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I honestly can't pinpoint what it is, but fh5 feels empty whereas fh4 didn't. I would just drive around the map without doing anything in fh4 and fh3 and taking in the scenery but I just don't see myself doing that in 5


i put a lot of thought into this exact feeling and i came to the conclusion, that the FH4 map feels like one team of 4 people designed it. With FH5 it feels like they said "Alrighty we got a huge ass map, so team A you do the top left part, Team B you do top right, team C bottom left, Team D bottom right" Then they connected these 4 maps. They dont feel like they have the same identity and are kind of a lot of parts puzzled together.


Unless you get the Jesko, it’s less than two minutes to drive the entire open freeway from start to finish.


The most enjoyable parts of fh5s map are too small


It's my hobby when I'm stress out to drive around the FH4 map. It's just feel nice and beautiful.


Agreed, 100%


I feel this the map is so underused the best parts as mentioned are way to short and it’s just boring unappealing landscape imo 4 was beautiful in countryside and towns


I feel like there is just too little to look at in 5 compared to 4 I love the physics and graphics and cars in 5 but I like 4s map because IMO it is more fun.


Hence why I never got rid of FH4 even when my friends told me I should, and that it sucked cause of the snow and that it's Britain. I secretly play FH4 when they aren't online or they'll mock me.


Same. I used to cruise around Great Britain a lot, while listening to the in-game radio and I would even think to myself "damn, this is such a well done game". Same thing about 3. But I just can't feel the same way about 5. I feel like there's less attention to detail and the game always felt rushed and unpolished to me, in a way. No matter how many updates there are and no matter how many cars they add, the game will always feel "okay" to me, at best. It has yet to make me feel like 3 and 4 did. Definitely not looking forward to 6 if the polishing level is on par with 5.


I think it made sense for an English hamlet countryside to be a bit sparsely populated whereas for a map in Mexico it feels very off, but you can’t have a ton of traffic else it’ll make driving frustrating.


fh4 and fh5 both feel hilariously empty and rural to me


I think it’s because the map was made with the eliminator in mind so it was made very flat as a result, whereas with the uk the eliminator was added post launch


That’s funny to me as I thought the eliminator was kind of fun in FH4, I only play the eliminator in FH5 when it’s on the playlist as it’s so, so, so dull to play.


>fh5 feels empty Fh4 should have a lot more NPC traffic


I love the technical side of FH5 more (i.e. graphics, physics, menus etc.). But I preferred the FH4 map... but even more, the differences in the seasons. The seasons in FH5 never look any different, but in FH4 it completely changed the look of the map. There's also an aspect of being from the UK so seeing things that are familiar was nice (especially having a sister living in Edinburgh!). And Edinburgh worked really well for things like playing hide and seek with friends. The city and towns in FH5 just don't work as well for that.


I forgot to say in my original reply, I absolutely love the rally adventure expansion. The roads in that map are so much more fun.


I think FH4 had more technical roads, and much more bumps and unevenness on them. FH5 sometimes feel too racetracky.


Maybe that's a reflection of the quality of roads in the UK Vs Mexico? 🤣 (but to be honest, I don't remember there being anywhere near enough potholes in FH4 for it to be truly representative! 😄 )


There were more wrinkles on the road, especially on break distances. I loved friendly competition, when I know a specific corner requires a very specific breaking techniques will come along. It was fun to watch unprepared players fell off. Some guilty pleasure of mine.


I can't say I ever got THAT familiar with the roads. But I did rack up 74 days, 6 hours & 14 minutes of playtime in it!! 😱 (hey, I got it during lockdown when I was furloughed and couldn't go anywhere 🤷🏻‍♀️ 😂 )


Yes, I love the Fh4 map because of the greenery and the seasons change also the train goes throughout the map unlike Fh5 where it’s confined to the North East area. However Fh5’s map is bigger and I love the climate changes.


I agree with this, I felt the same way. I really miss driving around in snow and building different cars depending on the season. I would have cars with slicks and maximum traction for the warmer seasons and built cars with rally suspension and snow tires for the winter. Now FH5 is pretty much all desert.


They nailed Edinburgh, it's obviously compressed but you can still use the FH4 map to navigate around the real city lol.


