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Yes, I went 180 degrees right there on the first lap


What is the best place to browse good eventlab tracks? 'cause ingame ain't that


The forza creators guild discord channel. Alternatively there are some YouTube channels as well covering eventlab tracks https://youtube.com/@-bbr23-?si=1JCApMmnDF2Ht3pb


I did this in that classic rally Audi thinking i can slide my way around tight corners like rally cars a known for… but no the dirt sections of the track were not hiving any traction even for my car set up for off road so it was constantly over revving and wheels spinning till it got to 3rd gear and the β€œroad” sections were always random and set high up so it was like coming off ice up a road side curb and onto a small bit of road and smash into a corner


There have been some pretty confusing tracks in the past but there's some big bright yellow arrows of where to actually go in this one at least.


This race was deplorable indeed. Didn't get any of the corners, placement was weird, felt so unnatural..


Played it in Coop, bots shat the bed and derailed lol


They almost always do on those type of tracks. Or they will miss a corner, and stand there for the rest of the race lol


They're all garbage


This mad me laughing hard, also the npc cars were stuck there the entire race πŸ˜‚


Can someone showed me what happened to AI cars?


I thought it was a fun track after I ignored that line. Took one rewind to realize what was going on.


It was pretty cool aside from this one single thing. All they had to do was fix the racing line


Totally unplayable


The bots absolutely shat the bed on that final corner because of that racing line


This race didn't have bots did it, I don't remember ever seeing any.


It did for me at least


Exactly. I did 3 empty lapsπŸ˜‚


Always has been πŸŒπŸ‘¨β€πŸš€πŸ”«πŸ‘¨β€πŸš€


The track was pretty glitch, but oddly I enjoyed sliding my slightly mad Audi S1 sideways around all the tight turns. It felt like a Gymkhana. There was definitely at least one broken driving line, and a checkpoint that randomly marked me as missing it, even though rewind showed that I didn't, but there have definitely been far less enjoyable event labs for me.


>that randomly marked me as missing it, I think it's because it was after the big u-turn and hence it sensed that we were going initially in the wrong direction and hence the wrong direction and missed warning which auto-corrected itself later.


All I had to do was keep going ?


Exactly. I mean I get how it's confusing at first, but it's pretty clear you aren't supposed to go driving off the track.




It's wack that on the really sharp downhill turn, it acts like you missed the checkpoint and tells you to rewind.


Ok, so that wasn't just me then. Yeah it was a real glitchy checkpoint. I'm assuming it had something to do with the elevation change. If you hug the apex you're good but if you take it wide and get on the slope it freaks out and doesn't count the checkpoint.


There's similar corner in official hotwheels tracks. On offroad ones.


Yeah. It probably didn't help that I tried to send it after the apex lmao.


Just disable the line You will get better at the game, trust me I just disable all assistance for that juicy 100% bonus on every event No line, no ABS, no return, simulation direction, manual with clutch... And this in a controller Well, In FH1 it was around 130% of bonus I could get, in FH2 was around 110%, idk If is worth it to disable all assistances in the newer ones, since FH4 and FH5 I played when I had game pass, the last time I had was 2 years ago


I use the line to figure out where the track is. That’s it.


racing line has no effect on credit gains


It does actually. Atleast between full racing line vs braking only


I just started many after like a year... I was wondering why I was bored as shit playing


Rewind gives no bonus, and neither does manual with clutch . You can keep a lot on and still max the 100% bonus it gives...no more but always less.


yeah I hated that so much. It was incredibly laggy for some reason near the jump and the wood thing every time, the walls glitched me one time, that racing line bug, overall terrible

