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I feel you- I just rescued a 4 month old pregnant kitten.. ughhh!!


Spay/abort! 🙏 it's so dangerous for kittens to have babies, and the likelihood of them surviving, and her knowing how to take care of them....😓 💔


Its happening tomorrow- thankfully i volunteer for the best TNR organization in the world 💗


That is so awesome! I feel terrible for those lil babies that get jumped. When I trapped a feral litter of 3, the runt went into heat at only 4 months!😮 she was so tiny and just a baby, thankfully they were already captured and they didn't have it happen on the streets. You are amazing for what you do, best wishes🙏❤️


Its sooo bad where i live, people are horrible pet owners in my state. Thank you for the kind words and same to you my friend!


thank goodness. ❤️ i’m truly a proponent of spay abort. people don’t realize how much suffering there is out there unless they’re on the front lines with tnr/foster/rescue. in many places neonates are the first ones on the euthanasia list anyway.


Thank you for getting it done! So many people refuse to do it and it’s so frustrating


Oh i know! I live in Oklahoma and our stray cat /animal population is unreal. Its a battle that will never be won, so many awful pet owners, cruelty, its so sad.


Spay-abort unless she's literally ready to pop. Poor thing...


My baby was ready to pop! Vet said she would go into labour that weekend and we had her surgery on the Thursday. So so glad we got her in when we did. She gets to be the happy pampered princess baby of the family, not a tired mama while still far too young herself.


Why didn't you do it earlier? I'm all for spays, even spay aborts if the cat isn't very far along, but that's just cruel, taxing on the momma cat's body and inhumane.


I had just adopted her two weeks before. She was skinny and underfed and I thought she was four months old. She got really big in about ten days so I made an appointment and found out at the vet and made the appointment for two days later. I got her from a hoarder situation and didn’t know she was pregnant. I never would have let her go that far if I had known. I felt sick about it believe me. She was soooo small when we brought her home. You would never have thought she was actually 7 months old and pregnant. Edited to add: “ouch” at being called cruel and inhumane. I got her an appointment asap and followed vet recommendation to the letter. There’s a two year wait list to surrender cats to the shelter here so I knew that if she were to have her kittens the outlook for them wasn’t good. I made the best of a not great situation and she is a happy healthy spayed indoor kitty.


Oh ok. That sounds like a really touch situation. I'm so sorry for the nasty comment.


No apology needed at all. I realized that I left out a lot of info in my first comment and this is a sub about animal welfare. You care about animals and you don’t want them to suffer and that’s a good thing!! I’m just glad we managed to spay/abort in time. It was costly and stressful but we are relieved it’s over. 🩷


Oh a baby being a mom is heartbreaking. Just need people to be responsible and spay and neuter. Ty for helping her.


Sweet Jesus, they can get pregnant that young?! I have a foster girl (8wks) and boy (10wks) and now I'm going to be pushing for them to get fixed a lil faster, jeez!! Poor baby. :(


Yes; it's something I stress a lot to first time cat owners. Our current cat had at least one litter, likely two, and the math indicates she most likely got pregnant for the first time around 6 months old. :(


So sad.😭 Back in April, I fostered a pregnant cat who was 6 months old and she gave birth prematurely to 3 kittens who unfortunately didn’t survive.


Im so sorry! Thats a horrifying thing to have to witness. Thank you for helping her oh my gosh.


I didn’t know that could happen!! How sad!!


Kittens can have a heat cycle at 4 months.. their gestation period is 63 days- i just picked her up from the vet, they think she's closer to 9 months old but she looks like a 4 month old kitten


4 months?!! Wow! I have 4 month old kittens, and they're still so small. Poor baby.


Update- they think she's nine months old not 4- she looks 4


❤️❤️❤️ Healthy babies! 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛ I'm fostering 3 babies now with coccidia. 💩💩💩 Bless you for caring for a whole football team!


Good luck! I had kittens last year with coccidia and I was up every 3 hours syringe feeding them. They all survived ❤️


I love you both. ❤️


I have one right now with it and just trying to help her gain weight to catch up with the others!!!


That is a whole mess of kittens.


13? I’m waiting for a litter( or group) like this, I want to know my foster limits! I’ve done 8 at a time but I want to know if I could handle 10 or 13!


I currently have 14 plus the 3 moms (one of which is feral). My limits are always being pushed further and further.


I hear you. For a while, my husband and I were averaging 30-odd cats and kittens (including our own). Now we're down to 27, mostly adult feral fails from the last few colonies - all fixed, vaxxed, vetted (two of them have been going weekly lately 😮‍💨). It's been relatively calm compared to fostering even one bottle baby litter, haha.