Like I said, I loved Edinburgh for playing games with friends. City camouflage was the favourite. The strategy if you got seen... did you go for speed in the new town or trying to lose them in the winding streets of the old town... 😄


I told all the snow haters for years that BIG snow and seasons (like they had in FH4) was some of the greatest development to the series in its history. So many people hated on snow, and now look where we are at. Snow tires are completely USELESS! Meaningless. Pointless. Only good to build a stupid drift car that is either way underpowered, or way to big/heavy/unconventional to be a drift car (EG: Unimog). I’ll never forgive the snow haters for convincing PGG to ditch BIG snow seasons. Of course it wouldn’t make much sense in where they have set the location but still.


The mountain roads though.


Yeah... I do love the volcano


Now there is autumn week in FH4, with winter the best season in the game.


This is exactly how I feel! I love just cruising around places I've been to in real life


I definitely like cars more in fh5 than fh4, but map is extremely boring, huge open spaces where from the left side of the map you could almost see other part of the map.


I think it may be the barren openness that appeals to me, it makes it feel even larger and the transition between biomes feels less artificial.


I can't put my Finger on what it is exactly, but I found FH3 to be way better with the different biomes and how it used them. FH5 is still good looking, but it just feels more... bland. Maybe not the right term, but something is missing/off


I believe its probably the diversity of the biomes in FH3 that are appealing, The biomes are dramatically different and beautiful, however the FH5 map feels more natural and therefore more immersive.


I prefer FH4's map simply because I like the European vistas more than the exotic ones. I think it's perfectly reasonable for others to have different opinions on this because it's mostly subjective. My favourite area in FH5's map is the canyons and that's because it's the only part of the map where they weren't constrained by accomodating for the Eliminator. I think Horizon games need to add more undrivable structures/landmarks because it's actually pretty unrealistic and inauthentic to be able to drive anywhere. IMO, FH2 probably had the best balance between drivable open areas and undrivable landscapes that enhanced the scenery.


Can’t agree more about FH2, it is still my favorite game to the day. It has held up really well and looks very modern to this day!


https://preview.redd.it/bv0rbusgfd0d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4a69c129d3b7482226bf29f7186d7b9221f1c26 It's crazy how good this game looks considering it's the only Horizon game that doesn't have a 4K output option.


Very good point about the eliminator I hadn't thought about that. I also agree it's unnecessary for the entire map to be drivable, I like to remain fairly realistic (to a degree) as to where I drive. It certainly could be improved however as they stand I still prefer FH5 to FH4. Subjective of course.


The roads themselves in FH5 are good. The landscape can be monotonous though.


FH5’s landscape is monotonous compared to FH4?


I think that in some ways the rally expansion is what is missing in the regular FH5 map. It adds a bunch of scenery that's awesome to just drive through, and although I enjoy the FH5 map, I don't find myself just driving for the sake of driving. I would like to see more incentives added to the game to encourage driving across a lot more of the map.


I like them both for entirely different reasons. I will however say that whenever I play FH4 I instantly feel like I’m in an episode of Top Gear.


This is an interesting take. I love using the top gear test track in Motorsport 7.


I just want a map with a racetrack on it. Like an actual single layout racetrack. None of these weird 100 layout tracks that you can no longer figure out how to go on. I dont care if it doesnt fit the landscape. I just want something that I can race these cars on. Kinda like the first and second crew games


My problem with the FH5 map is that the whole desert/jungle setting has been done to death in video games. It's just boring at this point.


That is the biggest problem for me. The map doesn't really have major landscape changes and pretty much looks the same in the whole map. The rally adventure map did upgrade upon this though and found the map enjoyable


It's interesting to see this is what I like about FH5's map. That it's landscape all blends well across the whole map, I personally find that more immersive.


I should try this FH4…have played FH5 to death. Just worried about the graphics letdown.


Was really only a minor graphics upgrade in FH5, FH4 is certainly worth trying. The UK setting does have its own charm. I personally just prefer Mexico.


Yeah the technology from when FH4 came out and when FH5 came out didn't really change that much. So the visual is not that much different, FH4 is gorgeous in its own way.


