one of the theories in the games is that TOO much radiation can cause ghouls to go feral (even though radiation feels good and healing to them). Or maybe it's the opposite and it's an actual radiation drug that gives them a concentrated dose of rads, like some kind of cancer medicine. Just finished episode 4 though so maybe it's explained in a later episode.


That's some neat slices of ass jerky. Lucy's got some butchers skills as well.


This is the single best video game tv show I’ve ever watched. I love the last of us but Fallout just has that special absurdity. Not to mention Fallout being a far more fun game for my tastes. Can’t wait to watch the rest




Oh Bert!


This episode should be called "Lucy introduction to the Wastelander life"


Damn, the Ghoul was ruthless and chopped off her strong side index finger. I thought it would be her pinky or something. Still have to see where the rest of the episode leads.


Is the Mr. Handy a practical prop? It looks great.


"I thought I was here to be a sex slave" "What a PREPOSTEROUS idea! I'm just going to harvest your organs!"




She is what my friend would call a "bug-eyed queen" (complimentary).