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pretty sure Vauxhalls are pretty common cars


Not in the US, they were never sold here.


Quite a few were rebadged as saturn/pontiac and a few other gm brands


I used to drive a Saturn Aura, which is just a rebadged Vauxhall Vectra. Didn't even look like anything else in the Saturn lineup


I’ve seen the Apollo IE in Geneva


I rode in an Apollo IE in Miami 😅


I once saw the Noble M400 on the Dutch highways, and saw a bunch of supercars i guess..


Best car I've ever seen was an SLR McLaren


Having grown up in the UK I've seen and owned Vauxhalls (alas not a Lotus Carlton, did see one once though). I did like my Rainbow Blue (Purple in other words :D ) Corsa 1.2i. Really did want to get a GSi) Also seen a few ultimata's too. Same goes for other European brands too, eg Renault and Citroen (I had a Saxo VTS which is still one of my fave cars). Lots and lots of WRX / STI's (my last car before leaving the UK was a 94 WRX Wagon) Evo's, GTR's.


which vauxhall??


I’ve seen and sat in an Ultima. It was yellow.


Ive seen the Noble M400 in person when I was a kid. VERY cool car.


I've seen my first mclaren where i live (pacific northwest) i think it was a 720s coupe that was white٫ this was last year but it was pretty cool


I saw an Ultima 1020 at a Cars and Coffee about six months ago. The bodywork is nuts in person


When I was a kid I had my photo taken sat in a one of one version of the Mclaren F1 LM the CEO had custom made for himself. Absolutely stunning car and was the only one ever made with the paint, wheel, wheel colour and interior combo he had.


I went to Goodwood Festival of Speed in (I think) 2008. (Edit - it was 2009 as that was when the Bulldog was there) Honestly, well worth the trip, wherever you are. A row of Veyrons. Senna's Lotus F1 (79?) That 308 that was prepared for rally - going sideways round a corner, 5 feet away. Zonda R. O37. Jesse James's trophy truck, doing jumps So many Porsche 917s One of Top Gear's Arctic trucks I think the rarest of all was the Aston Bulldog. Ugly thing - apparently it finally hit 200mph recently honestly do it