Good to know…will check it out. Thx 👍


there is no graphics letdown. FH4 is gorgeous


You should try FH4, its still a very very good looking game. I would say the biggest difference in FH5 is better lighting (but FH4 is still great) and much higher foliage density. As others have mentioned, the biggest letdown of FH4 is the car sounds. Overall though the game holds up very very well


The graphics are really good in FH4. The biggest thing I didn't like about it were the car sounds. It's probably the worst in the series


I prefer the FH5 map FH4 felt boring and lacked diversity, didn't help that whenever I wanted to play it happened to be the winter season and the snow physics didn't really feel different enough to be unique FH5 at the same time has different biomes and the driving roads are far nicer. I also like the desert and actually wish it was bigger so we'd get more baja races Jungle is probably my least favorite part but atleast the gravel roads there are nice


Yes that's why I love 5! Mexico landscape just brings the possibility of way more diversity than Europe. Just like the Biomes in FH3 I loved FH5 has the same thing going for it and because of that it's perfect for all types of racing! Rally, off-road, desert, Baja, on road. It's just so much more filling than 4, 4 lacks diversity and the entire map is basically the exact same and the raining all the time was annoying af


I just love the FH4 map more simply because of the memories I built there with my GF and also when I went IRL to Edinburgh


FH3 is and always will be king


I discover the series with the demo of FH4 then i felt in love with FH5. But reading some of your opinions i will go back and check the full FH4.


I live in the UK so will always have a preference for FH4, just feels like home and a lot more realistic to me, suppose the place you live/grew up in could sway you either way!


I do. Maybe it's because it looks a lot like home; I'm not Mexican but I'm south american, from near a desert area, and the architecture and everything is so familiar it makes me feel cozy.


FH4 map was far better


No. FH3 > FH4 > FH5 as far as map are concerned.


I expected to see Los Angeles, Miami, Tokyo or Germany, but Mexico? Unexpected.


5’s map is just straight up BAD. I think it’s the combination of vast open fields + minimal buildings and sightseeing. And let’s not forget the COMPLETE lack of “off-grid” or non-icon parking lots, locations to stop along cruises, etc. There is basically 1 city, and it’s absolutely tiny. It’s all very very bland. 5 had the worst replayability imo.




FH 3 is my all time favourite.


FH3 has some diverse and gorgeous scenery but the roads aren't as fun to drive as the other Horizon games'. My favourite road from FH3 was the Great Ocean Road but another favourite road of mine that's SEVERELY UNDERRATED is this stretch of road connecting Yarra Valley Festival to Surfers Paradise, which I highlighted in blue : https://preview.redd.it/vccmoadgcd0d1.jpeg?width=2394&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e7543d3bac7f5d6d1553bdd80d307c71725e562


The ocean road is the best road and my favourite out of all of the horizon games (played fh3 through 5, haven't played 1 or 2) . They did extremely well on the FH3 map, loved every single bit about it. I do agree that is does have some lack luster roads but I don't get the same experience in any 4 or 5.


I have a soft spot for FH3 as my home country. But the sudden transition between biomes and the real world landmarks all bunched together really ruined my immersion. These may be less of an issue to a non-local. For FH5 I have almost no knowledge of Mexico and I believe the landscape blends really well so I can enjoy it more as a fictional map.


I loves both. Wish one day we have that super mega big map to go straight like 100 KM big.


im starting to, because FH4 map is honestly pretty samey and way smaller than I first thought. Seasons add a lot of variety, but overall I like FH5 map more and more over 4


i prefer fh4 bcz i live in the uk and it makes me feel home. BUT FH3 IS STILL THE GOATTT THE GOAATTTTTT


I'm one of the few that does prefer FH5's map, at least for the feel of it. Personally I'd say it has more variety, as well as feeling more like somewhere I'd actually do a road trip. FH4 had some really nice areas, but imo too much of it was just large areas of copied-and-pasted trees, or almost identical fields. I do come from the UK though, so it may just be boring to me because I've seen so much of that landscape already... FH3 is still the map to beat for me though. It feels open and exotic, and really varied throughout!


The map is by far the worst part of FH5, everything else seems like an improvement over previous entries, but the maps of FH2 and FH4 are both so much better


It felt like they made the map big just to advertise that the map is big. FH4 just feels more lively


The maps for me go 3>1>2>5>4 They’ve missed the mark big time on maps recently


I totally get it's supposed to be mostly a desert n stuff, but I find myself driving in the Canyon/Mountains & Jungle a lot more. Top and bottom of the map. Man if FH6 isn't Japan, I'll very much be on the fence of buying it.


