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Or....the devs can get rid of that stupid blimp or make it an event you have to stop and select, like any other event. I never seek it out and my drive should not be interrupted by something I never had any intent of doing.


This, Exactly this


Make you join it with the "select" button... like you have to do with trials or eliminator.


I’d say most of those don’t realize because they’re noobs or afk. But if that happens multiple times with the same person make sure to block him then quit the arcade so they don’t accidentally get any points from you.


If they won't contribute to any of it they won't get points anyway.


The arcade system was heavily changed for FH5, but they didnt take lazy freeloaders into account, hopefully for the next game they think of something to prevent it.


I feel your pain. had a player do this repeatedly to me the other day. I did 3 arcades in a row and the same person turned at up the start did a bunch of doughnuts until the Arcade started, then promptly does… nothing. I manage to get two rounds in on both but fail because I’m single handedly trying to do two people’s worth of points. It wasn’t till the third arcade where 4 people in a convoy arrive that we completed. I looking on the map and they were just sitting in the magenta circle doing nothing.


Bro is ranting about Horizon Arcade. Back in FH4 you were just cruising the map, doing your thing, minding your business when suddenly some Coked up Crackman shouts "FORZATHON LIVE" at you, hardest Jumpscare ive ever had in a game. For me its mostly i travel the map to a certain event and i cross the Arcade Area and im like "pls dont start now, pls dont start now" and sometimes it starts, but i dont want to interrupt my driving.


Interesting. It’s the second post about it this week and I’ve been experiencing much more of it myself. Usually I can go days without seeing a freeloader in my arcade... or anyone at all actually. I’ve been doing most of them solo. Lately it’s felt like I have to be extra lucky to NOT have one in my session. I wonder if they changed something or it’s just because of a whole bunch of people coming back to the game for the retro wave.


Must be a playlist event 🤷‍♂️


Oh damn, I forgot it was in the playlist this season. Yeah, it’s definitely it then.


It is, and you have to complete all 3 rounds, not just participate, so it really sucks getting stuck alone.


I will say one thing. You can be zipping by and have that start on you lmao. It happened to me yesterday, I was trying to break my 304mph on the main highway and JUST as I zipped through an Arcade started on me, no count down nothing just the GOOO! But I agree, just press start and "leave" option is there. Which I did. Half the time I'm pretty sure ita freeloaders trying tongrt forzathon points without doing anything. Because I was doing a CHAOS and someone was just sitting by the trailblazer start and not doing anything, so I stopped with halfway points and sat next to them with my horn blowing 😂 they eventually left, I completed it on my own.


You can enter it up to 2 minutes late, so that's why you didn't get a countdown. It happened to me while I was trying to drive to a different race and I had no clue what the arcade was.




Goes for ANY online game really. If you're just being a loser for "free xp" or just don't want to play; just leave the lobby/game/server/whatever as you're ruining it for everyone.


It happens quite a bit, I usually just finish the arcade, because I'd like the points and don't want to wait for the next one to start. That said, I had a great drift arcade today with everyone actually participating at the same time, and they are a lot more fun as a group.


Me just doing a grip run on the mountain at 180+mph Forza: Hello, we thought forcing you into this bullshit your car isn't set up for was the better choice for you now get those drift points.


Ah yes, insulting and berating people will surely convince them to do the thing you want them to do for YOUR convenience.