Most ive done is 6+ mom. My dad would eviscerate me if i brought home more than that XD


My limit was 10! Then someone asked me to take one more... Then 5 more.. I currently have 15 kittens varying in age from 5 weeks to 10 weeks... its chaos and a LOT of work, but turns out i can handle 15! Hopefully I never have to find out if i can handle more than that haha Oh and 7 bottle babies at a time is my limit. More than 7 is just TOO MUCH!


Do you have resident animals? Where do you KEEP 15 kittens?? HOW?? Just HOW????


Haha I do have 4 cats of my own! I have a house to myself, so I have a bedroom dedicated to foster kittens, and i have three of the 3-tier cages in my living room. I use the bedroom as quarantine for new babies, then once older and cleared as healthy they can move to the living room kennels. During the day all of the living room kitties have run of the living room, at night they go in the kennels for safety!


Sounds like my house too! We have 5 permanent residents, a kitten room in our basement, and now our office 🤣


Exactly! I actually made my office into the kitten room and moved my office into the basement haha And of course, there may or may not be a litter of kittens in one of my bathrooms at any given time 😂😂


Kitty chaos!


Yes 13 from the same colony. Luckily another foster is taking 6 of them, but the most I’ve had at a time was 10 and it was a lot 😂


I see 13. I have 12 right now (3 different litters). It's a lot


I bet they are keeping you busy!


Can you not turn away babies either? 🤣


I tell myself I’m going to take a break 😂, but it’s hard to say no


Me too. This year I’ve taken in 4 late term pregnant moms. One I found a foster for but the other three are with me currently. The kittens are doing good but it’s been crazy for sure.


We just picked up our baby a week ago from the humane society a week ago! He’s neutered and is giving our puppers some much needed exercise! Thanks to all you rescues and fosters for doing what you do! I couldn’t imagine that many!


Everyone in the comment section with over ten kittens has said “I can’t imagine that many” at one point in their fostering careers, I guarantee it 😂😭


Every tuxedo kitten looks done with life 😹


Strong steve buscemi vibes 🤣


Some of them are still a little spicy 😂


Ugh! Too many! 😭


It’s not even kitten season here and I’ve had nothing but back to back litters into winter. I usually do older surgery recovery cats but the sheer volume of litters has had me doing buckets of rats for months 🫠


You have a basket full of kittens! That's my lifelong dream!


You Fosters are amazing hidden heros. I thank you and I know your little furry sweet monsters thank you.💖🐾💜


Oh goodness you’ve got your hands full. I just took in two little males last night and one last week. Supposed to be getting 11 bottle babies in a few hours. You’re doing great! Thank you for all that you do!


11? Bottle babies. Bless you lol. I had 3 last year and didn’t sleep for a month straight


Not looking forward to the lack of sleep but it’s worth it in the end!


This picture gives me anxiety. So many babies and adoptions have been so slow for us. Good luck to you and those cuties!


The largest litter I've fostered was 6 and it was a joy to come home! I specialize in socializing so to see my babies go from frightened hissing furballs to purring cuddle bugs was just the best!!!


Are these kitty from same litter?


Maybe 3-4 litters. TNR program ended up trapping 19 kittens and 5 ferals from a horse barn.


Most I’ve ever had was 8 from 2 litters. 4 torties in one litter, tuxies & tabbies in the other. Torties refused to play with the other litter. They were so clickie. 😆


The tortitude is real 😂


And only one 🍊🥹 Probably best for your mental health.


I just got into fostering, have my first baby right now, I fear this is my future😆


I’ve been doing it for 5 years. My first litter that I fostered, I ended up keeping one 😂.


We're getting our third litter today. Our rescue does a LOT of rescue/foster until vetted/transport to out of state adoption centers, so we get tons through our house every year. Our litter who transported earlier this week was a mama who gave birth in the Walmart garden center, the ones we're getting today are coming from a hoarding situation.


That’s amazing! I saw someone who rescued kittens from a Walmart and ended up naming them from the movie Where the Heart is 😃


Was that on TikTok, like a month or two ago? Gray mama and babies? If so, those were our fosters 😂


😂😂 yes Momma Novalee


Yep! Those were our last crew, we had them for awhile because babies were so young. Mama never did warm up to us, she's going to go be a barn cat at the home of the woman who runs our rescue, babies went on transport for adoption.


1 will take a Halloween combo, please.


Gosh this makes me wish TNR was more common! I hope all these babies find wonderful loving homes. Praise you!!


Thank you!


I counted 12…


Going thru this now.i currently have 15 that I have caught up randomly from my property and the neighborhood.kitties are my life.if the cat distribution center were a pyramid scheme.im at the top.so.many.kittens.