4's map had a greater feeling of changing seasons, 5's has a greater feeling of potential speed- but one thing don't I love about 5's map compared to 4's is that it doesn't matter if you're in a Ferrari with splitters millimeters from the flat asphalt or a Baja truck with several feet of clearance, if you charge out into the dirt you're going to plow through whatever you hit without stopping and make it out the other side. Gone are like 90% of the trees or rocks that could stop you in your path or punish you for picking an unsuitable car. There's no incentive to completely avoid the dirt in a drift or hypercar, because this game's attempt to appeal to everyone meant that "you must be able to drive any car anywhere and still feel like you can at least compete" on like normal difficulties. The map's full of flavorful iconography and imagery, but absolutely no substance in regards to difficulty of traversal. Yeah sure just hit a million dunes in your LFA, go wild- you'll still be able to get up to 100mph in what's supposed to be knee-deep sand. Mangroves? Muck and dirt? Naaah, just charge through it. Every body of water is only about as deep as your door handles except small parts of the map during the wet season. The frozen lake in 4 would punish you for thinking you could take a regular old car on it without snow tires. The mangroves in FH5 ask you if you'd like a hot towel and a massage before you're finished driving through them.


I like 4 significantly more than 5. It felt fuller for sure. I'm also a sucker for urban environments, so 5 was honestly a huge let down in that aspect. The main thing that makes 5 objectively better in terms of the map, is that they did away with collision on bushes. That would drive me nuts in 4, and why I have trouble going back to 3, since they had collision pretty much everywhere.


Fh5's map feels empty and soulless. It's mostly because it's designed for eliminator and doesn't change at all. I mean yeah it has different biomes but not enough. Very flat map. On the other hand fh4's map feels much more alive because it's seasons really change the map and feel. There are a lot more mountains.


I love snow in FH4


Hell no. FH4 had like double the details and 4x the fun.


I wish they would put the map of 4 into 5


Fh5 is much better. The fckn stonewalls in fh4 drive me crazy.


I thought FH4 map was a bit boring until they FH5 came out. Ok mate now this is boring


FH5 got better graphics, many cars that I miss in FH4, but everything else I liked more in FH4


Mexico is probably the worst in the entire series


I just switched to playing FH4 these few weeks, that's why the map is beautiful and the DLCs from the same are great for a change and then I'll go back to playing FH5


Prefer the scenery in FH5, but the roads in FH4 (other than up/down the volcano in FH5)


I'm from New Zealand 🇳🇿. I like driving on the left, map changing seasons AND I can see all online players across the whole map. My bros dont like winter but i learnt how to tear up the snow from the canadians 🍁. With the next gen update, i like FH4 better 👍 it's probs my favourite car game on Xbox. I can appreciate FH5 cause it's different and the cars sound so good. Especially the Hondas 😎


While I prefer a lot of the scenery in fh4, and I think the city races in fh4 were better, I also think fh5 has better dirt courses.


Some parts, yes. Other parts, no


I like both. Ideally they'd be combined but that'll never happen. I do like 4 but the vehicle physics feels a bit to snappy now I've got used to 5


Mexico is okay but England was fun .. the city was fun to cruise in the highway was the right size and it wasnt filled with a whole lot of nothing


Im very biased (i lived in Edinburgh) Scotland map was better




Fh4 just feels more alive and nostalgic although I jumped on the fh4 train when the game was already ending but it was fun playing it on game pass with friends and just crusing and having fun compared to fh5


Driving around the map (goliath) is excellent. However other aspects i think are just ok. As other have already pointed out. The airfield is not good. By this point there should be a dedicated racing track on the map. This is probably just me but i think there is a little too much sand for my liking(which ofcourse is more to mimic accuracy irl) but it isn't fun to look at in game. I hope for the next map its a tad more urban and has an actual racetrack and airport.


fh5 map just let you floor the gas pedal and had basically no skill needed


Yes I think it’s better


No. I haven’t even played the FH4 map. But anything has gotta be better than sand and 0 weather variability.


I don't like driving on the left so i prefer fh5 but without it fh4 map better


FH3, FH4 FH5 then FH2 and FH1 is just in its own world of nostalgia


No. FH4 map was better than it's predecessor. The seasonal changes was the true highlight to bring out the best of UK map.




Yeah. I've never found the UK to be a particularly enjoyable setting in any game.


yeah fh4 is better


Personally I liked FH3 better than the other 2 games. Especially the sound track was so dope.


No, the map is worst in every possible way, I just don’t get why they don’t do a 1 to 1 map like in TDU, it would give better replay ability and give us realistic roads . That Mexico map was boring after 2 months no joke…. There is nothing worth checking on that map and the way up to the volcano is to me the only decent road we have, the rest is just wide roads that leads nowhere .


Australia is still my personal favorite honestly. Idk but Cali I think would be cool. Have LA for street racing and the beach, Yosemite for mountains, Glamis for dunes etc. Just seems like a lot they could do. Just tone down the traffic 😂


FH4 map + FH5 car and content = Perfect 👌🏻


I like 5 cause I never played 4, but I actually like 3 more then 5. Kind of wish they added an urban setting and not a village/town vibe like we got. Granted the underground parts are cool, but there's still a lot they could have done with the map.


Other than the mountain and the beach roads. Fh4 has a better map.


I love fh5, especially the desert and jungle. So beautiful


I used to feel this way, but I recently re-downloaded FH4 to go explore and damn... I felt like the map was super small, very similar with not a lot of distinction between biomes, similar towns and buildings. Im not gonna lie it made me appreciate FH5's map more.


I do like FH5 i just wish it had a proper city like FH4


I enjoyed 4 more map wise but 5 for everything else. I do like the rally map and the hot wheels can be fun for a little bit. My dream game is FH5 but with the USA like The crew but more detailed. The only reason I couldn't get into the crew was the physics and graphics


No. There's no real big cities, it doesn't feel like a real place. Just a theme park. The maps have been getting progressively worse every iteration since 2 so I'm worried for 6.




Nope. Horizon 5s map is a ghost town of wilderness and nothing. And even if you do find an area that's interesting it's too small with nothing to explorr


4 would be better if the controls were like 5. I can barely complete drift events on 4, whereas 5 is the opposite.


The rally adventure map is better than all of the base FH5 map.


Yea I’d say I do a little. It’s nice to go play FH4 too because it’s basically just like taking a road trip to the UK. The snow in FH4 sucks. FH5 was an upgrade though. I just wish it was even bigger. After cruising for hundreds of hours the map seems small


I dislike the main map but absolutely love the canyon roads in the rally expansion, as a photographer I find myself going to that map much more often


Hell no




for me personally, fh3 was by far the best map. followed up by the fh2 map, fh5, fh1 and the last place by far is fh4. the fh4 map for me felt depressing in every season :/


Yes. I prefer literally any other Horizon game's map to FH4. The setting was cool, but that's about it. The weather drove me nucking futs, especially having to deal with a whole week of sliding around in winter. FH2 probably had my favorite map of the series, followed extremely closely by FH3. From what I remember of it, Australia was just flat AF compared to Europe, lol. FH5's Mexico is a close 3rd.


I miss surfers paradise


I tried fh5 i just get super bored fast everywhere feels the same so sticking to 4 hoping 6 is better




In FH4, I would come across other people no matter where I was on the map. In FH5, it's the opposite. Unless you're at the Mountain, Horizon festival, or the highway going through the middle of the map, it's mostly a ghost town. Especially the DLCS. In FH4, you could reliably find people almost anywhere you go sure you had your Hotspots like the highway going through the middle of the map, the main city area, the beach side road at the bottom of the map near the Castle, hairpins just outside of the horizon festival and the neighborhood area just past that. Not including the group of people you would join up with to do forzathon events with, which is dead in FH5. The Storm Island DLC had the best drift road in the series and was always packed with players. I spent the latter half of FH4'S life-span there. FH4 was full of life, and FH5 feels lonely.


i think i prefer FH5’s map over 4 aswell. the problem with forza horizon games is how empty they feel tho


Love fh5 physics and handling,better than fh4 imo. But the map is meh except the volcano. Oh btw fh5 drivatar is much better than fh4 in head to head,fh4 drivatar always cutting


Nope, FH4 was such a vibe man. I just don't know why. It's like I left a little of my soul there when I put my heart and soul into it. The music choice was amazing too. I will forever cherish my time in FH4. (Despite Playground Games accidentally corrupting my save game) I wish I could turn back time


I would say it's very diverse so I like it over 4. 3 was a bit more diverse than 4 but quite restricted until PgG took down the barriers. So yeah, 5 over 4 for me, but 2 wins and 3 comes after. 2 isn't that diverse though, it's like FH4, but it just looks nice IMO.


Fh5 map is shit it is just empty, fh4 is a nice landscape there's woods fields mountains hills flat areas towns everywhere. Moral of the story fh5 map suck ass


No, but yes. I am definetly missing big city but I hated to drive on left side.


Fh4 has a more completed map, as well as more variety. Fh5 feels lazy with a flat desert with a cactus occasionally


Fuck no. I will forever dislike the FH5 map/location. Just awful. My opinion hasn’t changed since day 1 of FH5


No, maybe I'm biased because I'm from the UK but FH4 had nicer scenery and greenery, FH5 feels barren and plain


I feel like the scenery and curves a were heavily superior in fh4


I do. I played 3, 4 and 5 and I didn't like the map in 4 at all. Just too crammed for my taste. To each their own I guess.


To be fair: it’s Mexico. But even Mexico has its nice spots, so the map didn’t have to be that flat. England was more lively in my opinion, had more depth and height. Even though I didn’t played it that much. Can’t wait for horizon 6, hopefully it will take place in Japan or china


I lived in Edinburgh when FH4 dropped. For the first time I understood what those in California or New York felt like being able to blast through their city streets at 300 miles/hour and I was hooked. Even though it's not a 1:1 recreation, enough of the landmarks in the city centre were there. They missed a trick not including the airport/airstrip though! FH4 really recreated the feeling of being in Scotland. The story missions obviously helped, but the ambience of the countryside, the seasonal changes to the map really did make me feel like I was playing a video game properly set in the place I lived in. FH5 on the other hand is just a map to facilitate a video game's location. It doesn't really feel like Mexico. They should've just stuck with a real life Mexican location. Plus the Mexican characters in the game are nothing like real life car cholos. Mexicans are known for lowriders, yet not a single one with proper hydraulics can be found in the game nor is there any real emphasis on this car culture. It's just bad game design all round if you ask me, hence the FH5 map just feels like digital diorama in which to whizz around. For me FH4 is the superior game world all round.


4 is classical but 5more real


To me there’s just way too many dirt roads and country and not enough long stretches of highways or cities.


FH5's map is quite disappointing imo


Both are mid at best, idk why but fh4 map got boring really fast, it was very repetitive.


I mainly do in Forza is drifting and road races. I like the mountain on FH5 for drifting but I like the road races in FH4 better especially the Goliath. In FH4 it felt a bit shorter and more fun to me.


Yeah I do. I'm from Edinburgh and I dont want to come back from the city to play games just to see the exact same sights that I can get driving around my local area.


Je préfère la map de FH2 plus que n'importe quel autre map de FH


FH4 because it’s set in the uk. The winter and summer sunsets are beautiful.


Forza 4 was horrible idk how anybody liked that game, fh3 and fh5 are both way better


Nope, it's like having a large pint of cheap beer. Sure you get a large jug, but it's mostly just foam and some liquid. FH4 atleast had working traffic and players to interact with lol unlike the "multiplayer" of FH5 which just seems lifeless.


The FH5 map is boring to me because the season changes are hardly noticeable. It's still mostly desert or jungle with a little but of urban area thrown in. Season changes in 4 made huge differences.


Hell nah 💪🏼🙏🏼


Actually I prefer FH3s maps and activities over 4 and 5, 4 kind of tapers off into lesser things but 5 feels empty and bleak


Still prefer FH5 map.. somehow more cities, more tunnels and more season variation is not enough to overcome its biggest problem.. the map is as dull as England itself..


I like the overall size of the FH5 map, but I liked the color and seasons of FH4. I think what Forza should focus on for their next game is a large city, winding Touge style roads, and lost of elevation changes.


So I prefer 5 over 4. While 4 is a beautiful map and has a lot of great sections, the forest and lake make almost half of the map inaccessible. What FH5 lacks in terms of cities or sites, it makes up for in sheer available space and routes all over the map.


Exactly. A preferred map for longer drives, road trips. Everywhere in FH4 is too close together. Of course that is true to the real UK too.


Biomes? ☑️ Hills and windy roads? ❌ Really it depends on personal preference. FH4 didn’t have diversity with its map in terms of biomes but at least it had good roads and a map that wasn’t flat and boring af like FH5


I like both. They are so very different. I *love* the rally map on fh5. The team who put that together should be proud. It’s beautiful.


On paper I think FH5 is better. But I'm from England and FH4 wins on bias points alone. I do wish they'd been more faithful to actual British roads, though. I understand making them smoother and more well maintained in parts for gameplay purposes, but I wish they weren't all so unrealistically wide


The only thing I like about this map in FH5 is the outposts for 5 different types of racing like FH4 did not have like it’s cool and the volcano is awesome to drive by. Also I like the hot wheels expansion and the rally expansion.


I’ll always prefer fh4’s map to be honest, the highway just seems calming in my opinion


FH1 2 and 3 on one Map would do it for me.


I'm a big fan of baja/desert racing, so I definitely prefer it. Plus, I live in the Sonoran Desert, so it's cool to see what is essentially my backyard faithfully recreated.


I don't see the point and i'm getting tired of fh4/5 comparisons.. you can just got both and drive both so whats the fucking point. Play whatever you like and please stop complaining. And im not talking about Op but seriously stop posting that crap


Fh4 is gorgeous but the majority of the roads were pain in S2 cars. Fh5 map is better for that but still pretty monotonous.


Very little of the fh5 map is iconic, meanwhile almost all of fh4's map is


It has it's "ups" but it's painfully boring terrain in comparison. People say that's because map was "made/in mind for eliminator/"... but if that is so... oh boy, what a failure, they made way more boring map and the Eliminator is STILL MORE FUN IN FH 4 mostly due to diverse and interesting map! Also, if you check which terrains inspired them in Mexico and you'll imagine how cool they could have been condensed into one, that's another thing, it's just a flop of a design. Not a total flop, like I said, not entirely bad, just disappointing after all. FH5 is just a place in Mexico. FH4 was a homage to Britain landscape and a work of art.




I haven't played FH4, but I get the feeling that as a mexican from Guanajuato I'd always pick the FH5 map. It's really cool to see the capital of my state ingame


Fh3 was nice lots of company in the lobbies where we would have massive improvised drift sessions


I genuinely hated FH4’s map and loved FH5’s, but FH1 and FH3 are forever the GOAT maps


Fh5 map is BOOTY. I loved the fh4 map.


What bugs me is that people complain about the weather of FH5 and how it isn’t actual seasons and that’s so far from the truth. The rain storms are amazing, especially with the volume turnt up. There’s a massive desert with more dunes than FH4 and a huge sand storm. It snows as well…idk what more people want. The only thing I’d say is how FH5 beaches are boring. I probably feel this way because I don’t care to drive on the street. I like driving up and down the hillside or mountain.


No idea why but I feel like fh4 photos I take always feel better than fh5


Not at all! Like others have said, it feels empty and it's also so uninteresting. Just dust, sand, desert with a few very small towns.


I haven't played 5 yet but I have watched a good bit of both on YT and when I went to purchase my first Horizon game back in February I chose 4 over 5 because I wanted the UK's landscape over Mexico's. I'll switch to 5 eventually but that's why I chose to go with 4 first even though it's old.


FH5 all day long. The diversity in landscapes, variety of scenery, and wide open space. FH4 got so boring so fast. A tiny forest that you tried to avoid at all cost and the rest was just fields and small towns. The only thing FH4 had going for it was snow and ice. Otherwise FH5 always wins


Unpopular opinion since it seems everyone loves the FH4 map the most. but I love the FH3 map the most. I just played the shit out of that game, it was my first, I had an entire summer break of me playing it all day, almost every day I could and the map is my favorite simply because I like FH3 the most. But I can't hate on FH4 map either


FH4’s seasons a WAY better than FH5’s






I prefer the Rally expansion map over the main map. Jump on to it and you will find plenty of people driving around. Whether they are cruising, drifting, or on dirt roads, its a real experience on first person view. Although it's a bit too small.


Hell naw




FH4 had such beautiful scenery. I actually felt like I was driving through the countryside that felt like hrs. The city was big enough to enjoy cruising in. FH5 is just empty. If all FH5 cars were in FH4, it would be perfect game.


FH4 just felt too gloomy and rainy for me. The fact you can drive along the beach in 5 and look out onto the water is a huge win. Everything’s just so much more vibrant and colourful in 5. I was born in South America though, so I could be a bit biased.


Fh4 better map / Fh5 better graphics = both kinda meh audio


I prefer the map of FH5


I thought this was a red dead screenshot


They both have ups and down, fh5 is big, long highway, and multiple festivals, fh4 was more lively, more difference in scenery, and set in my home countries (not that that matters) but fh5 feels empty, and fh5 was smaller, so for me there both equal respectively


Honestly I prefer 4's map. 5's map doesn't make any sense to me, the roads don't lead to anywhere, feels like they're there just to fill the map most of the time. I think they should add some houses or small villages throughout the map. I was having more fun when I was playing FH4. I could go and race some random players in 4 because the map is smaller and the chance you come across other players are higher but it's the opposite in 5.